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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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957534 No.957534 [Reply] [Original]

DIY, What's the best way to keep these fuckers from shitting all in my garage?

>> No.957538

cats, snakes, or poison

>> No.957581
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>> No.957587

Bumping out of interest.

>> No.957591

Set out traps for a week, catch as many as possible. Then set out poison baits. That will ensure any new comers will die back at their home instead of dying in your home and stinking it up. Use silicon, wire mesh, metal scouring pads, and Great Stuff foam insulation to seal off all holes. Replace or install weather striping where needed. Keep all food sources in metal/glass containers. Keep all trash with food residue in metal trash cans.

>> No.957645

1. Sprinkle pepper around where they hang out.
2. They fuck off

>> No.957647

enjoy little dead things rotting inside your walls

>> No.957660
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>> No.957663
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Since they won't listen to reason,
Kill them
It's the only way

>> No.957676

Im about to get a board and strip a bunch of wire, put two sets of wire in a circle pattern or grid so that the are a little bit apart, and then hook it up to the mains, and sprinkle all kinds of food over the electric grid board.
I'm done with this fucking nigger mouse.

Best of luck to you op.

>> No.957683

so they're going to leave their nests in the garage to come make new nests in the house, just to die?

>> No.957696

>killing mice
>setting traps

boy oh boy are you a dumb fucking idiot

block access holes
remove anything edible from garage

you need to find what they eat though, which is pretty much anything. i had a mouse once chew through a sock because it was full of cum.

but if you remove the reason for them being there and easy access they won't try to get in i the first place. no its not warmth they can build their own nests and shit outside way better.

>> No.957701

>cat food attracts more mice
>cat leaves you dead rotting mice as presents
doesn't work unless you get a proper wild farm cat or something, even then its not guarantee.

if you set traps and catch/kill then you are treating symptoms, you get rid of your visitor but you don't know if you have blocked the way in until another mouse comes along weeks or months later.

>put down poison
yeah, because you are going to kill every mouse within a 100 mile radius and be suddenly mouse free forever more

>> No.957703

Kill one and hang its corpse where the others can see it. If they still come back, repeat until they understand.

>> No.957705

if an anything the other mice would be jealous of the first mouse's cool ass swing. Bet he gets all the mice bitches hanging out up there with no fucks given.

>> No.957769

>i had a mouse once chew through a sock because it was full of cum.

>> No.957771

hello newfriend

>> No.957915

Shark repellent is made out of what's essentially rotting shark. There's a strong survival advantage in evolving an instinct to avoid areas where something has killed members of your species.

>> No.958111

> Live capture gravity/swing traps don/'t work
> Mice come to my kitchen sink for food scraps fall in and die because they can't get out

Sounds like this retard wasn't baiting his gravity/swing traps properly.

>> No.958169


>> No.958275
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and shark liver oil is rubbed over billions of humans assholes.

Also this doesn't change the fact that mice are fucking stupid and are not comparable to a top predator. pic related.

>> No.958281

use decon. the one thats widely available is a slow acting blood thinner so that it doesnt hurt wildlife or housecats. they always try to find a way out of your house to look for water before they die.

>> No.958312

Opportunity to experiment with some bucket mouse traps.

Also, get some fluorescent rodent powder. Put some around a food source and track how they get in/out with a black light. Plug the holes. Although, being a garage, this could be hopeless.

>> No.958314

Great idea, blow a breaker and fuck up your house while you're at it.

Use a couple of car batteries

>> No.958316

we have the breakers that just flip a switch. Kinda far from fucking up the house.

>> No.958326
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NO poisons

>set out poison traps
>rats eat poison
>cat eats rat

dont listen to the poison fags OP

this has never happened to me but ive heard the stories

>> No.958344

>have little kitty
>full grown, just tiny
>have mouse trap set
>cat starts running around
>remember mouse trap
>debate it
>fuck it, pick cat up so shell just lay on my lap and sleep instead of paw at the trap
>decide to google if mouse traps can hurt cats
>first link is of kitten that had to have amputation because of mouse trap
>picture looks just like my cat
>the feels

>> No.958348

I happened to see a mouse climb into my sink, then fall into the garbage disposal.

The urge was irresistible.

>> No.958349


Build them an underwater city where the mouse need not fear the cat, where the small will not be constrained by the large, where every mouse will be entitled to the noms of his tiny little cheek pouches

>> No.958350
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I gotta get out of this fucking thread <:^0

>> No.958697

Trading mouse shit for cat shit.

