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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 211 KB, 212x514, rwTG1Tl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11413434 No.11413434 [Reply] [Original]

I w2c that shirt /fa/ but I don't know what its called, any idea? idk if its effay or not but I like it

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>> No.11413655

A polo shirt.

>> No.11413682

no nigga I mean the pattern on it

>> No.11413695
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>I w2c
>pls help effay

>> No.11413711

I don't know the name of the shirt but like the look of it so I asked my /fa/ggots

>> No.11413806

dude its literally impossible to find the exact shirt it was probably thrifted

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11413412 No.11413412 [Reply] [Original]

What's /fa/s opinions on men's short shorts?
>inb4 shill

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11413377 No.11413377 [Reply] [Original]

Top 2 trainers atm?

>> No.11413379
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11413376 No.11413376 [Reply] [Original]

Are skinny jeans going out of style?
I know normies are still gonna wear them but whats next?

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>> No.11415522

Skinny pants have been worn for at least hundreds of years, by both men and women, so I don't see them going out of style any time soon.

>> No.11415567

then loose pants cant go out of style either

>> No.11415581

Maybe "out of style" is the wrong phrase. People will always wear them, but at some points they may be viewed as "unfashionable" by people who care about that sort of thing.

>> No.11415597

I hope so. Low rise is disgustingly uncomfortable when you've worn a pair of mid to high rise jeans for a while.

>> No.11416126

This guy gets it

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11413347 No.11413347 [Reply] [Original]

am I going to look like a faggot for using one of these as long as I don't start flinging it around like some kind of autist?

bics have the weakest flame and its fucking annoying

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>> No.11413359

even without the cost, they ruin your smoke as you can taste the fuel coming through from the flame. butane is clean

>> No.11413367

are clippers windproof? that's the only thing zippos really have going for them after everything else you mentioned because they're damn near impossible to blow out

>> No.11413372

you can get windproof butane lighters, like a mini blowtorch, search on amazon

>> No.11413375

Arc zippos are /fa/ as heck imo desu senpai

>> No.11413383

yeah but all of them look like shit and only work half of the time

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11413331 No.11413331 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth it?

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>> No.11413512

get an omega instead

>> No.11413551

omega is at least better than a fag heuer. Who would spend $1000+ for a watch that runs on a battery?

>> No.11413611

if you have to ask on 4chan then it's not for you

>> No.11413634


>> No.11413674
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tfw you have no idea what type of watch that is.

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11413318 No.11413318 [Reply] [Original]

So, I've recently started watching TWIN PEAKS, and taken quite a liking to wardrobe some of the characters use, and took a particular shine to these kinds off boots some of them are wearing, and idea where i can get a similar pair (in UK), or what to even search for?? .......
Also genral 90's fashion thread

>> No.11413329
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bump with some grunge

>> No.11413342

COME ON DUDES, I'm about to go out shopping and i'd like to know before I head out so I can get them

>> No.11413463

i feel like docs would be a good alternative but you could probably just walk into any military surplus places and see what they have in a similar shape, they're just combat boots i think

>> No.11413469

I can't really tell but they look like regular ass moc toe work boots

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11413266 No.11413266 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

Comfy /thinspo/ thread!

Last Thread: >>11405565

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>love lizzie & her llamas
>make america thin again
>stay hiddratted


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

>MyFitnessPal: "/fa/ friends"
>Lose It!: "/fa/ friends"

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>> No.11424683

Trim don't shave. Just manscape.

If you really want to go completely hair free consider lasering some areas. That's pretty common now.

>> No.11424684

Maybe just trim it every once in a while then? I don't know, haven't had to deal with it myself.

>> No.11425175

For the last 4 months.
Hips are down to 34'' from 37''. But my cut never went lower than 25% from my BMR, since I want to retain as much muscle mass as possible.

Been there done that and ended up looking skinnyfat.

>> No.11425419

enjoy your flushed out electrolytes

>> No.11425742

Is anyone else a recluse today because a recent binge bloated you the FUCK up and you don't wanna go out looking like fat garbage? That's my day today. Pretty comfy though honestly (other than the guilt inducing reoccurring thoughts of why I'm stuck at home).

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11413237 No.11413237 [Reply] [Original]

You might be effay, but is your room effay?
Post pictures of your room or what you are striving for.

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>> No.11413994

I second this! (You)

>> No.11414419
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>> No.11414440

Completely agree
People will think you are boring and/or autistic

>> No.11414539



>> No.11414711
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11413185 No.11413185 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth being /fa/ if I don't live in a big city?

