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File: 49 KB, 640x480, Metric-vs-Imperial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
920393 No.920393 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.920415

Americans are afraid of change.

>> No.920417

It's not even the fear of change, it's the radical independence.

"We're not going to change just because every other country on the planet uses the metric system."

Kind of similar in England with their holding on to Imperial units despite not being their official measurement system.

>> No.920424

Most Americans dont care about metric because imperial works for us. The if it aint broke approach.

>> No.920425

'Works for us" approach, the golden rule for americans.

>> No.920429

Its the golden rule for the world

>> No.920430

Because it works and we're smart enough to use it.
Yes, its harder, but you have to remember we're not yuroidiots.

>> No.920432

>smart enough to use it
>its harder

>smart enough to work harder to achieve the same goal (measuring)
>because were not idiots

>> No.920434

Because 1 thou sounds cool.

Better question is. Why the fuck are there countrys still driving on the left side of the road... Hmmm????

>> No.920437

>work harder
>not work smarter

Again, brilliant "yurologic" at work.

>> No.920438

lol nooooo you know what it says

it questions why if the imperial system is harder to use you would use it under the guise of being smarter than countries using the metric system

>> No.920440



>> No.920444

>Kind of similar in England with their holding on to Imperial units despite not being their official measurement system.

that's a crock of shit.

The only things you'll find in the UK that are imperial are a pint - and that's actually measured in mililitres legally, the mile - and other roadsigns are metric. (roadworks, next 4 miles, lane closed in 300m), and the Stone, used for human weights ("I ate so much I must've put another stone on").

Unless you're over 50, most people have no clue what the imperial measurements are beyond a few instances like that.

>> No.920450

Because you can keep your right hand on the wheel while you switch gears.

>> No.920453

All the american standards are legally in SI as well. We are taught SI in science and physics classes. We know what they all are.

Yard = one pace.
foot = your own fucking foot.
mile = fuck you I hate computing with mile but by now I've memorized 5280' to mile.
Inches are nice because between inches and yards, 1 minute of angle is 1.0" at 100 yards.
gallon = what we buy gas and water, and family sized milks in.
pint = Less milk
quart = not as much milk.... one might say, a quarter of a gallon.
I wish our baking was by mass though, like in europe, would simplify dieting and baking, we still go buy volume.

>> No.920454

Someone I know online linked this article to me earlier, by coincidence. Though it may educate and amuse in equal measure.


>Happy World Standards Day! The International Organization for Standardization has declared today, October 14, to be a celebration of the hundreds of engineering and scientific standards from which we all benefit—everything from the length of a meter to the two-letter country code system.

>But the U.S. will not be observing World Standards Day today, on World Standards Day. Instead, the U.S. will observe World Standards Day next week, on October 23.

You cant make this shit up.
America cant even do a "world standards day" on the same date as the rest of the planet.

>> No.920455

Let's have another useless thread that might kill a legitimate one!
I love SI for the logic. Still I understand if you have lived in a fucked up world and been used to it, why would you want to change? Such is human nature, fuck logic.
There is literally billions of people who think there is a imaginary thing that created shit out of nothing called god or whatever. People get used to assraping if that is the norm. That's what YOU are used to too. You just can't recognize it as everybody around you are being assraped also and they think its cool.

>> No.920456
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>> No.920457

Reason #1: it would cost a crazy amount of money to switch.

Reason #2: 'Murica

>> No.920458

except when you watch any UK fix it or car show and they are constantly mixing metric and imperial; as in "'ey mate, hand me the 5/16 inch box wrench" then a few seconds later; "'ere we go, 2 meters is the correct length. cut it there."
I guess at least we stick with one system...

>> No.920459

the Russians landed Luna-9 on the surface of the Moon on 3 February 1966 - the first spacecraft to achieve a soft landing on any planetary body other than Earth,

>> No.920460

>"ey mate, hand me the 5/16 inch box wrench"

if you're having your car fixed by a geriatric pikey, perhaps.

>> No.920461

the longer they put off switching the more money it will cost



>> No.920466

Nasa has used the metric system for almost all systems since 1990 and has had a 100% usage of metric officially implemented in January 2007.

