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>> No.9933487 [View]
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please shut the fuck up

jesus christ you're an honest to god retard, you remind me of ed milliband, just a total fucking dweeblord who somehow exists in the adult world as a functioning human although you're quite obviously completely and utterly fucked.

>> No.9736667 [View]
File: 1.54 MB, 2560x2000, 1428283503109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh dude ill just go and kill a random nigger, ill brb, is that it? go breivik mode or dont bother?

yeah, theres plenty of white scum, thats the point, thats by design, and how can these 'white scum' be turned onto the right path? exposure to information. even if my shitposting slacktivism turns one white man onto a journey toward the truth than that is an achievement.

fire is rising, why do you think government and various private and public entities invest literally hundreds of millions of dollars a year into various covert online manipulation campaigns? astroturfing, consensus pushing, botspam downvoting/upvoting things on reddit/youtube, because its a battle for hearts and minds. US government just recently invested in excess of 100million dollars in expanding the liberal "weird twitter" movement.

if just ONE whitey has been swayed to do even one sliver of research or fact finding as a result of my entire post history than it is worth it. judging from the questions i receive on various forms of social media its more than just one though.

goal right now is to make as many people aware as possible while preparing ones on self in every capacity.

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