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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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974696 No.974696 [Reply] [Original]

What's /diy/'s opinion on the perfect underground shelter?

Shipping containers shouldn't be used

>> No.974699
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>> No.974703

What about a nuclear proof shelter? Can you weld led pipes into a frame for your bunker? Led helps with RPF (Radiation Protection Factor)

>> No.974728

For what purpose? Is it worth it? I'm looking up info on earthen insulation r value and, given the problems with sealing against water penetration and the shear volume of earth to be moved, it makes so much more sense to just put in a couple inches of insulation above ground.

>> No.974731

What's bunker bro up to?

>> No.974743
File: 159 KB, 468x388, missile-silo-montage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go with the decommissioned nuclear missle silo. You'll get the most bang for your buck! You get it? Because it's a missle silo!.. In all seriousness though, I don't think it actually comes with the ICBM, but maybe that varies by state.

>> No.974748
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This is a pic with half-values for various materials' thicknesses. That means this much of said material reduces by half the quantity of gamma rays that would penetrate your shelter. Nothing can inherently stop all of them, but laters/thickness can stop most relatively easily (openings/doorways/etc are the worst places, of course).

>> No.974749
File: 77 KB, 728x546, Safeguard-Complex-Abandoned-North-Dakota-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, those are nice (pic related) but they at time come with caveats (Like pic related) when they're sold, such as x-quantity of missile silos on the land filled with 100k gallons of toxic water or whatnot.

That is beside the fact that your house will surely be on some Russian Be-Sure-To-Blow-Up list.

>> No.974750
File: 204 KB, 1600x775, Stanley R. Mickelsen Safeguard Complex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*toxic water that you'll be charged with safely and legally disposing of, at your expense, I forgot to add

>> No.974881
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>read bunk-
>"ohmygerd bunker anon made a thread"

>> No.974922
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I don't have anything fun to report about, I'm stuck in bathroom/wc tiling hell. It never ends.

>> No.974928
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Various tiles, tiled.

>> No.974940


ho. lee fuck

are ju bunka anon?

>> No.974944
File: 109 KB, 2125x1195, hey kid, wanna tile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Remember, friends don't let friends tile alone ;_;

>> No.974972

>Remember, friends don't let friends tile alone ;_;

Your tiles look good bunker bro. I'd help just to get a tour.

>> No.975015

May your tiling be done quickly anon.
>inb4 10 thousand year later ayyliens find a guy in a tiled hole with several mosaics despicting his rage against tiles.

>> No.975030
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>> No.975042

I don't know why, but bunkers just seem so fascinating and comfy to me. I could theory craft them in my mind for days, or talk about them with someone for hours. unfortunately I don't have a girlfriend or many friends so no one would listen to me.

>> No.975600

Pfft, toxic? I think you mean super power causing. Have you never read a single science publication? Start with 'The Journal of Genetics and Spidermen' if you think you can keep up with the jargon.

>> No.975692

>or talk about them with someone for hours.

>unfortunately I don't have a girlfriend or many friends so no one would listen to me.

Related, perhaps?

>> No.975741

What is bg's opinion on above ground bunkers? My house has foot thick poured concrete walls and a metal roof. With exception of doors and windows, I would already live in a bunker.

>> No.975999

Why so many showers and toilets? You going to have LAN parties?

>> No.976081
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Were a hundred or so people working on base 24/7, so the supporting facilities of that exists. Renovating part by part and right now is the living quarters mainly.

>> No.976128

are you the bunker anon or a bunker anon?
I though you were just one person doing it all yourself.

will you let the other 100 people live there or are they just paid to do the work?

>> No.976136
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Misunderstood me. When the base was operational it had a personnel of ~100. These days it's just me and a lot of spiders. My goal is to renovate the whole facility.

>> No.976144

do you have any plans what to do with it after the renovation?

>> No.976162

AirBnB fallout vault simulation week. Advertise on /k/ and /out/ and /diy/, you could get 100 people to pay $1000 each for a week of that shit.

>> No.976191

I'm new to /diy/ can you explain what you're doing?

>> No.976304

He owns a nuclear bunker in Scandinavia. Like a real one from the cold war that he bought from the government.

He is restoring/improving it because he owns a fucking bunker, and why not?

>> No.976425

Damn that's pretty cool.

