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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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925739 No.925739 [Reply] [Original]

this is my unfinished cold steel armor I have made. The pauldron is kind of mocked up at the momment it tends to slide off my shoulder from time to time but just wondering what anyone thinks haha been a little project on and off for a few months now.

>> No.925740
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>> No.925743
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>> No.925756

Find your local SCA group and ask them who locally does armoring, if you're nice to them they might show you how to dish steel to make proper elbow cops and knee cops.

>> No.925765

I tried to dish I ..I couldn't even come close to a real result so I stuck with segmented plates

>> No.925830

You don't call yourself senpai, for two reasons:

1) calling yourself any honorific makes you look like a massive, massive, massive twat. It would be like calling yourself "Mista Fantastic" in front of an English-speaking audience

2) senpai is a relative term: the appropriateness of its use depends on the addressor, not the addressee. Your kouhai would call you senpai, your boss wouldn't. For that reason, you yourself can't call yourself senpai; that makes no sense.

>> No.925838
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I'm a homeless sword smith,but I'd love to do some plate armor. What's the most primitive tools you can work with?

>> No.925844

Nice lip ring fagot, your boyfriend make you get that?

>> No.925992

I just use tin snips. ball ping hammer. And pliers. I mean I'm using cold steel. I'm not actualy forging it in a fire and quenching it in oil. So. just basic stuff really and a power drill

>> No.925993

so in short. You need a ball ping hammer

you need tin snips to cut the steel.

you don't need pliers but it helps shape the metal on small tabs and stuff. and the drill is for the holes it's hard to make holes in steel unless you maybe use a nail and hammer but it wouldn't be as clean. I use roofing nails as steel rivets and cut the tips off then hammer it flat

>> No.925994

lol pissed off the wrong weeaboo huh

>> No.926011
File: 71 KB, 537x600, Jiri Hot Raising 14th Century Bascinet 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> cold steel armor

one, if not two redundant words in that phrase.

About 90% of armouring is cold-worked. Its just armour. not "cold steel". that's a pointless and useless phrase.

the exceptions are raising (ie, helmets), the process of making steep dished forms, and heat-treat if you're using carbon steel.

Also, its a ball-pein hammer, not a ball ping.

Now, would you like to be complimented, or criticised, and if you're wanting criticism, do you want it to be honest...?

>> No.926135
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>not "cold steel". that's a pointless and useless phrase.

Nigga learn some poetry, "cold steel" is perfectly acceptable.

>> No.926412

you get the point you knew what I ment. also I don't see how you have room to criticize if you can't see the work Infront of you. I never asked for critisism. just personal thoughts. mostly for fun. nothing super serious, lol you want to criticize off of a couple of photos lol

>> No.926497

You're the one calling yourself "senpai".

Now, you can either tuck your dick back in, or stand there and bitch at the guy who bothered to tell you your fly was undone.

>> No.926515

>Uses steel
>What are you caslu?
>Get your ass some stone carving tools and get a decent set faggot
>What rings you got bitch

>> No.926534


>> No.926540

check out this guy's videos



>> No.926598

>cold steel

So, which faery court did you piss of?

>> No.926600
File: 89 KB, 518x863, MB-spring_spaulders-inside-unassembled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you get the point you knew what I ment.

that doesn't make your using the wrong word any less wrong.

if you went into a tool shop and asked for a Fort Saw, instead of a fretsaw, or a Peters Screwdriver instead of a Phillips, you're going to be looked at as a fucking idiot.

Learn the right names.

> also I don't see how you have room to criticize if you can't see the work Infront of you. I never asked for critisism. just personal thoughts. mostly for fun. nothing super serious, lol you want to criticize off of a couple of photos lol

I've handled enough armour in my life to see the glaring faults in the design. But if you dont want to actually improve your work, and are just posting in some sort of ego-wank wanting people to say its great, regardless of how flawed it is... well, I'm not the person to pat you on the head and tell you well done, Timmy.

but for a start, you've assembled the couter entirely wrongly - lames should flow from the centre of the couter, which needs to be dished far more than you have. what you have there will tug and catch badly. the entire spaulder/pauldron structure is a trainwreck too.

>> No.926624

1st off the pauldron is mocked up. Un finnished. Second of all. the couter and well basically the whole thing was made using only images I saw on the internet. I didn't have any other help or guide I didnt watch any sort of tutorial or have any sort of template. I went off my own sketches and ideas and if you ask me I'm fine with the way it turned out. I would like to improve yes. But let's get this out of the way. This isn't made to be authentic of any style. I just made it up as I went. Also the steel is just thin gauge steel I picked up a Home Depot. it's not like I'm forging the pieces. This is mostly for show. It's thick enough to stop a slash maybe. would be completely useless agenst a thrust or stab. if it hit hard enough. I'm not trying to be the best lmg dank scoper armorer. It's mostly just a hobby. for fun. Also you have no room to judge my work without seeing it in person. say what you want but low quality photos from my iPhone 4 isn't enough to go off of

Also the main reason of this post was not get people to tell me it's good. I don't care what you say about it. Just trying to start conversation among others who maybe are into the same sort of stuff

>> No.926627

I Litteraly had no experience working with metal. When I started this. I even taught my self how to roll the edges of the bracer also I never claimed my metal working was 99.

not sure what your deal is

>> No.926634
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If you are going to judge at least see it up at a Better angle

>> No.926636
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>> No.926638
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>> No.926648
File: 256 KB, 800x564, New-Kevlar-font-b-Sleeve-b-font-font-b-Cut-b-font-font-b-resistant-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egads, man!

