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/fa/ - Fashion

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12526781 No.12526781 [Reply] [Original]

Need ideas.

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>> No.12526990

A light blazer with porus fabric (linen i guessl or a light bomber jacket seems appropiate

>tfw too hot for thick clothing but too rainy for light clothing
How the fuck am i supposed to dress?

>> No.12527001

Facing this same problem I decided that the best you can do is probably just dress in a thin layer that dries quickly and put up with the rain. A light hat with a good-sized brim, like the sunday afternoons adventure hat, will keep the rain off your face and give you a much easier time of it.

>> No.12527215

Living near sea is cancer dressing wise, hot in sun but a second after that a cold sea wind makes you freeze.

>> No.12527216

Uniqlo u cotton parka, look it up. Very comfy

>> No.12527426

This, I wear mine all the time in Australia where it never really gets that cold.

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12526772 No.12526772 [Reply] [Original]

How can I make MARPAT pants /fa/? I like how they look. Maybe with a white V neck and white shoes. Also would probably have to get tailored.

>> No.12526811
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>v neck
>going with anything

cease your insolence

>> No.12527418
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>Digital woodland camo
>Going well with anything you'd wear anywhere relevant
I'm not saying there are no good fits but there are hundreds of camo patters that are so much easier to pull off.

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12526740 No.12526740 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

Let's judge each other's purchases

I got a John Elliott Hellweek hoodie for $129 CAD from Holt Renfrew.

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>> No.12544510

That guys ankles are fat af or those shoes are way too small.

Also, what do you mean you bought them in October if you're posting now?

>> No.12544652
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>> No.12545182

kek looks like something they'd sell at a liquor store in the mid 2000s, you played yourself

>> No.12545696
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>> No.12545718

clean ur mirror

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12526738 No.12526738 [Reply] [Original]

is it just me or is this guy ugly as fuck?

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>> No.12526756

Fucking Bogs

>> No.12526762

>uber founder and ceo
>random fag on 4chan calls him ugly
I'm going to take a wild guess and say that your opinion is inconsequential to him

>> No.12526836

He's literally an ugly mongoloid. Also, Lyft>>Uber.

>> No.12527078
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Haha what are you looking into a mirror or something OP?

>> No.12527254

travis, your company is rapidly losing money why are you posting on 4chan

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12526729 No.12526729 [Reply] [Original]

looking for something like this, Black or brown would be nice. Any thoughts on this type of style jacket. something more modern i guess.

tassel / fringe jacket.

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12526708 No.12526708 [Reply] [Original]

Just bought this don't know what to wear with it help a colourblind fuccboi out

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>> No.12527474

Pants and shoes should do the trick

>> No.12527486

A white shirt.
You want help for what to wear with a white shirt?

>> No.12527490

like.. idk, anything but more supreme and bape?

>> No.12527496

>>12526708 Just wear it with black jeans and Jordan's if not anything better. If you're looking for something chic throw a cdg play cardigan over that and you'll look fine.

>> No.12528568

Just wash it with bleach

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12526694 No.12526694 [Reply] [Original]

Facial aesthetic thread/ rate thread?

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>> No.12527157
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I'm not a homo so it's kinda pointless to rate a bunch of dudes, but
9/10 could do without piercings but w.e. you do you
so many boys wear bras these days amirite
hard to tell w/big smile, I'll guess 6.5/10
>>12526895 & >>12526899
6.5/10 with longer hair, 7/10 in the second
6/10, possibly higher w/unseen haircut?
4/10, hopefully just a bad pic

this is the least tired and greasy I've looked in weeks

>> No.12527199

>so many boys wear bras these days amirite
u right

>> No.12527233
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About to sleep. Pls list ways to improve myself. Already aware of skin and it's slowly improving

>> No.12527250

I'd be happy of your skin desu lad

>> No.12527268

This thread was moved to >>>/soc/25339607

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12526680 No.12526680[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is interracial dating effay? The color contrast can be used quite well

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>> No.12526769

>seeking attention this much

>> No.12526787

honestly i've given up on finding an qt effay black guy to date and decided to settle for the white nu males...it aint so bad i guess

>> No.12526825

what's up ma? don't skip over Hispanics so quickly. send me that Kik or discord.

inb4 ur a trap
inb4 thirsty

>> No.12526826

Depends on the type of interracial.

>White men dating indian girls (dot) can score out of their league by going down in race ( this is me)

Black men dating white women is just white liberal whores rebeling and they wouldn't have made a good wife anyway just try not to cry fuck f7ck

White men dating black women is bordering on beastiality

White women dating Asian men has only happened 3 times and it was because of kpop

White men dating Mexicans is extremely rare and lucky

Jewish men and Asian girls fuck a lot just because Jewish men are weak and Asian women like white men as they are more attractive than the men of their race

Those are probably the most prevalent types of misceganation. Needless to say white on white is optimal

>> No.12526837
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I had a small Vietnamese gf for a while, we would always get compliments in public because of our height difference. Also girls would ask her how she could take me (im not big, but people assume so because im tall). We both dressed well and went to trendy places in the city. However it got old after a while because it was expensive as fuck. Also she cheated on me so fuck her. however i did love raw dogging her tight pussy it felt amazing

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12526564 No.12526564 [Reply] [Original]

I was told these might be appreciated here

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>> No.12533052

so much delusion in one post

>> No.12533406

They're asking to get pickpocketed.

