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>> No.7675595 [View]

Ok, thanks for your input

>> No.7675584 [View]

I'm really not. Why do you want me to admit to being a homo anyway ?

>> No.7675568 [View]
File: 67 KB, 720x480, tasty beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bisexual =/= gay bro. All is well.

>> No.7675552 [View]


U wot m8 ?

>> No.7675535 [View]
File: 1.10 MB, 1536x2048, jonines 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm not homosexual

>> No.7675508 [View]
File: 88 KB, 640x480, taline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I am homosexual

>> No.7675472 [View]

Erasmus ? To Riga ?
I used to live in Lithuania, but I was in Latvia on many occasions. A really nice country. Where are you from ?

>> No.7675440 [View]
File: 225 KB, 866x509, baltimaad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What country ?

You can layer, it is sufficient. When it was -20C so I would wear thermal leggings, jeans, thick socks and leather boots. On top - a thermal undershirt, shirt, heavy sweater and wool-mix coat. Heavy scarf as well.

Hats are for faggots.

>> No.7671061 [View]

It's an Audi driver with intentions of buying a squashed VW Beetle, did you honestly expect something better ?

>> No.7670967 [View]

>implying it will look anything like that.

Negře, prosím

>> No.7670927 [View]

Because people who are interested in cars wouldn't even consider a poverty standard 3 series. Current Audis and BMWs are just vulgar anyway.

>> No.7670071 [View]

Could you speak English next time please ? Or at least some other civilised language ?

>> No.7670042 [View]
File: 15 KB, 225x225, La grenouille arrogante.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying half of these posts are not just you posting over and over like some proper creeper

>> No.7670015 [View]
File: 37 KB, 720x540, vilnius winter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have you ever been photographed by a streetstyle blog /fa/?

Only on video (first one):


>> No.7664770 [View]

>6' 1" ~160 lbs

OK, thank you. But please use metric measurements next time, this is 2014 after all.

>> No.7663641 [View]

OP, what is your height/weight ?

>> No.7658399 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 43 KB, 350x550, 1389667606758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we get an inspo thread of HJ with downward fringe ?

>> No.7651807 [View]

I'm not from anywhere. My nationality at birth is New Zealander (through parents), but I wasn't born nor did I ever live in New Zealand. I've lived in Hong Kong (most years), Australia, Lithuania, France and UK, but I'm not a true national of any of them.

>> No.7651548 [View]

I'm just bitter with no monies and nothing to occupy my mind.

>> No.7651543 [View]


I'm not German

>> No.7651508 [View]

There are a lot.

>> No.7651505 [View]

I found places like Fitzroy/Brunswick (Viktoria) and New Farm/Hamilton (Queensland) to be even more insufferable than the 'wrong places' you mention. Just because you can go to a cafe in these areas and order your half-strength-rainforest alliance certified-decaf-soy-mocha-latte with a whisp of cinnamon and ProteinBoost® bull semen and nobody will bat an eyelid, doesn't make these places somehow better in any regard. The people I encountered tended to be pretentious as fuck, but this was only surpassed by the whole cringe-inducing "it's so Yuropeeeeean" vibe they try to force all the time.

Anyway I lived in Brisbane and tended to spend weekend evenings at a Korean karaoke bar, so I wouldn't say I went to the wrong places per se. I'm not actually interested in Korean culture, I just found them enjoyable to drink and communicate with.

>> No.7651447 [View]

Actually I'm poor as shit NEET

>> No.7651446 [View]

>sounds like someone's still salty for someone calling a spoon a spoon
In Australia I only ever dated guys, since leaving there in 2009, I've been only with girls. That says a lot really don't you think ?

Indeed I found it immensely difficult to reach some common ground with Australians. Australians are by and large not interested in discussing global affairs, many don't know nor do they care for the world outside their desert island. Unless of course it involves a discussion about 'boat people' (I stiill cannot believe that term is used in formal situations - e.g. by news presenters).
Anyway, I'm not saying there aren't educated people in Australia who differ from this stereotype, but I still find it difficult to relate to them somehow. Perhaps it is my own bitterness. Although if you enjoy spending half the year watching some neanderthals kick a ball across a field and the other half talking about it - you won't have any difficulty finding someone to enjoy that with.

I hate that Australians are so casually racist, it's like a third world society existing in a first world nation. I know of one hispanic American who relocated to some hick town in Queensland and the amount of two-faced racism he encountered completely soured his image of the country. And before you point out >hurrr Queensland, it is the same shit elsewhere, especially in Viktoria.

The drinking culture in Australia (as in the UK) is an absolute shame to all its citizens. Why do people feeel the need to shout and scream all the time, like a pack of dogs. What's wrong with being calm for fucks sakes ?
Also when bars start to serve drinks only in plastic cups, you know there's something really fucked up in your nation's booze culture.

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