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>> No.12589575 [View]
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>> No.11495404 [View]
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>> No.11441073 [View]
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>> No.11438612 [View]
File: 255 KB, 1033x798, 1416082_1372003963emsj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also tell me with a straight face that lost at sea or umibe no onnanoko are memes. i dont even know anyone who's heard of them, let alone read them
Asano and O'Malley are memes. latter mostly becuase of the scott pilgrim adaptation, but across the internet, anyone who wants to be into manga and sees themselves as alt or deep namedrops Asano (& Ito). like 3 separate posters have punpun tattoos here. also girl at the beach is his best

Blame, beserk etc. are maybe more niche to 4chan but Asano is definitely meme'd enough to manifest across the real world. i dont buy that 'meme media' is a 4chan/internet thing, imo it's the same thing as the previous generation's 'cult classics' but mixed in with modern fuckboy/hype culture where image prevails in little sub-subcultures clans

>i like a lot of things that arent memes, but not enough to justify buying them just to satisfy people who judge this harshly on appearances
you should be buying them to satisfy yourself and yourself alone. it just speaks to a limited sensitivity of your own taste, and willingness to stultify in favor of social approval, when somehow your personal taste happens to align perfectly with a prepackaged 'starter pack'.

>ur an extremely cynical and shallow person anon (also holy shit autistic af to be triggered enough to call me out on a fucking fashion board for my taste in mango)
eh maybe but I was mostly just fishing for a fight. I don't really care that you're a shallow poser, it's your own problem

I haven't finished it actually

>> No.11408672 [View]
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I made it up actually, I don't know enough about computers to describe his setup. I know he doesn't use arch but I'm not sure what he's running and he's gone off on me about the 160 characters being the schelling point ideal before, he fucking formats his emails in them

>never been to a boiler gig
they're shit and no one cool is ever there. it's just organizers and shit, people with the mind for office politics. boiler's are like industry mixers, it's embarrassing to admit having gone but everyone takes up the invo for the connections.

probably better in london or something, I've only been to 2 in somewhat irrelevant asian cities that i shall not name

>> No.11390756 [View]
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It's only useful now that board culture has changed so that people aggressively stay on the thread's topic and enforce autistic "generals" like each thread is it's on subreddit-cum-irc circlejerk.

it might seem absurd that off topic could be a good thing, but that's how things were with imageboards. you'd read the latest posts itt, not the OP, to find what's good. people have changed man. they say shit like "ironic shitposting is still shitposting". nigger, that's the point. or it used to be. if you can't see how sincere discussion happens within - not between - the banter and trolling, well you're the reason why it's so dead now

what I don't get it is why does 2ch still seem to carry its same old culture when it's so much more popular in jp. it's like reddit over there. the obvious difference is 4chan gentrifying its interface.

>> No.11375856 [View]
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wew. sorry for your loss bub

are you even goth?

>> No.11360895 [View]
File: 255 KB, 1033x798, 1416082_1372003963emsj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you keeping up the charade? everyone knows you're not eliza


are you speaking from your own experience fake-eliza? or just roleplaying imagined scenarios for her?

>> No.11321603 [View]
File: 255 KB, 1033x798, 1416082_1372003963emsj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This can't be said enough. Fucking newfags cling to their poster identity so hard. It's so much worse on chans with poster ID's, every other thread has some argument over /who/ said what, when it's supposed to be all about /what/ was said.

Like this little bitch here >>11321514 . Didn't fucking change anything if you're the same poster or not, and for all intents and purposes you are the same poster, it's anonymous, retard.

>getting triggered by racism on 4chan
back to >>>/reddit/

is this still the same attention whore posting? who knew bimbos could know their shit. did a boyfriend get you in to the king's sport or what?

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