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/fa/ - Fashion


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>> No.15659671 [View]

Was wondering where all those followers came from. I don't care for that neofolk faggot shit so you can stop posting me in these threads and take me out of the op. thanks bye

>> No.14751382 [View]

What? Really? I thought you were supposed to dress in cowboy-core if you work on a farm or live in close proximity to one.

>> No.14750979 [View]

Having a tree of 'cores' to choose from negates the point he is making where the representation of that person should be based and correspondent on the "physical features, character and internalized and embodied cultural imprint".

You're only one person. That is if you are even a person. You don't get to chose.

Compartmentalization is death.

>> No.14750910 [View]


>> No.14233074 [View]
File: 405 KB, 1920x1080, 4A364F50-A78A-4203-A0B3-75286EC31F74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm straight, Am in a relationships with a woman and don't have any transsexual or openly gay friends (internet acquaintances don't count) and I do not 'create clothing together' with anybody from
the internet. I don't have a Flickr. And I don't listen to neofolk either. Only band barely connected to that scene I like is maybe gae bolg. So anybody who frequents these threads can now stop sending me dm and mails about it. kthnxbye

The atf boots are absolutely not comparable to a good repro. Not worth the price at all. They were only bought because on sale in small size and she didn't want to wait again for the cobbler to make a new pair. I'd avoid.

>> No.11135014 [View]

Problem there is that I don't think I'm able to describe a process that to myself is so extremely organic though, even if I wanted to. I think if you're struggling to express yourself you might just not have found the right medium yet.

>> No.11134705 [View]
File: 75 KB, 600x600, Tropenhose-Luftwaffe-particolare-caviglie-850x820-600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the one on the waist is a built in internal belt, the hem looks like this

>> No.11134631 [View]

No markings at all? Pretty sure these were used into the 60s. I own a british made one from 1945.

>> No.11134576 [View]

A real problem on this board is the fact that there seems to be an incredible disability by most posters to abstract things from something other than a photograph of a person wearing clothing. This is very much apparent to me if I look at the 'cosplay' shit-posting or the compartmentalization into 'cores' and other nonsense. Combine this with the fact that it seems to be inconceivable that the creative act of taking a photograph of myself is not the means to an end (pretending to have hobbies, some kind of imaginary lifestyle etc) but just something to be simply enjoyed and you'll come to the conclusion that it just isn't worth talking about what influences me. Obviously I do not know you and would not be able to discern if you'd actually be able to do something worthwhile with the information I could provide about my influences or not. That's why I wanted to explain why I personally think it's not a good idea to talk about influences here.

>> No.11134516 [View]

I don't really want to get into talking about things like that anymore. I've learned that it just leads to people blowing everything I share about it out of proportion and taking everything at face value or they get the completely wrong idea altogether. In the beginning I was actually more earnest by saying that the only thing that drives everything is music, but that was too hard to understand for some. That made me think that I'll have to use something visual to get people to understand but failed again because for example in the case of Bruno Paul they'll just look at the drawing and imagine that I'm just trying to dress like the characters being depicted. It's a part of it because I do enjoy costumes and vintage clothing but it is for entirely different reasons and certainly not the main objective. If you do not speak German or are familiar with the topics and Zeitgeist that's being worked with in his caricatures you don't get the full picture anyway. You can obviously still enjoy his work, but it will not get you to the same end.


>> No.11134352 [View]
File: 572 KB, 632x972, Screen Shot 2016-04-04 at 9.11.06 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mystery cap as described here: >>11131214
Italian wool trenchcoat made in the 80s
French 1960s Mountain troop smock
russian ttsko camo trousers from 1989
julius_7 slouchy jackboots from aw06 or 07 cant remember
wehrmacht gebirgsjäger backpack 1940s

It is indeed italian but the other version in wool that I own and took the waist in on. Dont want to sell that one.

>> No.11133624 [View]

What he means is that the originals that are not german field tunics will already fit like shit and therefore if copied perfectly will also fit like shit in repro form. The german field blouse is a very much tailored pattern with lots of darts that will fits much more snuck if youve got the right measurements.

