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>> No.15876915 [View]
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OK so here's my take

The last big cultural trend was hipsters; a culture derived from parody and derision of the worst trends of the 20th century. Hipsterdom had/has its roots in satire, sending up every bad trend of the 20th century, from sweatbands, aviator style eyeglasses, short shorts, surfstyle windbreakers, moustaches etc. Itself was a rejection of the millenial optimism which died with 9/11; hipsters were a mockery of the world we lived in. Endeavor was viewed as tryhard and cheesy, opening yourself up for derision.

>why write an opera when you can get piss drunk and high, smash the fuck out of a minimoog while screeching about shit stains and dead animals? (further reading: Alice Glass)

Hipsterdom opened the door to the Great Reset: tear down so you can rebuild better. Burn the books, eliminate the power structures, tear up the constitution, cancel the powerful, eat the rich, and start from scratch. With the pillars of our society being torn down by vandals, we entered the theoretical endpoint of hipster culture/reset culture : the cultural void we entered ca. 2015. "culture" as we knew it just stopped having any connection to history. Post-irony became the closest thing to a cohesive culture. As the previous generation revolved around mockery, post-2015 style became mockery of mockery, making fun of the hipsters who were making fun of the 90s who were making fun of the 70s. It was nonsensical memes and gen-z toilet humor; it was a deep fried meme with the caption of the letter "E" and glowing eyes.

It's only fit that the counterculture to this becomes an embrace of tradition; only tradition has been destroyed. The books have been burnt, the history has been re-writ and re-cast with a more inclusive playbill. The last authentic, unironic, sincere and hearfelt cultural movement was skate punk in the late 90s - early 2000s. Everything after that was just an insincere derisive rehash of what had been done.


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