Meanwhile the Mars Climate Orbiter was lost on September 23, 1999, due to ground-based computer software which produced output in non-SI units of pound-seconds (lbf s) instead of the metric units of newton-seconds (N s) specified in the contract between NASA and Lockheed (who built it)

Billion dollar satellites, Lost because American companies used to use Imperial, unlike NASA, who use Metric.

>> No.920472

>Nasa has used the metric system for almost all systems since 1990

i never expected an organization made up of OPERATION PAPERCLIP "refugees" to use anything but metric anyways

>> No.920502

We can all just admit that Murika doesn't want to change because they are stubborn and resistant to change and can't admit when they are wrong. Basically the shitty co-worker you don't want to have a project with.

Everyone, including amerifats know SI is better. We know this because all professionals use it. The problem, as is the case with most issues in the country, is that the average citizen is too drunk/high/fat to think.

>> No.920506

Americans are hipster faggots basically

>> No.920519

so I guess its always geriatric pikeys who host all those car shows and things like junkyard wars...

>> No.920528
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except that it doesn't. There's several things widely available in metric that aren't so in SAE. Bearings and linear motion parts are the first things that come to mind.
That being said, although I prefer metric I'll work with either so long as I can find the proper part. The numbers to a unit in OP's pic are quite irrelevant in terms of any calculation.

>> No.920533

Try building a fucking house with Metric.

god damn that that shits fucking retarded. You can't even ask someone for a 2x4. Inches and feet are so nice for architecture

>> No.920538

Japanese buildings are still measured in japanese units predating metric.

>> No.920540
File: 87 KB, 800x598, there is no help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is only because as >>920528 said, there are things rarely available in metric that are common in SAE. It goes both ways. Try building a CNC machine with imperial units.
At this point it's more a matter of what you'll be building and use the unit system that is prevalent in the field. Granted from a scientific perspective metric is nicer(only by definition), but in any engineering application either will do provided proper off the shelf components are available.
Also, when I visited Australia, I was explained that they have both for lumber. They typically convert it to the rate of 25mm to the inch, therefore our 2x4 would be a 50x100 mm, or 5x10cm.

>> No.920543

Living in a happy metric cuntry. Old enough to understand imperial too. I'll only use imperial verbally for the inches or feet approximations, "the dog is about 2 foot tall". If I need a true measure, it'll be metric. Get on with diy. Making me sage on diy metric/10.

>> No.920645
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>> No.920646

The metric system was used for all calculations involved in getting to the moon fyi.

>> No.920648

are you legit retarded? some cars use metric and some use imperial depending on the age or where it was built. if you have a nut that's imperial of course you have to use a fucking imperial tool, how the fuck does that have anything to do with using metric for something completely unrelated?

>> No.920657

So why is everyone so shitter-shattered that Americans haven't totally ditched Imperial measurements? Of course metric is objectively superior for science/engineering/etc. but for everyday use Imperial is great.

>> No.920662

no one really cares, it's just something to give them shit about. here we regularly use both and it's really not an issue. it does get a bit annoying having to buy 2 sets of tools but whatever

>> No.920680

I'd rather keep my right hand on my girl. Not sure if I could use my left on her, I'm afraid to try, since all it's ever done for me is just tease the shit out of me.

>> No.920683

the only reason it's great for everyday use is because that's what is taught. there's no practical uses for it otherwise.

>> No.920690

>Driving an autotragic

>> No.920720

>but for everyday use
This is how I feel about Fahrenheit.
For the average person temperature is 90% used for the weather.
With fahrenheit you get, at least where I live, about 73 degrees worth of difference.
In celsius you only get about 40 degrees.

So the average person can be far more accurate in their main use of the unit.

>> No.920767

wow that would be a 5x10 then... so difficult and needs huge amounts of extra time to yell around on the construction site. I guess that's why european projects like the berlin airport ALWAYS fail. Also standardization NEVER made anything better, easier or more efficient.

>> No.920787

Using some Yuroretard control systems is suffering due to them only accepting whole digit Celsius degrees. I've installed a lot of BACnet IP LG VRF interfaces, and thank god 2 years ago they came out with an update that allowed it to take Fahrenheit numerics. Before that I had to try and explain resolution to janitors.

