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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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95579 No.95579 [Reply] [Original]

Just order this on a whim. What can I do with this?

>> No.95586

lots of pretty neat stuff. Really the possibilities are endless.

>> No.95750

>Really the possibilities are endless.
For more helpful suggestions, I'd advise checking zombo.com

>> No.95801

Launchpad is a nice starter kit. Go onto 43oh.com forums and you can see some material. Great thing about the MSP430s is that the chip is relatively simple to understand, compared to others.

>> No.95812
File: 66 KB, 400x378, hammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just ordered this on a whim. What can I do with this?

>> No.95834
File: 115 KB, 640x480, chalkac_110920220556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.95838

What's that watch one?

>> No.95842

TI Chronos watch.
Watch run by an MSP430 with a built-in accelerometer, barometer, and CC1101 radio communications chip.

>> No.95844

Dat MSP430.
When I first looked into them they were very hard to get in DIP, which kind of killed my boner as a hobbyist. I wasn't going to spend money extra money making boards or getting soic adapters just to fart around with the things.
But they're in DIP now too so that's cool.

>> No.95857
File: 93 KB, 1000x984, sadfrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>were very hard to get in DIP

>mfw that chip you want only comes in SMD

Fuckin FTDI

>> No.95867

I watched some dude solder a TSSOP on youtube. I don't think my hands are that steady.

QFN = no dice.

>> No.95869

You MIGHT be able to bit bang usb with a DIP uc at the lowest possible speed USB supports if you can also wire up a differential transceiver.
Hell of a project, that. Google bit bang usb, it's probably been done by somebody.
More trouble than it's worth IMO. If you must use DIP you can get SMD adaport PCBs for what-device-have-you that adapt to a 1/10in pin layout.

>> No.95873
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>mfw you don't have SMD soldering tools

>> No.95890
File: 85 KB, 300x300, EZ430-Chronos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me about the EZ430 Chronos, I really want one but I am a bit scared of the code, Can you comment on the complexity of the programming?

So many possibilities:

includes on-board 3-axis accelerometer, pressure sensor, temperature sensor, battery voltage sensor

MSP430 with integrated <1GHz wireless transceiver

96-Segment LCD display driven directly by CC430

>> No.96034

I've successfully soldered QFN using a frying pan.

To be honest, I haven't touched the code. It's rather complex and fills up all the space on the device. I think TI has open source code, and there's also a community working on their own version of the code.

I'm planning on using it to control a quadrotor that I'm working on, using just that default firmware, which can send accelerometer data.

>> No.96047

Didn't TI give a way oodles of the MSP430 some time back? I still have them sitting in a box gathering dust. I've no idea what to do with them.