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>> No.12765084 [View]
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Frank, use a tripcode and do a timestamp that way no one can goof ya.

>> No.12760042 [View]
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>It's not a fallacy
Burden of proof fallacy is not shifted burden fallacy. Burden of proof fallacy is an informal fallacy not usually included as a real one cause it's just too retarded. It's where the offender just ignores all evidence and occams razor and asks for more and more proofs until the other party gives up. It's often used by russian shills. Hence the were is proofs meme.

>Ctrl+F "semite" 0 results
Tried semitic? <3

>Ctrl+F "eurpean" 0 results. You sure do like making shit up. :^)
Tried "Russia" or "France"?

>about her possible genetic makeup?
again burden of proof fallacy I've already answered this like three times and you hope that by going "where are proofs?!" enough times while ignoring the proofs you will be triumphant king Tyrone the caucasoid black man.

>you just tacked that on.
You do not know the word tacked and I quoted why you're wrong. Do you want me to quote it again?

>If I had said "Afro-American = West African" and not the other way around,
I did not say afro=american=west african. I said Afro-american is "west african etc". I quoted this. Would you like a re-quote for your craving of excessive citations?

How is what I said unrelated to you disputing what I said?

>CTRL+F "monkey" shows I only ever called OP a monkey.
Oh I'm sorry did you forget what my point was? Do you want me to copy paste the whole conversation to make sense of this again?

>Where is proofs she's "100% NEGROID"?
You dispute the congolese sample picture is negroid? Interesting. Good argument friend. I assume it could be, that she just happens to look like a girl I literally fucked loads of times that swears she is 100% negroid. Trust me I held a knife to her throat because I was confused. She didn't look like your white-ish pictures which are very typical congoloids. Or maybe they're both lying. Who knows.

Goodbye friend-o.

>> No.12740620 [View]
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TL:DR going for .1mg+ of fin turns you into a eunuch. Between .03-.05mg (1/20th of a pill) seems to be a sweet spot of nearly no sides but the same effect on scalp DHT as higher doses. Tricky part is splitting the pills in small enough portions. You're welcome friends.

>> No.12670030 [View]
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It's legit. Drug companies are shelving some top tier treatments for issues like short shelf life now which goes to show they don't think it's worth pushing research cause something better will be out soon. These treatments are already way better than the finasterine self castration treatment.

My guess is a topical anti-androgen will be out soon (there already is but it's got way short shelf life so it's only available as a research chemical). If there's any systemic absorption then a very low dose of newer gen roids should negate any negative endocrine impact.

Perhaps as soon we'll see hair transplants grown from stem cells. This technology is already done but is currently not safe for testing on humans (seriously fuck the anti-nazis there's so many wonder cures from stem cells we can't use simply because testing on humans is 'omg like literally what hitler would do'). This will be an expensive one at first but it will completely restore any hairline.

Both topical anti-androgens (localized fin) and stem cell transplants should be out in about say 8-15 years. Maybe sooner. Hollywood has some top of the line shit apparently and if I dare wear my tinfoil hat it might be 'cause with enough enough money and connections some asian guy might hook you up with stuff not properly tested formally (you can't forward the product by tricking some chinese farmers into using it for cash so the sluggishness is mostly due to legal reasons but yes there is one topical anti-androgen already if you mail order from china).

My recommendation for now is to just do minox after every shower. Just as you already put on some lotion, just put on some cheap generica minox foam. Keeps it from deteriorating further at least.

>> No.12005659 [View]
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Wash cock/pussy, ass and armpits every morning but leave the rest. Only wash full body once every 3 days or whenever you have worked out. Now you're always fuckable and not drying up and getting premature wrinkles.

>> No.11406990 [View]
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Don't tan ever, wear moisturiser, don't shower more than once every three days. Also get fat as you age like the latinos do to fill out your wrinkles and die of a heart attack before you look old.

>> No.11113243 [View]
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Don't smoke. Do Swedish Snus. And strong green tea and ginseng. Much more healthy.

Or ADHD pills. And don't stop eating you'll lose hair and age prematurely and shit. Just cut out p much all carbs, and most saturated fats (you still need some olive oil for dressing and frying things or everything will taste like shit).

Stuff your face with salad and lean protein, or and/or those diet extra low carb shaker powders. Thing with cutting out carbs is your body is a jew, and won't burn that extra fat unless it REALLY has to. So, you'll feel hungry all the time even if you eat, and you'll be dysfunctional cause ur bod aint burning enough fat. With stimulants like ADHD pills or snus, you tell your body 'stop being a jew and start burning stored fat', so your blood sugar levels don't go apeshit.

Also exercise is like 30% of losing weight, don't focus on it exclusively.

>> No.10479965 [DELETED]  [View]
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lol your meltdown and utter defeat is hilarious. Protip: It's over. You've been spanked by these guys
Just stop posting, and never post your make-believe political agenda shill spamming on a fucking fashion board ever again.

>> No.10457050 [View]
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