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>> No.10798996 [View]
File: 24 KB, 500x375, Is that all there is?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lot's of new resources now. http://www.mysliderule.com/web-dev This is a sequence of courses put together to teach you modern web dev. It concentrates on theory and python/django instead of rails but you can easily learn ruby after you learn python. http://www.buildyourownlisp.com/ This teaches you C, and you make your own c-like Lisp. http://www.nand2tetris.org/ This teaches you modern computer architecture. It was developed by an IRL jew at an Israeli university because too many CS grads he met didn't know anything about computer arch. Prob one of the best courses I've taken, you just need to know some basic programming from any Comp 101 class or SICP book. http://commonsware.com/ For $45, you subscribe for a year to this Android book that teaches everything there is to know about Android. For Math, I've found the best books are one's done by Sheldon Axler (omg another jew!) both his PreCalculus Book and his book "Linear Algerbrae done right" are the best books I've ever read about math. There is a huge push right now to restructure Math classes in North America since we've never actually been taught math. You spend all of highschool learning pointless Trig calculations you never fully understand. His calculus book actually teaches you what real math is, same with the algebrae book. Of course you don't need math to program, but it helps.

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