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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.17200872 [View]
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Pretty much every problem with this website can be attributed to phoneposters, /pol/ and the death of 'lurk m0ar' culture.

Computers and internet access used to be considered unessential. Now, digital literacy and second hand and cheap machines means that every household that's not a tent in Africa has access to a PC. In addition, putting an idiotproof device that can easily access the internet in the hands of every person on the planet means that there are simply more people online, including people who wouldn't have owned or used a computer before the arrival of smartphones.

It's important to note that /pol/posting itself is not always the issue - but it often is - but the existence of the board itself. It acts as a point of interest for news reporters and normals to point a finger at and say "look at how terrible this website is they are cyberterrorists and white supremacists". It doesn't need to be true, all it needs to do is draw attention to the website, causing people who otherwise would have little interest in the site to become aware of it and arrive. People on social media posting screenshots from 4chan doesn't help either. And yes, they don't need to be /pol/ users; it's simply a case of summerfags arriving and...

>Death of 'lurk m0ar' culture.
Not knowing when it's appropriate to start posting. Imagine you transfer to a new high school and need to choose some place to sit for lunch. You can observe the tables and find a group that you can fit into, maybe modifying your behaviour a little to do so, or you can just sit at the first table you see, make everyone there uncomfortable by acting in a different manner to what's accepted there, then people start to leave. I'm describing >>17199449. Unfortunately, it's past the point of repair, because on pretty much all boards and good posters of yesteryear have all moved on, and now the garbage 'board culture' that prevails everywhere are election tourists.

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