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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 1.36 MB, 3664x2748, 100_6369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
981456 No.981456 [Reply] [Original]

Months ago, the reforming/building of my house was completed, and it received lots of Ethernet cables inside the walls. But, only one outhelet is working (pic related, all of them are like the one I'm pointing at). The man who was installing these CAT-6 cables was able to flee from my house before finishing the job, and then, I have no proper cables to use. I need your help to discover what is the problem with them, and how to solve.

More information on the next posts...

>> No.981463
File: 1.68 MB, 3664x2748, 100_6366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..so, this is the router I'm using for the cables. I used 2 routers, the result was the same. I plugged them in it's back, went to the outhelet, and used a patch cable to plug my netbook. Then, I pinged Google, and got no connection. This is why I know they are not working...

>> No.981470

Are there any lights on the eithernet port on your pc on when you plug it in?

>> No.981472

I remember this post. Good job on a pic this time OP. Gonna need more though.

>> No.981476
File: 1.48 MB, 2748x3664, 100_6365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...here, the cables behind the router.

>> No.981477

Thank you. I had not posted pics that time, because I was travelling and not in home, and because a fucker stole the thread.

>> No.981479

Yes, there was internet connection on the PC.

>> No.981482

Oops, I forgot to ask, what pictures are needed?

>> No.981521

Ugh. What a mess.

Pick up one of these from Amazon, "borrow" one from Lowes and return it later, whatever. Network Cable Tester. I've seen them as cheap as $5.

You plug the transmitter end into the jack in question in the room, then plug the receiver end into the wires leading to the router till you find one that lights up. Then check the lights to make sure it's wired correctly. It's possibly just poorly terminated on one end or the other. The tester will tell you what pairs aren't proper when it either skips a light or lights in the wrong order.

There is a tool called a toner that you can use to trace wires back to find their origin, but as long as it isn't a complete horrorshow you can spare yourself the extra expense and just fake it with the cable tester till you find the right wires.

>> No.981528


Three dollars. Three damn dollars.

>> No.981540

I don't get why this tool would be needed... Couldn't I just check the color of the wires?

Notice, please, that I'm not on USA, so the price you showed does not applies.

>> No.981549

..and, lemme guess, you couldn't just go to xe.com, or mentally translate what $3 fucking dollars is in guilldens, dingleberris, rabbitsfeet
or whatever the fuck it you use for currency there in the Land of Obstrepous Assholes?

respect to you attemepting anon, but, we tried all this senisble advice stuff last time around.. Mans a fucking balloon, and no joke.

>> No.981561

I'm not so dumb as you think. In my country these network testers costs ~33h of my work. It's not as cheap as there.

>> No.981572

I don't have two male tips on the cables!

One is male, one is female, like the first picture I showed. I can't test this way...

>> No.981592
File: 18 KB, 425x296, 8wirepatch[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't have two male tips on the cables!

Hey Ricky Retardo, have you heard of a patch cable?

>> No.981604

If I use the patch cable, I would be testing two cables, instead of one!!!!

>> No.981609

cant tell if this is a serious post or not

>> No.981610

It's serious. I want to test the cable inside the walls.

>> No.981611

Then you really are a total retard.
Test the patch cable. If it works then you rule that one being bad out and you can focus on just the wall cables.

This might be too much for you if you cant grasp that concept.

>> No.981615

If you can't grasp the basics of how copper cable fault finding works you're fucked for solving a wall cavity run data network.

>> No.981618

And if the test isn't testing right?
In the past, I had patch cables that worked in one positions, but in another it interrupted the connection!

>> No.981628

then you found out why your shit doesnt work

>> No.981635

I hadn't this problem with my actual patch cable!!!

>> No.981637

Look Ricky Retardo, I'm on to your game. You keep posting stupid shit and ignore the helpful advice anons give you. If you're unwilling to fix the problem then hire someone competent. If you're just tard-rolling then just fuck off. Nobody has time for your bullshit.

>> No.981644
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>> No.981657

I can't pay for the cable tester, and if another nigger is "hired", he will flee if I let the door open... And then, I will have no connection. What I need to know is this:
>I don't get why this tool would be needed... Couldn't I just check the color of the wires?
This noone answered or explained...

