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>> No.10661998 [View]
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>being a rulecck reddit dweeb who cant handle the bants

>> No.9913343 [View]
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you'll get a reputation fast, you're funny and not a twat

>> No.9899779 [DELETED]  [View]
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cut your wrists

>> No.9860687 [View]
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>Should I start the trend?

>> No.9843142 [DELETED]  [View]
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>mum wakes me up when she gets home from work at the call centre
>its already 4pm
>lay in bed for a few hours looking in mirror, looking at my beautiful strong brow and jawline, my beautiful high test features
>get out of bed and eat dinner with mum
>call her a stupid slut for making the same shit every night. my mum cant cook anything but sausages
>go back to room and continue my world domination
>tell ugly beta losers how to dress. basically doing them all favors but they choose to hate me for it
>eventually fall asleep with computer


luckily im rich enough to continue this lifestyle.

>> No.9842663 [View]
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so lets take stock of the situation

iq of 138
70k in the bank another 40k in clothes
golden glove
9/10 on a bad day

attends griffith uni which is basically a community college
neck long enough to be in guiness book of records
raised by single mother who is an escort
takes a taxi to uni everyday because he doesnt have a licence and his afraid of public transport

who doesnt hit their women? you think thats the only time ive taken my hand to a bitch? ive done it to every girl ive been with and will continue to do it.

>> No.9841242 [DELETED]  [View]
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fucking moron, plebs always dressed like shit, they dressed like shit in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00, and they dress like shit today - designer fashion on the other hand peaked from 95-05, it doesnt what pop culture dweebs and barely sentient trogs(ie you) wear/wore, it'll always be trash. mainstream 90s fashion is no more offensive than mainstream 10's fashion.

taste is timeless, there was and always will be people who dressed well from every era - what THOSE people wore still looks as good now as it did then.

god i hate you stupid fucks

>> No.9819266 [View]
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>this is a replica and minority free zone

>> No.9807343 [View]
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>> No.9802540 [DELETED]  [View]
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>What would this style be called
>Also, general for whatever pic related is.

>> No.9780020 [DELETED]  [View]
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video related :)

btw you cant refute this so dont bother, just reblog something on tumblr and call it a night.

>> No.9770121 [View]
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you suffer from dunning kruger/mild npd like most milleniuls

best advice anyone can give you would be to accept the fact that you're mediocre, average and not at all special. thousands of posts and i can tell you unequivocally your only valuable assets are your virginity, youth and your whiteness.

women arent suited to leading life alone, but until you develop some wisdom, cultivate some knowledge and a sense of self you wont be in the position to choose a decent partner.

>> No.9763465 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.9759385 [DELETED]  [View]
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fuck you people are dumb

>> No.9721942 [DELETED]  [View]
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>What is exactly what God did
thanks for playing

>> No.9715394 [DELETED]  [View]
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nice nose, looks heaps good.

>> No.9683729 [DELETED]  [View]
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>Quit misusing AAVE.

>> No.9678170 [DELETED]  [View]
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>Ive been masturbating since I was 13 and Ive never touched my dick to anything other than ass and vaginal penetration

that moment when da bae speak english

>> No.9628718 [View]
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>> No.9617248 [View]
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>shut the actual fuck
>the actual fuck

>> No.9587593 [DELETED]  [View]
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>it was all thomas could do not to feint, never in his life had he seen such a repulsive, repugnant thing, it was otherworldly, some lovecraftian nightmare made real by a mad, hedonist god of slime and refuse.
>many members of the crowd did feint at the sight of the BOC, a woman to thomas’ left fell to the ground and was crushed under the feet of the fast maddening audience
>women shrieked, cried, bawled, men howled in agony and terror, gnashing their teeth and clawing at their eyes. those of weaker constitution shat and pissed themselves, many who by now had been driven to madness began to eat the feces that was filling the room.
>thomas was fixated on the giant mass, the seething, heaving red planet.
>PCOS girl had just begun her mad spectacle, her babylonian ritual of sodom and death
>she placed both hands on the clit and began to writhe them to and throw, this way and that, they passed over and up and down the filthy fleshball, slipping and clapping as the sweat and yeast formed a deadly paste.
>the clit began to tremble and undulate, expanding in mass, higher and wider did the terrible red ball climb, its musk doubling in potency - a man in the front vomited up a bloody mess before collapsing, dead.
>it was then thomas knew that he hadnt come to a freakshow at all, nay’ this was a sacrifice.
>the synthesis of sweat, yeast and precum metastasized, horrible sickly yellow yeast tentacles sprung formed on and around the clit.
>they reached out into the audience, entwining and coiling any that they came into contact with in festering serpentine grip of death.
>as the sickening orgy of feces, death and sodomy went on around him, a filthy yeast tentacle slithered its way to thomas who was still transfixed on the ritual that would be his ending.
>as the tentacle creeped up his leg and into his mouth. the only words that came to him as he met his fate were ‘thats a big old clit’

>> No.9583829 [View]
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Thousands of hides cut down in concrete walled factories under glaring spheroid lights, the meat's been gone since Iowa and we work with flesh here - long sheets stretched over framework like a gossamer wing, longstanding traditions unbroken even though they thin the leathers every year, even though they reproportion solvents and strip away at our welting.
The important thing is a notion, the idea of those thousand strides cascading up a steep and verdant hill some miles outside of a dead Pennsylvania coal town, sleep falling on people in far-lit wooden buildings miles below as night falls and we stay here, ensconced in the cradle of a thousand green miles beneath that full grain hope hand-fashioned in a familiar place.
And a way of life is built like this, a time and a place is anchored like this and entire armies of souls find respite in the purpose and safety of nature's seemingly inexhaustible cradle.

Breed, hope and learn - you are all approaching something.

>> No.9222485 [DELETED]  [View]
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>yfw someone calls niggers 'black people'

>> No.8731129 [DELETED]  [View]
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