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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.13552367 [View]
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i wonder how long it will take the /pol/lacks to notice the huge decline in quality as they ruin every board and drive all interesting or creative people off this site. 4chan is already a shadow of its former self, but its bound to hit rock bottom soon. they're an infection that's taken over the entire body. worst of all, for all their talk of how "the left can't meme", there are leftists out there creating all kinds of art and media. the alt-right is on here making image macros and passing around the same ~30 memes and thinking they're original.

it's painfully boring and on top of it they're all sophists that have no idea how unendingly dumb they are because they're stuck in this echo chamber with their fellow /pol/lacks. in this thread one guy was unironically talking about how his "friends" discuss their relative status, and how they acknowledge he is the most alpha or whatever. nobody does that, that's fucking insane. any well-adjusted person realizes how bizarre that is. and then he wonders why nobody really likes him and can't figure out why his "lower status" buddies are popular whereas he is a social pariah.

the worst part is that for all their talk of defending the west all that amounts to is posting pictures of statues or villages in germany. they never go deeper, actually discuss the medium, they only revert to defensive politics and talk of conspiracies. some of them are autistic and will never get out of this self-imposed trap because they get lost in their own circular arguments. others don't bother to learn anything more because that would potentially challenge the shitty taste they mainly picked up from middle earth and skyrim but somehow have convinced themselves it's the universal and objective truth. and besides, they would never (((read))) about anything because any academia is tainted by jews.

this place cripples people. it lobotomizes them. it's clearly evident to anyone but the menagerie of retards that congregate in /pol/.

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