>> No.976427

oh ok, got you now.
So whats the overall expenses so far? minus that bullshit generator you just bought lol

>> No.976452
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''how much did you pay to furnish your bunker?'' is not the kind of thing one asks in polite society.


>> No.976456

wonder how hard it would be to move to Scandinavia? are you taking applications for residents?.

>> No.976516

Are you a grandmother?
this is 1, an anonymous image board. 2, 4chan.
also we have already established you inherited an ungodly amount of money, and decided to do something fun with it. (did you forget you told us?)

Almost every last person here wants a bunker. This is a bunker thread. It may be cheaper to buy old bunkers instead of make new ones. Id like to be successful in life and bunker related activities are a possibility in my future.
I think my question is fair, though I'm not implying you are obligated to answer it.

>> No.976518

also I use the term bullshit in a complementing way. If you know anything about computers or programing think of it like how an integer rolls over from 214..... to -214..... then counts back up to 0.

>> No.976604

Bunker anon!
Do you have any new pictures since your last thread? i know theres a few of us interested in your progress.

>> No.976665

>I don't think it actually comes with the ICBM, but maybe that varies by state.

Muh Second 'mendment right

>> No.976704

>wonder how hard it would be to move to Scandinavia?

Tell them you are Syrian.

>> No.976732

hey Bunker General.

I have a purely theoretical set of questions here.
1.) how difficult would it be to convert a medium small, abandoned subway station (primar entrances covered and filled in) into a functional bunker?. (difficulty disregards price)

2.) assuming one reasonably well-skilled man is doing a majority of the work, how long would that sort of job take? 2 men? 5? assuming adequate tools but no large machines(no forklifts or tunnel drillers, but a manual fork-cart or a man-portable electric auger)

3.) how would you(personally, and for unrelated reasons) fortify such a place from intrusion?

4.) how likely are you to get away with tapping a buried power-line and parasitizing power from it to run the lights and AC for such a location?

5.) subway tunnels? how do they work?

and if you need to ask why, I'm from /tg/ and this is clearly not something I actually intend to build. I could ask /srg/ but they are dildos about this sort of question

>> No.976736

I do like theorycrafting, but overall i'd say a subway station would be a poor choice for a bunker. Its likely to be in a heavily urban area with nearly public street access.

1. Difficulty depends on how good of a tradesman you are.

2. also depends on your skill level. Assuming you're a general contractor, it would depend on how comfortable you want it to be; kitchen, theater, pool, or just locking doors for beds. If you're doing it alone, a couple months depending on the amenities.

3. you'll have a minimum of 3 points of entry, both subway tubes and pedestrian access for a small station. The tubes are giant; you would have to create a jail-cell door type of barrier to keep people out at which point it would be highly suspicious enticing them to come in. That or a cave-in of the dirt to permanently block entry/exit which is bad for you in the event of a flood or fire.

4. Not likely; you can't just hook up to a high power line without serious risk or death to yourself. Then you'll probably need a transformer to bring it down to 110v levels.

5. Magnets

You may want to be more specific; its very rare cities or municipalities sell abandoned subway stations to private entities, and even then its prohibitively expensive for most people and businesses.

>> No.976744

A direct hit will fuck you up anyway, bunker busting missiles can go through concrete and steel like butter, radiation shielding won't protect you when the bomb is inside before it detonates.
if it misses you by a few miles then next problem is the shockwave, if your shelter is too rigid it will simply crack from the pressure.

the fallout is the least of your worries, you aren't containing a reactor core

>> No.976750

>first line
assume abandoned implies that the street access was built over during an area-renovation (the knock-down the buildings and re-build the streets sort). a parking lot was paved over the people-entrance.

>skill level
assume retired bunker construction contractor
lots of skill but used to fresh builds, not re-purposing.

see above, assisted by his runner team(assume them to be people whom are exceptionally fit, and capable of understanding and following complex instructions but inexperienced in construction work)

>3 points of entry
assuming an artfully decorated "cave in" that could be blasted out of the way from the inside or a small side-passage to a door in either tunnel?

>electrocution, death, and death-like things...Then you'll probably need a transformer to bring it down to 110v levels.
okay, aside from the risk of death, would a power company notice that level of parasitic drain in or near a light apartment area?

fair enough.

>its very rare cities or municipalities sell abandoned subway stations to private entities
>laughing shadowrunners
the implication is that this is a "forgotten" station(a thing I have been steadfastly told DOES happen) and I'm allowing backstories and knowledge-skills to be used for the characters.