>> No.920788

>1 thou sounds cool

"1 thou", "quarter mil", both sound equally fine to me.

>> No.920792

>Yard = one pace.

1 yard = 1 metre, at that accuracy.

>Inches are nice because between inches and yards, 1 minute of angle is 1.0" at 100 yards.

So you like the logicality of that, but the entire metric system is what? Too logical for you?

>gallon = what we buy gas and water, and family sized milks in.

Why it be harder to buy those in litres?

>pint = Less milk

1 pint = 0.5 litre (or if you prefer, 500cl), at that level of accuracy.

>quart = not as much milk.... one might say, a quarter of a gallon.

So...a litre, then?

>> No.920794

>Old cars that you find in junk yards or restoration projects tend to use imperial bolts and require imperial tools

This is quite astonishing Holmes, I don't know how you do it!

>> No.920795

NASA has been officially metric since 1990, and started to enforce an all-metric rule (I.e. including all contractors & subcontractors) in 2007.

>> No.920835

I understand and commonly use both. I don't see the issue here, as long as you understand the scales and conversions.

The only issue I DO see is how common yuropoors cry that we do shit diffetently than they do. Get over it.

>> No.920848
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>> No.920851

Well new joists and girders need to fit in old houses and have the same load bearing capacity and roughly the same dimensions. Also, one does not simply switch over the entire fleet of trucks of wish to under load them by switching over to different storage sizes. So it's all the same give or take half a mm. Also, all of our fixings use AWG and all of our bolts are still imperial because thread pitch. Metric fixings and bolts are fucking expensive. Like one 20mm m5 bolt can cost roughly 2$ while a 1/2" bolt, nut and washer costs 50c

>> No.920853

Roughly half a thumb
Roughly a foot's length
Roughly a walk's length
0 - pretty cold
30 - cold
50 - chilly
70 - warm
100 - pretty hot

not sure

Not sure

Generally American system are more tuned to human relations. Where as Metric is tuned to easy calculations.

>> No.920863

well, the Mars Climate Orbiter crashed because of this...


>> No.920870

Farenheit almost makes sense (The coldest you could get water with a solution, and the temperature of a healthy body), but was ultimately designed to be easy to manufacture instead.

>> No.920872

NASA uses metric

>> No.920875

and I fully agree with you. It's a mater of using the unit that will best suit your needs for the project you are working on.
Bunch of whiny asshats in this thread.

>> No.920899
File: 483 KB, 798x565, America-on-the-moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat it

>> No.920905
File: 101 KB, 980x735, house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Building houses with planks

No wonder why even the smallest breezes and floods fuck your shit up.

Even in third world shitholes like mexico houses are made of concrete, solid bricks and iron beams. They're likely to last for centuries with little to no maintenance.

>> No.920907

Roughly half a thumb
Roughly a foot's length
>1 metre
Roughly a walk's length
0 - ice on the ground
5 - cold
10 - chilly
30 - warm
40 - pretty hot

500 grams

>Generally American system are more tuned to human relations

Nope. It's just that you're used to it. As above, I can use the human body to approximate metric just as easily, but you're not used to it, so you don't.

>> No.920928

in Canada we use metric on paper (calculations, speed limits, distances), but we use the Imperial system for everyday use. for example, we do construction in feet (homes, buildings - the plans are in feet). body measurement are in pounds (weight) feet (height) and inches (waist). we use imperial for sight distance evaluation also.

>> No.920950

things have been slowly shifting to metric tho. they don't teach imperial in schools so the only way people usually learn imperial is through their parents.

>> No.920957
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Yeah Fuck imperial.

>> No.921002

In the late 90s we were still learning the Imperial system. but I know they stopped right after us, so yes we are pretty much the last generation who were taught the imperial system.

>> No.921037

I don't know but no one in the sciences uses imperial units anyway in America so who cares?

>> No.921044

>the internationally accepted length of the imperial and US customary inch being exactly 25.4 millimetres.

>yfw your precious imperial is defined by superior metric.