>> No.981665

Because you can't tell if there is connection inside the cat6 tip easily.

You want both ends of the cable in b-standard so it works right.

>> No.981666

You will need at least cat 5 tips, cat5 crimper, cat 5 stripper, and punch down tool to fix this mess.

If you truly do work 33hr for 3 dollars, then you're spending your money on the wrong things even getting your house wired with cat6.

>> No.981676

Not to mention that the tools required to fix improperly terminated cables are going to be more expensive then the tester.

>> No.981689

>You want both ends of the cable in b-standard so it works right.
I already saw some of them are B, some of them are A, and some are none of them... The male tips, of course. I have not opened the outhelets.

>> No.981691

>If you truly do work 33hr for 3 dollars
You understood wrongly. The tester costs US$25 here. For US$25, I would need to work 33h.
For US$3, I would need "only" 4h, but there are no testers for this price here.

>> No.981723
File: 32 KB, 400x266, Crimp-Tool-Crim-Frame-with-Die-Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to have 8 phone jacks or alarm wires and 4 cat6.

Do you actually have 4 cat6 wires or is that 2 that are looped in the cavity?

If you have 568 A/B mixed that is actually not a problem, modern NICs and routers automatically correct for mismatched 568A/B.

If the connections are just fucked, or random, then yes, they would need to be re done.

You need a 110 punchdown tool at the minimum to fix the jacks in your wall.

If you want Cat6 hanging out of your wall with connections on the end then you need an RJ-45 crimper and uncrimped RJ-45 male tips.

>> No.981746

My inner cable tech is screaming. Make it stop, mom.

>> No.981749

>cat 5 tips
I already have RJ-45 tips.

>cat5 crimper
I alreay have the crimper.

>cat 5 stripper
I don't even know what is this.

>punch down tool
I don't even know what is this.

>> No.981752

You don't need a stripper. Cut the bad tip off, ring the jacket.
1: Make ABSOLUTELY sure you didn't knick any of the conductors when you ringed the jacket. You can now keep the whole length of conductor. If you cut enough off to give you enough length to work with, great.
2. If you did ring one, then find the pull string, and snip down just a smidge in the jacket so the pull string can start cutting there. Pull down and give yourself enough length to work with. Like 2-3 inches.

A punch down tool is a punch down tool. You could have googled that easily. There is no other name for it. You only need it if you are going to redo the jacks. You might need to redo the jacks but you haven't taken any pictures of them yet. It's really hard to do them wrong usually. They have pretty pictures on the side of the jack. The asshole would have to be colorblind and drunk to fail at it.

You could also have googled how to terminate a plug. Or just looked at the picture we gave you earlier.

>> No.981753

>ring the jacket
(with something sharp, like scissors)

Op you are still a faggot plyaing at being retarded. This is my area of expertise but you're such a faggot I am bailing on your thread.

>> No.981755

Tell what is the problem.

>> No.981756

They are 4 CAT6, one of them goes to the 2nd floor, to connect to another router where there are more cables.

OK, so everyone that isn't A and B needs to be remade? Are you sure? I will start remaking them.

110 punchdown???

I already have the crimper. One tip (the one that connects to the routers) is male, and the female is where the people who live with me will connect their computers.

>> No.981772

>ring the jacket
You mean, remove the rubber to expose the wires?

>> No.981836
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>> No.981935

He is brazilian. Everything on dollars is 4 times more expensivve and if it above 50 dolars ther eis a 60%tax and month delay. It's common for masons and construction workers to be lazy stupid cunts who half finish the job and run away. And that is why you never pay them before it's done. Or do it yourself.

>> No.981945
File: 782 KB, 848x534, dunk,.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP it seems you are retarded enough even for brazilian standards. You are on the same level of the guy who did that shit job.
Fucking cable tester for 5 dollars (or 20 dilmas)

Search for punchdown in english and the results will be the same.
I hate housebuilders and house-building culture and techiniques here on this shit hole.Not even on the middle ages people were so stupid and wasteful.
Why nigger have hard-ons to put all their cables inside pvc tubes inside structural brick masonry walls which need to be broken to fix cable problems? I can't begin to fathom what passes through the minds of these retarded backward people even after 18 years working as an architect in this shithole.

