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/fa/ - Fashion


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>> No.15213261 [View]

I've been told they give me a unique look. It hasn't stopped more than half of this board being gay for me either lol.

>> No.15213472 [View]

Dude some snake oil ebay shit won't do a thing.

It was worth it.

Lol.. frag posters can't handle that smelling like an ashtray will not get you some hawt teen tang.

>> No.15213536 [View]
File: 1006 KB, 1105x622, gender fluid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15213543 [View]


>> No.15213555 [View]

Wow, this must be one of the finest examples of severe autism I have seen on this board.

It was a simple analogy, you utter, total and complete autistic sperg. Just wow. I bet your parents tell you to pipe down when the autism reaches its peak.

>> No.15213597 [View]

Thanks and lol, yeah it's a really wild shade of salmon pink!

>> No.15213605 [View]

Comb over. Better hope that wind doesn't pick up.

>> No.15213699 [View]

Breh because you are jewish I'll hook you up


>> No.15215196 [View]


Uhh.. no, it's because they are indoctrinated to an ideology. Yes, said ideology makes them feel virtuous and morally superior but they won't just use that to impress friends with, they will do it to any stranger who will listen.

They still massively believe in what they say. White girls who say we should open the borders to a few hundred million Africans are not doing that to impress you, their indoctrination makes them really believe that is the right thing to do.

Apart from ideological differences, a purple haired radical feminist on a college campus is no different than someone from a radical Islamic group.

We only don't see it that way as it is normalized in our society now, and the same can be said for groups such as ISIS who world wide have millions of Muslims who agree with them and those Muslims are deemed moderates.

If you call a virus that originated from China a China virus and that's reason for someone to hate you, un match you and generally think ow of you, that's called extremism.

You are not calling for the genocide of all Chinese. You are making a simple fact based statement. Yet they are repulsed by it.

I know in the West we only think of brown men with beards in the Middle East as "extremists" but your typical rad fem IS an extremist just of a different type. Same umbrella though.

>> No.15215225 [View]

I already explained this, you spoon feeder. learn to read the thread before injecting your autism. They share the same linguistic-cultural roots because they have the same racial roots. The beaker people. We never explain the British Celts as "Germanic" either, but racially they fall under the same group because they too have the same roots from the beaker people. Therefore all Germanic people (and "Celtic") all have the same RACIAL roots and thus for reasons of simplicity we can group them as a racial group. There is a reason why Hitler thought of the British as "cousins" to the Germans FFS.

So my point stands that Nordic is a region populated by Germanic people (denoting linguistic-cultural roots) but they still have the same racial ancestry (the beaker people) so therefore while they share similar linguistic-cultural roots they also share the same RACIAL roots.

It's not hard to understand but apparently so when you have
a low IQ.

>> No.15215231 [View]

Lmao actually gave me a chuckle when you see all the balding threads about.

>> No.15215235 [DELETED]  [View]

>the hair they use from your own body isn't the same as head hair.

Breh wtf. They use donor hair from the back of your head.

Coll trolling, I guess?

>> No.15215239 [View]

>the hair they use from your own body isn't the same as head hair.

Breh wtf. They use donor hair from the back of your head.

Cool trolling, I guess?

>> No.15215244 [View]

WOW. That's incredible. Did they receive so many donations to have such a large beautiful stone?

I wish he was still around. God.

>> No.15215250 [View]

>medieval style haircut


>> No.15215276 [View]

Neither. I support the Toon Army, Newcastle United!!

Think of a meat filled pie. Then leave it outside all day in the baking hot sun. Everything has been on it by that point. Flies have deposited their maggot children in there. Then get down on your knees... crawl to it... and slide your tongue over it and inside it.

That's the Thai experience. Not surprising I caught hepatitis A to Z. Worth it though!

>> No.15215363 [View]
File: 1.54 MB, 1355x812, handsome dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah right, is this your attempt at flirting with me? It's more like you want my tongue crawling across your skin.

>> No.15217703 [View]
File: 205 KB, 421x240, twised psychopath heh heh heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol nah most of the "rules" are excessive and if you know reasonably what you're doing it's fine.

>I'm thinking about getting it normal blonde, but my hair color is a bit lighter.

Often a normal hair dye will work in that case. If you have natural blond hair and want it a bit darker, a simple dark blond hair without bleaching will work.

Hurr go to the salon and pay all that money!!

Only retards screw up bleaching, how can you even screw it up anyway? They simply end up with bleached hair that is yellow and has some brassy tones in it. That's when they run to a salon because they don't know how a toner works and how that issue is fixed in literal minutes.

Pic related. You being an edgy teen.

>> No.15217709 [View]
File: 382 KB, 1064x773, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol is this for real? Are they for real? Truly every big company is run by pedos.

>> No.15217711 [View]

oh shit I just saw the date. It's 8 years old. How did you even come across this OP? Something you want to tell us? Seek help.

>> No.15217718 [View]

Very cool thread, my dude!

TOTALLY fa related.

>> No.15217740 [View]

Jeez, wtf, that's how women pose trying to be sexy. Even looks like she is wearing a collar how they have taken the photo.

>> No.15217765 [View]

Oh man, looks like she has makeup on and the line on her bikini? Makes it look like her vagina.

This shit is wack.

>> No.15217818 [View]
File: 917 KB, 2097x2354, techwear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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