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>> No.9497299 [View]

i fucking love these

thanks OP

>> No.9471977 [View]

right?? the guy on the left is literally a panty dropper....le sigh he msg'd me today and yeah like on cloud 10.5...not that i rly care or anything heh but yea
usually cause their dad (rich guy) married a hot wife
so the kid is either hot (like mom) or a toad like dad

>> No.9468681 [View]

lol this isnt me

if youre serious tho thanks ? lol

>> No.9468518 [View]

oh wow i literally forgot to put in one word ..."since i FIRST posted"

like holy fuck are you actually autistic
cant you infer the meaning w/o every little thing being spelled out..sheesh

>> No.9468511 [View]

can you come back after you learn to read english

>> No.9468493 [View]

yeah i used to lift/squat/work out a lot more in the summer..starting to get back into it
im actually fatter than normal in that pic

aha aww thanks

>> No.9468483 [View]

uhhh what?
how am i lying

i had another trip i used before/post anon sometimes

>> No.9467784 [View]

implying the people on this board dress well
half these ppl look like idiots irl/have no lives

>> No.9467694 [View]

ive changed a lot since when i first posted
i was really shy (still am) and didnt have a huge circle of friends back then
even if i did waste 3-4hrs a day on here i didnt really have a social life so it didnt matter
now i feel super guilty if i spend too much time on here (which i do accidentlaly)
cause i either have 100million other important shit i need to do urgently/real ppl irl that im ignoring etc
i miss being that young..but yeah i was p depressed then/had low self esteem
i still do now but not to that extent

>> No.9467680 [View]

it was fun when i first started
cause it was like "oh cool anonymous feedback! everyone is being super honest etc"
realized that a lot of the ppl on here are stupid (1-2 yrs later)
then more ppl just started trolling/giving me bad advice..and i was cute/innocent and took it way too seriously/wasted too much time caring
hmm realized that this isnt really the best place if i want to learn more about fashion..eventually got a life..spent less time online in general
more just somewhere i go on if im bored now/need 3rd party feedback asap..other boards are slower to get back to you

think i learned that the best moments in life are ones that you dont need to post online about (on fb/other social media too)

>> No.9467658 [View]

lol yeah..why wouldnt i..do i look weird or something?

>> No.9467651 [View]

sadly i think its been at least 3-4yrs since ive posted on this board

i couldve learned like 8 programming languages and built an app or soemthing with all that time

>> No.9467641 [View]

aww :') thanks xo

*virtual hug*

>> No.9467556 [View]

oh youre a girl?

lol thanks :P

>> No.9467545 [View]

lol huh?

>> No.9467535 [View]

is this your way of showing youre jealous

>> No.9467531 [View]
File: 421 KB, 1280x960, IMG_0842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9467499 [View]


>> No.9467495 [View]

called sarcasm

beauty is on the inside anyway

>> No.9467462 [View]

uhhh canada (toronto) has all the same chains as US
boutiques here are garbage/overpriced
a lot buy online but that stupid cause usually have int'l shipping (i guess its cheap now), cant try what youre wearing/a bitch returning it
also i hate waiting

>> No.9467460 [View]
File: 1.58 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_1091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9467454 [View]
File: 96 KB, 960x639, missu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9467445 [View]
File: 50 KB, 558x417, vinny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck does every rich kid own some variation of this sweater (right)..usually in like beige/white

>> No.9467440 [View]

>early 20s
>grown man

are you dumb

also if u think that's bad

and normally they get their kid some job working for them/their freind
so same shit

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