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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 184 KB, 1300x866, 644772-Swimming-Pool-Stock-Photo-water-pool-background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
994783 No.994783 [Reply] [Original]

I need a way to bring a 9000 liter of water about 200 meters from the water source with a very low budget.
Buckets are banned.
5l bucket - >1800 travels->60 hours of work.
Buy pipe is over budget.

>> No.994786

Hire a pump and hose?

>> No.994788

Get a garden hose and your mum. She'll finish in 10 minutes.

>> No.994796

Giant garbage cans filled with water.

>> No.994835

>no budget
>little information

Go buy some garden hoses and return them when you are done Or be a worthless piece of shit and just steal them from your neighbors.

Why are buckets banned? Just because of the time frame?
9000 liters = 2377.548 Gal
2377.548/5 gal bucket = 475.5 Round up to 500 because your buckets won't be totally full

500 * 2 minutes = ~17 hours

A five gallon bucket weighs just under 42 lbs.

If you make a mount for the buckets so you can carry them on your shoulders you can easily do 2 at once if you're not a pussy.

17 hours/2 - 8.5 hours

Half that again if you can get a buddy.

Hell if you can get 3 friends to help you're looking at just about an hour of hard work.

Now if you want to give us an actual budget, we can find something easier.

>> No.994845
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>Buckets are banned.
>Buy pipe is over budget.

Welp, better start drinking your own urine

>> No.994861

rent a sump pump with a hose like everyone else who ever drained a swimming pool

>> No.994862

>/diy/ how do I make a device to move water from one location to another without using buckets? BTW I have no money.

I dunno OP have you considered stealing a hose? How the fuck did you end up in a situation where you have to move 9000L of water but can't afford a hose?

Or maybe you could just drink the water and piss it out where you want it to be.

>> No.994869

Drink it all, then walk 200m and piss it all out. Or magic. Otherwise you're going to need a hose and a pump or a couple of buckets.

>> No.994871

Probably a bucket and a lot of time

>> No.994874

Maybe OP could use a shovel to dig a series of trenches to move the water? Or get like 10, 000 ultrasonic misters and evaporate the water then wait for it to rain down in the place where he wants it to be? Or maybe a bunch of sponges he could soak in the pool and wring out where else wants the water to go?

Get a fucking hose OP.

>> No.994875

For reason to long to explain I'm forced to host a party with pool in my house that is a shack in a huge field the nearest neighborhood is 200 Mt and even the nearest source of water.
I'm poor as fuck no problem with stealing but is not a common object a pump with a fifth of kilometer of hose.

>> No.994876

Also I stole the pool

>> No.994878


what about if you put a mattress in the pool to soak up the water?

then there is just the case of getting it out...

>> No.994880

>my house that is a shack in a huge field the nearest neighborhood is 200 Mt and even the nearest source of water.

When I lived in a rural area I had an above ground pool but my well wouldn't provide enough water quick enough. I hired a water truck for about $200 burgers and it was filled within minutes.

> No budget

Well, get whoever is forcing you to throw a pool party to pony up for the hose/pump or water truck.

>> No.994882

OP already said he has no problem stealing. I, of course, suggest stealing a crane.

>> No.994883

Use your rusted ass hick pickup and till the bed with then dump it in the pool

>> No.994884 [DELETED] 

i wanna see you walk 200m with buckets in 2 minutes

>> No.994885
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>> No.994886

i wanna see you walk 400m with buckets in 2 minutes

>> No.994892

If you have any friends that have garden hoses, get them to bring them.
Then get some type of pump, preferably a electric one.

If you are on good terms with the local fire department they might help you out if they have nothing better to do at the time.

>> No.994893

Vitally important question:

Is the water source at a higher or lower elevation than where you need the water?

>> No.994895

What the fuck are you even saying you retarded red neck? That makes no fucking sense.

Explain with english

>> No.994913


Let it evaporate, a cloud will then move over the designated area and fill it up for you

cost = 0 spondooliks

>> No.994915

>walk 400m with buckets in 2 minutes


There's your problem...

>> No.994916


>For reason to long to explain I'm forced to host a party

You are just too afraid to tell us that your wife has taken all your money and is forcing you to set up a cucking party so she can find someone else to move onto when she drops your impotent self.

>> No.994924

Sorry I've mental illness

>> No.994943

that dude is jacking it

>> No.994956

There it is people, the truth is revealed.