>> No.982064

My question is serious.
For me, ring is to put in the finger,
and jacket is to wear on the torso.

>> No.982075

Thanks for explaining in my place, I couldn't do better.

>> No.982088

Read my following post retard.
Ethernet cables are ethernet cables here or in eritreia.

>> No.982109

If the cable is in a PVC conduit should not they just be able to pull in a replacement? Or do they use plumbing 90s instead of sweeps or something?

>> No.982130
File: 85 KB, 500x374, 20120412_173013[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes they just put inside the bricks. My apartment "tube" desgined to take TV/network cables from the box two floors below is full of debris and inside a structural column (???????????????????????). I and the techs coudn't clear it so I asked the landlord for keys to the apartment on my side, drew the cable through a light shaft. People here are stupid, construction people are like the condensed cream of this stupidity. You should see what me and my dad deal with (architecture)

>> No.982131

My friend said they costed R$100 (US$25), but I contacted him, and he didn't convinced me that the R$100 model is any better than the R$20 (US$5)...

He said these testers of US$5 test nothing, but the only thing the tester of US$25 do is say if the cable is connected, if it is crossover, and if it has short-circuit.

He even recommmended models that appears to be a small computer, and test impedance and other things... WTF?

>> No.982133
File: 32 KB, 600x600, Conduíte Amarelo Corrugado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The conduits here are these yellow PVC ones. They are not inside the brick tubes, the bricks were partially broken, after placed in the wall, to open space to the conduits. So, the conduits are just below the external cement layer.

But, I think it's not needed to break the wall to fix these cables...

>> No.982138

>Search for punchdown in english and the results will be the same.

Why is it needed? A screwdriver couldn't do the job?

>> No.982144

Breaking down wall you just built to place things in them is a stupid idea. There are proper brick shapes for dealing with that or we could build houses like humans. And it isn't cement.
Just google for fucks sakes. Usually telephone, network, intercomns have thin tiny wires, the guy in my building didn't used too so I had to waste a day of my life sifting through a wire nightmare some dumb nigger did to fix my intercom. Learn to speak english and learn to use google.

>> No.982146
File: 66 KB, 500x448, Cat6UsingPunchDownTool[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is it needed? A screwdriver couldn't do the job?

It will do a shitty job. A good punchdown will also cut the ends of the wires flush.

>> No.982147

ok, OP.
See how all the wire colors line up in the same order (12345678)?
anon is saying to 'get/buy or borrow an extra cable'
- make sure wires are in same order at *both ends*
you need to make sure the cable inside wall has same order at both ends *
plug extra cable into wall cable.
pull other end of extra cable to other end of wall cable.
use multi meter, or Ohm-meter to test the pins to see if wires are in the same order.
if they don't match,
you may need to re-splice the wall-cable to socket.

>> No.982158

>There are proper brick shapes for dealing with that or we could build houses like humans.
>build houses like humans

>And it isn't cement.

>> No.982203
File: 55 KB, 540x960, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, I will try to explain how to fix this issue.

First, figure out what category wire you are using. Depending on the category depends on the heads and key stones you need. Cat 6 key stones are not the same as cat 5e. Cat 5e is 100Mhz certified, but can at short distances do a maximum of 1Gb. Cat 6 is 250Mhz, and certified do 1Gb.

At minimum you need a pairs tester to ensure the wire pairs match. An anon recommended one already. A RJ45 crimper that usually can function as a stripper and cutter. and for the key stones a punch down. You can buy cheap ones for mere cents.

>> No.982205
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Make sure all the equipment you are using is KNOWN good, meaning you can test it in a manner to show it is working, such as the switch, router, computer, etc. You may thing it's a cable when it's the switch port is bad.

If you don't get these tools, you cannot troubleshoot the connectivity of the wires, it's impossible.

You need to first test a patch cable to make sure it is good. You can then plug the cable into the wall outlet and plug one end of the pair tester to the patch cable. Then go to the other end of the run and plug in the tester and test the pairs. If it doesn't pass, the run is bad. You can test wires like this, it's called "jumping" and its usually down when reworking an previous installation to keep minimum service.

>> No.982207
File: 14 KB, 367x449, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Contrary to anons post, if you have a crossover cable and the nodes you attach are not crossover dependent, the NIC will not correct itself. Most crossover cables are yost cables for console ports and directly connecting two devices together without any type of medium in the middle. Like laptop to laptop, old hubs, and dumb L2 switches etc.

