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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 86 KB, 1024x768, greenhouse tent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
963796 No.963796 [Reply] [Original]

I want to start a garden and put pic related in my back yard. The only problem is I heard that cops will raid you to check for weed?

Not one for the dudeweedlmao as I'd only be growing some tomatoes, bell peppers, and some peace lillies but I still don't want to be bothered by police

>> No.963797

Unless someone reports you for dude weed lmao they wont bother with it

>> No.963801

The worst that would possibly happen is:

>cops knock on your door
>"Sir we have reports that you might be blah blah blah can we see your garden?"

You can either make the mad, be a dick and say no come back with the legal prerequisites to search your home, in which case they will make your life worse because you were being difficult or

>Sure officer
>show them to your backyard
>show them your vegetables
>"Sorry to have bothered you sir, have a nice day"

And then never have to deal with it again.

Again, this is the worst that could happen, it is much more likely that nothing will happen because people have greenhouses in their backyard all the damn time and cops don't have the time to check every single one. Unless you are filling your backyard with hundreds of these, I doubt they would bother.

>> No.963802

dont buy pic related they are shit.
also if the cops bust down your door and find so much as ayylmao in your saliva, their ayyyy will be justified and they wont cover the cost of having a new door installed.

>> No.963804


Nobody is going to raid your garden for no reason.

>> No.963820


Also, that only happens when you act like a filthy hippy, piss off the locals, and don't tidy up your land. But, it does happen from time to time.

>> No.963822


not to mention they can't

they "could" walk up and look inside considering the walls are see-through, but they can't just search everywhere without a reason....

now if you have drug addicts in the neighborhood and the whole place stinks like weed, that "could" be sufficient for them to look inside...but it would take an extreme level of negligence for someone to confuse tomatoes with some of that sticky, icky, icky

>> No.963823

>tfw neighbourhood kids broke into my greenhouse
>stole and smoked my tomato plants
>got in trouble for having tomatos

>> No.963837
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lol yeah that shit never happens http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article50908520.html

this guy knows whats up

>> No.963892
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>The lawsuit said the Hartes were targeted after Robert Harte had been seen with the Hartes’ children leaving a store that sold hydroponic gardening equipment.

>> No.963898

I have ordered over 50 HPS bulbs for my large greenhouse/chicken shed and no cop as ever come bugging me, despite reading online that buying HPS bulbs or anything related to indoor pot growing a cop will come ask if he can look around.

Unless somebody reports you, cops don't come around. My Grandpa has ferns in his backdoor and a new neighbor reported him thinking it was marijuana.

>> No.963905

>will raid you to check for weed
Only if you have retarded police and retarded neighbors. Knock at the door? Tell them to come back with a warrant. Then they'll look silly when you offer then tomato salad from your garden.

>> No.963908

dude I have grown weed in my tiny suburb back yard twice both times I had to cut the tops down because they were growing so tall you could see them from the street
pretty much the only way you get caught growing is if someone rats on you
if you dont act like a nigger all the time you wont have the words search in your police record

I have never in my life even been stopped by the police because I dont do things to get stopped

>> No.963916

I've actually developed advanced headology for dealing with traffic police.

if they start tailing you, immediately proceed to the nearest stop sign near a major road. wait for a small gap in traffic then turn into the street and keep driving straight ahead. police think that a person trying to evade them will follow a complex route. dont. just drive straight ahead. I only get tailed though if I dont drive exactly on the speed limit. their believe that someone would only drive carefully if they were trying to avoid being pulled over.


>> No.964213

>Huge garden out back.
>Decide to grow okra two years ago
>sherrifs come knocking
>"reports of illegal activities, mind if we look around?"
>"got a warrant?"
>they start with the verbal kung-fu.
>"listen, i have constitutional protections, if you want in, then get a warrant and then you can come in. This is for my sake as well as yours"
>close the door
>they stay outside to keep an eye on me
>go back to my project
>hour later theres three sherrifs cars, and a state trooper. This in a town with only five sheriff vehicles in total.
>sit there while they search the back
>they find my okra
>arrest me for suspicion of growing illicit drugs
>in sherrif car
>another car shows up, all black suv
>he dissapears in the back
>five minutes later he comes storming out the gate 'you god damn morons!'
>opens the door and immediately starts apologizing.
>"my lawyer will be in contact for damages"
>walk off into my backyard.
>theyd already torn up my okra.
>call the local paper and feed them some sob story.
>customers still make jokes at the sherriffs involved at the grocery store. "My hands are up hehe, its only okra officer, i swear"

You can tell they're sick and tired of it, but they take it.

>work as the produce manager at the store.
>we always have okra in stock now

>> No.964219

chuckled. 10/10 would read again

>> No.964254
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Mandatory post

>> No.964271

>Only if you have retarded police and asshole neighbors who think they're cops b/c old.