>> No.994979

I based the time off OP's calculation.

60hr*60min = 3600 minutes

3600min /1800 trips = 2 min per trip

I just assumed that OP was an olympic level athlete.

Now, myself, I would just get a pump and a lot of hose.

>> No.994987

I can just picture it

>> No.994993
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Jesus, OP. The answer is so simple.

>> No.995009

Can be both the source of water are ground level and higher

>> No.995012
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Construct a siphon, you double nigger.

>> No.995160

then syphon it faggot

>> No.995232
File: 60 KB, 430x211, fire-bucket-brigade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do a bucket brigade you moron.

>> No.995419

There's no way you could siphon over 200m. The headloss through a hose that long is going to be a fuckton

>> No.995455

Depends on the gradient.

>> No.995461

Even just the friction loss through the hose would be too great I think.
Unless OP is draining it down a mountain

>> No.995471
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How long are you willing to wait?

>> No.995502
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>by me age 31

>> No.995503

Can I invite you to my party?

>> No.995533


>> No.995538

this thread, i like it

the units are in metric and
op type like a moron
had no money
defiantly from a shit country

>> No.995555
File: 22 KB, 300x225, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fill this 55 gallon drum container and roll it.

It will take 44 trips if you use only one drum container

some facilities give them away if you know how to ask for it

>> No.995648


Yeah our shit countries will stand against you defiantly you imperial measurement American dog

>> No.995652

Well you got quads, now everyone has to agree

>> No.995657

Everybody is pretty much fucking with you OP. If you really want an idea to do this on the cheap and without much labor, what you need to do is buy a 255 gallon tote on craigslist, they go for 30$ or so. Or just steal it since you're a nigger. Put it in the bed of your pickup and use an electric pump and pump water from the source into the tote. In the end you'll still need around 10-15 trips, depending on how shitty your pickup is, because a tote full of water weighs nearly 2500 pounds roughly.

>> No.995742

Someone who make sense

>> No.995749

I'm an Italian redneck with no money, but at least I'm not jew.

>> No.995752

Last minute update, I there's a nearer source of water about 100 meters from the spot, but is sulfurous water in a well and it has an ancient pump that works.
Yesterday night I've obtained a modern pump.
So questions time , sulfurous water is fine for be pool water?
New problem, I've to inflate the pool can I use the pump?

>> No.995787

>So questions time , sulfurous water is fine for be pool water?

It'll be fine ... just stinky. We have some hot springs in the area that smell of sulfur. Good ol Soak-n-Pokes.

>> No.995795

very simple op just start a fire where you want the water to be
then when fire brigade get there tell them they can drain from your source.

alternatively just ask them to do it, where are you in america? they will probably do it for a small fee. here they do it free if you ask nice.

>> No.995798

I'm from Italy and here is not so simple

>> No.995820


What a moron. Fill your pool up once and then move it to your house. You only have to make one trip.

>> No.995821


A standard pickup truck bed would hold about 4200 pounds of water at full capacity. It's probably not going to crack your axle, but it's not a good idea.

>> No.995872
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>> No.995883

Ah a Latino

>> No.995890

Drink 2 liters and go piss it up higher, repeat, profit ???

>> No.995922

How would you make something like that watertight?
Do you just pray that you can screw faster than the water falls through the cracks?

>> No.995923


i know right? its not like Archimedes was from italy or anything

southern italy i bet

>> No.995927
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These seem to stay together just fine. Why would't that?

>> No.995942

Bought a cheep pump 1 day before this. it only costs 40$. The hose was more expensive, but that was solved by creating a makeshift pressure reliever

>> No.995964

Jesus, you are fucking tarded. Even if it is 1 inch drop over 500 miles it will still siphon if the entire thing is filled with water when you start the siphon. The pressure will just be shit.

>> No.995980

>Yesterday night I've obtained
So did you stole it?
Just wait until rains btw.

>> No.996079

I'm not talking about the outer shell.
When you've got a moving object like that, it must be real difficult or impossible to keep a seal with low friction. So if you forego the seal, it means the water will seep through the crack between the screw and the barrel, causing you to lose water.
Presumably if it's finely crafted on a lathe, you won't have this problem, but I wouldn't trust the craftsmanship of the average Mesopotamian.