>we've started down the rabbit hole guys, lets keep digging.

>> No.976756

to be fair, it's less likely that people will target Johnny Doe's middle of no-place bunker directly with a bunker-buster. not unless Johnny Doe is like, a confirmed ISIS leader or somesuch..

>> No.976759

the point was that you don't need that much protection from radiation, the blast is much more powerful than the fallout, a few feet of dirt will probably keep you alive from the dust.

>> No.976776

Uh, well its your fantasy build dude, none of it really matters. But a professional bunker builder and a couple helping hands would probably still take a few months of dedicated work if they knew everything they were doing and already had the supplies.

Your caved in tunnel entrances benefit and hinder yourself; you only have a small access point in or out which makes ingress and egress slow and difficult. Not to mention you'll slow down the construction project.

Power companies likely wouldn't notice if you were drawing small amounts of electricity, they chalk that up to line loss. However as with most hack-jobs for electricity (just like marijuana grow houses in suburbs) Its usually found out after about 8 months when the computer tells the power company all the billed electricity is significantly lower than what is being produced in a certain area.

If you have a forgotten station and you're constantly hanging around your secret entrance and bringing building supplies in with your builder crew, people will notice you, and eventually follow you in or report you to the authorities.

I just saw the chart recently, but the amount of material necessary for radiation shielding against fallout is rather low. For dirt I seem to remember 35cm, snow was 60m, and steel was something tiny, less than 4cm for complete protection.

>> No.976790

>I just saw the chart recently
See the 4th post in this thread.
>for complete protection.
The given thicknesses reduce radiation to half. You usually want bit better protection than that.

>> No.976853

We all know burying a shining container is bad, but what about burying one vertically so that the top is level with the ground?

My purely hypothetical bunker plans involve building a Quonset Hut over the top of an entrance the covering the Quonset in just a couple inches of dirt so that I can put grass over it and it just looks like a hill from above.

This way I can drive my truck under the hill and use it for storage, then have a spiral staircase leading to the bunker itself. Is a shipping container strong enough to hold the dirt in this manner, or should I be looking more into culvert pipe?

Alternatively, would I be better building just a few inches from the surface to keep air quality in check?

>> No.976889

>A practical fallout shield is ten halving-thicknesses of a given material, such as 90 cm (36 inches) of packed earth, which reduces gamma ray exposure by approximately 1024 times (210).[14][15] A shelter built with these materials for the purposes of fallout protection is known as a fallout shelter.
thanks wiki

>> No.977010
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Live in it. I'll be renting out a part of it as data center space, friend talked me into it.


That's not me you're talking to.

Not much, mainly just been doing tiling work.

Thankfully they are absolute worthless against granite - and I'm in a granite mountain. Facility was designed to take a direct hit as it was a valid military target. Air command is something you want to hit first before you invade. It definitely had a few warheads aimed at it during the cold war.

>> No.977033

I want you to know you are both a gentleman and a scholar. I have followed your threads for years now. Please post whatever you can to bring the newbs up to speed.

>> No.977043

Keep it up!

>> No.977048

>wasnt talking to you
oh ok, so do you mind discussing how much it costs to acquire an old bunker and restore it?

>> No.977062

Bunker bro, I am a young, competent Canadian handyman with dual Euro citizenship.

I'm being kicked out of my house in less than two months' time, and I don't have a stable job at the moment. Out of complete curiosity, would you even consider a helper on your project for a time, or is this entirely on your own?

>> No.977069

I have moderate fab skills in addition to HVAC and automotive skills. I am beyond interested

>> No.977100


He has said before that he has no interest in bringing people in on this, let alone foreigners, I would guess that anon is even farther down the list...

>> No.977105

I figured as much, no need to get all zealous.

>> No.977126

i am pretty dark skinned. id hate to have to convert to islam though. love bacon dont really like goats.

>> No.977148
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>> No.977150
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>> No.977152
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I like pictures and schematics of places...post pictures of bunkers.

>> No.977153
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>> No.977175

>Police car in the first pic, asking myself why.

>> No.977179

well, probably for the same reason that we have these pictures.

Got busted.

sometimes ppl talk, some ppl anyway :-/

>> No.977181

Take a very close look at picture No. 3

Then the policecar will make much more sense

>> No.977186

Hey, bunkeranon, I gotta ask; What brand is your generator?

