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/fa/ - Fashion


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>> No.10640621 [View]
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I work in the fashion industry (I design, tailor, and sew),
and I have a functionalist techwear project I'm working on
(innovative tailoring, innovative textiles, dynamically knitted
fabrics (loose / tight where it's supposed to be so) taped seams,
welded non-woven textiles, so on).

This entire thread makes me cringe.

Why have we come to accept that if something is functional,
it has to follow a certain aesthetic / visual language that all
fucking brands use? It's the same fucking arbitrary design decision
that dictates that all smartphones must look like bars of fucking soap.
Why?! Why does anyone who want to wear functional clothes has
to look like they're going to war?
Why does it have to SCREAM "dystopia"?
It's common sense that the military is the main leading force in
technological advancements in nearly every field, but how is it
that of all industries, it's FASHION that cannot prescind from the
aesthetics of technical clothing that it inherits from the military?

The fashion industry thinks that they are the most forward-thinking
industry, but ironically, it's the most tech illiterate one of them all.
And this is proven by the simple fact that every time it has something
to do with "tech", it turns out whack, tacky, and fucking autistic,
which just further intensifies the technophobia that is all too fucking popular
among the common folk.

>oh, all you want is to stay dry? sure thing, senpai, which look is it going to be then? The mountain climber, or the school shooter?
>you want pants you can run in? not a problem. take these, I'm sure you like looking like a space-age runner who was left behind.

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