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>> No.15996377 [View]
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> snice
> muh niche stankwater
> being a catty queen who’s resentful of young chadly heterosexual men asking questions you deem to be insufficiently sophisticated and “unworthy” of “your” thread, i.e being
> revelling in snobbery and pretension.
> being a pseud
> every mainstream fragrance I don’t like is for “coomers”
> “the sperg”
> resenting straight white males because they wish to smell nice for the opposite sex and perhaps don’t have the same income as childless homosexuals to spend on 400+ dollar fragrances with the sillage of a gnats fart.
> “Oh look guy’s it’s the Coomer” (Random anon asks if Eros is worth it)
> writing blogposts about fragrances you don’t actually own and which you refuse to provide evidence of having purchased.
> thinking people give a shit about your blogposts and your “scent of the day”
> being a faggot
> “coomers in my thread”
> mocking the dead relatives of first time posters and creating a generally obnoxious and abusive environment because some poor anon asking whether Sauvage is worth the money causes you to spiral into an autistic rage.
> being an asexual, limp-wristed, pallid-skinned douche.
> homosexual narcissism
> bloviated screeds eulogising obscure bullshit frags you’ll never end up buying
> contrarianism
> based civetposter

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