>> No.11133603 [View]

towelface knows whats up

BW Nässeschutzjacke. those are not issued anymore

>> No.11131214 [View]

It's a mystery cap pretty much. It's made of the same canvas as my GST uniforms marked with "Zibell" and "Goetze" on the inside, but in different fonts suggesting they are former wearers names. It was sold to me as a "DDR NVA Arbeitsmuetze". The non-useable earflaps are sewn to the hat and the style of the front 'belt' suggests its east german. Probably a construction workers or waterworks cap. I've got another one of these in wool that's been used in the 50s by east german foresters so it might hail from there. If you want something less wehrmachty get a Bundeswehr Field cap in the old style and remove the buttons and cocarde. Also: All hats I wear are one size down from my actual hatsize (not headsize). If theyre vintage I usually wash all of them first with head and shoulders in cold water (If the brim is leather. If it's heat sensitive plastic that is supposed to mold to your forehead I obviously use hot water.) and then stretch them out to fit me. Generally the Baschlikmuetze/M43/whatever germanfieldcap look huge on your head which is why I size down and stretch.

>> No.11130934 [View]

I'm really into the old accessories but nobody ever wears those or lets them go.

His older stuff is so much more honest. Been wearing a pair of cotton ox anatomical trousers most of the time now from 05

>> No.11130919 [View]

Personally I never posted anything here for the sake of critique. If I wear something it's 100% what I want and how I want it to be. That's all I care about. It's a take it or leave it scenario. If you like my output, great. Good for you, take what you like and do something that you enjoy with it. But there's no point to posts like: >>11130658

The problem there is also that a lot of people will misconstrue the fact that I don't care about anything else but what I like to wear. It doesn't meant that I'll wear full combat webbing or something to a dentists appointment or camouflage to a funeral.

It's just tiresome to have to explain something this basic over and over again. Never came here for advice on how to dress myself. I posted because it was a creative and social outlet.

I posted for a few years way back when because it was fun to talk to people

I don't really like to recommend repros because none of that shit is ready to wear. If you know what you're doing check out hikishop, spearhead militaria, gavin if you want some cheap repro ww2 gear and ask for m2m. Watch out though, they have no idea what they're doing regarding uniforms (misplaced buttons, straps, hooks etc. that make it impossible to wear the clothing in its intended way.) I've also talked about why repros are shit in general before unless you know how the original uniform should fit you. The chinese just buy one actual ww2 uniform for cheap on european ebay, cut it up, digitalize the pattern and then upscale it on a computer which leads to terrible fitting clothing overall. Better to use one of the custom tailor options and get something made to fit your body than to buy something off the rack

yo I did, thank you. sorry I didnt reply, kinda went under in that inbox because I get so many emails on there. I can appreciate what tatsuro is doing now but it's just not my cup of tea anymore. Though I do still like the boots and cargos and a lot of individual pieces

>> No.11130733 [View]

Everywhere. I cannot really give an answer to that without telling you for each individual item I own.

>> No.11130718 [View]

I was actually checking if he'd post in these threads. I don't usually come by otherwise. He sent it to me for free, Quality is really nice for a small run like this that'll never exist again. The canvas feels nice and heavy. Resolution of the print could be a little bit higher but that's really just nitpicking, if I had to try real hard to find a flaw etc.

I'm just here because I had a discussion about something similar to the initial post that I replied to in this thread yesterday. So I thought it'd be the perfect chance to find out some more. Besides I'm extremely exhausted from travel. But posting shit on here is pretty boring since there's nobody left that I usually talked to. So I don't think I'll be around long.

>> No.11130670 [View]


>> No.11130631 [View]

; v (

>> No.11130411 [View]
File: 801 KB, 1000x1012, tumblr_mqi6waniYj1rvhwhbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember someone posting how I was "was just pretending to have fun" doing the things I do. This seems to run in the same vein.

Those pictures were taken when I went to the Mueggelsee to go swimming. While wearing this: >>11127179

after swimming for the way back, because it got too hot put the tunic in the backpack and you're left with this: >>11126632

The photos were taken at that time when we got a chinese rollei copy that we wanted to try out. Pretty much 99.9% of my photos are taken by other people. I haven't used a timer in years.

I'm really just wondering where this comes from. What is the point? Really just trying to understand here.

I wear weird clothing and I make clothing myself, I meet people and like to be outdoors. Crafting that into some kind of pretend image seems to be much more exhausting and pointless than actually just doing it.

I'm really fascinated by people who try to dissect online personas. Wouldn't that energy be better spent to be creative with what you're given in your own life?

>Knoch is known for staging most of his photos

The only photos I "stage" are arts fartsy things that are supposed to be just that and item pictures of things I make.

I went there with the intention of going swimming with the person who took those photos of me.


Not what I'm going for. I enjoy malnourished Kriegsheimkehrer and POW, youth organizations and all around melancholia.

>> No.9247796 [View]

Not me. Also take a look at the plants. Does that look like Germany in winter?

>> No.9238773 [View]

you cannot escape

>> No.9238707 [View]

100% on the money


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