>> No.921118

>Healthy body


>> No.921123

>Liberia and Burma went to the moon

>> No.921533

I work in construction andactually find using both can be usefull. Using feet and inches is easy for less accurate stuff but if I need something really precise it's good to use mm. I don't really find it a problem and everyone on site has their own preference. Really good to know both if you want to work here.

>> No.921669

Tatami is amazing, though.

>> No.921687


>> No.921707

>3 cm
>30 cm
>1 meter


>> No.921756



>> No.921771

Fuck you too, buddy

>> No.921791

I learned both systems in elementary school. Have no problem switching back and forth between them. The only people who are concerned with Americans not using metric only are people who are simply looking to troll.

>almost 2016
>not using Kelvin

Fuck off, metric fags

>> No.921797

The real folly of the imperial system comes into play with engineering. Fucking British thermal units and horsepower and pounds-force and pounds-mass and foot-pounds and slugs. Also Rankin.

Fuck that noise. I'm just waiting for my firm to switch to metric.

>> No.921799


Measurments are arbitrary no matter what

>> No.921878

Well, Kelvin is the proper SI unit, it's also perfectly hopeless for everyday usage.

Obviously, but having standardised conversion rates are also quite darn useful...

>> No.921885


So you are telling me that my country of 150,000 people that hardly anyone has ever heard of and you can't get anything worth wanting in has landed on the moon?

>> No.921886


There are very few firms anywhere that actually use pounds and horsepower unless they do so to translate it directly to the client.

>> No.921891


useful, maybe, but it's equally as arbitrary

practically, it barely matters

>> No.921913


>> No.921934

>no mention of chains links or furlongs

>> No.921969

Conversely why do countries drive on the right side of the road?

>> No.922655

I remember a story from the engeneering class, that parts made in the UK didn't fit with parts made in the US because they had different patterns of the inch, one was 25,40005 and the other 25,3998 or something like that.
I also found a warning in the book A.L. Casillas about the same subject.

>> No.922674

Overlord reporting in.

Been slowly covering Americans to metric. We started with science and moved on to foreign parts tooled in metric.

Our greatest success was soda pop. Most Americans had no clue what a meter was until the bought their coke and Pepsi. We used vitamins to get them used to grams. Hardest thing has been kilometers. Started off slowly. One of our staff figured if we call them clicks and have some military movie guy say it, then Americans will emulate. Total success!

>> No.922676

>Doesn't realize its just a ploy to coddle yuro babbies.
>Doesn't realize 2.54 centimeters are defined by 1 inch.

>> No.922700

Are you really this stupid?
>what is ductility
>what are shear walls
>what is heavy timber
Most western building codes are now allowing up to six storey timber framed structures you dip

>> No.922706

It's my favorite meme

>> No.922721

You mean Soviets, and last I checked, they weren't a country any more.

>> No.922724

>hurr durr the communist natzees got to spess yours did

>> No.922750

ITT: americucks so mad they don't even realise every single definition of an imperial unit is based on metric units.

>> No.922792

>Implying the other nations of the Soviet Union had fuck all to do with the space program other than supporting industrial roles.

>> No.924549

>implying it's not the other way around.

How can you define a unit of measurement with another unit that existed after the first?

>> No.924557

you find a new defining point

lets say.....one ten-millionth of the distance from the equator
to the pole measured on a meridian

now we divide that up n shit

so, one meter is now 1/10000000 of the distance from the pole to equator

seems easy enough

>> No.924560

Oh, good one

>> No.924594

...and the moon landings were in 1969.
Point being?

>> No.924631

>Hurr, I need the temperature to be 21.5C because 21C is too cold and 22C is too hot!

Never mind the fact that you'll never get every part of an occupied room to be within 0.5C of your target temperature.

>> No.924646

Imperial is closer to a base 12 system. Base 12 is vastly superior to base 10. The current system should be changed to make it more logical though.

Foot: 12 inches, base units 1, 2, 3
Yard: 3 feet, call it 1/4th a rod
Rod: 12 feet, call it 1/12th
Dodecarod: 12 rods or some shit. 144 feet
Whoknows: 12 dodecarods. 1728 feet.
New mile: 2 or 3 dodecarods. 3456 or 5184 feet. id prefer 3 to keep it more similar with historical mile of 5280. 2 would be close to KM of 3281.