Please use TIA 56B to work with a standard.

If you find that after testing a run it does not respond, you have one of two issues. One end of the termination is bad or both, or you have a ground fault. Second, if you have a pair mismatch, or bad wire connection which a pair didn't light up, that means one of the terminations are bad and need to be redone.

>> No.982209
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My suggestion is this, if you have extra cable on each end is to put a head on the cables and test them, if they pass you know the run is good, then re terminate in the proper medium, which is keystone and patch panel, or head with a switch.

If the above troubleshooting measures don't work, the run is bad and must be re-pulled. Not so bad if wire is already pulled, because you can tie off known good wire to the old run and pull it straight through, in some cases with care.

There are no easy answers. I do this for a living and it can be a real bitch sometimes. Even after all my years I still at times terminate badly and fuck up. But because I use proper tools, I can pinpoint my mistake fairly easily. Which is usually just a low dollar pair tester.

>> No.982210
File: 11 KB, 236x236, oh lawd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also remember cables depending on the catagory have a bend radius, and if its bent beyond that can cause disruption.

Make sure the cable length doesn't exceed the maximum run distance (328 feet including patch cables) or the attenuation will ultimately be severe enough to cause fault.

Ultimately you are looking for proper termination, and wiring shorts. For instance when the cabling was pull, did it get cut on something? Or is there EMI from other electrical wiring? Or is there a sever bend in the wire?

If none of this works, come back and post. More pictures would help out.

>> No.982213
File: 102 KB, 583x800, 8825069_orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you cannot troubleshoot the connectivity of the wires, it's impossible.

I don't know about that. I'd like to see OP connect a 9v battery to a pair and have him lick the same colored pair on the other end.

>> No.982214


You can do many tricks as such. But when you are trying to have a person who is apparently already not technically inclined, using those types of techniques would be a nightmare. You could never rule out if he is using the technique wrong or not. Those are last resort types and I personally wouldn't recommend it when a wire pair tester is fucking 3 dollars.

But yes, you can check continuity in many a way, but would take forever, honestly without a second person.

>> No.982226

careful now, a 9v battery KIN KILL:

- wouldnt want OP ded, or nothing. No, Sir.

>> No.982252

Oh, that stuff is alright. It sucks to fish. The worst thhong is it's hard to install because it has such a shitty bend radius and rigidity. You angry turn it over a 2x6 all nice and it'll just collapse at the bend because it can't resist

>> No.982254

A screwdriver will do no job. I dint trust you to find a small enough screwdriver or do it nicely enough to totally fuck it. Most sized screwdrivers just will not work at all because they will destroy the jack before they terminate the wire.

>> No.982256

Are you from fucking 1998? Crossover detection has been a defacto standard since 2001. It's just in all the chipsets and has been forever,there's no reason not to, and users are stupid and use whatever cable they can find, so they fix it at the nic/router

>> No.982259

I can cut with the crimping tool.

>> No.982315

>First, figure out what category wire you are using.
I believe it's CAT6, but how can I confirm?

>A RJ45 crimper that usually can function as a stripper and cutter.
This I already have.

>> No.982325

Should be printed on jacket. Doesn't really matter that much though.

>> No.982330

It's de jure for 1000BASE-T.

>> No.982351

>use multi meter, or Ohm-meter to test the pins to see if wires are in the same order
I can see the colors of the wires!

>> No.982352

Thank you. I understand better now.

>> No.982360

>if you have a pair mismatch
The Auto MDI-X doesn't solve this?

>> No.982377

Of course optimally, as a professional, you do your 1000bt network with 568B, but op clearly isn't.

He can barely afford his plugs and crimper, so if he can identify they are 568A/B then either way it's good enough for him.

>> No.982382

>Please use TIA 56B to work with a standard.
You mean, TIA 568?

>> No.982387

>He can barely afford his plugs and crimper
I already have the RJ45 and crimper!!!

>> No.982392

You could have done this by 1016 this morning you faggot. You are just trolling this shit.

It's not that complicated, fuck

>> No.982393


>> No.982396

>Should be printed on jacket.
You mean, the rubber insulation?

