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>> No.18101280 [View]
File: 1.02 MB, 640x480, CitizenSecondsCheck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely. Now the new 0100-Chad just needs to post more pics!

Serious question; any reason not to do that now? You could get a used one minus the bracelet from the 60s/70s for around 15k...it's not that much for an 'exit' watch, and if you love the aesthetic and size and want to wear it everyday, then you win. I've always been partial to the ones with the step dial from the late 60s early 70s...they're small for me, but the design is undeniably perfect. Admittedly though, for low prices you might have to settle with a day wheel in a non-english language.

>> No.18086905 [View]
File: 1.02 MB, 640x480, CitizenSecondsCheck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I'm drunk. Buy your grails...don't have a 'watch journey'. Just save up and buy your grails, and you'll be happiest, longest, without wasting money. Buy for yourself and no one else.

I wear an 1861 Speedmaster Hesalite when I'm doing random shit...it's my 'shitter', if you want to call it that. No one recognizes it for what it is, and if they do, it's not considered valuable enough to chop off my hand. If you're in manufacturing, wear a G-shock...it's what you'll need anyway. Wear cool stuff when you're with your friends.

People notice I wear two watches, but that's the extent...they don't know/recognize the brand. Life is short...wear what you love, and to hell with the rest.

The only reason to avoid flashing wealth is if you are walking in a bad part of town. Or London UK, of course...

>pic related: no one knows what this is, nor do they think it's expensive. A shitter mall-watch.

>> No.18077341 [View]
File: 1.02 MB, 640x480, CitizenSecondsCheck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't see your post until after mine went up. How are you Citizenchad? Is it running well?

It's good to see that these threads still function the same way they did weeks ago...

>> No.18067638 [View]
File: 1.02 MB, 640x480, CitizenSecondsCheck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you'll be fine! I was a little worried at first. I've seen many young men misinterpret it, only to have their feelings hurt inadvertently. On the flip side, I've also encountered many Christian women who have herds of male (single) friends who do stuff for/with them, all hoping that eventually she'll choose one of them for a mate. It's...sad.

Anyway, good luck, and hope you can enjoy Easter Mass!

Are the watches running okay?

>> No.18055058 [View]
File: 1.02 MB, 640x480, CitizenSecondsCheck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amekss rues the person wyou service it hwat has parts for ti. parts whousl dbe ableabailve.

do you lifeke it?

i ahve fesesen your watches befeorere. nice wathces I always like vc, but the designs sline is broing. love therie bracelets though,a nd always thought patrimondy is beter than patek callallllatrava. weare rti itn good health since i wont ebuy. one.

carefeuflee of omega though. THey will ferplace everythinfuking thing they can to make it 'liek nowew'. take any vintage to ase serious independent you can trust. fuck me whe my indepdnent dies...what the fuck will i do? >>18050211
my Citisen Shitizen The Shtiisen. 1 second per ucking year, a want more, son? fucking right. I set it on my birthday eeah year, and because it has indepdnentin moing hour hand, I can adjust s the motherf for dalight saving tiem (fucking robbery jsut for candels and shitt.). SEEEEEE PICCCCCC!!!

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO O YOU DON"T ONUNDSTNA!!D! ENde hotck hech! OMega takes broad arrows and symmmmetrical subidals tand makes watch with straight lucgs like originaaallll galdss. best they can do. fIF you want closer, so difrst watch on the monon or replica. 2915 repica etc are too epenseie ad ususally not raped. >>18049930
agree, but thickness i sdue to movement, nott design.

date smaekse sense. YOU"RE SHIT. lug to luc makes sense, you have wrists of dantiy bunchen. tpical case is for realmana. <my wrist is easyliyl at least 18 due to extra links nssrequireired.

aia si sshit ecxctpe fortassailrry swift and her attemtps abe beauty.

>> No.18020083 [View]
File: 1.02 MB, 640x480, CitizenSecondsCheck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first nice watch in general

Well, that's a horse of a different colour....lots of serious decisions to make there. I'll write more in a moment.

>> No.17971203 [View]
File: 1.02 MB, 640x480, CitizenSecondsCheck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So because I wear Omega, that means that I'm the guy she banged in college. Considering the descriptions in the rest of the list, it appears I'm the ONLY type of guy she has sex with. I agree with >>17969314 - it's very accurate indeed. Win win win.

Cushion case looks great but I'd have to see it on the wrist. Great design from the vaults.

Why would you wear a watch unless you're afraid of it being stolen?

My holy grail, but I need to save the pic for another in the collection.

It's a great trio. Good luck Anon, and enjoy each of them as fully as you can!

The Patek would be a great way to 'go out', but the JLC is a chronograph....I lean towards chronographs.

I believe it was Jack Forster who likened the stabilized second hand of the 0100 to a master samurai archer patiently shooting each arrow in the same center of the target, over...and over...and over....and over.

>pic related, obviously

There is something to be said for the repetition of perfection; it has its own charm, depth, and simplicity. I agree that it doesn't seem 'alive' to me, but that isn't what I look for. The remarkable nature of it lies in the representation of perfection. Something that is alive is by nature imperfect, and it is the flaws in that object that we find endearing (like the watch running slightly slower near the end of the barrel). Finally, beat frequency doesn't help me feel if a watch is alive or not; the quartz in the Lunar Pilot for instance still feels like a quartz pretending to be a mechanical. It's a great subject to debate...what makes a watch feel 'alive' to the wearer?

Also, I have an experience that I think is unique to me, but maybe you have felt it too. When a watch is unwound, it feels lighter than after I've wound it. In other words, it feels heavier once it's at a full wind. I know it shouldn't feel this way....yet it does.

