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>> No.17762302 [View]
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>>>17762259 (You)
>tasteful -- but novus ordo -- sanctuary setup
Yeah, this one was at a major seminary in St. Paul. Great seminarians there, the atmosphere was electric. I expected nerds or something but it was energetic good, young men, very traditionally minded. The next generation of priests, I have hope in.
>which minor basilica?
This was Basilica of Saint Mary in Minneapolis. I wanted to go to an FSSP or other Latin Mass but with my schedule I had to go to a later Mass, so I decided the basilica would be good. There were people going there and taking pictures, leaving their hats on and acting like it was just some old historic building, which I found very disrespectful.
The only things not beautiful about it was this terrible modernist paper mache disaster hanging from the ceiling in picrel (didn't notice till I looked at pic later) and the terrible NO altar. I have no problems with representations of Our Lady as an African, but the fact it was put there for likely purely political reasons left a bad taste in my mouth. The interior decorations designer here is a woman if you couldn't tell.
It was the most irreverent mass I've ever been to. The priest was wearing the most modernist and ugly chasuble I've ever seen, it looked like a sweatshirt, same material as the terribly decorated NO altar.
Father or deacon unfortunately didn't do any of the readings (one of the lectors was a woman as well) which is one of the reasons I love TLM, no lay readers. Father didn't seem to prepare much for the homily in which he discussed the legalization of cannabis here in Minnesota which he, to his credit, did somewhat condemn.
The Prayers of the Faithful were terribly progressive, including the virtue signaling about Ukraine (which is fine, I suppose), but also the environment and Amazon rainforest or something.

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