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>> No.9467437 [View]
File: 60 KB, 960x720, nightou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on a night out (ex: club/party) a lot wear a graphic tee (usually white) with a blazer and a pair of levis
if he's extra repalce t-shirt with nice dress shirt w/ 1-2 open buttons
shoes are usually some type of fancy sneakers (ysl, lobos, or special limited edition fancy nikes you cant find in stores) or loafers

>> No.9467417 [View]
File: 51 KB, 720x960, youby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9467413 [View]
File: 48 KB, 710x546, dumbos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol @ this thread

they dont dress that different
they actually dress p normal- except their plain shit costs 100x more than it should (this applies to guys only..in early 20s..with rich parents..never had to work day in life..party too much etc)

>> No.9446133 [View]


>> No.9444937 [View]


>> No.9443648 [View]

who are you supposed to be my dad
fuck outta here
no one cares what you think

>> No.9443633 [View]

im happy i have these opportunities, dont get me wrong
even like 2-3yrs ago i wouldve never in my wildest dreams thought my life would turn out this great
i dont know, im definitely not an unhappy person..this event just seemed to bother me for some reason? this is just literally 4 days of an entire yr..there's more to my life than men and adderall

>> No.9443628 [View]

>club hookup home to the dude who flew her out,
uhhh wtf kind of drugs are you on
can you even fucking read
like shit you must be on some next level crap cause you literally have worse reading comp than my 13y/o brother

>> No.9443529 [View]

im not gonna tell him
i cant handle being rejected twice like that
im way too sensitive

>> No.9443526 [View]

idk should i apologize/tell him the truth
it might make me seem desperate...like im sitting here analyzing everything like some loser (totally am). God im NEVER like this with guys..at least 2-3 decent guys since the weekend asked me out etc but like i dont feel anything anymore...i compare them to vincent and its just like fuck theyre not even worth the time..i dont even get the intial mini ego boost i used to get when i guy wanted to go on a date..im just like who cares....
tbh thats hapenning in a lot of parts in my life tho (not finding things fun/exciting)..apparently thats another side effect of adderall..anhedonia
id like to tell myself its cause im less easily impressed but i wasnt even that excited to see vincent compared to how like elated i was when we first met...maybe it was innocence/experiencing something for the first time and the novelty wore off...i really do miss the extreme emotions i used to get before taking it....like being SOO happy a guy texted me etc
now its liek oh ok a hot guy likes me back..meh. i guess its maturity tho too..not sure what really makes me happy now tho... even material objects like new electronics, clothes are all so fukign meh..damn i should sleep

>> No.9443442 [View]

if i snapchat him is that desperate tho?

omg him and his friends are SO funny
theyd be like making fun of american commercials
like the celino and barnes one
ohh and the hip hop abs/weightloss ones omg
i had so much fun the last night when all the stims were out of my system..i really regret not spending more time with them when i had the chance..instead i was like 'ohhh i could never watch tv like that all day' like i was better than them or something for having such bad anxiety i can barely make eye contact w. ppl anymore

waaah..w/e done is done

>> No.9443434 [View]

he texted me that he was leaving NY last night..i texted back..no reply w/ read receipt
i mean ive done that to ppl i dont take seriously anymore and yeah he totally has the right to

if anything this is a wakeup call that adderall is causing more harm than good in my life now..i kinda knew that before but like fuckkk ive NEVER cried over a guy like that holy shit
and like im trying not to think about it..but like we are so alike..and he even said that its like crazy how we met and omg. who cares
im not going to chase after him or anything..im still really sad about the way i behaved..but im trying to think positive..i dont want to be "that girl" who gets hung up on a guy..48h+ of wallowing/crying/ranting is more than enough i think so im just like trying to make myself feel better..gonna get facial tmr..botox fri..im telling myself i'll do that to find someone better but fuck i know thats a lie..he's literally the only person who ive like felt something deep with
kk whatever this is stupid im gonna get emotional again lol
ended up telling mom about adderall problem (she already knew..shes gonna be all i told u so tmr) and kinda regret it cause shes gonna tell fam doc not to give anymore pills
i know when i graduate i wont take them and now i have to deal with my mom again..fuck i cant even smoke in the house
i mean all that is good and all but fuck this is so lame..it makes sense why moving out aged me so much (id get drunk every other night literally), take shitloads adderall, chain smoke in the house..its bad and it did some shitty stuff but its still fun
anyway ive been up for like at least 2days i dont rmbr..i should sleep but im so happy i ranted about this instead of keeping it bottled up
sorry for rant

