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/fa/ - Fashion

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18083968 No.18083968 [Reply] [Original]

It feels like at any time pre-2000s most western men had some semblance of a dress sense, knowing how their clothes should fit, how to tie a tie, what a good quality suit is, and how to wear and pair things on a more casual level.
Now it seems like most of them know fuck all about fashion outside of jeans, t-shirts, and athleisure crap. When they do try "dressing up" it's the most lousy uncoordinated shit ever. It could just be that clothes are worse now, but how did everybody allow that to happen?
Did nobody pass down any of this wisdom? How did we seemingly have almost 100 years of every man partaking in style as a personal art only for most to suddenly lose interest and have absolutely no clue how to dress?

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>> No.18088208

Fashion in 1985 was literally wearing an oversized Mickey Mouse t shirt and mall tier denim shorts. That’s what you considered “profound”, that along with wearing your hair like a Jew

>> No.18088919

>what caused the suit to start declining in quality
fast fashion
lack of new blood in traditional clothing industries, so it's not common to have a local suitor or cobbler anymore

>why did everyone just go along with it?
labor is more expensive today, and people have less money to spend today.
plus the culture as a whole is more casual, so knowledge of and taste in suiting became basic or non existant.

>and why did the cut become so shitty?
the natural cycle of action and reaction. 80s and 90s suits were very relaxed, so skinnier suits became trendy in the 2000s.
we saw the same thing in the 1960s. and of course the reverse was also true.

>squeezes the legs like sausages
people are just plain fatter today

>> No.18089239

Japanese school girls are built for their onii-chan (and me). Davido-kuns need not apply. Fuck off, they're full.

>> No.18089438

More less spot on here.
Back in the day, the key to success as a clothing retailer was partly selection but mostly quality. Now, it’s about churning out the most low effort pieces of shit that people will still buy for the cheapest possible price and maximizing number of sales. That’s why the quality on everything good gets worse over time. Brooks Brothers literally could not afford to continue manufacturing oxfords with as high a quality as they had but even if they could they wouldn’t have since doing so would’ve meant missing out on corporate profits and failing to grow relative to the competition. So even the companies that would inevitably fail to thrive lowered the quality. The most successful brands in the world now are mass-produced, low-quality items from companies like Uniqlo.

>> No.18090464
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People are too demoralized to keep up appearance. Nobody cares anymore.

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18083952 No.18083952 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

remember these shits? edition

old: >>18049684

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>> No.18109362

they tend to be catholic meaning they shotgun marry and dont get an abortion when you knock them up. happened to one of my boys on accident recently. do with this info what you will.

>> No.18109366
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they fucked them up by trying to make them more of a running shoe instead of accepting that they're a lifestyle shoe & took too long to retro the good ones.
athleisure, techwear, and the styles they fit into fell out of favor.

>> No.18109554

yes, it's just you and everyone who buys one

>> No.18109570

See, we don't even know what shoes look like.

>> No.18109587

new thread: >>18109584
new thread: >>18109584
new thread: >>18109584

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18083921 No.18083921 [Reply] [Original]

Will he succeed where Gentleman's Gazette failed?

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>> No.18089407

>complain about how much your life sucks and you hate everyone
When did i say i do that? that's you putting words in my mouth.
>within general societal expectations to avoid extreme blowback
That's not dressing how you like then, seeing as you are dressing within the bounds set by others, that is you are terrified what complete strangers may think of you.
>If you're fine with people thinking you look homeless, then go ahead
Yes, because other peoples thoughts are theirs and belong to them, not mine and don't belong to me. Why is this so difficult for you to understand?
>you will have to deal with the consequence
What consequence? filtering out small minded idiots and making friends with people who are more open minded? why is filtering out small minded people a bad thing?

I have dressed as i want for over 20 years, probably longer than you have been alive, i don't regret it for a second and i have met people along the way who are worth keeping as friends, worthy people will actually respect you if you have the confidence to stand out.

>> No.18089693

I didn't say you do that, I was using it as an analogy because many people do things like that.
If your desires are influenced by others, they are still your desires. Otherwise we might as well say that the vast majority of desires aren't real, which isn't particularly helpful when talking about what people want.
I don't care about other people's thoughts, only their actions.

>> No.18089908

Good Morning sars!

>> No.18091172

this guy is also short

>> No.18091363

hes literally in a black void nigga he could be 6'4
the awful proportions make him look short, if he is its worsening the problem

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18083868 No.18083868 [Reply] [Original]

Is Xochitl /fa/?

