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>> No.15891367 [View]
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>We've read the surveys, the ones in which 75 percent of women say they would not date a bald man. Think of it. That's why, when a bald man gets the girl, we know we've got a woman of substance. Which is not to say that the typical bald man has any substance. The average bald man, for example, has the same superficial standards for women as the guy with hair. That's why we have to have a little more going for us than the hair man. We have to dress a little better, make a little more money and have a little more charm just to compete. And we do. Have a conversation with a bald man sometime. Go ahead. Do yourself a favor. Tell me you don't walk away impressed. That your day was not made a little richer by virtue of the fact that you were in Bald's presence.

>But the bald man who doesn't make an effort to compensate for his baldness is in trouble. The last thing the bald man needs is to get lazy. A lazy bald man is done. Show me a lazy bald man, and I'll show you a miserable bald man. The lazy bald man who needs a shave and goes out in sweatpants and a T-shirt might as well hang it up. That's not how we compete in the hair world. I say to that lazy bald man that he's making it harder for the rest of us.

>The bearded bald man annoys me. That's not a proud bald man. That's a bald guy who's trying to enhance. He wants to deflect attention away from the head to the chin. It's subtle, but the message is the same: I'm bald and I don't like it. . . . There's a new bald man now in our midst. He has chosen to shave the little hair that he has down to a little stubble, a style last employed by Nazi barbers. Others shave it all off -- the theory being that no hair is better than some hair. Again, more tricks, more gimmicks.


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