There's a chance I might have assembled part of it.

>> No.977432
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Takes too long ;)

I will!

In my case they go for anything between $1 and $1m, depending on how many are bidding. Government sells off their old properties, anything from islands to bunkers, to old out houses. I got mine for $250k, it includes the facility, the land around it, and some small scattered patches where there used anything from gun placements to radar towers. Due to its bad condition (for example ~5000m2 of flooded tunnels, pic) there was very few bidders. I'm doing most of the renovations by myself so not that pricey. Pesky laws hinder me from doing anything 10 000 volts related myself ;)

I would be responsible for you in this death trap, can't do it. Have you seen my death bridge?

MTU Engine, Pillar flywheel generator system.

>> No.977442


>> No.977457

Post the death bridge please

>> No.977471

Death bridge!!

>> No.977480

Can at least tell us how much did you paid for the space itself?

>> No.977489

this is just awesome and you're living the dream

It's not for everyone but it's also not that expensive.

Care to share the total area included in the deal?

>> No.977491

Old documentary where they some small shot from it every now and then. At 1:24 you can see the mountain, that's mine.


>> No.977494
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Wait you have and entire actual mountain all for yourself? FUCK.

>> No.977529

No, but other world governments may still have it targeted on their list of places to blow up, "just in case."

>> No.977544


> you will never have a /comfy/ underground green house


Don't ever give a fuck what other people think of you

>> No.977551

>you will never have
you didn't have to remind me...

>> No.977571

You can't make me sign a waiver or something?
I have like zero fear of heights. ;)

But I respect your project, you doing it yourself. Just keep us updated!

>> No.977574


have you tested this place for radon gas

>> No.977621

There's a very good chance I helped assemble it. What model number?

>> No.977636

Anybody try earthship style shelters? Not much of a bunker, more of a shelter

>> No.977683
File: 3.97 MB, 4128x3096, 20160402_001441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a bunker but I am i progress of making a kind of emergency home/hideout inside an abandoned power plant (pic), for now it's just one room but the place is big and there is a lot of resources at hand. We have access to free electricity as they forgot to turn of one of the electrical lines coming out of the ground, and with some nigger rigging we managed to get the outlets to work in our room. Further more there is a lot of functional equipment they left there, including 1 75kw, 500kg AC motor and a couple of 65kw ones. I figurd they are pretty expensive.

>> No.977691

how do you get "into" something like this? I mean finding a abandoned powerplant and breaking into it. (police, alarms, making sure you not get shanked by a druggy hobo etc). Do you have some tips?

>> No.977715
File: 3.95 MB, 4128x3096, 20160410_175111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step one: don't be a fool. Before you can get inside, you need to know the area around it, look for cameras, signs of regular activity. Then one rule is, never be the first person to break in. As long as other people have broken in before, then it's fine. In our case the power plant was decommissioned in 1991 (as far as we know, from going through old documents we found. So obviously a lot of people have been in there before, however, they sealed of all entrances again about 1 year ago, and the place remained untouched for a while. Nowadays we have our own secret door with locks that we use to get inside, and we make sure we are the only ones that have access to the building, so no problems with getting stabbed by hobos. Anyway if someone would get stabbed it would be the hobos. Also IF anyone would get inside the building there's no chance they would get inside our room since it's locked up pretty good

So to conclude this: if you want to do something like this, you need to find a suitable building, seal off all the entrances and make sure you're the only one who can get inside, and then you're good to go I guess. If you have experience with urban exploring, then that's gonna help a lot.
Pic is the heart of the plant

>> No.977739


Someone owns that plant, though.
I mean I'm all for urbexing, but you're just squatting.
Someone will come along eventually, and have you removed. Are you living there permanently, or is this a hobby-hideout?

>> No.977742

This is a hobby hideout, and well nothing will be done about the place until they decide to demolish it, which will take a while. Since the plant was the town first and built in the late 1800, I suppose it has some kind of historical value and that's why they don't demolish it. I'm pretty sure the building belongs to the city

>> No.977743

Oh and besides, who ever owns the building don't even have access to the inside themselves, there is only one entrance and that is the one we made. If they want to get inside they wi have to break in.

>> No.977752

that's some real fallout shit

>> No.977754


>> No.977800

The thing I can't believe is that scrappers aren't raping the fuck out of that place.