>> No.9443415 [View]

thanks so much :')
haha such a long rant..that shit is probably the most honest stuff ive ever wrote tho...was definitely on a lot of adderall
but yeah it's hard finding someone who you find attractive in both personality/looks, who likes you back and is making an effort..and you just like fuck it all up
i keep replaying parts of the weekend over and over again in my head..at the club 2nd night i remember i was just like so anxious/scared id say something stupid to him i went to the bathroom, came back and started talking to a random guy..i was so drunk i brought him over to vincent (the guy i like) and his friends
omg vincent was so cute he got so mad..and like instead of saying sorry i started makign fun of him for being jealous..and that made him even more pissed...like wtf is wrong with me?? it just kept getting worse..i kept getting more nervous around him (crashing/really drunk) so i just like kept avoiding him..going into another room, being on my laptop (at a party...am i on crack??) even after he pleaded with me several times to be social and talk ughghghghgh
omg i seriously want to fukcing go back in time and punch myself in the face..fuck he looked so sad and like hurt..and i liked him so much but my actions were just like fear-based idk
i never ever thought a guy like him would ever give me the time of day...i remeber even like 2wks ago id be creeping his fb and like telling myself its just a fantasy blahblha youre never gonna see him..and instead he flew me to ny, made an effort to get his friends to like me,was super romantic and instead i ignored him, was a total bitch and acted like he doenst exist..and then blamed him for being jealous??? bleghhhh whatever

>> No.9442712 [View]

I guess I learned something tho so it's not all bad
Thanks for reading all that ahah

>> No.9442358 [View]

why would u snort it in the first place
just take like baking soda/tums before..makes it stronger
snorting addies is a poor persons coke

>> No.9441341 [View]


>> No.9439787 [View]

fuck thats gross man

>> No.9439773 [View]

why the fuck do u care asshole
if u care so much read the other thread

but u dont and ur just a hater/bully
so fuck off

>> No.9439707 [View]

not that u care but im going through a rough time rn
dgaf other ppl dont have my problems
besides attention doesnt seem to be making me any happier anyway
All that attention doesn't mean shit if it's not from who you want
whatever im over it

>> No.9439651 [View]


>> No.9439644 [View]

i know i should
this is the 2nd time im taking the course
how fucking pathetic can a person get

anyway thanks so much...i think i should focus on school for a bit
rly appreciate it

>> No.9439630 [View]

im scared theyll take them away from me

there's no point
whats done is done. he hates me its over
i cant tell him im crying over him..i also cant tell him im addicted to adhd meds..either way i look nuts cause i was acting like i didnt care at all about him/like a total nutcase when i had the chance to spend time with him
guys come and go
but he'll prob be my biggest regret/"one that got away"

>> No.9439616 [View]

he wont reply to my texts
he liked me so much before i acted like that- he looked so sad...fuck i cant stop crying now
im just going to embaress myself even more if i text him...i might in like 1-2 weeks to ask him if he wants me to ship his jeans to paris (were in my luggage)
i know its in the past and shit and cant do anything but he was my dream guy..perfect in everyway...AND he liked me
fuck i hate myself i want to jsut like pull all my hair out im so frustrated and angry

>> No.9439609 [View]

God who the fuck im i supposed to talk to about this
my GFs know about the awkard part but i kinda downplayed how much the meds had to do with it
im so fucking embarassed and even if i did tell them i kinda took too much they wouldnt know what that kinda of crash is like
omg im remebering the second night he kept telling me to come hang out but i was so anxiosua FUCKFUCKFUCK i sat on my fuckign laptop the whole time
he looked so sad omg fuckkkkkkk i hate hate hate myself so much FUP DFSs l

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