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/fa/ - Fashion


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>> No.11369510 [View]
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male seagull here.

my primary style is gothic, and i have participated in goth/punk/alternative fashion threads here on /fa/ from time to time. i also come to /fa/ for inspo on male hairstyles and dressing for a slim male body type; /fa/'s emphasis on fit helps me make smarter buying choices. (a lot of jfash types could use a healthy dose of figuring out what fits their body, since the emphasis in jfash communities tends to be on brands, prints, and themes rather than silhouette.) i also like the discussion of music and club scenes that usually happen in alt threads here.

however, even the gothic threads here are too low key for me. /fa/ is good for basics but /cgl/ is better for my style. japanese gothic brands, even years-old second-hand, is so much better quality than anything in the Western male goth market. and the brands and fits /fa/ prefers are not gothic enough for me.

my favorite brand is alice auaa which i could see getting occasional positive attention here, but /fa/ is overall too conservative for my tastes. i also love Moi-meme-Moitie and certain h. Naoto sub-brands (especially Seven Deadly Sis). no non-Japanese gothic brand can match my love for those in terms of aesthetic and quality.

for makeup, shopping, inspo, and discussion, i prefer /cgl/ overall. i hang out in all gothic threads, from visual kei and aristocrat to ouji and lolita. Mana-sama is my idol and Mana threads are best threads.

>gif related, Mana

what i love about both boards is their commitment to excellence within their chosen fields. i think the reason our two boards, and /fit/, are often drawn interacting with each other is a shared commitment to excellence in personal aesthetic. i admire the dedication each board has and i enjoy the fanfictiony comics anons draw about it. i think the dynamic is pretty gr8.

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