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/fa/ - Fashion


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>> No.15209224 [View]

I'll keep fighting the good fight, fren!

>being this gay for me

You'd just ignore my posts, filter or not but you have to start gossiping about me, almost begging for me to give you attention. Here it is gay boi's, enjoy it.

>> No.15209443 [View]

>couldn't even understand my posts
>takes the first as literal
>accuses others of not being bright

Lol. My IQ is significantly above the European average. Unfortunately it appears the same can not be said for you.

>hurr poltards are stupid putting certain people all in the same basket
>does the same thing by dehumanizing anyone that posts on a board he does not agree with

Yeah, we got a real genius here boys. What an incel.

>> No.15209456 [View]

Well technically haute couture refers to tailored high quality dress making but realistically it is used for simply high fashion and mens runway absolutely does fall under that category. Not all male runway is simply dudes in a suit or something simple like that.

But either way, most are somewhat adventurous if not experimental on a runway setting and the average female does not follow any of those things at all. While items seen on the runway for men can be seen irl by actual guys wearing them.

So even if you see complex fashion items on a female runway that does not translate to some average Stacy wearing them. Men on average are way better dressed than women. All the dandy shit you see posted is by guys who wear it irl. You'll rarely ever see a woman in the street wearing some female equivalent.

>> No.15209460 [View]

Who and what? Pointless thirsty incel thread who isn't even asking anything fashion related, he just is attracted to said person and wants to post about her.


>> No.15209484 [View]

I always get a 1 day ban for these types of posts deemed "off topic"

>> No.15209490 [View]

How are we supposed to know how old she is? How do we know what lighting, makeup and little tweaks she has made? And you call others retard... The absolute state of some people here. Take a look in a mirror.

>> No.15209494 [View]

Sure you never, you are just fuming incel so that is your cope post. Sad!

>> No.15209608 [View]

Wow so she is 42 years of age. That's not old. You just proved once again you are all little teenagers who think a 42 year old woman has all sagging wrinkly skin.

I've been on this board for 10 years. I've been on this website for 16 years.

You were a sperm in yo daddies sack when I was first here, then you became a mistake.

>> No.15209656 [View]
File: 1.81 MB, 1450x814, hi anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should make me a janny!


>> No.15209675 [View]

Ask yourself if you lived in another city, nobody knew you and you knew nobody, what would you do?

If you would go for the transplant, then that's what you want and it's only others opinions holding you back.

>> No.15211283 [View]

What does this even mean? There are no tricks. Such as with the NSDAP their program is outlined clearly in the The 25-point Program of the NSDAP.

And "propaganda" is not some fascist thing, it's linked to all parties and people. Communists don't excel at propaganda, they excel at outright lies.

Here are some "nazi" policies that are not "tricks" and are clearly shown and whatever race you are, in whatever nation it could apply to you.

>None but members of the nation may be citizens of the state
>Whoever has no citizenship is to be able to live in Germany only as a guest
>The right of voting on the state's government and legislation is to be enjoyed by the citizen of the state alone
>All citizens of the state shall be equal as regards rights and obligations.
>Breaking of debt (interest)-slavery
>We demand an expansion on a large scale of old age welfare (a larger retirement fund for older people)
>The state is to care for the elevating national health by protecting the mother and child, by outlawing child-labor, by the encouragement of physical fitness,
>We demand freedom of religion for all religious denominations within the state


>> No.15211287 [View]

Lmao holy shit, you're right. Time just passes fast and months turn to years when you're an old man like me. I still feel like 2010 here was last week.

>> No.15211328 [View]
File: 189 KB, 801x1200, henry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say the main factor is dependant on your build. If you are slender or have muscle, the 3 button can make the chest area look a lot better and fitted. If you have a large stomach and are out of shape, the 2 button covers your fat gut better.

Yes, 2 button are what you'll see 9 out of 10 times but honestly, I think the 3 stands out more and it has a longer history so it's a talking point if you want to go there.

While technically it's rather formal but as most people associate 2 buttons with suits, I think the 3 can look casual and it's obviously derived from a military tunic.

Henry Cavill sometimes wears the 3 buttons.

>> No.15211339 [View]

I think it's a case of when you've been balding and covering your hair up, you wanna rock the thick puffed up good hairline look like a peacock with its new feathers.

>> No.15211353 [View]

Not true though, about test. Western men on average have 20% less test than a few generations ago and still you see balding everywhere.

Higher test will mean more DHT to attack fair follicles but it's not a significant difference. For instance people who have a full head of hair and no balding can increase test by massive amounts, like 500% or whatever with steroids and still retain their hair. Those who are balding doing the same thing will increase their hairloss.

Which would mean it;s a genetic factor as opposed to simply test amount.

More like being good goyim is eating vegan, having 2 eggs a week because of "cholesterol" when cholesterol is an important factor in test production. That's why the levels are falling in the Western world. The "healthy" diet while those in Africa and the Middle east have higher test as they don't buy into the bullshit vegan "be kind" diet shit.

>> No.15211354 [View]

I would feel so embarrassed wearing these. They just scream "I'm an emasculated pussy" VIBES.

>> No.15211358 [View]

>pumpkin shoulders... check!
>large traps... checks!
>low bodyfat and abs showing... check!

Ask me how I now that you know ZERO about steroids. That guy just screams "I have no self esteem" and is all image.

Yes, we should be strong, in shape and have muscle. But no we should not inject shit into our bodies and grow a beard because we think that's the larping movie image of a big tough guy when in reality all those guys have is body dysmorphia issues. They are reverse anorexics.

>> No.15211372 [View]

Cool facial acne

>> No.15211389 [View]

No. Sounds like a sperg. Nordic is Germanic. Most Northern and Western European people have the same roots from the beaker people. They then separated for around 2000 years hence the differences in cultures arose such as Celtic.

>> No.15211393 [View]

And if you suddenly had some great hairline with thick hair you might want to really show that off? I think that's what is going on with this guys. I hate that hair style, but I think that's what is happening mentally to them. Once they get used to having hair they will probably change the style later on down the line.

>> No.15211411 [View]

"Nordic" is a region, while the tribes there are Germanic, you pleb. Swedish are North Germanic for instance but they live in the Nordic region.

>> No.15211421 [View]

>using discord

Lol. I don't even have a "smart" phone. I use my cell for making calls and that's it. I'm forever living in 1999.

>> No.15211425 [View]

>what do trolls "get out of it"
>your reaction right now

That's what.

>> No.15211439 [View]

>female gets breast implants
>having slightly smaller breasts never had a great impact on her life
>male critiques her
>omg loser, incel, pathetic, female hating, sexist misogynist

>guy gets hair transplant because being bald has a large impact on life
>loser, insecure, pathetic
>everyone agrees

It's almost as though some of you people have been brainwashed to accept everything a female does and shoot each other down when a guy tries something similar.

Instead of letting men reach their potential and being equal to females, you work to keep them down and the females forever above them.

That's what happens when you grow up in a feminized society and yet you don't even know it or recognize it because you have been taught it from birth.

If I knew a dude who had a hair transplant I'd congratulate him and say how much better he looks and how many options he now has. if your "friends" try and make you feel bad over it, I have news for you. They are not your friends. They are parasites keeping you in your place and in chains.

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