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>> No.9850546 [View]
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feminism and modern liberalism are not based on logic, reason or reality, there is no point in engaging in genuine discourse with the average feminist - if anything the feminists are ugly tag demonstrates the sheer lunacy and perchance for delusion of most of the women who subscribe to that ideology because they're all so hideous yet proudly post their pictures for the world to see in an attempt to prove a hashtag wrong, and by doing so help the hashtag achieve its intent, thats the paradoxical leftist mind at work.

>> No.9833883 [View]
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>> No.9770796 [DELETED]  [View]
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>the reality of the situation is that a happy, well-rounded person doesn't devote this much time to hating
who could be happy in times like these? dumb dumb people :)

hate is necessary byproduct of the crisis of the times, you middleclass sheltered white teenagers sold on the idea of rainbow world and multicultural paradise are going to taste reality soon enough. theres a world out there that turns regardless of whether you pay attention to it, and it will eventually effect you.

>> No.9736708 [View]
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i really dont care about the 1/20 nice niggers that exists, why should i, he doesnt care about me. no one asks niggers to be altruistic and charitable toward white people, no other race is expected to lend their hand to another like the white man is.

you think indians would accept 20000 niggers a year into their country to leech off of welfare to rape and commit crimes against the native populace? what about singapore? japan? china? paraguay? pakistan?

i dont care how many nice niggers there are, they arent my responsibility. the only people i have love for are my own.

granted, most of the problems of forced mass immigration and integration are the responsibility of the kike, but that doesnt change the nature of the nigger.

>> No.9710469 [DELETED]  [View]
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nonsensical marxist retard incapable of recognising hes an extension of the system. theres a reason the police roll out the welcome mat for antifa and the like, its because they help enforce government status quo.

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