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>> No.15211940 [View]

>laughing at himself

Ass-pie detected.

>> No.15211953 [View]
File: 220 KB, 675x1800, safari core.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not an elegant jacket though, you need it in a more rugged setting such as Safari core.

>> No.15211959 [View]

Yes, if your only goal is to lose weight, the cut calories. But some of you want to look like someone with muscle like the taxi driver thing above and that's not the way to do it.

If you just drop calories, you can end up with bone thin arms and legs but still have a gut and you'll probably get even more depressed.

Meanwhile if you actually focused on nutrition you'd lose the stomach and have good arms still.

I never argued against that cutting calories loses weight, of course it does but probably not the weight loss you want.

>> No.15211963 [View]

Look who's talking, little guy.

>not grown up to move beyond ad-homs

Grow up.

>> No.15211992 [View]

>planks and sit ups

HAHAHAA actually thinking you can directly target fat via exercise proves my point 100% most of you haven't the slightest clue wtf you are even talking about.

Fat will come off the body at an even rate all over and usually the stomach (and face) are the last places it comes off.

So by cutting calories and not eating, your body will cannabilize your muscles first for protein, then it will target fat so you'll end up exactly how I said: Bone thin limbs with a little porky gut.

>its not rocket science you fucking ape

And that's your issue. You think you are smart (lol) and think weight loss is so simple when in fact it's actually a lot more involved than that.

>> No.15211999 [View]

Just frustrating when you get people like the above telling others this is wrong and you can do sit ups to get a lean stomach which is something on day 1 of learning sports science that is totally incorrect.

Those posters are causing harm to others, actual really damaging harm. I'm trying to get people to lose weight in a healthy way as not to cause permanent organ damage.

The people saying stupid and damaging things should be the minority in these threads but sadly they are the majority and that's scary.

>> No.15212007 [View]

If you do it that way the gut only disappears when you meet severe malnutrition mode i.e. what people picture when they think of an anorexic person.

Stop peddling such dangerous things, take actual responsibility for your shit. This is shocking. Do people in starving countries have wash board abs??? Jesus Christ.

>> No.15212012 [View]

Yeah and then instead of realizing they have saggy tits, they use it as an opportunity to get attention so post it online. I swear some girls have purposely bought shit like this knowing it won't fit them to get attention. There are a handful of these types of pictures.

>> No.15212025 [View]

Yeah, I agree. There are very few legit threads here.

Probably TIP and Frag.

99% of threads are

>what core is this (Posts random kid they want others to bully)
>how do I get a g/f like this (Posts random girl they are attracted to)

Then you have the eating disorder threads dressed up as "thinspo" which is a toxic thread in which people encourage themselves to starve each other and how they can hide it.

>> No.15212031 [View]

He actually has a really sleazy look, rather impressive.

>> No.15212042 [View]

And you have mental illness with an eating disorder. Seek help.

>> No.15212056 [View]

>this kid is so sheltered in his room he hasn't even realized a pandemic on going on

LMAO. Just keep owning yourself, you little social outcast. Life hasn't changed for you, hm? Haha Suchaaa Loserr!!

>> No.15212063 [View]

Outrageous racism. We are all the same. It's just skin color. Balding happens at 100% the same within all social constructs known as races.

>> No.15212382 [View]

My opinion is that he's never going to break free from his shut-in routine. One day he will wake up 50 and regret it.

He's always posting threads about what to wear with x or what about this fit and I think he just dresses up inside his home and never actually leaves it to wear the fits outside.

He's also a homosexual but like I have said many times, I have no issues with him being a fruit.

>> No.15212397 [View]

While growth and mouth breathing play a part, so do genetics. Many people still have some Neanderthal dna and a recessed chin is part of that genetic lineage.

>> No.15212742 [View]
File: 1.54 MB, 1386x815, bad boi vibes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, although I have to be honest... It's probably my bad boi vibes that make me so desirable to people on this board that I learned from Alpha M.

>> No.15212967 [View]

They say go to a salon because they have a vested interest and don't want people to save money doping it all at home.

Here is how to do this. Peroxide usually comes in differing volumes (strengths) the higher the volume the more chance of hair and scalp damage but the stronger it is.

Usually you'll have 10, 20, 30 and 40 vol.

A 50 vol would cause stinging and a sore scalp and maybe burning. So the safe limit is 40. You can use 40 in 1 sitting and if it doesn't work out right, use it again but not usually right after to limit damage. So what is best is to use a 20 volume. You could use it one day, the next and then the next. This causes much less hair damage and really is no risk of burning your head.

And by hair damage, we mean it dries it out and it can become brittle.This is not really an issue if you have short or shortish hair. I'd only be careful if I had really long hair.

So you have your 20 volume peroxide. Now you need your bleach powder. It will usually come in white or blue powder. Blue is best and common as it evens out yellow and orange tones in your hair when you bleach it.

So mix, leave it on for about 40 minutes and up to an hour at 20 volume, very safe.

Now wash it out, and you will probably have some yellow or orange tones in your hair. Your hair may look slightly yellow all over.

This is the part when retards continue to bleach it or bleach it again and fuck up their hair.

You don't need to do that, you just need a toner. A purple toner will turn the yellow/orange into blond or the longer you leave it kinda silver and platinum. It's kinda like painting, in which you mix colors together. That's how toning works.

It might sound complex but it's really simple.


>> No.15212974 [View]


So to recap:

>20 vol peroxide
>blue bleach powder
>leave on an hour
>if dark still repeat or do it the next day
>hair is likely to be yellow blonde
>rub in purple toner on wet hair
>toner works within a few minutes (as mixing paint would) and 20 mins or so to turn it a silver color
>after washing will reduce the silver tones to more white if you think it's too silver

That's it. Don't get a bleach kit. Buy individual pieces. The whole amount (giving you enough for 5+ bleaching sessions dependant on hair length) is likely to be around $20.

>> No.15212995 [View]

Lol this. Incredible in the age of the internet people still push these voodoo outdated home remedies.

>> No.15213000 [View]

>hurr if a hairdresser is bald they can't cut hair

I wasn't bald born, you know? I know plenty about this subject.

>> No.15213045 [View]

If you want to keep it really simple, just try it on a few strands of hair. You don't have to use the full bottle of peroxide nor the full packet of powder bleach, it keeps and can be used again. That way you'll get a good idea of what color your hair turns, how long to leave it in to achieve that and how the hair strands feel after.

If you don't like it, it's really simple to dye lightened hair to a dark color anyway if you want it back to normal.

>> No.15213056 [View]

And this is a summary of the peroxide..

>When mixed with bleach powder, 20 volume developer will lighten virgin hair by about 5 levels. ... Using 40 volume developer can cause hair damage and chemical burns if not used correctly. Instead, using multiple applications using lower volume peroxide will allow more controlled lightening.

>> No.15213078 [View]

Another bitter troll who exists solely on this board to lower the quality, shit post and overall be an angry little incel.

>> No.15213235 [View]
File: 1.51 MB, 1320x815, seductive posing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude whats wrong with your face

Nothing? Do you mean handsome?

>what disease is that

It's called Hepatitis B, anon.

Gay for me.

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