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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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953762 No.953762 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do when you have a question for /diy/ that has no point in being in /diy/? You guys are the audience I want to answer said question, but this is the wrong board, in theory.

>> No.953766

delete this thread and search the catalog for "questions that don't deserve their own thread" or "qtddtot"
if no such thread exists, make one and ask your questions there

>> No.953769

That was my original thought, but this topic would be so juicy that it really DOES deserve its own thread.

>> No.953784

>this topic would be so juicy that it really DOES deserve its own thread.
not if this is the "wrong board theoretically"

>> No.953955

why would you even ask /diy/ anything? like seriously...

i just always google.
thats what /diy/ will do
thats what /diy/ will tell me to do
just cut out the middle man

>> No.954945

This. Specific forums exist all over the fucking internet for nearly any interest.

>> No.954948

Thats what 75% of the threads on here are.
Dont take it too seriously

>> No.955316

What is this, how to keep 28 morons in suspense? Spit it out, man!

>> No.955320

I take offence at that: I'm more of a cretin than a moron.

>> No.955403


Here ya go:

I need your thoughts on some end of the world scenarios. In the first one, there has been some sort of fast plague that leaves only one thousands percent (a ten-thousandth) of the population alive. It happens across the whole planet within two or three weeks. Bodies everywhere.

It would seem that there would be plenty of food for a very long time (New York City would have around 80 people. All of Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine would have 30. Japan would have 1,300 people). 5 years, easy. One would have to leave the cities, obviously, because of all the bodies, disease, etc.
Seems like the grid would have to go down. Certainly there could be people that would know how to get some major shit (get cell service, internet, petroleum products, sections of the grid) going, but it seems unlikely.

>> No.955415

You're not the only one to think of this stuff. I like to think that I know a little about a lot of things, so I'd make it if I survived, as well as my family. I try to pass on what knowledge I have to my kids, just in case. And libraries would still be there in your situation. I'd say being able to diy would be a definite plus.

The problem would be the power grab when it gets political...

>> No.955416


I don't see a question mark motherfucker.

Are you telling us you don't have a fucking question?

>> No.955427

Yet here you are.

>> No.955434

In ANY end of the world scenario, the grid stops working. Period. How fast is the only question. Without expertise, maintenance, spare parts, transportation to get those parts from the factory to where they are used, a grid to power the fucking factory - the whole system collapse instantly. No amount of individual resourcefulness can restore it.

That leaves scavenged stuff. Electric generators, portable heaters, etc. Those too will be gone in a short time. Gasoline only lasts for a couple years (unless stabilized in advance) and will be so much sludge. Car (ld-acid) batteries only have a 3-5 year lifespan, even when charged properly - unattended, they can die in 6 months. And good luck charging a Li-Po battery in a non-explosive way without a functioning grid.

>> No.955469

being able to dy would probably be the deciding factor! What I'm wondering is what the social scene would become. NYC would be a shithole with all the bodies, but would have 80 healthy survivors. Wouldn't be that hard to find each other, but would they even try to stick around? What would it be like for all the folks in New England?

My bad, friend. The question is: what would become of all the survivors?

Excellent, thank you. Regarding the scavenged stuff, int his model, there would be far more than is needed. So the heaters, generators, etc wouldn't run out. What's your thought on survivors? Would they try to find others?

>> No.955517

Heaters etc won't run out, but they do have an expiration date, and that's based on their fuel. Unfixed gasoline only lasts 1-2 years. Ever leave a chainsaw full of gas over the winter? It doesn't run next spring cause the fuel has gone bad already. Which means that, within 2 years, you're looking only at tech that can be built and maintained by the survivors themselves, with materials and tools readily at hand. To put it another way, Can The Amish Do It? All those heaters, car parts, etc, are just raw steel once the energy sources expire.

Yeah they would seek each other out, humans are social after all. Although, with the numbers you gave, you'd probably be looking at a complete extinction. Not only do people have to survive, but there have to be enough of them that know how to get food outside of a supermarket (or who can learn to very fast). 80 ppl in all of New York won't hit that threshold. Although they WOULD be able to live on canned stuff for a few years (even canned goods don't last forever), so that gives them time to learn at least. Water and sanitation within the city would be a huge problem with the grid down though. There's also genetic bottlenecking, which IIRC needs 100+ people in a breeding community to prevent inbreeding and disease (you can google that I'm sure).

I suggest looking at real historical disasters to see how people behave. Pompeii, San Fransisco 1906 earthquake, hurricanes, stuff like that. Generally, people in a disaster bond together quickly and help each other as much as possible. it's basically the opposite of what you see in disaster movies/stories/games.

>> No.955559

if its the end of the world, why would you worry about the power grid? worry about yourself. why would you wast electric (and fuel) to supply electric to some desolate uninhabited area?

you ask about cell service, anybody you want to talk to (and is still capable of talking) would be living near you in a bullshit village.

petroleum products, refining oil isnt exactly rocket science, weve been doing it since the 1800's, probably allot longer. you arnt going to do shit with oil unless you know basic chemistry or some kind of science. There are books that would teach you, but "you" would be better off if you just happened to be a chemical engineer or some shit.

plenty of food, get a farm you fat fuck. food doesnt "come from the store", thats just where youve found it your whole life.

also look into biodeisel, and then get your paranoid ass on craigs list to shop for a diesel car.

