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/fa/ - Fashion


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>> No.13230149 [View]
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please read the following:


>Most acne is caused by a bacterial infection.
acne is only occasionally caused by bacterial exposure.
the usual pathogenesis is based on endrocrinological proinflammatory processes focused in and around the pilosebacous unit.

>it is absolutely possible to have acne and not have blocked pores.
no. either microcomedones are formed in absence of bacteria, or external acnegenic bacteria create conditions which plugs the pilosebaceous ducts (for example bacterial metabolites stimulating the keratinocytes around the sebaceous infundibulum). microcomedones, regular open comedones, closed comedones, papules and pustules, deep nodules, - all are blocked.

>It's an infection
the infection is more of a symptom rather than an etiological factor. the involved microorganisms are mostly opportunists. even though they are meaningful in later stages of acne severity, acne is primarily a symptom in itself of internal inflammatory issues.

>The cause of acne is [...]
multi-factorial. most studies on acne vulgaris heredity fail to properly account for inherited hygiene and dietary habits, as well as the inherited microflora.

>diet possibly playing a role
diet is a cornerstone of acne etiology.

>nobody is sure exactly how

>> No.11851370 [View]
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>tfw been here for 3-4 years and only posted like 4 fits

no major loss to the board, I am sure


>> No.11793313 [View]
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Hur kan du vara fattig i Sverige av alla ställen, människa?

Vi är, tillsammans med Finland, helt världsunika i den bemärkelsen att vi både har gratis tertiära utbildningar samt att vi får /betalt för att studera/ - samt får studielån med extremt låg ränta - under typ sex års tid. Det är tillräckligt för att få en civilingenjörsexamen, eller en masterexamen (3+2 år). Den retarderade studietakten på svenska universitet möjliggör dessutom deltidsjobb på kvällar/helger. Och så bostadsbidrag och Mecenat på det!

Du kan leva gott som student, och få nästan vilket jobb du vill efter studierna.
20 000-35 000 i medellön direkt efter examen, t o m för flera grundutbildningar...

Du är privilegierad tack vare din nationalitet och etnicitet både det lokala och globala planet, så försök uttnyttja det om du kan.

Därefter kan du överge det här dömda landet för en plats med fler soltimmar & ett rimligare Big Mac-index.

>> No.11707482 [View]
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your command is my wish


the /skinny/ on most common skin issues for skeletons and wannabe-skeletons:

Moisturize. Thicker creams will generally help you the most. Find a good lotion for you in /skin/ or on Amazon.

Get a moisturizing lip-balm like Art Naturals Beeswax, or Burt's Bees lip-balm, and use it as often as you want.

Same as for dry skin, but go to a pharmacy and ask for creams to help with eczema.

Some people into heroin chic likes this, but for those who do not want to have them: find a good under eye concealer to cover them up. Ask in your nearest makeup store for one that matches your skin tone.

Some of you like to look pale, too. Eating very little for a long period of time will make you more pale. Tanning will help, and so will eating carrots/tomatoes. You'll probably look a bit more healthy, which may be something you want - if you want to keep people from being too nosy about your eating habits.

Shouldn't really be an issue unless you were actually a bit overweight before losing the weight.
But if you have loose skin that is bothering you, then you could contact a derm for treatment options (expensive surgery is most effective; milder non-invasive procedures exist).

If you have red spots from past acne, it will become more apparent when your skin becomes more pale. Cover them up with a spot concealer. A discreet foundation will work for most of the face.

Supplement with biotin, and add some extra protein to your diet. Moisturizers, and washing your hands less, can help cracked nails. You could also try a nail strengthener like OPI Nail Envy.

Time to grab a snack.

[btw: if you have skin issues because you eat too little, then it is likely that they will persist until you eat a bit more]

>> No.9910320 [View]
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On the causes of acne (a bit technical):

>someone said that it's a myth that acne is caused by dirty skin (and that it's all hormones)

Excessive sebum production, regardless of if it is caused by sex steroids/growth factors or something else, is necessary for acne to develop.

If this was the only factor, however, then everyone who had excessive sebum production/oily skin would automatically develop acne.

Excess sebum production combined with excessive local skin peeling (desquamation) form plugs in the sebaceous ducts (microcomedones), which can later evolve into both inflammatory lesions (IL, different kinds of ordinary pimples) and non-inflammatory lesions (NIL - comedones: blackheads and whiteheads.)

What the microcomedo evolves to depends mainly on the amount of P. acnes inside of the plug, and the resulting amount of "proinflammatory" substances that is produced by the bacteria as they grow.


Simple English: Acne appears when your skin creates too much fat, and when the skin is peeled off a lot right next to your pores. This creates a gunk that blocks the pores. Bacteria then eats this gunk and creates bad chemicals that your skin doesn't like. Your skin gets red, swollen, and painful.

>> No.9871740 [View]
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>hormone issues
>pimples arent caused by dirty skin, thats a myth


Excessive sebum production, regardless of if it is caused by sex steroids/growth factors or something else, is necessary for acne to develop.

If this was the only factor, however, then everyone who had excessive sebum production/oily skin would automatically develop acne.

Excess sebum production combined with excessive local skin peeling (desquamation) form plugs in the sebaceous ducts (microcomedones), which can later evolve into both inflammatory lesions (IL, different kinds of ordinary pimples) and non-inflammatory lesions (NIL - comedones: blackheads and whiteheads.)

What the microcomedo evolves to depends mainly on the amount of P. acnes inside of the plug, and the resulting amount of "proinflammatory" substances that is produced by the bacteria as they grow.


Simple English: Acne appears when your skin creates too much fat, and when the skin is peeled off a lot right next to your pores. This creates a gunk that blocks the pores. Bacteria then eats this gunk and creates bad chemicals that your skin doesn't like. Your skin gets red, swollen, and painful.

>> No.9842926 [View]
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Almost daily:
ACO Minicare Wash Lotion (35% glycerol)
Eucerin pH5 Skin-Protection Cream (Dexpanthenol, glycerol, buffer)

>> No.9210255 [View]
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aw yiss

SPF 15 blocks about 94% of all UVB.
SPF 30 blocks about 97% of all UVB.
not that much difference. not much beyond SPF 15 needed.

It's good to wash your face beforehand. AHA is something that can be used to exfoliate and get rid of skin residues, though. Find a milder cleanser.

empirically established connection for acne and fish oil : inconclusive
if it doesn't work for you, then don't use it.


lotion because humectants and emollients

There are several BHAs, but salicylic acid is one of the best things we have within dermatology. Peroxides are generally more brutish (dry skin, flushing, peeling), and also less effective.

>> No.9203816 [DELETED]  [View]
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Hey /fa/, is x /fa/?

I couldn't care less.

Why do some of you seem to bother?

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