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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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992720 No.992720 [Reply] [Original]

>watching videos of ppl making "cheap alternatives to an AC unit" that involves spending nearly $100 for the actual contraption then only taking the cost of the fan running on high and loud as fuck into the cost affect and not the fact that you have to run your freezer to keep making ice, then manually emptying several gallons of water out every hour or so while not spilling it and the only air in the room that is cool is the area immediately infront of the fan (one guy literally holds his thermal gun to the side showing its almost 90, then WOW 66 2 FEET INFRONT :3


>> No.992777

Yeah, it is silly. I wish the Fed.gov would fund more research into phase change AC alternatives instead of banning known good refrigerants.

>> No.993745

As a poor fuck who can't survive over 75 degree temps without AC, I understand your frustration.

>> No.993764

Have you looked into a swamp cooler? It wouldn't work if you live in a humid place but beyond that it's pretty close to AC.

>> No.993788

Dude seriously, balls the fuck up and tough it out. It's in the 90s with like 85% humidity all summer long here and I live without A/C, spending most of my time outside.

Inb4 Third world.

>> No.993794

Agreed, I don't see how these btches cant handle it...

Everyone gives out about CO2 and climate change, but refuses to turn off the AC

>> No.993933

I suggest moving your living and work quarters underground. It's what I do every summer. Rock wall cellars ftw.

Because if you don't give out about CO2 and climate change "peaceful protesters" will burn your house down (as ironic as that sounds).

Actually fat. But I'm working on it.

>> No.993947

People love to save money. That is the only aspect they care about. They ignore the fact that for double the budget they could have an efficient working product instead of an inefficient half ass project that they sunk 5-10 hours into.

>> No.993948

Fuck that. I sweat like a pig at 75.
Swamp coolers suck ass. I have an AC, but it's super shitty. Gets the job done I guess.

>> No.994107

Alright hear me out


Super conductor insulated roofs

Not only does it insulate heat, but it super cools it, thus your home needing AC for one day to cool for the week

>> No.994111
File: 311 KB, 1920x1440, 20160516_123511~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings from that autist with the cooling vest.

I know that feel bro.

$45 so far, but the batteries are going to cost $50+. Oh and I've spent close to 100 hours on R&D so far. And it doesn't even work yet.

>> No.994134

Just attach peltiers to it and you have limitless energy and you can summon demons. Perfect.b

>> No.994148

most of the videos are there to generate views and ad revenue, rather than actually do anything useful

>> No.994157

Ad revenue you can use to buy a real air conditioner!

>> No.994186

That thing hasn't killed you yet?

>> No.994226
File: 11 KB, 320x240, 2016-04-09-17-19-28.mp4_snapshot_07.02_[2016.04.09_19.09.43].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not yet.