>> No.964451

I bought a 10ft by 20ft green house in my yard. Never bothered by police. Don't be such a fag

>> No.964603









>> No.964609

My brother injected one weed bong and now he's a gay terrorist

>> No.964635

You can get an indoor mylar tent for like $100

>> No.964636




>> No.964642

i had a greenhouse up and the cops were sneaking into my backyard to check it out. They didn't have uniforms or visible badges but, when I called the cops to report prowlers they refused to be bothered.Then my house got vandalized. So, no doubt it was the cops.

>> No.964655


I've had cops break the law trying to fuck with me, too.

>> No.964680

This happened here, only all 3 of the cops were shot too death by the property owner for trespassing/breaking and entering. They were plain cloths, no visible badges on them, no warrant, sneaking onto the property and breaking into both the greenhouse and house. Evidently, the property owner's kids had taken the 2 vehicles out to friend's houses and the cops though he wasn't home either. They were there specifically to look for weed.

This is a pretty small town too and the loss of 3 cops were pretty much the entire police force. It would have been all of them, but the 4th cop (the Sheriff) was the look out and ran when the shooting started.

Oh, and that cop (no longer the Sheriff), didn't get kicked off the force. But, he was later shot to death in the trunk of a car by his wife's lover. He hid himself in her car trunk in hopes to catch her in the act of cheating on him. But, he couldn't get out of the car and she flipped out that were was something in the trunk so her boyfriend, an enterprising redneck, shot the trunk full of holes when the cop inside the trunk started to shoot his way out of the trunk.

I only know the details because I had to call the state troopers in for a prowler at my boss's place at the very time the funeral for the cop who got shot in the trunk was occurring. About 27 state troopers showed up. All of them were at the funeral which was paused while all this was going on. Somehow one set of Troopers surprised the other during the search for the prowler and started shooting at each other (no injuries, dozens of shots fired.) Turns out it was my boss's grandfather who'd lost his keys and decided he'd just pay his grandson for the damages of breaking into the door. They didn't even find him, he'd walked out seconds before and was watching everything from his truck across the street. It was a circus, all it lacked was a helicopter, police dogs, and a trained seal.

I can't make this shit up people.

>> No.964722
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>this level of pothead samegfagging on a slow board not related to drugs

>> No.964731

People have been trying to run them off /out/ and out of the farming/gardening threads too. They are a fucking plague.

>> No.964758

I feel like this would have made national news, yet here I am never having heard of it.

>> No.964788

if the news reported on every stupid thing cops did they would be no time for other news. usually when cops are terminated you never find out why

>> No.964791

Usually when 3 cops are shot to death over something like that it makes the national news tho.

>> No.964803

It was the early 1990s. This area didn't have internet or cell phones back then. TV was limited to 3 channels of air broadcast and big satellite dishes, Primestar was just becoming a thing in the area. The only reason I know about it was because I'd called the cops and they actually told me about it when they told me they were at the funeral.

Pretty much this. I'm not sure anyone cared that rednecks were killing other rednecks.

>> No.964806

This. Local news story or you're full of shit.

>> No.964840

Plus, I'd never ever give info about my area online, especially fucking 4chan, kid.

>> No.964846

First, learn how to link posts

And as if someone is going to dox you on DIY because they know the TOWN you live in, it's not like you are giving your fucking address.

>> No.964857

>can't link posts

>I can't tell you where bc someone might track me down to what is very possibly a town with thousands of people in it and send me pizza boxes without even knowing my name.
>on /diy/ in a pretty lax thread
>I could easily prove my story but I won't because of convenient reason X

Yeah your story is a load of shit.

Unless you live in a town with a population below 20, your town isn't exactly personally identifying information.

>Primestar was just becoming a thing in the area.

This gives me more info about you that is unique than the actual town.
A single town or city can contain up to hundreds of thousands of people.

now that I go back and re-read your post
>3 cops killed by property owner due to illegal search
>sheriff killed by wife's lover in what would very well be charged as a murder.
>27 troopers have a shootout on way to funerals.

Jesus you're bad at this. ESPECIALLY for the 1990's this would have been all over the fucking news for the state, probably mentions across the nation.

Had you left it at the first story it would have been somewhat believable.
The second and third parts set your pants on fire.

This is /diy/ not /r9k/.

>> No.964880

>being this new to 4chan

Oh trust me, I lied in my original story. I changed some key details to prevent faggots like you from trying to grow ball hair by being your own internet army. But, the story itself is true.

But, whatever. No skin off my nose if you get asspained. lol

>> No.964882

How's that tin foil hat going? Nice and snug?

I've had my IP and suburb posted on /b/ before, nothing happens, faggot.

>> No.964888

>being this new to /diy/
>implying anyone here cares about your dox

No, that entire story is shit.
That much shit doesn't go down in such a short period of time without it being at least google-able.

>> No.964893

>Posts /b/tard level story on /diy/
>Gets called on it
>OMG I'm not going to dox myself it's all true!!!

Yeah, DIAF

>> No.964925

>being this buttblasted by normal operating procedures on 4chan

I wish reddit would leave.