>> No.924660

This pic is exactly why SI Units didn't catch on in the US, because the proponents were idiots in the way they presented it. By posting conversions with inappropriate numbers of significant figures, they made made ordinary people think that metric was overly complicated. Remember, 100 mm equals 4 inches, and 100. mm equals 3.94 (Not that ordinary people care about sig figs, but it serves no one to exhibit excessively long conversions.)

>> No.924666

Not even an American, but I can see that it's the ultimate 'been there, done that'. No other country has been able to do what the Americans did 47 years ago.

>> No.924669
File: 220 KB, 1200x1371, 17and-One-Half.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans, Resistance is futile, prepare to be assimilated to the superior logic of the metric system.

>> No.924731

>Base 12 is vastly superior to base 10.

...said nobody ever.

>> No.924743

>it would cost a crazy amount of money to switch.

Do you know how much the imperial system costs the USA?
If America started using metric they would made their transition costs back in 18 years (if there was a sudden transition, a more gradual transition would cost even less). Exporting stuff to Europe is more expensive when using imperial.
This can be seen when you take a look at the soft drinks in a store (in this case i used the vons online catalog) All bottles in metric are a lot cheaper by volume then bottles in imperial.

behind the scenes a lot products are already sold in metric quantities just because its cheaper:
- All liquor is sold in metric units
-All pharmaceuticals are measured using the metric system
- butter and other spreads are sold in packets of 7 ounces (200g)

It may look like you still use imperial but more and more companies are just using metric.

>> No.924745

have you ever measured a 2 x 4? you will see that it is not 2 x 4 inches it is usually measuring 1½ × 3½ inches.

Those sizes are still sold in every home-depo like store and a lumberyard will gladly cut 2 x 4 when you ask for them.

>> No.924746

yes base 12 is superior but then you also need 12 different numeral digits. If you are only using 10 numeral digits it is not a dozenal/duodecimal system and just not useful.

The big mistake France made is that they kept the 10 numeral digits and build the metric system around base 10 changing to base 12 (with 12 digits) and building the metric system around that.

>> No.924760

2x4s are cut at 2x4 at the saw mill, they get tossed in a planer which shrinks them to the dimensions we get.

>> No.924762

>no other country has had the budget to do what the Americans did 47 years ago

>> No.924937


Germany/UK/China all have the money.

You just dont care enough.

>> No.924938

The French cant even count to 100 properly so I wouldnt use them as an example.

>> No.924954

Oddly, I buy my butter by the pound, bundled in four 1/4 pound sticks of 8 tablespoons, or 24 teaspoons, each. Don't mess wit ma butta.

>> No.924955


>> No.924967

Every base is base 10.

>> No.924984

to be fair there are plenty of instances where it's more convenient to use imperial over metric, best example is construction. yes metric is easier to use when absolute precision is required, but 12 inches to a foot is a lot more convenient to use when having mexican monkeys frame up your house...

to be fair this probably isn't as usefull in europe where you don't have to build new houses, you just reuse the same stone hovels you've occupied since medieval days...

>> No.925026

I dont think you understand base 12, it really exists

The way it works is that you add a digit for ten ᘔ called dec and a digit for eleven Ɛ called el.

When counting from one to twelve it would look like this:

It is easier in a lot of cases for example clocks, multiplications angle calculation and so much more.

Sadly its way to late to change it now, we missed that chance.

>> No.925031

>yes metric is easier to use when absolute precision is required

that does not make it harder to be less accurate.
I font see why it would be harder to use metric.
Since its decimal there is no need to be limited to fractions making measurements easier.

>> No.925081

Exactly, they don't have the budget.
Neither does the US, for that matter. No one cares enough, so they don't allocate enough money to do it. Ergo, no budget.

Learn to reading comprehension.

>> No.925105

10 kinds of people in this world senpai, those that understand binary (and by extension other none base 10 number systems) and those that don't...

>> No.925108

shiieeet you american die for your masters kikes don´t pretend it won´t your fat fuck

>> No.925147

doesnt matter really,
anything real is measured in metric anyways

dude my faggy canadian butter is sold by the 454g

>> No.925157

Worked in automotive sector for 10 years.
My workpieces flatness accuracy must be between 0.003 mm.