>> No.982397

I don't get the difference between "de facto" and "de jure" in this case.

>> No.982398


>Ethernet cables Anonymous 04/20/16(Wed)09:16:13 No.981456 [Reply]▶
You could have been done with this shit in an hour.

>> No.982399

>Most sized screwdrivers just will not work at all because they will destroy the jack before they terminate the wire.
I'm not talking about the male jack, I'm talking about the female socket.

>> No.982400

>It sucks to fish.
What does that mean?

>> No.982403

>Make sure the cable length doesn't exceed the maximum run distance (328 feet including patch cables) or the attenuation will ultimately be severe enough to cause fault.
My house does not has more than 100m.

>> No.982405

>You could have been done with this shit in an hour.
If I started, but I was unsure if I really needed the cable tester. If I need the cable tester, I need to wait until the end of the holidays AND weekend. So I can't buy yet...

>> No.982407

OK, I will search this information on the cables hanging out of the wall, like these: >>981476

>> No.982412
File: 193 KB, 560x555, jesus christ how horrifying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon you better be trolling.
How did you end up with a house.

If you inherited money you need to find someone you trust very much, and who is smarter than you, and give it all to him and ask him to take care of you.

You are going to end up penny-less in a ditch in 5 years because you are too dumb to live.

>> No.982415

>You are going to end up penny-less in a ditch in 5 years because you are too dumb to live.
I'm almost pennyless, I have only US$100 in my bank account, and don't know when I will receive more from the government.

By the way, I don't own the house, I live here for free. Just need to fix ethernet cables and help people with the computers.

>> No.982489

Buy it off aliexpress you knob

>> No.982491

>retard in a house
Read the thread, he is braziilian.
Aliexpress takes months to get here. A couple days to reach brazil and 30 days for useless mail service to deliver it.

>> No.982546

It's Cat5e!!!

>> No.982549

you been shouting 'its Cat6 - 100 pro!!!' for about a fucking month previous.

>> No.982561

I believed it was CAT6! IT'S NOT

>> No.982578
File: 91 KB, 554x410, tumblr_inline_o02j9fcQbJ1rvl0vd_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a pic of OP.

>> No.983073

I would worry about the configuration of the terminals, as long as both ends of the cables are terminated the same they should would just fine

>> No.983082

Its called mdi midx sensing, and no.. Not all nodes and equipment are capable.

>> No.983083
File: 1.90 MB, 3664x2748, 100_6374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK guys, I bought one cable tester + battery for RS$55 (US$13,75), because I accessed my Internet Banking and discovered the government paid me more US$50 this month.

But the manual, fuck, it's bad translated from Chinese to English. What is this supposed to mean?
>Warning: Test cannot be done while Rj45' s coppe screzers are not totally pressed.And disobeys may lead to a permanent damage of the end.

>> No.983085

B standard, but yes

>> No.983087

It means to make sure the head is fully crimped before insertion into pair tester

>> No.983088

Thanks. And this?
>Warning: Please usequality tools to press the cables. Any end not notified by 6P6C cannot test telephone cables.Any disobeys may also lead to a permanent damage of the end.

>> No.983094

Just insert sharpie in the tester and stop being a retard. Or google the fucking model manual for non retard speak.

>> No.983107

I found this manual:

But, it says the tester can test RJ11, RJ12 and RJ45, while my tester says only RJ11 and RJ45. No RJ12! So, they are not the same tool.

>> No.983118

This ones also says it tests RJ12, but this isn not said on my device.

>> No.983123

RJ45 is what you want for Ethernet.

>> No.983131

I tested one of my patch cables and it only has 4 wires inside it. This doesn't looks good, I'm thinking about throwing it away. Should I? Obviously I shouldn't test my wall cables with it...

>> No.983183

Here, the results:
1st floor
>living room - 3 6 1 4 5 2 7 8 WORKS
>stair room - 2 1 3 6 7 8
>mother office - ?
>suite - 6 3 4 1 5 7 2 8

2nd floor
>parents bedroom - 2 5 4 3 6 7
>father office - 4 3 6 7
>my ex-bedroom - 5 4 3 6
>my office (A) - 4 3 6
>my office (B) - 3 6 7 8 1 2 5 4

There are still 3 ethernet cables on the 2nd floor that I don't know where they connect to, and 1 on the 1st floor.

