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/fa/ - Fashion

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11416722 No.11416722 [Reply] [Original]

How does /fa/ feel about sweaters with sweats? Pic related I've been wearing this outfit on my Friday nights.

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>> No.11417003

Nice pjs

>> No.11417013

I wear them outside but..thanks.

>> No.11417045

It's loungewear. Shouldn't really be worn outside. I'm wearing nearly the same thing but that's because I'm at my pc, at home, studying. I'm also wearing slippers with flowers on them, which you shouldn't wear outside either for the record.

I'm gonna say not a good look, but you do you pal

>> No.11417049

lmao fell for the college meme

>> No.11417061

It's more of a backup plan so that if I change my mind when I grow up and decide I don't want to live in poverty (at the moment that would bring me happiness, maybe it won't by the time I graduate) I can go ahead and get a real job and be a happy wageslave.

Debt does not concern me.

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11416715 No.11416715[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are ugly girls /fa/?

Any girl that's a 5 or under should kill themselves

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>> No.11416977

Once you get past her "cold hearted bitch" persona you realize she's just your average unstable attention whore who gets her feelings hurt once you pick on her looks/nationality too much. Its getting boring now.

>> No.11417096

i would still probably fuck that

>> No.11417218


ugly girls that dress well and present well are on another level. like aliens

>> No.11417236

post examples

>> No.11417240

how mad have you gotten her senpai?

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11416714 No.11416714 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best BMI range to be effay?

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>> No.11418437

16.8 reporting

>> No.11418453

between 18 and 25 is the healthy BMI range, but BMI has a big problem due to each person's body structure

>> No.11418464
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185cm, 65kg, 27yo, male.
who skinny masterrace here?
BMI 19

>> No.11418683

u fat

>> No.11418685


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11416670 No.11416670 [Reply] [Original]

I've posted here before, I have not so great skin in general, and have had pretty bad acne on my face and I'm ready for it to go away. Cereve products make it worse for me. The cleansers at least. The moisturizer seems to be okay, but hell, it might be breaking me out too. I don't know. But I'm ready to buy me some la-roche posay. But I dont know exactly what to buy. Last thing I wanna do is order something and it causes me cystic acne and I cant take it back lol. And I dont think any stores near me carry it either. So I have to make sure I get the right cleanser. Which one should I get? I believe I have oily skin, but it also is dry by the nose. So I guess that would mean a combination
Little things about me 23/Male Been on every acne pill imaginable, even accutane 2.5 times. Something that worked for me in 2013-2014 was large amounts of vitamin A and C with zinc and panothenic acid b5 or whatever it was. I took like 30 pills a day but it seemed to really help my acne. I have stopped that because I felt like that was killing my insides. I just need a good skin routine and ill be good to go

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>> No.11417363

NeoStrata>La-Roche Posay

>> No.11417580

avene is really better? never heard of it

>> No.11417793

What about this? This is what I was thinking of getting. They have the least amount of harsh chemicals in it according to cosdna.com


>> No.11417802
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actually i have a 10 dollar off promo code, so its 10 bucks less.

>> No.11417899

Its not a mainstream brand, but its a competent brand like neostrata and recommended by my dermatologist.
Its also mainly european.

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11416665 No.11416665 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone know if the Corner is reputable I know it's ran by YOOX who runs Diesel.com.

>> No.11416668


>> No.11416690
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So the asymmetrical Rs are legit? This is my first pair of decent shoes. I want to know if it's legit because another thread said if the inside says made in Portugal it's fake.

>> No.11416756

>leather heel tabs are differently shaped
Lmao that's atrocious, assuming you bought them from thecorner they're real, guess that portugal production is no joke

>> No.11416757

thats just because they quality has gone down hill
the corner is legit though

>> No.11416758

thecorner is most definitely legit
why you bought such a hideous pair of shoes is beyond me

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11416664 No.11416664 [Reply] [Original]

Are you /fa/ in video games?

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>> No.11428838

Game? is it modded right?

>> No.11429780

what the fuck happened to this board

>> No.11429790



>> No.11429795

Please lurk more before posting. Thanks, Anonymous.

>> No.11429863

What is this?