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>> No.18084959


>> No.18085189
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I want to BREED this zoomer

>> No.18085190

I love her so much. She seems so nice and fun.

>> No.18085192

Bro she's only 17. I have reported you to the fbi

>> No.18085196

is she trans or are cissies just appropriating mtf estatics?

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18083861 No.18083861 [Reply] [Original]

Advice on eating the bare minimum without feeling incredibly sick? I can deal with hunger and tiredness (I work from home so it's not like I need much energy to do anything) but I can't deal with feeling like I'm going to throw up all the time. I'm depressingly fat though and want nothing more than to be bone thin. I'm aiming for 1000 calories at the maximum, and would preferably do way less if possible.

What are some very, very low calorie meals/foods you can eat and feel somewhat fullish

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>> No.18085459

but if you are too weak with no willpower for clean fasts (ngmi) and MUST eat, look into r/volumeeating for max amount of food for low calories recipes. but i still recommend water fasting over restricting for painless and quick results

>> No.18085565

shitloads of water
1-3 gallons of water per day
so much water you're pissing constantly and you can't wait to get another sip
peanut butter sandwiches (add banana for a fruity time)

>> No.18085567

manlet redditor commentary is hilarious

>> No.18085580

also throw in a 1 a day multi vitamin

>> No.18085976

eggs that are cooked in butter

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18083845 No.18083845 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm hearing skinny jeans are back in??

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>> No.18085100

skinny jeans never looked good and if you wear them you end up looking like a potato propped up by 2 toothpicks.

>> No.18085134
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You are retarded. Baggy pants look better on fat people. High rise baggy will make you look taller because it crops your upper body and makes your legs appear longer. If it looks bad on you it's either the cut or fabric. Throughout history fat Americans wore baggy big pants and looked great.

>> No.18085486

It's muscle
Well it's mostly muscle
Well it's like 50/50
Fuck I need to stop being lazy and push harder in my workouts

>> No.18085672

This discourse is so meaningless. How often do you actually see someone wearing a decent pair of jeans? Hardly ever. It's all the same boring as fuck or ugly shit. I don't care what wave the normies are on in regards to jeans.

>> No.18086257

you're retarded no I won't elaborate and I won't read your response

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18083806 No.18083806[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Still undefeated.

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>> No.18083974

you're the only ones seething right now, literally off-topic shitposting when OP just wanted to post SS fashion

>> No.18084030


>> No.18084215

Not him but i did notice the attempt of poltards inflitrating boards like /fa/, its giving desperation hunnyyy

>> No.18084217

>Undefeated in any sense of the word

What did he mean by this?

>> No.18084237


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18083790 No.18083790 [Reply] [Original]

Is it okay to wear fred perry or will people assume i'm a neonazi (im not im antifa actually)?

also wondering if there's any place to get cheap knockoff fred perry as my allowance isn't that much

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>> No.18083833

>you must be 18 to post here

>> No.18085606

Go to antifa protest -> tell the police handlers to stage a riot -> break into the Fred Perry store and loot -> "Peaceful Antifa protest gets derailed by Neonazis to supply themselves with uniforms." -> Jews profit

>> No.18085927

seems low class lol
just wear barbour instead and buzz your head

>> No.18085936

>i'm antifa
just say you're a limp wristed faggot that'd fold like paper

>> No.18086102

>im antifa
dont wear fred perry then.

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18083725 No.18083725 [Reply] [Original]

Can this look be pulled off in 2024 without people assuming I'm gay or bullying me?

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>> No.18087993

literally half of lightskins I've met were on the rainbow spectrum
what's up with that?

>> No.18088005
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>The purpose of this gay look in the first place was to make black men less threatening to white American audiences.
So you finally admit that jews are white? Was about time.

>> No.18088746

>made her wake up every day before he did so she could put her makeup on because he refused to let her see him until she put herself together
Acting like this isn't the most woman-repulsed behaviour possible

>> No.18088840

You’re a retard. You’re going to have to explain this post me. Is this part of some ongoing argument you’re having with some made up person inside your head? Because it makes zero sense as a reply to this >>18085023

>> No.18088862

google bacha bazi

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18083696 No.18083696 [Reply] [Original]

press F

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>> No.18083713

Never heard of this bum

>> No.18083717

Of course not
your broke ass shops on temu

>> No.18083741

literally who?