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>> No.11413217

this desu

its mostly about engaging with the world in a way thats authentic to you. certainly dressing for others is a perfectly valid way to do things, but it definitely isnt the only way

>> No.11414158

You can't go too far with fashion if you live in a small town. More high-end fashion that I wear when I'm at university in the city usually gets some compliments. When I wear the same stuff in rural-ass bumblefuck nowhere, people think I'm some sort of crazy person. Just shit like tight black jeans or v-necks

>> No.11414181

If it's a small city with less than 20.000 people, you have it on easy mode.

My city has 2 million people and you see everything from guys in immaculate suits, god-tier fits all the way to shitty cringy meme fits.
No matter what you do, you are almost never unique.

>> No.11414212

three words: diy

>> No.11414263

Sure but unless you have a very outlandish fit you won't be something special.

Not that you can't have a nice unusual fit but people naturally care less when they get thousands of impulses every day.

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11413159 No.11413159 [Reply] [Original]

Has Raf lost it?

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>> No.11418031

You're not very bright lmao

>> No.11418037

The artistic qualities (or lack thereof) of the prints he used aren't why this is a shit collection

>> No.11418041

>t. Swede

>> No.11418062

raf never had it lol

>> No.11418088
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11413111 No.11413111 [Reply] [Original]

Are the people who seem to be so excited about Adidas´ new shoes and making threads bashing nike actually grown ass adults or just some kiddos?

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>> No.11418059

Are the people who seem to be so excited about making threads bashing people who seem to be so excited about Adidas´ new shoes and making threads bashing nike actually grown ass adults or just some kiddos?

>> No.11418651
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>> No.11418668

It's a mix of underage hypebeast internet dwellers and shills, if you were really /fa/ you would know that neither Nike nor Adidas are fashionable

>> No.11418673

so what? its intended to look like it has no purpose and suprise - it HAS no purpose. might as well buy pants made out of wood

>> No.11418890

Paid Shills

File: 440 KB, 1080x1794, monochrome selfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11413041 No.11413041 [Reply] [Original]

How does /fa/ feel about monochrome wear? Pic related I've been wearing this outfit on my Friday nights. Also monochrome thread

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>> No.11415697

what's the focus here? texture? sillouete?
you don't have to match colors, but you gotta explore something my man

>> No.11416492


>> No.11416660
File: 288 KB, 684x394, image_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off hillary

>> No.11416687

Wow I am now a #throbbingclintorus

>> No.11416729
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I've always thought monochrome was alright as long as you varied the tones of the color some, or just did black or white.

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11413024 No.11413024 [Reply] [Original]


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>> No.11416692

Is this the new god of /fa/?

>> No.11416801

goat rick owens fit of all time

>> No.11416802

hard or soft?

>> No.11416804

Literally better than any fit in the current WAYWT thread. OP is a legend

>> No.11416877


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11412960 No.11412960 [Reply] [Original]

anti /fa/

whats the worst outfit you can come up with from your current collection.

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>> No.11412977

Lol this is actually not bad but only if she was wearing this outfit to be funny. Does humour /fa exist?

>> No.11413025


>Does humour /fa exist?
thats what im trying to do here

>> No.11413039


I'm fat and poor so just imagine ill-fitting shitty budget clothes on a subpar body

>> No.11413050
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my nigga

I'm gonna save up and get this tee. I need it in my life

>> No.11413053

>Does humour /fa exist?
yes, grandpa

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11412958 No.11412958 [Reply] [Original]

Is this shirt /fa/?

>> No.11412983
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11412911 No.11412911[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


IT WENT FROM 770 TO 730 TO 725

>> No.11412931


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11412901 No.11412901 [Reply] [Original]

I tried with short hair , but my hair grows quite fast and it gets out of control easily,sometimes it looks flat and I can't comb it very well and that makes me look weird .
I've been watching some threads with nice haircuts but I don't know if they fit me

>> No.11412907
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These are some haircuts I liked

>> No.11412912
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>> No.11412916
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11412900 No.11412900 [Reply] [Original]

Will blue jeans ever die?

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>> No.11413362


>> No.11413750


>> No.11413763


Not right now tho
They are litearlly the hotest item right now
The bluer the chicer

Baggie Blue jeans + graphic t= 2016 as fuck

>> No.11413775

idk, maybe if you make it till this year you can avoid it

>> No.11413886

Le Reddit tier comments. Pls upboat.

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11412891 No.11412891 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone do subscription box services like Bespoke Post or Sprezzabox? Seems like hey have some nice things and I like nice things

>> No.11412926