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11416519 No.11416519[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what does /fa/ think of my fit? i need advice because im new to this, and waywt didnt respond.

>> No.11416522

nice thumbnail you flop

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11416470 No.11416470 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/, I have an iPhone 6S. Are there any effay phone cases?

Also general phone case thread

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>> No.11417982


>> No.11419420

The only /fa/ case is no case

Come on, OP

>> No.11420087

I have a 6S with an extremely thin case, it's more like a skin, semi transparent as well. It won't protect it much but I don't drop my phone anyways, I just wanted something that would prevent scraches and protect the protruding camera without making the phone look big and shitty like most cases do.

I got this one to be exact but any "slim' case would probably be fine.


Looks pretty much exactly like the pic

>> No.11420123
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go w/ a solid color tho

>> No.11420178
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The leather ones sold directly by Apple are the best I've found, they make the phone feel a lot better to hold in your hand than the metal and protects it from scratches without being cumbersome. Comes in different colors, too.

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11416469 No.11416469 [Reply] [Original]

Sooo I'm 25, and I don't have any wrinkles and I don't want any. How far will lathering my face in vitamin e cream ( and something better like Juno soon preferably ) pretty much nightly and maintaining a healthy diet go? Can I make it to 30 wrinkle free?

>> No.11416479

i think genetics is more important than any chemical currently available

>> No.11416480

I'd be more worried about that chinlet if I were you

>> No.11416481


Well I have some wrinkly ass parents so I guess it's r9k for life

>> No.11416487


I don't have a chinlet please leave me alone thanks

>> No.11416543

thats a stupid assumption, its all about sun exposure.

Op apply a face moisturizer and a separate facial sunscreen every day

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11416437 No.11416437 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11416461

Listen to music because you like it not because of it's aesthetic please

Isabelle Adjani is GOAT waifu of all time tho fampai, fell in love with her because of Herzog's Nosferatu, watch Possession if you haven't

>> No.11416496

/fit/ crossposter here

This is what I mostly listen to


What makes music /fa/?

>> No.11416539


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11416424 No.11416424 [Reply] [Original]

Are raf derby shoes at all worth the price? I feel like there has to be a very similar shoe out there for under $200

>> No.11416443

Why would you every be wearing those, fagboy? Get yourself some Wolverine heritage boots instead... AUTHENTIC AMERICAN STYLE!

>> No.11416462

I got a pair, they are nice quality, what you'd expect from a designer brand, maybe not worth the full price tag because you are paying a bit for the brand and styling, but you won't be disappointed with them

>> No.11417912

closest poorfag edition that comes to mind is dr marten octavius if you're looking for alternatives but the quality is not gonna be anywhere near as good

>> No.11418591
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what do you think of these?

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11416335 No.11416335[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ approved hats thread? Got any that are cute, quirky, and awkward like pic related?

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>> No.11416858

No it's not

>> No.11417458

will you stop posting your shitty hat everywhere ?

>> No.11417951

I really really like this hat hbu

>> No.11418474

I hate this meme

>> No.11418561

It's not a meme, it's a lifestyle choice!

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11416328 No.11416328[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, exactly how /effay/ is this particular hat?

*watches Seinfeld*


*has a stroke*

Now that's what I call Ebbets Field Flannels vintage authentic style!

>> No.11416860

Please respond

>> No.11416864

Drop Trip and dont wear fullcaps

>> No.11416872

I found a nice fieldcap that im not going to buy because of this shilling
Great job you ape

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11416316 No.11416316 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

ITT: Post fits that are loose, comfy, whatever as long as everything looks comfy.

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>> No.11427184

what type of jacket is this, i really like the loose fit

>> No.11428336

death-by-elocution on tumblr is good inspo for this look. Mainly women's stuff though

>> No.11429577


>> No.11429597

yeah how the fuck is that banana so skinny?

>> No.11429715
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Need to find these pants

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11416290 No.11416290 [Reply] [Original]

How does /fa/ feel about pieces that have stirred up controversy? Are there any 'edgy' type clothes you'd cop?
>pic related, Cobain suicide note on a top

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>> No.11417107

shit like this only works if you're already effay/cool af.