>> No.996099

No, they're both right. If the friction get too high water stops flowing downhill,
In fact if gets really high it'll start flowing uphill.

>> No.996109


>> No.996167

buckets and a truck
get like 20 of the bastards, it's only 90 trips

>> No.996170

No it won't, if the friction is too high the flow will decrease until it approaches a limit of zero. It won't actually be zero, just so close you can barely tell it isn't.

>> No.996214

Instructions unclear, crane stuck in pool.

>> No.996301

If it was good enough for the Greeks, it's good enough for OP.

>> No.996309
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I dont know anyone but myself whose siphoned gasoline to drain fluids from my car. It only works if you are lower than the liquid's source. Im not sure if you can do it 200 meters away without a pump, thats crazy

>> No.996370

If the move is downhill, you can just siphon it out with a hose.

>> No.996371

Does no-one actually read the threads anymore?

>> No.996461
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The solution is to just permanently seal it to the shell and rotate the whole thing.
A lot of those pictures are just drawn badly.

>> No.996523

Pray for rain. get all your friends And family to pray for rain. gather village people and make rain dance. wait patiently while offering many sacrifices to the rain gods

>> No.996540
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Here we go

>> No.996543

Is it running water?

>> No.996585

Whats the budget?

>> No.996591

Just get a sump for pools and a long enough hose.

>pool technician. Have transferred tons of water over large distances both up and downhill.

Buy one used, they're generally easy to fix and pretty cheap.

Or you could get a used gas powered one.

What purpose, by the way?

>> No.996852

Holy shit of course

I would never make it as an ancient dude

>> No.996879
File: 43 KB, 1920x1080, FYZ6gMe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sit at water source with powerfully water gun

>> No.996883

Build a water ram;

>> No.997168

>my car

>> No.997254

Everybody has a graden hose.
Borrow one from 9 friends / family members.
Use them in serie.
Use tap water
€36 for the hoseparts and €2 for the water.
>but I can't afford it.
Sincr you are having a party ask everybody to contribute €5 and use warm water.
If there is still money left you buy the a few crates of beer.

>> No.997391
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so how was the party?

>> No.997787

Legit question.
How was it OP?

>> No.997874

>couple flapper valves
>fifty feet of uphill
>cus of the water ram effect

>>>comments have been disabled for this video

one born every minute.

>> No.998117

Is the place you're trying to bring the water lower than the source?

>> No.998215

It's the first of June

>> No.998956


It's a real thing, but if anyone ever tries to sell you on performance, they've also got a bridge for you.

It's intended for "I wanna fill this pond/tank/cistern, and I don't care how long it takes.

It's effectively the world's worst compressor, pushing with the pressure of a couple feet of water in a pipe.

>> No.998990
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>they've also got a bridge for you
haha, gotcha.

I can look for some explanation online if you don't have the time or desire to elaborate, but to me it looked very similar to all manner of "free energy" claims.

So: how the heck does that work? "couple feet of water in a pipe" but that water can only act on the rest if it empties, and then there won't be any potential left in the system.

I don't get it

>> No.999024
File: 1.04 MB, 420x311, wave powered pump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ram pumps are real and they work but they are NOT efficient nor will they pump water uphill very far. For things like stock watering tanks they work well.

>> No.999064

Okay, so they do require some oscillation in the destination medium to work?

>> No.999076
File: 143 KB, 581x531, 20120628161447.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the usual variant produces the required pressure oscillation on its own, basically using the inertia of moving water, an air "spring" and two valves.
Pic and links related.

>> No.999080

This is honestly some of the weirdest mechanical shit I've seen.

>> No.999085

You're a poorfag living in a shed and you're hosting a pool party? Have you heard of going to the lake?

>> No.999088


That's why it's so hard to explain.

Its a very simple principle abusing inertia in a water system, but it looks too simple to actually operate.

Performance is shit, but maintenence is nearly none existent and it's effectively free water pressure. This also makes it hard to explain because the moment you say "No power is actually needed aside from the water supply", someone is going to start screaming about the 2nd law of thermodynamics, because how can a water supply push itself up hill?

And the answer is you always need pressure to start with; A water ram cannot operate without running water.

>> No.999095

Okay so the hombre in the vid talked about 120 ft elevation over how long a stretch?

At any rate he got 1 liter per 90 seconds, or about 1 ton of water per day.