>> No.983543

Jesus Christ. They really fucked your cabling up. Every cable should read 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, if it's done correctly.

>> No.983595

I would. You're not getting optimal speeds and you'll probably have packet loss if they're not wired correctly. There's a reason there's a standard beyond "we want everyone to do it this way so we don't have to do as much work". Which wires are twisted together matters too because crosstalk.

None of those are correct. I would try redoing all of the ends then check and see which ones are still fucked, then try redoing those again. If they don't work after the second go, you probably should just replace those cables entirely.

>> No.983602
File: 111 KB, 1366x768, 2016-04-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it like to be wrong all the fucking time?

>> No.983616

I already said it was just 1 nigger (and he flee).

>> No.983617
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>> No.983619

>None of those are correct.
The wiring of the living room is working, is it really needed to redo it?

>> No.983623

You don't NEED to, it would just work better.

>> No.983624

Why would work better?

>> No.983684


>> No.983704

Will be the last to be redone.

>> No.983705

>Any disobeys may also lead to a permanent damage of the end.
If you don't usequality tools to press the cables, then Rj45' s coppe screzers might end up not totally pressed, and when you shove the wire in anyway, the plug will jam in the socket and fuck your tester right up.

>> No.983708

You can just shove RJ12 in the RJ45 socket and ignore the complaints about pins 1 and 8 not working.

RJ is designed so you can put smaller plugs into larger sockets.

>> No.983720

>You can just shove RJ12 in the RJ45 socket
No need to. There's a RJ11 socket and a RJ45 socket on the tester.

>> No.983746

For the female one you take a short ethernet cable and plug it in. Most testers will come with one.

>> No.983749


I've used a screwdriver in the past and broken the jack that i was trying to make. I had a punchdown tool in my toolbag, i was just being lazy. use the right tool for the job, dude.

>> No.983751

"De facto" = not required, but everyone does it
"De jure" = everyone does it because otherwise they aren't following the standard and won't get certified

>> No.983755

I already did the tests:

>> No.983756

Thanks, I understand now.

>> No.983758

>Every cable should read 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, if it's done correctly.
But, how about crossover cables? They will not follow this order!

>> No.983760

Crossover cables are
3 6 1 4 5 2 7 8

Straight through should be
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

>> No.983761
File: 51 KB, 526x394, 1432487123194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mdi/mdix is not a standard for 10/100. It is of no matter on 1000Base T because all pairs are used and it doesnt matter which ones send or recieve. . Please don't confuse duplexing with mdi/x. You are wrong, not all nodes have auto sensing for x-over. And to tell a person the cable type doesn't matter is stupid, because it does.

And on 1000BaseT networks if you force the port for a certain duplexing, the auto-sensing feature for mdi/mdix will not work.

I don't give a shit if your switch/router is compliant, it doesn't mean all of them are.

Fuck you. You are an asshole.

>> No.983764

I have not seen one that is not since literally 1998. Op's shit tier brazilian router has it. I think you are full of shit.

Yes of course a professional terminates his shit right, but it is virtually a certainty that.

Show me the datasheet for a NIC made since 2010 that cannot MDI/MDI-X and I will eat my horse head mask.

>> No.983766


And to elaborate your plebeian piece of shit notion.

In corporate environments many switches are set for a certain duplex speed, and the auto negotation duplexing is turned off. For instance, All the ports on my office switch are set to force 1000Mbps, and if the device doesnt support it, to force the next speed.

In doing that, MDIX auto sensing is AUTOMATICALLY turned off.

So assuming all new equipment will auto sense the cabling type is plain wrong, and you'd be an idiot to assume that without first knowing the devices you are connecting, their settings, and configurations.

You are the fucking asshole I deal with on a daily basis. Hurr everything is automagic and u dumb lol dumb lol.

All you do is fuck with little SOHO routers and switches. Have no idea what you are talking about.

I hate you, and people like you who make IT professionals lives a fucking living nightmare. Please murder your family, offspring, than kill yourself. Cock sucker.

>> No.983770

IT professionals are fucking assholes that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground and can be corrected by drunk assholes on the internet.