>> No.977805
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Found this archived. Is this the deathbridge?

>> No.977824
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holy shit

>> No.977876

Holy shit, that looks like fun.

>> No.977971

>I got mine for $250k
Fucking sick, that actually sounds doable.
How are those flooded areas coming along?
Last I heard about it there was a picture of the two glowing eyes cave monster thing under the water.
Do you have an effective method for keeping the tunnels water free?

>> No.977987

Why do you need a bunker? That is the question to which bunker designs are the specific answer?

Blast? Tornado? Small arms and grenade protection?

>> No.977989

He got the pumps going and drained the small lake. Pretty sure he has sump pumps running to keep the water out.

>> No.977993

The question is why wouldn't you need a bunker? Or atleast a dirt cheap property with a fucking bunker on it. 250k? For a god damned mountain!?
My brother paid 500k for a 180m2 duplex with like 15m2 of garden on outskirts of Berlin...

>> No.978019

>250k? For a god damned mountain!?
I live in a 2 bedroom condo with a 1 car garage in a college town. Property evaluated at $450k. That's not a typo. And it's a 30-something year old building with $300+ per month HOA fees.


>> No.978031

Move to Texas for fucks sake.

>> No.978049

They left the pumps?
also is that really the solution? just run pumps literally forever?
There isnt a way to eliminate the source of the flooding or install some kind of drain?

>> No.978052

>$300+ month hoa fees
what the fuck? you cucks actually do that?
Where I live you can find a shitty house that has that for the rent for the whole month.
I am laughing my ass off right now. You literally pay someone else hundreds of dollars every month just because YOU own a house?
Thats worse than britain's tv license thing.

>> No.978070


>> No.978166

Be warned, if you draw power, the power company can rat you out to the city.

>> No.978168

Stop paying your HOA, they can't do shit and if they do, spread crabgrass on their lawns.

>> No.978281

i think he talked about drains yeah,
dont think you can eliminate all water, as it is probably groundwater and he being underground

>> No.978411


i don't know how much it's doable in bunker anon's case, but maybe he could use some bentonite to seal the water leaking.


>> No.978560
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>You can see the mountain, that's mine.

On the internet, no one knows you're a dwarf

>> No.978564



>> No.978595

Where do you buy a bunker? I've been searching online with not much luck.

>> No.978629

Belowground structures are basically impossible to keep water out of. Between ground pressure and water pressure, any effort you make with eventually fail, so it's easiest to just install sumps and pump out water all the time.

Some areas get less water than others, and don't have to pump as often, but virtually every underground structure that's larger than a coffin vault needs to be pumped out at some point or another.

Not to mention that if you were to line your bunker in an inch or more of plastic to try to keep the water out, it'll probably float out of the ground when it rains, and it's not am economical solution.

>> No.978680

>it'll probably float out of the ground when it rains,
kek. Interesting, Ive never thought of bunkers as wet places. Now that I know that I can only imagine that they smell like my basement and I dont think I'd like to be around that all the time.
Do bunkers have that wet basement smell?

>> No.978694


And then create the same conditions.

Please stay away.

>> No.979484

This anon knows how it works.
That's why whenever I hear people from California bitch about "apartment prices" I don't tell them that where I'm at only poor people live in apartments.
I also don't tell them how I can leave my door open all night, door unlocked when I go to the store, and windows in the car down while I am in the store.
Fuck California, keep your problems there.

>> No.979539

Damn, staring to look real nice in there!

>> No.979546

I'm not sure what I'm looking at but I like it

>> No.979547

Yup yup, that's it.

>> No.979551

Shipping containers are weak as fuck. There's a YouTube video of one getting a sagged roof from about 6 inches of overhead dirt, and the sides all bowed inwards alarmingly too. I'm not sure why people fixate on containers so much. There are better options.

>> No.979558

>also is that really the solution? just run pumps literally forever?

Military shelters have military shelter budgets, which is why those who use them aren't poor.

>> No.979562

Bunkers are cool but in Burgerland I could do a lot more with 250K than a glorified play fort which in this country are typically in the middle of nowhere to conveniently take nuke strikes and maximize distance from enemy aircraft which were primary delivery systems when most of them were built.

Totally cool rich guy toy of which I approve. No functional use to most people, even techies. The "under-groundness" is a sacrifice of convenient access (except for some drive-in early Nike and similar sites) for being beneath the surface.