>> No.11417126

Did Courtney kill him?

>> No.11417137

>wearing suicide notes
you´re not gonna go shooting in a gay club are you

>> No.11417395


>> No.11418092

Only cool if they aren't forcefully edgy. Kurt shirt sucks.

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11416248 No.11416248 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder if you can't grow a beard then you're either a woman, or a child.

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>> No.11419233
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>> No.11419296

>Tfw you can grow an epic beard, but the military won't allow it.
Total bullshit, all in the name of professional. Civil War had some epic badass generals, and they all had beards. And clearly SF/SOF has shown that beards in no way prevent you from being a competent servicemember.

>> No.11419332


wow. not sure what to think about this other than this gent is douchey with a capital D.

look at all the out of context jail tats. web to indicate doing time so long your elbows have gathered cobweb from sitting on them doing nothing. ok, fine.

3 dots under his eye. Mi Vida Loca, or tres puntas. indicative of a wild lifestyle.

filled in tear drop. various meanings. somebody died. ok hardass.

lightning bolts, SS symbol for white power. usually just two of them, three here but whatever.

diamonds, down here Aryan Circle uses them.

Stars. Five Points, that's Tango BLAST down here.

Eagle swooping down is pretty popular Southern Conservative symbol.

The chest tat, christ. The dia de los muertos tat... those cherries christ I wouldnt be surprised if he had a kiss mark, a palm tree, and or a playboy bunny tattoo somewhere.

It's not that there's anything wrong with any of them individually or even the co-opting of a sub culture. that happens all the time, fashion is fashion. but this is so clearly a mish mash of trendy pish posh i would head butt this fuck just cause.

whatever. made me reply. i like that shark tattoo.

i wonder what his other knuckles say. DOLL FACE ???

>> No.11419358

compensating for lack of bone structure/jaw: the thread

>> No.11419553

me too bro BUMP

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11416187 No.11416187 [Reply] [Original]

Sup fashion. Lets discuss why flippy floppies are the best footwear.
>Easy to put on
>Looks good if you are tone
>Laidback style
>Looks terrible with jeans
>Terrible for walking distances
>Cheap flippy floppies are not durable

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>> No.11416232

also makes you look like a faggoty college kid everywhere you go.

>> No.11416239

What's wrong with looking like a college kid. I bet you never went to college. Us college kids are looked up to.

>> No.11416256

>Us college kids are looked up to.
Hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha stop shitposting and get busy on paying your student loans

>> No.11416260

Yeah, I got a pair... only when walking around home.

>> No.11416466

I never said I was American. Jesus, learn to read you imbecile. I bet you're so jealous of Americans.

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11416127 No.11416127 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

Lets post here since the other one is pretty dead...

>cole sprouse is literally goals

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>> No.11430749

grow what out, it's fucking long already

>> No.11430814

im not as good looking as him but i have a similar face shape but i think i will>>11430611
try it

>> No.11431257

>be 33
>on 4chan

>> No.11431264


can't grow facial hair. but i'll put hair "up"?

>> No.11431273


failed normie

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11416100 No.11416100 [Reply] [Original]

How do I look like this while leading just as unhealthy of a lifestyle? Is there some secret?

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>> No.11422958

none. my hair is just like this when I haven't showered for a day. also no-poo.

>> No.11422975

taking care of your hair instead of using product fuckboy

>> No.11422997

btw how exactly do all of you know he chain smokes and drinks a lot?

not saying it's unlikely but how do you know it for certain

>> No.11423006

yea, my hair is fucking perfect

>> No.11423021

his voice sounds like he does, although that could just be normal wear and tear from 20 years of danish language being spoken.
and if you hang around copenhagen you'll see that it just about equals paris in the amount of young smokers

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11416076 No.11416076 [Reply] [Original]

How do I do this kind of hairstyle? Length? Product? Method?

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>> No.11416408

I swear Im going to fucking die but okay I'll give it a shot

>> No.11416465

dude i think hes trolling you

>> No.11416545

Go to great clips and tell them to just fuck your shit up pham

>> No.11416693

People really did use eggs to stick up mohawks and such. Idk about the yolk, the info is on google.

>> No.11416926

he's not i know that trick