All using inertia and air pressure? What kind of initial "running water" pressure are we talking here? Is it enough to have your pipe in a lake a foot or two below the surface, so there's "water pressure" going into the pipe initially?

Holy crap this is weird. I get that it's not nearly efficient enough to power anything electrical, unless you don't need power more than rarely.

>> No.999098

Nevermind, he explains everything.

>> No.999099


>> No.999110
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>> No.999116
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>> No.999117

Thanks for being patient with me.

>> No.999122


>> No.999125

there has to be water going into the pump. Dropping a hose into a lake won't do unless the pump is later placed below the intake. Notice that not all water that goes into the pump goes out the output. Essentially it diverts a fraction of that water to where you want it, the other part will swamp around the pump.
If you have an uninterrupted supply of running water, and only need a fraction of the flow, then it is viable.

>> No.999142

Se mi dici dove posso aiutarti, kek

>> No.999144

No, the shitty countries don't use metric units.

>> No.999163

Thanks, I got it now.


>> No.999192
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fucking savage

>> No.999234

>Go to water source
>Drink from it
>Walk to desired location
>Wait a while
>Walk back to water source

>> No.999262

Build an archimedes screw to lift the water and have it pour into a pipe that runs the 200m. Keep a gradient of at least 1:100 (so have the screw lift the water to a height of at least 2m). Depending on what tools you have at hand and how well stocked junk yards in your area are, you could do it for about 30 dollars.

>> No.1000064

Buy a pump and return it when you are done?

>> No.1000069

>doesn't read thread
>stumbles in thinking he's so funny
>jokes already been done to death

>> No.1000591

You're hosting a redneck party. At least one of your friends has a pickup. Fill it up and dump straight in to the pool

>> No.1000616


remembers me of this thread around here some weeks ago where anon jad ccess to barrels which we're filled with formalin.

good times.

>> No.1000863

Host the party at the neighborhood. Might at well steal their entire property too, no?

>> No.1000875

a horse, and cart

>> No.1002077

Just throw a BYOW (Bring your own water)

>> No.1002357

Simple physics
If you get a hose long enough to have one end at the bottom of the source, and the other end at the bottom of the other source, as long as the new spot is level or lower than the old spot, if you suck the water out of the hose until it starts to come out the other side, it will pour into the new spot by gravity.

>> No.1002376

garden hose and a shop vac.

you can siphon the water. so long as you can get the exit below the entrance and your total rise in between is less than 30 feet.

>> No.1003523


>> No.1003526

If you submerge the hose then cap the ends so it is full of water to begin with before you put it where your need it then you shouldn't need to stuck, the siphon will start automatically when you remove the cap

>> No.1003667

How was the party, OP?

>> No.1003692

hose and pump

>> No.1004115
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>> No.1004119

That makes it easier but you still need to get the water flowing the right way or have the siphon side by mote Down hill than the pump. If the pump side is bigger it will all just drain back into the tank.

>> No.1004270

Archimedes was Sicilian, you fuck

>> No.1004514
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Just siphon that shit.

But in all seriousness a friend of mine had the exact same problem as you have and the solution was simple. All you need is some straws, some tape, glitter, and some uncooked macoroni

>> No.1004746

Bumping for outcome of party

>> No.1005033

party was 6 days ago.
How was it OP?

>> No.1005038

It was shit man. I spend my last money on booze and snacks but everybody only noticed the empty pool. Fucking assholes.

Worst poolparty ever.

>> No.1005073

Quads don't lie.

>> No.1005076

You'll blow a spring before an axel.

>> No.1005104

>everybody only noticed the empty pool
>Worst poolparty ever

This is why you don't throw parties if you're broke and don't have a clue. The amount of money and planning can be quite the challenge. Booze, food, entertainment, security, trash, restrooms and cleanup. I've thrown a few 100+ person parties on the ranch. None of them were cheap. None of them were "easy". I don't throw parties anymore but I'll help the poor slub that is.

>> No.1006757

Actually wasn't me answering

>> No.1006769

A friend's stepdad uses these in the creek near their house, he gets enough pressure off a pair of them to run his network of water spigots for watering the garden and it's comparable to the spigot on the side of the house.

>> No.1007055

5 litre bucket? how fucking weak are you?

>> No.1007176

>only noticed the empty pool.

Tell them to read the fine print. "Pool party". Nothing was mentioned about water.

>> No.1007267

drink it and piss it out later