Most Anons don't really know WHY they want to go underground which is why so few people actually bother. If you want a bunker, a bermed and landscaped HAS-style bunker is suitably protective and has outstanding access so you can protect more than yourself in tornadoland.

Berlin property will appreciate faster than most discarded Cold War sites. Snatch a site up if you can but the Anons reading this thread with the exception of Bunkeranon ain't gonna do that.

Building, instead of lightly renovating, a bunker is not /diy/ unless you are a construction contractor with fat bank.

>> No.979731

A-ha! Those fluorescent tubes aren't rated for series connection, meaning the lighting contravenes basement safety guidelines. Well spotted, anon.

>> No.979799
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Sorry, can't wave away worker laws.

Yes, with the ventilation in place its 60bq/m3. If turned off, in the lowest part of the complex, I had a reading of 14 000 bq/m3 (max value of machine) in a room.

It is from the German facility.

Two months of pumping, I put in a french drain system so it can never flood again. The ground water is collected either into the drain and flows out of the mountain or into a sump pump well. So it's all under control.

It's just two normal $100 hardware store sump pump. Got them on a timer, so it runs for one h/day. I get about 1000 liter in total per day in ground water, the rest goes into the drain, which gravity solves for me. You can't really do much about stopping the water, the mountains weight pushes ground water up fissures, which has been created under millions of years in the granite. It costs me about $1 per day in power to keep it dry.

It did for a while when I power washed walls/ceiling after I did some concrete work, had to clean it due to all the cement dust.

>> No.979811

that tower you posted pics of before... it extends? you have a giant tower the rises out of the ground?


I used to live in a basement. no windows. how are you going to deal with the crushing darkness? I mean you can just go outside. but I found my basement became incredibly oppressive inside not being able to wake up to the sight of the sky. I guess you could just build out the top of the tower into a small bedroom and then set it with your alarm clock so that you rise out of the earth in the early morning to the sound of glorious klaxons?

>> No.979939

neat, did you ever find out how the whole thing was made?
I assumed they drilled it but those ceilings look like it was some kind of underground(inmountian) river

>> No.979943

Drilled. They put in 3 meter anchors into the granite, copper meshing for emp, shotcrete, rebar netting, more shotcrete. So heavily reinforced so not to cave in when the shockwaves starts.

>> No.979945

>copper meshing for emp
if you werent inside a fucking mountain in the woods, I would say I imagine that kills your cellphone signal and that it sucks, but since you have none anyway, nice!
how does it affect your wifi? I assume you allready put wifi in there.

>> No.979948

No wifi, would need hundreds of APs to cover it. Got fiber to all rooms. Tho one room with mobile phone coverage, put a 3g booster outside and pulled a 60 meter cable down a ventilation shaft. So with a knife switch I can activate atleast coverage for that room.

>> No.979955

nice, Im surprised that you dont want to be able to walk around on wifi though.
Im partial to wired connections myself.
>ventilation shafts
I've never thought about it before now, wouldn't a ventilation shaft defeat the purpose of a sealed environment?

>> No.979966

HEPA NBC filters and rapid closing blast valves with blast wave traps. So it's fine. You need them for diesel engine exhaust. Unless you want to gas yourself when the power goes out.

>> No.979977

but when a metieor hits the earth and blows away our atmosphere, what will you do?

>> No.979981


>> No.979989

That was fucking miserable, I cant believe I sat through the whole thing.

>> No.980005
File: 268 KB, 1024x662, dwarven_artificer_by_scarypet-d492lo8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been thinking of using my wealth to start a secret underground city-state inhabited by anons. I've been fooling around with the idea for years and will start on a just-for-me bunker in about a year.

Would other anons want to live and help build a city-state if I started building one and supply food and luxury to you? I figured many different anons can make the most of a civilization. /diy/ would make skilled crafters and laborers, a few /ck/ anons could open a few food places, /fit/ if I opened a gym, /g/ could help with tech stuff. Suppose I could buy females and traps off some of my friends. And in a few years we can make war with the surface dwellers.

But for real would anyone be in? I mean we all know we would jump on an opportunity to join Bunker Anon in his underground kingdom.

>> No.980014

>/ck/ anons could open a few food places, /fit/ if I opened a gym, /g/ could help with tech stuff
youre new to 4chan, arnt you?