>> No.958720

At least they shit in a box. Had my cat Bob for 15 years and he was the best damn mouse killer in the world. never had a problem with the fuckers as bob would kill them, eat half of them and leave the other half (usually the butt end) on the front porch. I assumed he did that because he thought he was providing and feeding us. its the thought that counts. after he died though, the mice have been coming back and were now trying to find a good hunter again. i tired traps with peanut butter and chesse, but the mice here must be japanese ninja mice as a good 80% of them would steal the food and not spring the trap.

TL:DR nothing beats a good cat when it comes to eliminating mice

>> No.959445

This guy here >>957676
I achieved my victory over the mouse.
I was going to build the mains trap this weekend but I didn't have to, the stupid fucker corned itself inside of a container.
It did manage to steal the foam off of my mic, but in the end I still win.

>> No.959902

Close all exits at night and run some kind of machine in there, CO should deal with them fine.

>> No.959957


>Up to half of the world's population are infected by toxoplasmosis but have no symptoms.[8] In the United States about 23% are affected[9] and in some areas of the world this is up to 95%.[1] About 200,000 cases of congenital toxoplasmosis occur a year.[10] Charles Nicolle and Louis Manceaux first described the organism in 1908. In 1941 transmission during pregnancy from a mother to a child was confirmed.[11]

>> No.959965 [DELETED] 

Sticky traps screwed to the floor

>> No.959972

>transmission during pregnancy from a mother to a child was confirmed.

>tfw started seeing a chick who lives with 7 cats

;_; i can't give that to my children

>> No.959987
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I've had luck with "organic scent rodent repellents." Just little packets that smell like pine trees
>also pic related

>> No.959989

>A disease you can only get by eating infected cat turds.

All people have to do is be smarter than you and not eat cat shit.

>> No.959990

It really only happens if the mother has a new infection or lowered immune system during a certain stage of the infection. There's a whole procedure thing to go through with testing and stuff to make sure the pregnancy is fine.

However, everything after that is "don't put that in your mouth Jr." and if you live around cats, your child WILL get it.

You can get it just from petting a cat and not washing your hands afterwards and eating something (unlikely). Or, while changing a cat litter box (extremely likely). Most children get it if they live around cats.

>> No.959991

>not having a pillow-shaped trigger device for placing the bait on.

Missed lulz.

>> No.959992

>You can get it just from petting a cat and not washing your hands afterwards and eating something (unlikely).

Impossible, actually


>Or while changing a cat litter box (extremely likely).

Actually you're more likely you get it from tainted food than from a cat.


Even then, if you follow the bare modicum of basic hygeine (i.e. washing your hands after doing the litterbox.) you're fucking fine.

>> No.960039


if up to half of the worlds population has this then it cant be that big of an issue

>> No.960105

>you're fucking fine.

lol No.

Your child self already got it for you.

>> No.960106
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>thinking hygiene is going to be easy

>> No.960125

Ahahaha I remember this thread

>> No.960133

Buy or build rattraps, the kind that lure them in with some peanut butter and don't let them leave, not those snapping lever ones.
There are plenty of tutorials on the internet. Also poison is a no go, you'll only know they're dead by the smell which won't be pleasant, trust me I made that mistake a couple of times

>> No.960172

You literally have to touch the infected cat shit or something else infected (soil) and ingest it.

So, unless you're a shitty Indian that doesn't know what soap/washing your hands is, most people in this thread are fine.

>> No.960173

Move your call center to an actual office.

>> No.960178

Think positively: it's like a brown stamp of approval.

>> No.960212
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>> No.960234

>most people in this thread are fine.

Most people ITT already have it and got it because they put everything they found into their mouths when they were babies to 2yo.

>> No.960697


Sharks are a special case. Mice die all the time, just because one is dead does not mean its not worth pushing on for them. But if something kills a shark, then the only thing it can (99% of the time) be is an Orca whale, and that will kill every Great White in the area for fun.

I watched one documentery where an Orca kills a Great White near California and every radio tagged shark in the area dissapeared of the radar because they dove deep don and fucked off. One had swum to Hawai.

>> No.960699


Cats don't shit in the house if you let them outside. They shit in the garden and then bury it. Only house cats always need a litter tray.

>> No.960702

This. A single cat should do the trick.