>> No.955675


Fabulous. Thanks.

I am writing my next book, and trying to come up with plausible scenarios. It will be kind of The Stand crossed with The Martian- end of the world scenario with character building, love story, blah blah but interspersed with real data on survival. Not like Foxfire, but more like the Martian where there are some good explanations of how these things are done.

I was interested in this death rate because it means an abundance of food/fuel for a few years which allows most survivors to survive. I'm interested in the survival rate, because as it increases there becomes a point where there are many fewer bodies, but also less food/fuel. There are more survivors, but there is the potential for the grid to stil go down and stay down.

>> No.955679

So what you're saying is that you don't even care about practical survival beyond using it for your novel - not even enough to perform your own research?

And you're trusting 4chan with these "facts"?


>> No.955687


Nope. I enjoy learning about it myself, and practice some of it. But I didn't want more people telling me to buy a diesel car because I was paranoid.

I'm interested in getting some back and forth between posters (and myself) as to outcomes. Would everyone leave the cities? Would a group of folks leave together? If people are coming together because that's what they've done int he past, would they welcome more? Would they defend themselves?

Definitely not trusting you with facts. Just interested in your thoughts.

>> No.955691

Diy is more 'instant' than a lot of forums. Very specific forums are quite often not well populated.

By the time you find the right forum, lurk to figure out the etiquette, create an account, ask your question and wait for a response that may never come you could have gone on /diy/, had five people call you retarded and one good answer that explains why you're retarded in great detail so you know why no one on the specific forum has bothered answer your question.

>> No.955693
File: 144 KB, 400x266, 6854453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Facts don't necessarily need to hold up in books and there's really no solid facts on how things would go in such an extreme situation anyway.
But since it's an end of the world situation you need to include some crazy prepper living in a shipping crate buried underground.

>> No.955694

Bonus points if the prepper is a total fuck up who can't handle the situation at all. That's how I imagine those guys on TV end up.

>> No.955704 [DELETED] 

>create an account
just where the fuck do you think you are?!

>> No.955707

he is talking about the hypothetical forum you nitwit.

>> No.955713


>> No.955815
File: 192 KB, 618x703, Barrel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I didn't want more people telling me to buy a diesel car because I was paranoid.
Getting a diesel car is a fact because gas engines are so shit when it comes to these situations.
What I said is legit no matter what spin you put on it. if the world ends you are going to have gotten a diesel engine before you have anything close to a convenient life again.

Also mention in your book that diesel engines weren't meant to run off of diesel fuel. look it up. the whole fucking thing is a conspiracy.
seriously, read up on the Rockefellers and standard oil. when they were making kerosene, gas was the byproduct, they dumped gasoline in rivers to get rid of it. then they sold the shit to car owners. another byproduct is "diesel fuel", read into what diesels were meant to run off of.

>> No.955845

IMO, the interesting question is the survival rate of the survivors. That is, after the Event, how many people survive further? Civilization is a very different kind of life to hunting and gathering or subsistence farming, which is where people would be if Civ collapsed. So the question is how many people have the skills or adaptability to make the switch before they starve.

There are examples in history of this happening, particularly in city-states of South America (I can't recal any names right now, sorry), and the death toll was nearly total. That is, climate changed or there's plague that kills the crops, there's a famine, the city state dies out. The survivors of the famine all either die, or get absorbed into nearby HG tribes. From a modern perspective, there's two main differences; preserved food could give time to learn survival skills, and there ARE no tribes to be absorbed into and teach those skills anymore. So how does that play out in the end? It's an interesting question.

>> No.955851

oh, for crying out loud. I own two diesel vehicles (4, if you count the tractors). One of them runs on veggie oil. I already know about that. It's frustrating when I am trying to get some ideas about a certain something, and I get other information from someone who calls me paranoid and a fat fuck. Get it? I appreciate that you are taking the time to try to educate me, but I'm not interested in your teachings right now. I'm interested in answers to my question, which was wondering about what the end of the world would be like with a certain mortality rate.

Me, too. One of my favorite chapters int he Stand is when King writes about all the people who survive the flu, only to die in little accidents.

>> No.955858

>comes to the wrong board
>demands answers
fuck. off.

>> No.955877

Please fuck off with your childish fantasies.
Oh and don't take it to /k/ either.

>> No.955915

I agree with this anon, OP. You are an idiot for being interested in these childish things. Don;t bother us ever again. Asshole.

>> No.955989

>oh, for crying out loud.
glad to see you are a /fa/ pussy from /r9k/ like I thought you were.

and I just assumed you were a fatass because you didnt think about farming, you only look at how much food was left.
You want to know what its like?
if the people don't farm and they just live off of the remaining canned food, then they will die of starvation like the pieces of shit they are.
however, if they take up farming sooner rather than later then they will survive.

