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>> No.15223844 [View]

Most goths are older and just not so visible, lots have toned down their image and younger goths can still exist but the point is edgethots are not goth.

Most young people growing up today are growing up in a messed up environment so they aim to be youtube stars, tik tok, to be a rapper, cover their face with tattoos or just be a general attention seeking whore for girls.

That environment creates very few goths. Now if you were 15 years of age in 1994 it was a massively different world. Of course sub cultures rise and fall and especially late 90s alternative music went mainstream and you had shows like Buffy and movies like blade which added to that kind of interest.

>> No.15223847 [View]


>> No.15223854 [View]

If you guys think so shitty and lowly of this dude, that he looks like a goblin, he's short, he's cringe or whatever. Ask yourselves why does he have millions of followers and a living out of this and you do not?

Surely if you are taller, more handsome, more youthful you have no excuse?

Shouldn't this guy be inspo for some of you that if he can achieve, so can you?

Yeah, I get it, he's a funny meme machine but some of you just have blind hatred for him. It doesn't add up. He doesn't even seem like a douche at all, compared to people like "Jeremy" fragrance who seems a complete cock head.

>> No.15223944 [View]

Then stop wearing makeup and sort out the dry skin. You don't need a "goth hairstyle" either.

>> No.15224038 [View]

Lol 1997 but really these are the vampire goths.


>> No.15224046 [View]

I think my point here is that a lot of them grew up with things such as dark horror and feeling like an outsider which made them drawn to goth while people growing up now are just twerking on tik tok and are desperate for attention.

While the 90s factors produced a handful of goths, the factors of growing up today just produce a handful of narcissistic mentally ill people.

So if you threw an edgethot into 1997 they definitely would not fit into the goth groups.

>> No.15224055 [View]

Oh for gawds sake, you are 19. You are still a kid. You are a sperm still. Stop worrying about this stupid shit and how you must dress in 10 years plus time and enjoy your youth.

>> No.15224071 [View]

Lol these are nice. Would love some pants in this design.

>> No.15225005 [View]
File: 210 KB, 1389x977, tot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool porn star, breh...

>The music scene fizzled out after the 90s
>t. 30-something year old goth

No you're not, you discredited yourself right from the start. The late 90s and into 2000 that you claim was when things fizzled out was a peak for gothic metal, power metal, folk metal, symphonic metal etc. that was populated by goths. Other things such as cyber goth came after this date. Vampirefreaks social network also reached peak number around 2005+

Hell even your mall goth stuff like Marilyn Manson peaked after this date.

Bands such as Lebanon Hanover are dark wave and while that is cool, they are trying to emulate 80s dark wave. By the peak of goth being some what mainstream dark wave was a much smaller thing. Sure the goth artists of 2000 had inspo and listened to dark wave bands of the 80s they were going in different directions and bands such as Nightwish and Within Temptation reached worldwide audiences.

This is when you get most gothic sub genres, cyber, trad, rivet, vampire, corporate and so on. That was the progression of goth in the 90s from the 80s just like goth in the 80s was the progression of of late 70s punk.

They all had the same mindsets and while different were similar.

But the style like edgethot today are completely separated from all those things and entirely different.

You see this is why I trip, because you all know I am 40 (well, 41 now) and I lived through these things and not as a child, as an actual adult.

All anons just make shit up with an appeal to authority "hurr i am goth trust me"



>> No.15225037 [View]

That's totally dependant on what type. A few synths and a moody bit of singing and yeah.

Outside of that there are heaps of talented groups, especially making symphonic music with skilled keyboardists and classically trained singers.


>> No.15225061 [View]
File: 92 KB, 899x600, VOA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are 100% wrong proving my point.

While most of the genres have "metal" somewhere in the name just as gothic metal do most of them are goths and most of the fans are goth.

If you think goth is simply 80s darkwave with huge hair you've missed the point of this thread totally.

>> No.15225064 [View]

Hurr these people are not a genre of goth!!

THis music is uhhh.. not related.. the singers who all are heavily inspired by 80s goth are like uhh totally not goth or have any interest in goth..

Then in the next sentence

>edge thots are goth


>> No.15225068 [View]

Yes it does FFS! Most of the fans of this music are goth and the singers have an interest in the goth lifestyle.

Clubs that play all this music are full of goths, metal clubs have Metallica and that shit and it;s totally unrelated.

Symphonic power metal is a sub set of goth!

Shit, I mean while you shouldn't judge by clothing, their look is a bit of a giveaway..

>> No.15225076 [View]

For instance Doom metal is another fusion of goth, gloom, atmosphere, lyrics and so on.

Paradise Lost are a well known late 80s goth band and their fans are goth and they sing doom metal

>> No.15225083 [View]

No dumbass, goth had a progression, late 70s punk to the type of goth you are thinking and come mid to late 90s the inspiration and fans of that went to other forms like gothic metal. Gothic metal is goths with metal influence.

You have such a simplistic understanding.

Mall goths never listened to those bands, they listed to MM, slipknot, insane clown posse etc,.

This is how I know you are 18.

>> No.15225087 [View]

They dress for the most part like a rivethead. Some bands dress in period clothing.

>hurr goth is just a white face and hair spray

>> No.15225092 [View]

That's mall goth music.

Bands like this were the peak around 2000.

>hurr this isn't goth
>these people are not goth
>t. 18 year old on fa who wasn't even alive then


>> No.15225095 [View]

Show me goth bands from around 1999 to 2004 then.

I've been in the scene for almost 30 years.

>> No.15225100 [View]

>Goth is white face, hair spray, billowy shirts, tight leather and pointy boots


Teenager detected who has never been in the scene.

>> No.15225107 [View]

You mean retards who would say Nine Inch Nails isn't goth either because they didn't have white faces lol..

NIN is a goth band but they sing industrial rock. Hiurr goth must mean gothic rock or whatever with a white face.

>> No.15225113 [View]
File: 10 KB, 194x259, mall goth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So clueless. Pic related is the common mall goth from around 2000 onwards. You have no idea wtf you are talking about.

>> No.15225119 [View]


>> No.15225133 [View]

Mall goths did not exist in 1995!! FFS. IT's a 2000+ plus term at the rise of Marilyn Manson etc.

Stop reading shit online.

Most symphonic metal fans listed to all genres of gothic music and participate in the goth scene. Do you think there is just a symphonic scene? Hahah.

As shown here, this is what the goth scene was in the late 90s

That's when it started again after the 80s original scene and then it died down in 2006 or so and has been semi-dead since.

If you think goth is some 80s white face and dark wave then you must think goth was dead since 1990 and the whole 90s scene wasn't real when the 90s scene had new influence and forms of goth like gothic metal. It's the punk to dark wave of late 70s to 80s but late 90s a resurgence of goth with progression.

>> No.15225135 [View]

It's a reflection of inner state, feelings and how you want to perceive yourself in the world. Goth has always been and always will be a mindset and only certain types of people are drawn to it. It's not a costume you take off and on.

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