>Op's shit doesn't matter.
>Hurr yes it does
>Op has a sensing router
>Hurr muh coporate environments.

Fucking hell.
Muh corporate
You know the other end of that makes your router negotiate it down to 100 MB? Yeah, that other end too that is still capable of MDIX? It'll automatically set it up unless you disabled that too. For whatever fucking reason, why are you disabling hardware features? So your shitty terminated 1000M ports display 1000M to the client when they are hardly passing any packets? The hardware would normally auto detect that shit and bump it down if it's shit

>> No.983788

I have a crossover cable on the living room!

>> No.983789

Thanks. OP here and I don't give a shit to this discussion about duplexing and not-auto-MDI-X. I suggest using >>>/g/ to discuss these things.

>> No.983814

>no need to use the RJ45 socket
I'm sure you'll have a swell time trying to get your RJ12 into the RJ11 one.

>> No.983817
File: 45 KB, 479x345, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When I deliberately break my network my network becomes broken

>> No.983821


Setting a duplex is not breaking your network. You have no idea how Enterprise and Corporate networks are managed apparently.


I on the other hand have dealt with this issue. Auto sensing for duplexing and cabling type works at times, but it also fails.

The fucking shitter cleaner telling the it guy shit he found on the internet.

>> No.983823


Why are you so stupid?

>> No.983824 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 434x289, rj11_rj12_rj45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? They are all 6C!

>> No.983826
File: 1.72 MB, 800x450, I don't give a shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.983827
File: 25 KB, 434x289, rj11_rj12_rj45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? RJ11 and RJ12 are both 6C.

>> No.983838
File: 19 KB, 320x240, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The very article you link says that you *should* set your gigabit to autonegotiate (like you're advising not to), and that you *shouldn't* turn off duplex negotiation (like you actually did).

>> No.983849


Incorrect, the initial argument made was that all equipment is auto sensing for mdi/mdix.

And, again it isn't true. ITelling a person to use any cable because your node is auto sensing and that it never fails is foolish, especially if they aren't tech literate.

Not ALL networks are set up the same, which was my point, and to just assume they will all auto sense, or that it works correctly everytime is stupid. In this, I am still correct.

The link I posted goes on to state that fact, that in fact auto sensing for duplexing fails, and therefore some environments force duplexing, thereby breaking auto sensing MDI/MDIX.

No error in my argument.

I never argues that there is no such thing as auto sensing, or that you shouldn't use auto negotation for duplexing. You are using a stawmen sir, and it was never initially about duplexing.

To go further, 1000BaseT does not have pair polarity. Any wire can be used to send or recieve, as in 1000BaseT all pairs are used. This is why it does not matter with 1000BaseT.


This is why if you set the fucking duplexing to 1000 FD, IT DOESNT FUCKING MATTER IF YOU USE ST OR XO.

But, auto sensing doesnt always fucking work.

youre welcome.

>> No.983863

>It doesn't matter
>Pinout still clearly maintains pairs.
Fucking' A, you can't get anything right. Are you sure your bosses know you can't do your job?

yes, 1000mbit uses all 4 pairs.
But they are fuckin PAIRS still. If you split them, by doing 'anything' you will cross talk and errors will go to shit.

The auto sensing doesn't 'fail' it renegotiates randomly, for up to--gasp---500ms

Which might be something between switches and gateways, but who the fuck cares about an end user that brought a cable from home? No one will ever even notice.
You've already backpedaled from 'auto sensing isn't common' to 'uhm. It just doesn't work!'

It works great, that's why it's standard now.

>> No.983864

Congratulations, your router supports crossover/patch auto-negotiation.

What a fucking surprise in Brazil.

>> No.983866

I know this.
It was already revealed here: >>983602

>> No.984050

If it is Windows 10 he could just ask MS what the problem is, given they now know everything about his network.

>> No.984368

>4 wires
I still need to know what to do with this patch cable!

>> No.984378


>> No.984382

You need a chill pill or a different job maybe.

>> No.984639

can it be used at lower speed ?

>> No.984654

It can be used for 10MBps (so long as the wires are at 1,2,3,6), so if you have a PS2 or a Dreamcast or something, you could use it to hook that up.

>> No.985005

How do you know it can be use to 10MBps? And, are you sure it's 10MBps and not 10Mbps?