>> No.12533412

>soldier of Christ
>wears the armour of pagans

>> No.12533418

pol is the toilet of the internet, stop acting like anything is 'below them'

>> No.12533623

>this is the face of white supremacy

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12526519 No.12526519 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for good workout clothes. On /fit/ they call me a faggot, but I want to be motivated to go to the gym, and I won't be if I have to put on an outfit I don't like. Simple stuff. Where to buy?

>> No.12526523
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What do football lads work out in?

>> No.12527042

as long as you don't wear basketball shorts
everyone hates that guy

>> No.12527095

short running shorts, wifebeater and new balances

>> No.12527236

If it's winter wear sweatpants and some flat soled shoes. If it's summer wear footy shorts and flat soled shoes. Just wear t-shirts and maybe a hoodie as well during winter. You're small, literally no one there will notice you. Also do SS or SL and enjoy your slow decline into crippling body dysmorphia.

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12526415 No.12526415 [Reply] [Original]

What hairstyle would fit me?

Thanks bros

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>> No.12528856

messy fringe forsure

>> No.12528883

>Xena warrior princess hairstyle
>Got it done
>Now I hate it
>Nobody likes it
>Apparently bad
>Got damn curly hair
>I don't know why I did it
>Very disappointed
>Everyone laughs
>I become depress
>Today, I shaved it
>Tell me I'm pretty
>Obviously bad idea
>YouTube tutorials
>Asylum ahoy

Read every letter. And I think you should shave one side off, looks good mate

>> No.12529208

Looks nice, thanks


Thanks very much bro

>> No.12529705

Anyone else has ideas?

>> No.12530460


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12526408 No.12526408 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people on this board that unironcally wear brown non-cordovan balmorals instead of burgundy cordovan balmorals

>> No.12526475
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>> No.12526864

you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

>> No.12526994

being this american. Enjoy your McDiabetes.

>> No.12527127

dark red cordovan is GOAT but this thread sucks and only faggots call them balmorals

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12526395 No.12526395 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on long hair for men?

pic and length related

>> No.12527547


When growing hair you will go through an awkward too long/too short phase, if you make it through that you'll be fine. Don't look like a bum and get a particular style.

>> No.12528128
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I like having long hair. Mine is past my shoulders already. I want to cut it when it's really long and donate it and then maybe do it agian if i get tired of short hair again.

During the awkward stage either style it to look grungy, or just wear tons of hats. I just stopped caring during that time and wore a mullet. Pic related it's me in October 2013

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12526384 No.12526384 [Reply] [Original]

>1 star! Too narrow for my feet!
>these shoes are too narrow!
>does anyone know shoes like these that are wider??

Is there anything funnier than a whiny puddlefoot?

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12526360 No.12526360 [Reply] [Original]

just to let you /fa/gs know

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>> No.12527997

You say that as a joke, but if you were smart you would buy them and resell for $60 per pair on grailed or ebay

>> No.12528019

>hurr durr abandon ship, I can't be a special snowflake anymore
literally kys

>> No.12528047

EU only release

no worries, you can still cop the MMMs, which is an AAA quality replica of the original for slightly more

>> No.12528270

Is there any difference between these and the original GATS?

>> No.12528701

In my opinion:

White adidas gats>White sambas
Black sambas>black adidas gats

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12526275 No.12526275 [Reply] [Original]

So for a hike I have had very prominent bags under my eyes. I think my eyes are one of my defining features, and I have no idea where the bags came from. I get plenty of rest, does anyone have a similar issue? Pic related

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>> No.12526392

this is me man, no one else in my family no matter how much sleep i get I swear

>> No.12526402
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maybe we should just adopt the apathetic-smoker-junkie aesthetic

>> No.12526470

get some heroin and were set

>> No.12526498

you are a fucking drama queen stop being so fucking narcissistic and staring in the mirror over analyzing every fucking detail on your face. Why don't you get someone else to look at you closely rather than being a fag and posting closeups on this board.

>> No.12526501
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tfw when no qt 3.14 to stare into your eyes and tell you you're handsome

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12526240 No.12526240 [Reply] [Original]

These are my favorite shoes iv ever owned but they are falling to bits.

How would I go about sorting out the soles on them, they let in water and everything.

I tried hot gluing them back together but it didn't seen to stick to the the rubber and just fell off.


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>> No.12526427

oi, your shoes are shit mate. you look a right knob

>> No.12526441

lets see yours then dickhead

>> No.12526451

That's not really a good argument considering yours are beat to shit and he could have literally any shoe and have it look better

>> No.12526511

fucking mental, confirmed spaz

>> No.12526849
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12526234 No.12526234 [Reply] [Original]

Is this /fa/?
Who'd you say has the best outfit?

What would you change if you could tell these people to change something?

>> No.12526237

Why is kurt cobain on the right?

It's clear all of these people browse this board but clinged onto all of the "anti-normie" memes

>> No.12526261


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12526233 No.12526233 [Reply] [Original]

What does /fa/ think of Ronnie Fieg and his brand Kith?

Personally, I think he did some cool stuff back in 2008-ish with David Z. on reviving the old runners with Asics. Everything beyond that just felt uninspired and his Kith brand just rips on all the other meme streetwear brands, relying on collaborations instead of original ideas.

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12526220 No.12526220 [Reply] [Original]

can someone id these shoes for me?

>> No.12527194


>> No.12527448

Repetto zizi in black

>> No.12527455

why are you so obsessed with keira knightly?

>> No.12527494

It's called a waifu, newfag.
When you graduate from your first on 4chan maybe you can apply for one.

>> No.12527497

Pretty standard black oxfords senpai