>> No.980016

I've meet plenty of anons in real life from many boards. Some better then others.

>> No.980020

/g/ is /consumer whores/
/fit/ is /ck/
/ck/ is /memes/

every time I go to /fit/ I wind up looking at all this delicious food and browsing for recipes on google.. and I've never cooked anything in my life let alone baked.

>> No.980022

>Would other anons want to live and help build a city-state
Yeah... 4chan country / city / island / fort /commune is an old idea. The last one I remember was country somewhere in former Yugoslavia. Someone even claimed that people were moving in (would've been the first time ever). Haven't heard about it for ages.

>> No.980024

yup, I dont remember that particular case, but there are always 4chan communes trying to start up. Its been a while though.

Its my belief that they will either be worse than hippy camps, or everyone dies.

>> No.980027

Just figured anons would like the idea more then most people. I've got a few none anons wanting to join in but they lack any skills and finding types to join is also quite hard.

First my bunker and then the city-state. I figure I'd get bored as hell if the apocalypse comes and I'm in a bunker alone. Something like a Vault mixed with Dwarf fortress sounds better to me.

>> No.980036

I would be down if I got compensated good.
Ill be damned if I join the mole people only to be a commoner.

>> No.980037


The idea of a city-state simple evolves from what I would need. I can't do everything so I want skilled people to join in the bunker if some apocalypse happens. People want things so a society would be best to fulfill those needs. Society needs rule so a government or a small ruling senate would be established.

Plus the project would be expensive so crafts or beer to sell would help and surviving an apocalypse would need people to rebuild. All these things fall into place with my hobby of digging tunnels.

>> No.980038

I never posted here about it, but I've had plans for a fully self sustainable underground city, that I'd love to build if I ever came into a large sum of $$$.

Any such thing would have to be in the middle of nowhere to maintain some semblance of security. Which in NA would be the middle of the desert in a state such ad navada. In euro-land, best bet would be Siberia.

>> No.980041

Housing would be for the most part free because underground housing can be built in three distentions so unlimited space. Feel free to ditch any debt you have on the surface world if you choose to live full time. Seems that the theory of this means most things are cheap.

What would you want as a person if you moved to an underground city-state? Really curious

>> No.980045

I have no debts, so the perk of bailing out of my responsibility doesnt apeal to me, and you allowing that only encourages undesirable poeple to join the society.. think australia and its prison island origins.

I am working on an engineering degree and I don't deal with authority being held over me very well.
Ideally, Id like to operate as my own entity or a permanent position in the controlling body.
I guess just make an offer.

>> No.980053

An engineer would be a great addition so I suppose you'd get paid well once an economy is established. Plus that'd throw you right into the upper middle class. Also figured 'guilds' would be used to better establish some areas of labor. You could thus attain a high position in such an area of the society.

The idea for guilds came up to prevent super corporations and a monopoly from ever arising. With the concept of knowledge sharing and apprenticeships for unskilled labor thrown in.

Also you really think anons would establish any sort of authoritarian rule? I figured most of us hate the concept so the leash of government would be quite lose. Basic rules and little tax if any.

>> No.980058

Its an attitude like that which would drive me more towards leading the compound instead of blindly following or even worse, dicking around all day.
There needs to be structure.
If I were in charge there would be guards at the entrance, workers for expanding. an above ground ford around the entrance. an engineering department for the creation and maintenance of doors, air filtration, ventilation, power, and structural security, and obtaining power.
There would need to be a group in charge of building plans, what can be dug and where. You cant have people digging random tunnels everywhere.

The economy will have to interact with the outside world through export and trade. grains and beer and shit can be sold and lumber and steel can be brought in.

This is just an example of stuff to consider.

>> No.980059

If you are really considering this, would recommend that everyone be required to work either farming or sanitation for a couple of years as those are hard jobs that not many people like doing. Distributing them across the population is fair.

>> No.980060

Its an attitude like that which would drive me more towards leading the compound instead of blindly following or even worse, dicking around all day.
There needs to be structure.
If I were in charge there would be guards at the entrance, workers for expanding. an above ground fort around the entrance. an engineering department for the creation and maintenance of doors, air filtration, ventilation, and structural security, and obtaining power.
There would need to be a group in charge of building plans, what can be dug and where. You cant have people digging random tunnels everywhere.

