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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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985390 No.985390 [Reply] [Original]

I got three sets of concrete stairs that I've repaired which needs finishing up. Would love some input on designs and how to proceed since I've never done stairs before. Hoping on someone in /diy/ has made a staircase or two before.

>> No.985393

What are you looking to do?

These look pretty dope already IMO, though you might want a handrail.

Carpeting onto concrete steps is pretty easy, there are adhesives and hardware made for it. People argue over which is more safe (carpeted or bare surface), but it's really personal preference.

>> No.985409
File: 105 KB, 2125x1195, 20151008_161311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you looking to do?
That's just it, I'm not sure.

>These look pretty dope already IMO, though you might want a handrail.
Yeah, I'll definitely need handrails, but the staircase is pretty slim, so would need to be some smaller version.This is a fat shaming staircase.

>Carpeting onto concrete steps is pretty easy, there are adhesives and hardware made for it. People argue over which is more safe (carpeted or bare surface), but it's really personal preference.
I'm trying to make sure that things I build last, so I'm mostly building in concrete or metals. Can't use any wood or material that don't do well against damp environments.

>also, pay no mind to the now concealed escape hatch on the right

>> No.985446


Couple of things you can do here bunkerbro is look into concrete stains...lots of nice colours and stuff...

Other one is also concrete staining, but then a rubber pattern block thing is used to add some visual elements...

In any event...your doing Gods work...living the dream...keep it up, looks really impressive!

>> No.985451
File: 103 KB, 600x800, modern-indoor-staircase-christian-sillerv5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore the floating steps in this one and the design is pretty much applicable to your setup.

this might be the kind of slimline handrail you're looking for, and while that glass halfwall is pretty ostentatious, it meets your criteria for damp-safe materials.

for a cheaper solution use long, narrower strips of material (acrylic, polycarbonate even) going vertically with aluminum or steel framing elements rather than one big sheet. can't find a good image of that style right now but I have seen it in upscale lofts

>> No.985456
File: 119 KB, 940x500, before-after-polished-commercial-concrete-floor-gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks good the way it is. You can always grind it down to expose the aggregate if you have a lot of time on your hands.

>> No.985458
File: 262 KB, 717x1275, 20150210_135310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding some colors might be nice, currently there is way too much white on this side of the complex.

Those handrails would fit perfectly, looks to be stainless. I do have a lot of pmma sheets leftover, but they are rather small sheets, would need a large cross grid for framing. Will have to think about it.

>> No.985461

We must keep in mind that Bunkeranon is doing everything himself.

That means that super-fancy woodwork is out, and huge panes of glass may also be out.

>>985451 talks about using narrower materials... I would use narrow, long strips of wood. I've seen architects do their houses with long, stained vertical pieces of wood going up across the whole storey. I'd then stain them dark and seal them. Then I'd put a rail on that.

I'll think of more ideas and find pics.

>> No.985464

Not exactly what I was thinking, but might give some measure of inspiration.


>> No.985465

sorry, OP mentioned no wood because of moisture so I didn't suggest that. But of course if you can use it, use it. I don't know enough about his biome to say if stain&seal will be enough long term.

>> No.985466

Take out stairs and replace with a slide.

>> No.985521

Anti-slip tape and forget the handrail?

>> No.985527

good goys, its artistic, its modern, its EFFICIENT.

>> No.985746

Shit, no wood...

Eh, be creative with your materials. Or get some metal bannister.

>> No.985750
File: 404 KB, 920x1632, you first.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to show you what happens to a wooden staircase after the army shutdown the facility. 12 years between the decommission and me buying it. I'm making sure that whoever uses it after me doesn't have to go thru what I did.

This tunnel was infested floor to ceiling in white fungus (like walking into a huge freezer) due to a wooden staircase and wooden walking platform. I can only guess someone took the easy way out with that spent casing.

>> No.985755

Did someone kill the state puff marshmallow man in your bunker?

>> No.985757
File: 32 KB, 640x533, burnt-stay-puft-marshmallow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.985761

bunkeranon do you wear mask everyday working in there? I am worried about your health man

>> No.985765

he had to go >:)

Actually bought a few left over from the US government on auction, they had all this gear for operation iraqi freedom as they never found any chemical weapons. $300 for full face gas mask, respirator, filters, batteries, suit, coms, etc, shelf life to 2025. Bought 20.

Used a suit for the cleanup after I nuked the whole bunker for a week with ozone generators. Mold, fungus, spiders, anything requiring oxygen to live gassed to death.

>> No.985768

>ozone generators
lol good one, but how do you know your concentration is effective enough? mold is hard to kill as far as i know

>> No.985770

It all just dried and flaked after the ozone did its job, could pretty much vacuum it up. Had some UV lamps to make sure no spores survived. Power washed it afterwards, been good ever since.

>> No.985776

fyi ozone wont penetrate media and it wont kill endospores. it's been tried in commercial mushroom cultivation. so all you did really was kill the surface layer and defeat the ideal living conditions for the mold.

where does the tunnel go?

do you have a map of the place? how big is it? on the one hand I think of it as a small bunker but then you show us new weird compartments all the time. it could just be the old pantry or something but maybe it leads to the regenwurmlager idk.
ps i am not a russian spy.

>> No.985792


>> No.985890

show off that bunker anon, dont be so secret, its not like we are asking where it is

>> No.985905

I am extremely impressed, great work man

>> No.985909

>dont be so secret

It's a bunker not a nightclub. We'd all like to see more of it but I understand his discretion.

>> No.985941

I've ordered the railings, $1600. Apparently railing business is where its at. Should arrive at the end of next week.

>> No.985943

Is it a powered hand rail? What's the 1500 after materials go to?

>> No.985951

Are you sure that's not terrazzo? Aggregate would be visible on the surface fairly well if it contains a heavy ballast mix but I've found a lot of precast stairs are high lime concrete low aggregate, allowing it to pour easier.

As for OP I'd grind it down to a clear smooth finish then pour epoxy. For the cheeks plate them with brushed stainless.

>> No.985956
File: 26 KB, 1357x429, rails.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 meter of railing, ~$800
railing supports ~$600

pleasing this guy is expensive >>985451

>> No.985971

>TIL I learned the Swedish word for "tax"

Every day's a school day.

>> No.986111

The fuck is this Reddit shit? Get the fuck out of here faggot. We don't 'til' here.

>> No.986117 [DELETED] 

Comment upvoated, 4chan gold!

>> No.986164

That does look like terrazzo, I've seen it being installed/made.

where do these stairs go?
If that is an exit up there, primary or secondary, I would stain/paint a stripe to one side, red (or green? that is used for emergency euro stuff?) and stenciled words/glyphs to that effect.

Other then that, just polishing/sealing and applying grip tape would be all the style I would need. Handrail on the wall side, some strips of metal on the other to make it feel a little more secure.

>> No.986167


Not really, "moms" is VAT, tax is calles "skat"

>> No.987313
File: 406 KB, 2048x1365, tunnel13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a notice from DHL, hopefully I'll be able to mount it tomorrow. Will get back with pics when it's done.

>> No.987315
File: 69 KB, 207x207, dogeintensifies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scary as fuck, dude.

>> No.987318


>> No.987343

I highly doubt those are precast

>> No.987364

take a video