>> No.956043

Well, I certainly am surprised, to say the least. I knew from the start I was not on the right board, as my question had nothing to do with /diy/. But, since I've been impressed with the knowledge and support for different projects over the years, I just kinda figured I'd get something similar for an off topic question.

I was wrong, and I'll stick to diy stuff in the future.

That being said, a bunch of you are douches!

>> No.956052 [DELETED] 

You do not understand how many questions we get about making a shipping container fallout shelter on a monthly basis.
Its nonstop with you people showing up wanting help with some bullshit fantasy.
In your op, you never said you wanted information for a book, and you wasted time actually saying your question.

When you finally said your question, you still did not mention you wanted to know this stuff for a fantasy book.
So you, you looked and sounded like another delusional kind that watched too many zombie movies.

Further more, you don't appreciate information that pertains to what you asked, you are at legitimate answer. if a bingo fag was in here I'm sure we would have a bingo.

>> No.956053

You do not understand how many questions we get about making a shipping container fallout shelter on a monthly basis.
Its nonstop with you people showing up wanting help with some bullshit fantasy.
In your op, you never said you wanted information for a book, and you wasted time actually saying your question.

When you finally said your question, you still did not mention you wanted to know this stuff for a fantasy book.
So yea, you looked and sounded like another delusional kind that watched too many zombie movies.

Further more, you don't appreciate information that pertains to what you asked, you rage at legitimate answer. If a bingo fag was in here I'm sure we would have a bingo.

>> No.956056

You didn't write the original post correctly. The people on this board are a wealth of knowledge, and most likely humans to play key roles in the survival of the species in the aftermath of an extinction level event. You have failed to capture their imaginations about how to rebuild a decimated civilization. I recommend you think about what you did and attempt to make a better thread sometime in the future.

>> No.956059

>and attempt to make a better thread sometime in the future.
plz dont

>> No.956144

Sounds like reddit is more on your level.
If you want a slap of reality, go tell /lit/ about your totally original book idea.

>> No.956161

dis gon be good.gif

>> No.956177

Huh. 21 posters. Guess I was off by 7 morons. Well, 6 morons and 1 cretin.

>> No.956675

This thread
Go to /x/
Or get the fuck /out/

>> No.956719

>implying going to /x/ wouldn't be getting the fuck /out/
sage goes in all fields

>> No.956788

I'd like to side with the OP on this one. Yes, it's not the right place, but he was asked. I don't think he needed to say that he was writing a book.

>> No.956805

if he said he was writing a book then he would have been treated differently.
He came in talking like all of the other paranoid fucks that pass through here, of course he is going to be treated like one.
If he didn't want to be treated like a paranoid fuck, he wouldn't have talked like one, and/or said that he was writing a book. He chose not to do this, and got treated like all of the others. Then he bitches about it..
Are you sure you want to side with him? Because it doesn't really make any sense.

>> No.956844

The OP seems fine to me. He didn't make his question obvious in his post, but he clarified it. People offered ideas, but not based on the OP's question. He asked for more ideas, and then we jumped on him. You are saying he sounded like a paranoid fuck and should be treated like one, but I disagree. I don't think he sounded like one, and I don't think we should treat people poorly here (I realize I'm one of the few).

>> No.956850

read his question, he sounded exactly like another prepper.
We the people of /diy/, are fucking sick of doomsday threads.

Also Im 90% sure you are op, the fag.

>> No.956885

I agree that the first question could be read as him being a prepper. However, there are three legitimate responses from people who aren't being rude before he mentions that it's for a book, and it certainly doesn't get any better from that point.

I am trying to get the point across that /diy/ should be a better place.

As a card carrying member of /diy/, I don't even think there are many doomsday threads on here.

>> No.956902

I read it as op writing an apocalypse fiction book.

And really anything can happen. You could just as well have an anarchist utopia born out of theloss of government power

>> No.956909

Everything I said to him is based off of these two posts. >>953762 , >>955403
also the op pic with the whole end of the world shit, I dont see how you couldnt interpret that as another preper thread.

>I dont even thing thare are many doomsday threads on here
They do seem to have died down. btw did you remember to renew your card this year?

>I read it as op writing a book
Yea thats covered later. What I said to op about bitching about the way people talked to him is because he came in like a prepper and when we all said that stuff to him he had yet to mention a book.. he had only talked about some doomsday virus.

>> No.957014
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Did you try asking /k/? A lot of people there have spent a lot of time thinking about this exact situation (they call it "the happening" or "a SHTF [Shit Hits The Fan] scenario"), and some of them are pretty smart (but a lot of them are also pretty abrasive), and many if not most of them have some level of plan for the end of civilization. Of course, you're curious about normal people who don't have a plan, but many of them have considered how those people would act and accounted for it.
That said:
This is still 4chan, people are... a certain way, and often not so patient, and as some people pointed out this isn't the first time this concept has been discussed here.