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/fa/ - Fashion


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>> No.15218166 [View]
File: 416 KB, 835x468, life blows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fa and I am 4'11" or 5ft in the morning!

Feeling a bit shit today though. Me and Igor have been flirting and fooling around on webcam with each other for the past week and we had a little argument today.

>> No.15219154 [View]

How is this a thread?

I've had about 5 bans (24 hour ban) within the past few weeks here (mainly because I posted a picture of my face lol) along with a genuine reply.

I always post in depth replies and yet there is shit after shit non-fa threads who apparently are OK.

I've been here 10 years and I still have zero understanding of the logic of this. Another day and I ask myself why I even bother here.

>> No.15219171 [View]


It's not some science, just throw in roughly the same powder bleach and peroxide. The worse that happens is some parts don't get bleached fully so you do it again (which is why I rec a volume 20 bleach so double plus bleaching is fine)

So your mistake was because you never learned about how to do this. Same as most people. Just spend some time understating how to bleach, toners etc. and it's easy as fuck.

>You will need to see a professional, most likely.

Nope. Dark hair just might require more than 1 bleaching. It lifts the hair a few shades so if you double it you get 8 shades or so lifted.

>So no toning and shit

They will tone it at the salon. "Toning" is the easiest part of bleaching. After you bleach and wash, if you have yellow in your hair, apply the toner to tower dry hair right after, it will get rid of the yellow in like 3-5 minutes. Leave it 20 minutes and it will go a silver tone. It's super easy. Then after that add your color dye. Another 20 minutes or so, wash and you're done.

>> No.15219180 [View]

Seriously, there was 1 thread in which someone posted a woman naked and spread, don't know if it;s still there but it was over a full day still there.

Someone posts a shaving your head thread and I post my (shaved head) and I'm banned for "avatar" posting.

Like bruh, wtf.

>> No.15220976 [View]
File: 644 KB, 1261x851, slave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very true!

I need help though, I am having trouble replying right now because Igor has me chained up as his sex slave. HELP!

>> No.15221037 [View]
File: 749 KB, 1094x618, i just want igor back in my life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm no? I like TEENAGERS and not CHILDREN.

>> No.15221289 [View]

Thanks, yeah we were fooling around on camera together and he was stroking himself and I made a little joke about did he have one of those jew caps, a tiny little one to place on his erect piece.

He got pretty offended for some reason. It was just a silly joke :C

>> No.15221368 [View]
File: 684 KB, 681x838, aesthetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What aesthetic is this?

>> No.15221757 [View]

Hahahahahah!! Oh yes, anon. Girls like "nice guys" indeed. Just bee urself.

I remember being a 16 year old virgin too.

>> No.15223689 [View]

Pig in a wig.

>> No.15223693 [View]

Yeah and then I use high school photos of myself to make me look young and innocent.

>> No.15223701 [View]

Is this me??? Hahahahaha. Wow. I was scared to open this. It scared me :c

>> No.15223708 [View]
File: 684 KB, 681x838, aesthetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I dress before going jogging.

>> No.15223717 [View]


This is so beautiful and sexy to me. It shits all over some fatty in her underwear posing.

Women like that are as rare as rocking horse turds.

>> No.15223732 [View]
File: 94 KB, 610x604, art hoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like imagine bringing this LARP queen with you to see your friends. We'd be a laughingstock.

Imagine giving a shit what a bunch of fukken dweebs think when you have a g/f that hot. Hahaha holy shit.

Imagine thinking bringing pic related wouldn't get you laughed at.

What you mean is that you're a teenager because I promise you in the adult world the trad girl will appeal to all age groups while your little art hoe will appeal to teenagers and adults will just cringe.

That's without mentioning being in a TIP thread and ripping on girls who dress trad.

Boredom? Troll? Like hanging out in a metal music thread and shitting on metal music. Find a better hobby.

>> No.15223742 [View]

Stop asking others to dress you, you are not a child, are you?

Learn to choose I style that actually appeals to you, then ask advice on said style to work on it and improve it.

You must have some personality and an aim in what you have to achieve first. Some roots to build on. Such an open question means you have nothing. Completely bland and want some internet strangers to pick out your outfit as though you were an 8 year old in the store having your parents dress you.

>> No.15223766 [View]

90s goth still did have its roots in original goth from the 80s. Most of the artists and people then were influenced by 80s goth and still listened to the music from that time period.

Along came the personality with it too. The scene was not huge, you were still very much an outcast and a weirdo. It's 100% different from edgethots today which are just some brand of social justice warrior but in black clothing.

Goth in the 90s had many groups within the goth sub culture. So it was not an "alternative rave scene" as that was one part. Mainly the cyber and industrial parts of goth.

There were many other scenes, the Gothic metal genre grew then, the "beauty and the best" sound with growling/grunting males and angelic females voiced pitted together.

Emo does not compare at all. Mindless teenage attention seeking and self harm for cool status points by teens was never comparable to goth. The emo's attempted to latch onto goth by flooding sites like vampirefreaks and joining up.

Goth was also socially outcast, thinker, intelligent, outsider and that was very true in the 90s while modern edgethots are no such thing.

I've lived through all scenes.


>> No.15223781 [View]

I dunno man, I have seen plenty with the usual "vibes and vegan" shit in their bio like femtards have.

They are no different than your typical average hoe though yea, they just wear black and people who think simply wearing black makes you "goth" are retarded anyway.

Like goth clubs tend to be really peaceful and everyone gets along, meaning personality and character is the main thing in goth. Meaning if you dressed a violent rap club all in black the violence would continue.

Hell that's why a lot of people found their way to goth and were attracted to it, because of the chill people and accepting nature of them and being nice and helpful to you. Some bullied fat chick in high school could find herself being accepted in goth circles.

That type of goth does not exist in 16 year old girls posing with their tongue hanging out in a black hoodie on cock tok.

>> No.15223784 [View]


Nobody would believe a random photo posted here unless they are a totally retard.

Here in an example of a total retard.


Anyway, the girls hair in the picture compliments her top color.

>> No.15223789 [View]

It's not bad, you are shaving it on too much of a low setting though. Have your hair in which you shaved slightly longer and the whole hair will fade and match better.

In 1 week or so you'll see what I mean when it starts to grow.

>> No.15223800 [View]

Yeah if you're going to be a total a-hole but it could also mean he was a bit of a poseur from the start.

For me in high school being interested in role playing games, mythology, history, fantasy etc. would make me a geeky loser to the "in" crowd of girls and jocks but to the Goth crowd, all this shit was cool and interesting. Then incorporate that into music too, throw in vampire stuff, some awesome poetry and it's all around awesome.

And that's the thing, isn't it? People think it's just about blackness and depression when it was a lot of fun.

>perky goth

>> No.15223807 [View]

Try hard "goth" - now that looks like a feminist hijacking goth.

I also hate when people wear coffin jewellery and spiders and shit like that. It's too larpy.

This is the aesthetic I love


>> No.15223822 [View]


>> No.15223829 [View]

Imagine how some of you are too scared to go out in fits you want to and imagine what balls it takes to do this with everyone around


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