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/fa/ - Fashion


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>> No.8525316 [View]
File: 38 KB, 418x455, 1350628402772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>going to DJ college friend's birthday party
>dressed in simple black NGHTBRND tee that says "no requests", black joggers, b/w perforated cp achilles lows
>arrive at party
>most of the party was plebs, a few MFA uniform fags and people in band t shirts and ratty jeans
>one kid dressed in palewave, we give eachother the silent nod
>mingle a bit, play my set, it goes okay.jpg
>take a couple shots, step outside to have a smoke
>qt3.14 comes by, obviously mirin'
"oh anon your set was so great!"
"th...thank you..."
>qt pulls out her phone, gestures towards me
"can i have your number? i've been trying to find people who like the music i like!"
>why not.jpg
>put my number in, hand it back to her
>mfw this drunk bitch spills her drink all over my cps as she's trying to take her phone back
>she starts apologizing, i just give her the dirtiest look and walk away
>as i'm walking i realize i'm drunker than i thought
>accidentially bump into another qt3.14 grill
>she's hot as fuck, totally effay
>dressed in all black
"s..sorry... i didn't see you there"
>she just stares at me, silently, giving me bedroom eyes
"i... like your outfit... most girls around here don't really know how to dress well..."
>she doesn't respond, just keeps staring at me, silently
>decide to take a chance and just kiss her
>her lips are cold as fuck but it's obvious that she wants me
>whip out my dick, start rubbing it against her leg
>start touching all of her buttons
>she starts to moan and creak
>hear snickering behind me
>mfw i'm drunk as fuck, half naked, rubbing up against my friend's matte black gas grill
>tfw everybody at the party is gathered, laughing at me
>even the drink-spilling qt bitch

what the fuck is wrong with me, /fa/

>> No.6051204 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 38 KB, 418x455, 1346647579186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls dont delete i am writing this as we speak
>be 14
>dad wants me to go to church
>be meek so accept and go
>summer arrived
>dad wants me to go to a trip to another state with church and some church kids
>only know 1 kid who goes to school with me but barely talk to
>trip day is here
>go to church
>suddenly see her
>most beautiful girl i have ever seen in my life, qtp2t3.14^∞ w/g9ft very thin nice ass big ligs big tits
>god has descended from the sky and touched my forehead
>get into the bus
>once there try to get close to her
>be socially retarded, kind of fat and never kissed a girl
>dont remember how but became great friends (not really aware if this is true, i was young and naive to the extreme)
>even changed my writing style because i liker hers
>remember one night alone with her watching the stars and just talking about stuff
>suddenly i tell her i like her
>she says im kinda cute but im 2 young 4 her (i was 13-14 and she was 17-18)
>heart crushed, devastated, feels ive never felt before invaded my soul
>we are still friends
>forward a few weeks be back at home
>go visit her very often (dont really rememebr but like once a week or once every 2 weeks)
>we talk a lot
>get really into this church shit
>my only reason was to see her
>start reading the bible
>even take the confirmation
>start teaching little kids about jesus and church stuff with the help of someone
>even become a fucking altar boy
>eventually we start to distant ourselves
>dont visit her so often
>talk only when she's on MSN and sometimes text her
>dont know why but still think she is into me
>she moves on with her life, gets a job, probably doesn't even think about me
>finish school, get a job
>sometimes talk to get but not really as often as we used to

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