>> No.18083765

The italian Ed Hardy

>> No.18083865


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18083641 No.18083641 [Reply] [Original]


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>> No.18083739

Zionist demons ,imagine believing in le free markets in 2024 lmao. Let alone simping for Elon who is literally crying to ban Chinese electric cars and gets billions in subsidies

>> No.18083800

Same, why is he so relatable.

>> No.18083810

elon's fit isn't terrible actually
milei on the other hand looks awkward and uncomfortable, and is wearing cargo pants

>> No.18084668


>> No.18084677

neat, controlled opposition meet up.

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18083547 No.18083547 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

Parmigiani edition.

Guides and Info:
>Classic Meme
>Poorfag guide:
>Watch essentials 102:
>Purchasing used watches:
>Purchasing straps:

"Suggest a watch for me."
>Your budget
>Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot
>Movement, e.g. automatic, hand-wound, quartz
>Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, 2nd-time zone
>Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet
>Wrist size or desired watch size

Previous thread : >>18082830

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>> No.18084636


>> No.18084638

it's the aesthetic and "GMT vibe" that people associate with travel, even if they don't actually need it that often. That's my guess.

>> No.18084658
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>> No.18084723

I work in the US and have calls with europoors almost everyday so it is useful to me. Setting a second time zone on my outlook is equally as useful however

>> No.18084883

Cope, I'll never be a /fa/ggot.

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18083519 No.18083519 [Reply] [Original]

When will /fa/ take the satin boxers pill? I'm seeing some stores start to carry them again.

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>> No.18083783

Jesus dude maybe it's time to post something else. This is just one variant of this phrase you love to spam. I know it's just you saying it because the odds of two guys having this retarded viewpoint are slim to none. It's one autist, and he is you!


>> No.18084295


>> No.18084537

Shiiiet. I cant believe the 90's were 40 years ago

>> No.18084921


>> No.18084935

It’s simply the truth that all sec having men and women know

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18083357 No.18083357 [Reply] [Original]

I have no clue how to dress (have only gotten look-conscious last year and clothes-conscious a couple of months back) so I figure I'd go ahead and ask here. I know nothing about fashion and at the moment I don't really care for an aesthetic or vibe, I just want to look clean and presentable.

For shoes, it's always been a pair of running shoes that I would abuse before getting a new pair annually, so I don't even know what it's like to wear on sneakers, much less anything more formal.

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>> No.18087344


i wanna be like you anon. also i wanna fuck you

>> No.18088158
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I would suggest Waxi Boots. Breathable in the summer, condition them well and they can endure winter. They might be going back in stock soon, however I’ve seen them slowly showing up on eBay. Paramemes are a good alternative but the 10” shaft instead of the 8” shaft like Waxi Boots might come off too gaudy.

>> No.18088196
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french bm65 boots

>> No.18088203

Why is it always ugly scrawny indians who dress in all black and avatarfag?

>> No.18089420
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Thanks for sharing with the class, there really isn't much to it though aside from black. Black fairly easy.
Thank you for sharing, will bookmark it.
So are these genuine WW2 boots that I have to look for in surplus stores or am I supposed to look for replicas. It's nice to see your boots in use, what camoflauge do you have on?
my bad sarr, are you maybe the subreddit admin? oh goy, it is so nice to meet you!

picrel is the annual pair of shoes I have, not exactly fashionable or even black. they are comfortable walking shoes and don't have excessive padding but they are advertised as running for some reason

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18083313 No.18083313 [Reply] [Original]

Are windbreakers or rain jackets /fa/? I have this exact one and wear it daily.

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>> No.18084039

Looks like the Torrentshell 3L

>> No.18084048

Do you actually need a technical jacket or just wanted the aesthetic? It looks like a generic rainjacket if it weren't for the patagucci tax and label

>> No.18084084

I'm 18-20% body fat, it's a nice tapered fit.
Yes I like to hike a lot it's a nice comfy daily jacket

>> No.18084141

yeah ofcourse,if you style them right. i like the color of this jacket.

gorpcore was really popular a year ago.

theres also no shame in wearing practical clothing lol.

>> No.18084146

patagonia is really overpriced for the helping the planet, reused materials and fair trade meme is like 50% tax on every item you buy from them, you can have the same shit from columbia for half the price

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18083306 No.18083306 [Reply] [Original]

Based on this chart, what type of face and body do you consider the most and least attractive? Which one is the beauty standard today?

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>> No.18095752

Girls who look like this don't date 4chan lurkers. Go outside

>> No.18095755
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They look unnatural anyway, disgusting

>> No.18095815

"Tradwife" LARPers also won't date you.