>> No.17964563 [View]
File: 1.02 MB, 640x480, CitizenSecondsCheck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon implied by describing the water resistance as getting 'raped' when the chronograph function is offered on the watch. Plus: no watch is considered 'waterproof'; that term hasn't been used since the 50's.

But Anon, I have so many walls of text to write and so limited time. What are you wearing tonight, Anon?

I would much rather recommend him a full mug of port; that's more fun!

It's as easy as counting the beans when the sun swallows its willow.

You misunderstand, Fren. You can get designs today that you couldn't get back then without spending lots of money. Look at all the 'homages' to obscure watches from the 70s and 80s that now exist at reasonable prices. That's great if you just like the design and don't care about the movement or brand.

The only one I have to be careful of is the 321, because the pushers are attached to the case by hammering them in rather than screwing them in (that was later altered for the 145.012s with the taller pushers). If you have a 105.012 like mine that is all original, you can't replace these pushers, nor can you disassemble them, so you are left with pushers where you'll have no idea what state the gaskets are in. I have to be 'careful' with that watch, but all the other ones are fine.

Ackshually, /wt/ thrives with knowledgeable and experienced posters who own these watches. We have insights that a non-owner may not have yet. For instance, did you know that the winding experience on an 1861 is inferior to an old 321 but has been improved with the new 3861?

Pour yourself a drink Anon, and come join us to talk about watches. What are you wearing today, Fren?

Thank you, kind Fren; I missed you all too. What are you wearing?

BitterAnon, S., "My Bitter Struggle with OmegaChad.", Vol. VII, p. 2842 (Bienne, 2016, 9th edition, trans. CitizenChad/LawyerAnon).

>> No.17950774 [View]
File: 1.02 MB, 640x480, CitizenSecondsCheck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christmas has been busy beyond belief, but nothing to complain about. How are you doing, CitizenChad? I saw in the last thread that an Anon got one of the moonphase Citizens...lovely to see them!

>> No.17930168 [View]
File: 1.02 MB, 640x480, CitizenSecondsCheck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I wish you luck with the business ventures; if all goes well, then I look forward to seeing your gold-gold on here. It's one of the only Rolii that I actually think is beautiful in nearly every incarnation throughout history, though I'm partial to the ones from the 60s with the pie-pan dials. Show that Gold Casio of yours here though...there are quite a few Casiochads around who might enjoy seeing it (in addition to me as well).

Good morn, Citizenbro! No drinking, I'm afraid...I have to be alert and ready for anything, so pretty soon I'm off to Bedfordshire for a good sleep. Nothing wrong with a good cup of coffee to galvanize you into readiness; conquer your Monday and make it yours by force, and then you'll start to look forward to it like I do.

I trust the Stiletto is running well?

>> No.17922584 [View]
File: 1.02 MB, 640x480, CitizenSecondsCheck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you're doing now is perfect; educate with pics. For instance, why does the Raketa on the left have a '0' for 12? Is it a design thing, a cost-saving thing, or something else? Do they keep decent time? What made you want to get Raketa in the first place? It would be interesting to know...

There are many here who know more about high-accuracy quartz watches and movements. Seiko and Citizen compete in this arena and dominate as a result compared with quartz offerings from the Swiss, so that's definitely where to start. Citizen will give you the 'solar HAQ' options that are reliable, but then again the question always comes up, 'how long will the movement last until you have to replace the whole thing?'.

I'm sure other Anons who have and advocate for HAQs here will chime in; do you have specific questions and/or concerns? For instance:

1) Are you looking to buy one? If so, what do you want out of it?
2) Are you more interested in the development and history of HAQs?
3) Are you trying to figure out where to buy used or new ones, especially models that might be Japan-only and thus more difficult to get in countries outside?

Stuff like this; try narrowing it down a bit and I'm sure HAQ-anons will surface. There are Anons here who are experts with the Seikos, for instance, who could guide you well to a first HAQ that is reliable, beautiful, and yet reasonably affordable.

Finally; I will advocate for the aforementioned watch you asked me not to mention. There are many reasons I bought it, but I know it's not everyone's cup of tea. They do put the movement in more models now, which makes it easier to get with more variety. That is all I'll say.

>> No.17915188 [View]
File: 1.02 MB, 640x480, CitizenSecondsCheck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You most certainly didn't, Fren. You've stumbled into a curious situation, but that's not your fault. Which particular Speedmaster were you thinking of? If you narrow down the model number, then we can consider realistic options for you. If you buy used, you need to know the criteria to judge what is worth the money and what isn't, what is worth it for longevity and what can be replaced without affecting value, etc.

I am here for you, as I am for everyone (including BitterAnon, whom I'm still convinced has a heart of gold).

It is his way of saying 'hello'. It's okay; perhaps he has more pain than can be communicated.

Everyone can die, no matter how much we would like to save them.

Good day, LawyerAnon. I hope you're doing well; I've been wearing the grail and 321, as always, though I find I'm switching out to the 0100 whenever possible now; I feel like something 'clean', ya know? Hope you're staying in good health and spirits.

Are the hands wrong? I thought pie-pans had minute hands that did not cross the bevel on the dial...don't know for sure though.

High quality watch, but I've never been a fan of the nipple indices. Still, it fits you well; wear it in good health Anon!



>> No.17913626 [View]
File: 1.02 MB, 640x480, CitizenSecondsCheck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it looks great Anon, and your pic is better than anything I can achieve. Keep posting pics...I've gotta go, but at least things are rolling here. Have a good one!

>one more black watch for now...

>> No.17909767 [View]
File: 1.02 MB, 640x480, CitizenSecondsCheck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks CitizenChad; I hope you have a safe and enjoyable eve!

Calling on TudorAnon: once you're back from the snow, take a webm and show that smooth as silk second hand!

I'm gonna take more of these in the coming days if I can. Next one has to be Grail...

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