>The year of our Lord Two-thousand and Sixteen
>Not using Kevlar®
>Thy newness dost showeth

>> No.926652

nothing beats steel! take your fancy Kevlar elsewhere haha kidding. I'm pretty sure Kevlar isn't stab proof or is it?

>> No.926659


Right, I'll be blunt.

your responses, frankly, come over as being a dickhead. And I'm not inclined to waste time on dickheads.

your prototype is a trainwreck, there's gaps a mile wide.
I can give you a load of help - better reference pics, like that one of a disassembled spaulder with a besagew (far easier to make than a pauldron, trust me!), and details of how to do better dishing. But am I going to be wasting my time writing it all?

I mentioned a ball-pein, not a ball-ping. its a little thing, just correcting a technical word you were getting wrong. but the pissy response, not "ok, thanks, didnt know that" or something similar is a great big flashing warning sign that if I say, "X part is really wrong, you need to do this, this and this", you're going to reply with stuff like >>926624, and give reasons why its that, instead of actually listening to what's said, and learning from it.

And frankly, I dont know if I can be bothered with that, because If I'm going to spend my time, I want to spend it on people who'll learn from it, and hopefully, get something out of it.

So, you tell me. Do you want to learn? Do you want to know how to do it better? And are you willing to look at what you've done, and maybe accept that it'll all end up having it binned, as you learn more techniques?

>> No.926705

I am all for listening and learning. I was just letting you know it was mocked up. I didn't want you to think it was a finnished product. further more I don't even have the proper tools and lack the funds to buy them at the momment. so I guess you might as well save your breath. But if you see somthing that bugs you please. Let me know what's wrong.

also I know there are a lot of sharp pointy bits I haven't bothered cutting them off yet. I should probably do that first

>> No.926715

He should be telling you how to do it, not the other way round.

>> No.926725

Hahahahahahahaha typical egocentric bullshit.

OP your work is garbage. Your attitude is garbage. I know your type, I bet you think you are some kind of genius who is always right. You are not.

Get your shit in order or you will never accomplish anything.

>> No.926737

I'm far from full of my self. I know my work isn't all that good. I accept that. I like you guys jump to conclusions easily lol also I would like to see your work before calling mine garbage it seems you know somthing I don't?

>> No.927189

>I didn't have any other help or guide I didnt watch any sort of tutorial or have any sort of template. I went off my own sketches and ideas

That's half your problem. If you want to improve and not end up with the this mad-max monstrosity, watching tutorials and practicing of templates is exactly what you need to do.

The other half is that you want everyone to jerk you off over Igor's home-made cobble plate.

>> No.927201

It's ball-peen you damn fools

>> No.927250

>"I'm far from full of my self"
>calls himself "senpai"

>> No.927430

>ball ping hammer

Oh boy

>> No.927439
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>David Guyton

>> No.927665

i know, just thought it would be an ok starting point for a beginner

>> No.927684

I think I see whats going on here. You're all too stupid to help, so you're just picking on what you can.

And here I was thinking this board was a bastion of intelligence amongst the much that is 4chan. I'm out, fuck you all.

>> No.927701
File: 235 KB, 978x669, Crecy_Up-Yours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> so you're just picking on what you can.

Lets see...

you have a fucking name that pretty much says "I think I am superior to you, and you should show me respect" (which is what a senpai means, in effect).

When this is pointed out, your reaction is not to think about changing it, but to instead start slagging the guy off.

You use the wrong terms for items. When this is pointed out to you, you do not go "oh, thanks" or the likes, no, you try to attack, saying "you knew what I meant"

When the armour is criticised, to start suggestions of where to improve, you pretty much rebuff the replies, so much so that the person stops wanting to even bother to assist.

when others step in, see what a shitty brat you've been, your reaction is to start name-calling, saying they are "stupid" and that you thought there was intelligence - which is pretty much another way of you saying "I think I know more than everyone here".

Well, you dont.

Your comments, even the name you're using reek of arrogance, blind ignorance, an unwillingness to have any humility, or manners. You are, quite simply, a brat, whose tone has not in any way been conducive to you being given the slightest respect. your shitty attitude means I have absolutely no incentive to want to assist you -you come over as a complete and utter prick. And why should I help someone who's a prick, who I dont feel will respect my advice?

So, yes, Glad to see you go. your shitty thread can either sink down the order, and off page 10, or it can be taken up by people who have manners and an interest in armour, and can talk about methods of production without your toxic presence.

>> No.927796

Hmmm that post seems awfully egocentric

>> No.927866

How d'you figure?

Every sentence refers to the third person, not the first.

In fact, it's egonegligent.

>> No.927882

I've always seen it spelled "ball peen", but I guess that varies. "Ball ping" sounds like someone that only heard the term and didn't want to say "peen" because they must have heard wrong.

>> No.927883

Lol. You've been defensive since the beginning, and even when you change your tune after getting called out, you get defensive again real quick. You flaunt ignorance like a badge of honor when you use terms like "ball ping hammer" or don't learn how armor is made before you attempt to make it, then have the audacity to call everyone else stupid. Go home, hick.

>> No.927909

Peen and pein are just the differences in british and american spelling.

color / colour, etc.