>> No.18095839
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Why do you think that? I wear oakmoss heavy fragrances.

>> No.18096253

No amount of going outside will score me qt mahtyutyu like that

Or even even any girl at all, for that matter

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18083305 No.18083305 [Reply] [Original]

I’m doing the most basic method of dieting(Counting calories and doing cardio) in the hope of stop being a fatty in general, but what I especially want to get rid of are my man boobs. The least fucking effay feature you can have on your body. Those bastards are just so atrocious to look at unless you’re hiding them with thick clothing.
Is there anyway to lose your chest/breast fat particularly fast?

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>> No.18084941

This. If it is fat and not actual breast tissue, the good thing is that it will go away by losing fat, but the bad news are that there’s no guarantee on how long it will take. Anyone promising local fat loss methods is just brosciencing, so focus on general dieting advice.

For me, calorie counting was the A and O of success, being conscious of your daily calorie budget is the thing that makes a non-painful sustainable diet possible.

>> No.18084989

start doing pushups too, because building muscle increases your resting metabolic requirements and will burn fat away before the muscle.

^ this

start doing pushups OP, they will get you from out of shape to better shape than most before you need to do something else to still get enough exercise.

>> No.18084992

also I would say you should cut down on your carb intake significantly, eating pasta should be a rarity, for instance. Eat meat 3-4 times a day if you are able, if not that's fine, but keep in mind your body requires amino acids it cannot create from meat that you eat in order to build muscle.

and your muscles don't sleep when you do, they still need the meat amino acids while you sleep, so eat high protein mostly meat, and a bit before bed too.

>> No.18085425

>obscure them with well-thought clothing
Any tips on clothes?
So far all i got is using two layers of clothing and sometimes a patterned shirt can help mask it but it's impossible to do this in summer and patterned shirts dont look well in every occasion.

>> No.18086136


I would say to look up on Youtube for the best answers and see if they apply to you. Look up "Style Tips for Big Guys" or even how to dress with Gynecomastia.

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18083260 No.18083260 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know what his shoes/pants/shirt/beanie are?

Shoes are new balance but I can't find the pair. Pants are just generic so doesn't matter, but the shirt and shoes are decent.

>> No.18083284

Nick buys shit at rei and nordstrom

>> No.18083965

That's the Carhartt logo on the hat.

>> No.18083977
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deadass just gripped a new yankees fitted

>> No.18084006

I fucked them

>> No.18084382

This thread was moved to >>>/wsr/1455617

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18083054 No.18083054 [Reply] [Original]

What haircut is best for non transitioned FtM?
I was thinking about something like picrel, but I feel like it's too much fem.
Is there a better option or is this one already good enough?

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>> No.18083775


>> No.18085257

I'm not understanding your goal. Is it to appear male? If so, hair will probably not help. Otherwise, just look at some guides for hair and pick one that you like. Can't really say what hair would work for you without knowing your outfits and body.

>> No.18085448

what kind of product/styling needs to be done to achieve the texture in this pic for someone w straight hair

>> No.18085462

stick on an adams apple and get jaw surgery or something or else youre just gonna look like a lesbian

>> No.18085553
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passing/stealth ftm reporting in
i have my hair cut like picrel, unfortunately if you don't have a low bf% a really short haircut looks like dogshit (generally speaking), and even then people just think you're a weird dyke
i like mine a bit longer, especially because of the plausible deniability if/when you go on t when people start wavering on what to actually gender you as. in my experience it was better to shrug and say i'm a boyish girl with a trendy haircut than openly label myself as a tranner
obviously you do you though. i know "the chop" is a rite of passage for aidens anyways
>stick on an adams apple
i have great news for you about one of the effects of testosterone

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18083007 No.18083007 [Reply] [Original]

What should i wear if i want to pass as a man in public?

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>> No.18091328

Don’t listen to this. You should always maintain/bulk first. NEVER lose weight without eating lots of protein as you’ll lose muscle before fat. Aim for 2-2.5g protein per kg body weight per day if cutting. 1.5-2g if gaining muscle, whether through recomp/maintaining or bulking

>> No.18091743

>If you wouldn't fuck an FTM tranny, that's an admission that she's a real man!
This is a retarded argument, because there are plenty of manly-looking (or otherwise ugly) cis women that I wouldn't fuck either. That obviously doesn't make them men.

>> No.18091935


>> No.18092789
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Just listen to Kierkegaard

>> No.18092791
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Don't know the image is coming out sideways, hella gay