Do the same with a CNC machine with imperial sys.

>> No.925495

>last number is 10

Every base is base 10.

>> No.925510

I honestly don't understand why any system of measurement would be inherently more accurate than another, whether it uses inches, millimeters, cubits, hands...whatever. Tolerances are the same whether you call it half a thousandth, or a tenth of a millimeter. Lathes and mills have tolerances they are capable of working to, and I don't think they care what those tolerances are called.

>> No.925517

Reeeee yurope stronk amerifat leave

>> No.925604

Yuroidiots still using base 10 when dozenal makes more sense

Even Decimal
1/2 = .5
1/5 = .2

Even dozenals
1/2 = .6
1/3 = .4
1/4 = .3
1/6 = .2

>> No.925607
File: 58 KB, 800x501, kazakh-pilot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weren't all the soviets rockets launched from Kazakhstan?

>> No.925864

ameritart not realizing that this math only works when using 12 numeral digits

Its like laughing with someone using a manual drill when you have a power drill but then not plugging it in and drilling the hole by turning the whole drill.
I am sure that your superior tool is better and easier to use.

>> No.925868

Probably the same reason you use imperial time units based on 24 hour days.
Unless the Eurofags have switched to a 10-base metric time.

>> No.925878

There was no Kazakhstan back then, just the Kazakh SSR, which was a part of the USSR.
Seconds and hours are not imperial. The division of the day (which can be defined based on the stars, the sun or the earth's roation) is absolutely arbitrary. The 12 or 24 hour system can be traced back to the egyptian and greek culture, while we have no idea what measure system was used in the british isles before the roman conquest. Can't really say that the time units in use today are imperial.

>> No.925892

They're not arbitrary, they're based on counting the segments on your fingers with your thumb. If you're a regular human with two hands, then you get 24. The Roman Empire extended throughout the Greek and Egyptian territories. So they're no less arbitrary than a measuring system based on some dead French king. You still didn't explain why Eurofags don't use a 10-base metric time. Once you answer this then you'll know why Americans choose to keep Imperial.

>> No.925893


>Not using glorious Decimal time as our French overlords originally intended.

>> No.925912


>> No.925936

I was taught that our time system is older than that, I'm thinking by the Babylonians, and they used 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours in a day because they realized that you could divide those numbers in half more than once and get whole numbers. You could get clean halfs, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths... Sounds like imperial, huh?

And supposedly a decimal time system WAS proposed, (by the French, surprisingly!) but it didn't catch on.

>> No.925959


I've seen Stone used publicly in the UK for people's weight all the time

>> No.926104

>not converted to Planck units

>> No.926151

>Time is not metric > metric sucks.

>goes to store, does not like one particular items in the store >burns down store.

your logic sucks man,
Please use a serious reason next time
all(vague/nonsense)reasons given in this tread are:
>imperial works for us.
>Yes, its harder but we're smart enough to use it.
>Because 1 thou sounds cool
>It would cost a crazy amount of money to switch.(untrue)
>There are still tools that use imperial
>The nazi's used metric
>hur dur I dont understand base 12 but it sounds cool, imperial is base 12... right ?..oh its not ??
>UK still uses stone is their language.

all invalid reasons

>> No.926157

Ok, i see what you did there.
sorry that i did not get right away, i thought that you ment that the imperial system uses base 10

The 10 in the duodecimal system is pronounced do instead of ten

>> No.926158

>>It would cost a crazy amount of money to switch.(untrue)

NASA recently calculated that converting the relevant drawings, software and documentation to the “International System” of units (SI) would cost a total of $370 million – almost half the cost of a 2009 shuttle launch, which costs a total of $759 million. “We found the cost of converting to SI would exceed what we can afford,” says Hautaluoma.

“Given these budget constraints and the need for consistent units throughout the Constellation Program lifecycle to minimise risks, and to contribute to mission success, we’re revising the previous management directive to a primarily English-units-based program,” he says.

That previous directive stems from 2004 when, under continuing pressure from its independent inspector general, NASA agreed to conform with US legislation enacted in 1988 that ordered all government departments to move towards the exclusive use of SI units.

