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/fa/ - Fashion


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>> No.14538448 [View]
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Greetings, I am here to help.

/fa/ is the worst board, so we need to make some changes.

Things that need to go:
>OP mentions race
>thinly veiled porn threads "how should hot girls dress" (hot girls don't come to /fa/)
>tranny threads. if you are female - buy female clothes. if you are a male - buy male clothes. (we can help you no further than this)
>is _ /fa/
to answer this: nobody here knows what's "effay" you'd be better off going to MFA on roddit and asking them what "effay" is and they'll probably just ask if you take shit pics in shit indoor lighting and take yourself too seriously while pretending to be cool and edgy despite writing the most anal-pretentious shit I've ever read in my entire lifetime, that everyone else just glosses by as they try to out-imagine your strange fantasy of living in a shitty tiny apartment in a big city dressing like a shit-tier anime character or whatever dumb bullshit you grew up viewing to pass the time while living some weird hollywood lifestyle that like 0.001% of the population actually lives.
>"body threads"
Now listen, I get it, models are skinny, tall, good looking etc. Let's break this down:
anyone can achieve this. will it look good? will you be healthy? will you get some minor attention online? think about these questions often. However, I believe you all should be banned.
"Body threads" belong on /fit/
Fact: you will look better with an athletic build (i can feel the cringe but i still love you), and by that I mean first and foremost, healthy bmi. if exercise is not apart of your routine, you will never be "effay" trust me
>tall, good-looking
don't get surgery to change your body, change your mind it's easier and cheaper to like yourself, spend your money on clothes and a gym membership.

Good threads:
>lots of pictures when asking for advice
>talk shit post fit
>clothing in pop culture
>history threads
>documentaries, videos, podcasts
>brand specific threads
>care and upkeep

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