>> No.964935

>Ignoring the fact that most threads on /diy/ that have a story like that usually links are included or it's a copypasta

>> No.964970

>Not realizing that /diy/ is a blueboard, and normally immune from redboard shit

Yeah, kid, keep it up

>> No.964994

Most shit from the 1990s in redneck areas never made it "big". There was probably a 5 minute note nationally and no one gave a fuck. I can't even remember any of the last 10 cops that died and were on the news let alone something about ones who died over 20 years ago when I was still in middle school.

>> No.964996

>There was probably a 5 minute note nationally

A 5 minute note that would be somewhere on the internet that anon could easily use to prove his outlandish redboard story.

>> No.965080

Not really. There's lots of local stuff I can't seem to find online.

>> No.965086

>There was probably a 5 minute note nationally and no one gave a fuck

There's a key word in there, I wonder what it could be...

>> No.965206

I had one of these specifically to grow weed. No problem with the cops. It helps if you're white. If you aren't doing anything wrong you don't have anything to worry about.

>> No.965214

You're fucking nuts buddy.

>> No.965228

Make a raised bed. The plants can get taller and you don't have to spend money fixing the thing when it breaks.

It is a lot easier.

>> No.965329

>The only problem is I heard that cops will raid you to check for weed?

I have 2 green houses, 1 is 10x12 and the other is 4x6 my neighbors across the street have a huge 16x20 green house. I grow mostly tomatos and peppers, they grow a bunch of rare medicinal plants.

Neither of us have been 'raided by the police cheeking for weeds' in the 10+ years we've had them.

If cops are raiding you for having a greenhouse, then its because you either have corrupt as shit police officers who are looking to shake people down, or one of your neighbors have been making false reports about you and your property.

There is nothing inherently wrong or illegal about having a fucking greenhouse.

Now, if you are afraid of the police because you actually planning to grow weed, then dont. Because weed smells. Your whole neighborhood will smell and everyone will know you are growing and thats why your dumb ass will get raided. Not because you have some cheap ass piece of shit greenhouse in your yard.

>> No.965606


what you're saying, essentially, is ''i smoked cigarettes for 20 years and never got cancer, so it's false to say that smoking causes cancer''.

>> No.967190

you could always make somthing like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwWq4HtJ3FU

>> No.967218


As others have said, there should be no reason for concern. I have grow lights on a small NFT system for herbs and spices that can be seen from the street. I just set up a full aquaponics system (150g w/ 2 50g hydroton filled beds) and had to swipe my credit card at two hydroponics shops. And I'm in goddamn Texas. No worries.

>> No.967221

no one grows weed outside, on their own property.

a police raid for drugs in America would be pretty bad for you though.

>they'll shoot your dog.
>then dynamic entry into your house. broken doors/windows, flash bang grenades.
>if you aren't on the ground before they say it. they'll shoot you and claim self defense.
>after they beat you up and haul you away. they ransack your house, cars, etc. if you have cats. they are probably outside and gone missing by now.
>you'll spend days at the police station getting bad cop and badder cop routine during questioning.
>you finally get let go. your house is in ruins. you have lost your job. insurance won't cover any damages. can't sue the police because the judges cover their asses by covering the police. any legally owned firearms and ammo you had is gone. will take months to get some of it back. some of it will go "missing" into the police's private possession.

>> No.967312
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So much ignorance in this thread. If anon is in the US then The fourth amendment still applies against unreasonable searches and seizures. The cops can knock and talk and ask for your permission to search. Or based upon probable cause they can obtain a search warrant. The search warrant has to be reviewed by A judge who determines that there is probable cause. Probable cause is defined as facts and circumstances that would lead a person to believe the crime has been committed. While there are some exceptions to the fourth amendment, In the absence of probable cause the cops will not be able to get a search warrant.

>> No.967314

Too bad judges in small towns dont give a fuck and let them do as they please, while cops in big towns are so corrupt that they do as they please and then will crush you in court afterwards if you say otherwise.

>> No.967466
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>no one grows weed outside, on their own property.

This is not true in commie liberal states. Greenhouses are way more likely to be used for general gardening though.

>> No.967477

Growing weed plants is illegal, so just seeing one is probable cause.

>> No.967524


>So much ignorance in this thread
>thinks cop-civilian interaction in the US is this cut and dry.


>> No.967551

What is a no knock warrant?

>> No.967582

Not true in the netherlands either. My uncle has 5 or so 2m high 3m wide plants in his backyard.

>> No.967586

You should spraypaint "not weed" on the side

>> No.967587

>not growing and raising skunks just because. I think johnie Cochran could argue the hell out of probable cause on that one.

>> No.969200
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I get you don't want to be bothered by police, but don't let that stop you or you really are just oppressing yourself in their name. If faggot neighbors want to think anyone growing their own food is less likely to happen than growing weed. Fuck'em, they're welcome to come look and have me call them a nigger afterwords.
Cops too.

>> No.969220

Show them your garden so they see it's safe and send them off with a basket of bell pepers and watch as their car fades off in to the sunset.