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/fa/ - Fashion


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>> No.14355666 [View]
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>> No.14247946 [View]
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>> No.13250031 [View]
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huh that is pretty nice, people would think I was russian though

>> No.11430 [View]
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>one of the most famous castles in the world
>being proud for recognizing it

ur stupid

>> No.12359665 [View]
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>one of the most famous castles in the world
>being proud for recognizing it

ur stupid

>> No.12245938 [View]
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>when you fall for the skinny girl meme and fuck a tall bony chick and it isn't good at all

>> No.12028776 [View]
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dude, you look like a male version of Keira Knightley and that is not bad at all, if you ask me..

>> No.11995927 [View]
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>black people general

>> No.11907637 [View]
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>sports ball

What am I a fucking beaner?

>> No.11872267 [View]
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>tfw 11.5 narrow foot master race

>> No.11851070 [View]
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>liking black flag at all
>getting a tattoo of a shitty bands logo

>> No.11829252 [View]
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>"tattoo" "artists"

>> No.11433595 [View]
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Are headbands /fa/?

I've been growing out ny hair and now it's at a point where I can't tie it up yet but it's still long enough to fall in my eyes, and I don't like using products to hold my hair.

also pic related, how does his hair not fall to the front and just stay at his sides? he's using mousse or something right?

>> No.10689770 [View]
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note to self, redditors really hate it when you tell them to go back to reddit and will write out essays to demonstrate how triggered they are by it.

lmao butthurt cvck

>> No.10623977 [View]
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>born June 21, 2000

>> No.10436963 [View]
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5. if you're ugly it aint gonna happen, especially if u got an ugly body. the majority of u are skinnyfat estrogenised goyim

thats why in the waywt theres so many wide hipped, knock kneed dweebs who make skinny jeans look repugnant.

how to fix? get yourself some fluoride free toothpaste. dont consume products with soy in them, that means soy of any kind, compounds etc.
avoid processed food,
exercise in some form.
yoga and consistent stretches

half of the reason you losers have such horrible proportions is because you are all tight and hunched due to extended r9k tfw no gf sessions on the internet.

when walking lead with your hips, your hips and pelvis should be tucked inward, not poking out(lordosis)


find one for lower body as well.


>> No.9900004 [DELETED]  [View]
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ooh mein got

>> No.9811772 [DELETED]  [View]
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not really feeling it

>> No.9579462 [View]
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>> No.9518232 [DELETED]  [View]
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hhaha hows it goin lads ? a lot of my boys out there needing spiritual, holistic and general guidance and i am here to provide. after all whats more effay than being healthy, strong and a conscientious consumer?

i happen to have some gnarly expertise is the fashion department too, so lets just relax and explore one another. we're young, this is a safe space, the world out there is caustic and fundamentally broken(who(z) could(o) be(g) responsible?) so lets just take a moment to reflect and love one another.

lets have some fun, redditors not welcome.

>> No.9355077 [DELETED]  [View]
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>those cuffs

>> No.9270936 [View]
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my favorite fit in the thread

>> No.9218958 [DELETED]  [View]
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looks good, got any more of that stud? look at that face whoever they are they're very handsome.

as a gay faggot who likes other males dicks up my ass and their dick to interact with my feces i must admit that i would love to have that man's penis interact with my excrement that is in my rectum.

im a healthy gay man and i intend to adopt and raise a child with my gay husband dante who is a black male and we will give the boy the best upbringing he could ask for.

>> No.9139780 [DELETED]  [View]
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>human trash
>under 185cm
>literal 3/10 without subtracting points for race
>wants to be a model
give up you subhuman shit

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