The economy will have to interact with the outside world through export and trade. grains and beer and shit can be sold and lumber and steel can be brought in.

This is just an example of stuff to consider.

>> No.980061

I deleted the first post and reposted again to fix a typo and a repeat word, now the original post is back and when I try to delete it, it says the password is incorrect.

So just ignore the first post.

>> No.980067

Well because it's underground the system would be a planned society simply because of the need to safety. Some areas of society are strict such as ensuring the power is running and we have air. I was more so pointing out the benefits as we gain some liberties and freedom we wouldn't get otherwise, like the chance to own a business or do other things.

However a guard would be established, a tax on the economy would be placed, laws would be made, etc. The trade off is that you can own a bigger home for hardly anything compared to the surface, weed would most likely be legal, you can own a business or maybe follow a dream. This isn't a hippy commune you know.

It appeals to some and not to others but I got people that like the idea so I'm on the right track.

Think of it like sailing to the new world for a better life. Struggles may or may not appear but you try to achieve what you seek.

>> No.980069

as for trade I planned to have it under the radar. Raw goods and luxury brought in and processed goods shipped out.

Got to have it but I don't want the government knocking down the door to my hobbit hole to early on.

>> No.980073

also fuck anarchy

>> No.980075

A bunker is pointless unless you live near a major city. Miles away in the boonies you have no need for it. At best I would recommend a good basement or storm shelter. 2-3 feet underground max. Very easy to cool and heat.

>> No.980076

That sounds sweet.

>> No.980077

how much money are you able to pour into this?

>> No.980082

The sweat of my brow. And hookers.

>> No.980084

Well I own quite a few rental properties and due to the near by factories I get alot for them. Also opening a shop soon as well and maybe a brewery, something industrial.

My bunker starts in a year and from their it evolves into a bigger complex similar to what we see in Bunker Anon's photos. so by the starting period the budget will be quite large. I'd say close to 1,000/month budget once the big work starts. Most of my crew are volunteers right now so it works. If it proves to take off more money will be put in.

lol I have weird hobbies

thanks anon

>> No.980085

I don't have a problem with opening a brothel but I'll leave that to the senate to decide.

>> No.980086

Every consider bottling all that water and selling it?

>> No.980088

1,000 a month?
bunker anons place probably had boring machines that cost a shit load to rent.

also where would the land and mineral rights come from? country? Disposal of removed materials for the tunnels?
This project will require $xxxx a day just to operate.

>> No.980091

Did I say I was starting this shit full on with an army of skilled white workers? no, I'm starting this shit with a team of people, on land I bought for cheap because it's all cheap around here. I'm not dumping my entire fortune doing a 24/7 dig.

You can dump dirt and rocks on people around here for landfills. I pass a dozen piles of rocks and dirt just when I go into town all being used to fill holes. When the project takes off then I dump more money into it. When it's ready then I invite people to live in it.

You have no idea how cheap it is to rent or buy anything around here.

>> No.980104

I'm responding to the post you told me to ignore because I'm a rebel.

>> No.980115
File: 149 KB, 1200x855, ncc-tunnel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they outlawed radon health drinks ;)

Cost about ~$230m to build the complex. They use tunnel excavators as in the pic.

$1000 gives you a nice handheld Makita rotary hammer or 6 m3 of concrete (half a concrete truck).

>> No.980118

I've got time, investors, and a fortune to expand.

Also I'm still waiting for the fabled day you give us a full video tour.

>> No.980188

>tfw you don't speak börk

>> No.980313

>What would you want as a person if you moved to an underground city-state
A prominent position in the first underground university, to shape the subterranean academic environment.

On the side, the dwarf-government would need to plan the city with the utmost care regarding growth, because unlike erecting a utility pole or installing a pipe in dirt, there would be no way to seamlessly undo the damage to the surrounding rock.

>> No.980504


>Shipping containers shouldn't be used.

Why not? This guy did. Retirement living.


>> No.980507

We all agreed not to use shipping containers

>> No.980677

Meanwhile you can buy one for 200,000 gbp in the UK.


>> No.980885

that articles from like 2 years ago..


tech firm (above) bought that for 150K (Bongopounds) - sposed Datacenter, etc. - got some stuff online, but I'm not entirely convinced they know wtf they are doing there, desu. Bunkerbro here appears to get more done in an afternoon than they have in the two years since buying.