> $370 million to switch.


>> No.926172

“The metric system is the tool of the devil! My car gets fifteen rams to the hogs head and that’s the way i like it!”

>> No.926353

Frankly. I don't give a fuck about your Dewey decimal system. Every base is base 10 faggot.

>> No.926373

We should all be using Swatch Internet Time anyway. 1000 .beats in a day...that's it, no other unit.

(yes this is a joke, but it was a real thing)

>> No.926375

> space agency of like one of the biggest and richest countries in the world
> can't afford to launch half a spacecraft

>> No.926397

The fact that USA and I think 1 or 2 more countries in the world don't use metric is stupid and rational at the same.

It's stupid because they use metric in dual system anyway - in science and engineering (in any international project anyway), so the basis is there. All kinds of conversions must be made etc.

The rational side of things is that it really works for people, the units are understandable and familiar. The number one reason against is the cost of conversion and fear of people dying becuase of it (don't forget, this is America, someone WOULD put 200 kilos on his gym bar and die).

i think USA should put more effort into conversion and start with small things like putting dual units on food containers or something. Ease into in during 1 or 2 decades and then start phasing out imperial.

>> No.926405

But why do they need to change the measurements on food?
Majority of USA food stuff is manufactured and consumed in the USA, the package food export market is tiny.

As all the consumers read imperial why go to the extra effort and cost of redesigning all the packaging to please nobody.

>> No.926411

Why is anyone telling them to convert existing imperial drawings to metric? That would insane. Just stick to using metric from here on out, and make sure all of your contractors use metric from here on out. Where's the issue?

>> No.926414

>relative drawings.

So the drawings that are still being used.

I imagine they don't want to be trying to fix something fast by having to convert imperial to metric and vice verse when lives and billions of dollars are at risk of crashing into the ISS.

>> No.926415

That was just an example to get the units into people's heads and daily lives. Food is very common and handled everyday.

The domestic consumption is stupid, most of vegem8 is consumed in australia, should they measure it in squirrels now? The point of standard is to be standard, no matter the use case.

>> No.926422

Domestic consumption isn't stupid when its the majority of companies only market.

If Australia never converted to metric their vegem8 would be in imperial.

>> No.926423

I remember when my entire classroom repeatedly failed a basic physics test on velocity and acceleration while I was far ahead of them
By the third time we had to take it again I said "fuck it" and converted all data into furlongs and fortnights and then back into metric at the end of all calculations
I got 10/10 and my professor handed it to me saying something along the lines of "You're pretty good"

>> No.926428

I meant to say domestic consumption is a stupid argument*

sorry for confyoozh

if pigs could fly...

>> No.926432

I don't see why its a stupid or invalid argument?
I really can't see the need for duel measurements on products that only get consumed by a nation that works in one of those measurements.

>> No.926485

Hooray, England, clung to the wrong calendar because of their hatred of catholics, finally admitted defeat and lost eleven days.

>> No.926566

Take a CNC machine, obtain a flatness of 0.003 mm using imperial system.
Then come back here and show results.

>> No.926639


>> No.926641

K I did. It's .03bitchmeters.

>> No.926642

Whaddya mean, we elected that porch monkey, Change

>> No.926661

>duel measurements

En garde!

>> No.926675
File: 81 KB, 791x1010, Mao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw none of this arguing would happen with a classless agrarian socialist society

>> No.926676

indeed, this is the way the switch it suggested.
If all schoolbooks printed from now on had metric listed with imperial in brackets it would not not cost more then books with only imperial.
By the time those books are worn out (schoolbooks have a life cycle of about 10-15 years) they could switch to metric with no extra cost since the books needed replacement anyway.

>> No.926684

>go to the extra effort and cost of redesigning all the packaging to please nobody

>Not knowing special labels and packaging needs to be made for the american market.

Most of the stuff sold in the US is also sold in other countries( like canada) with metric labels.

>> No.926685

Were you able to do it the fist time without converting it to imperial?
If you were if just proves that the rest of the class are idiots.

>> No.926690

Yeah, wed all be dead.

>> No.926764

This is what happen when u show an amerifag that is system is not good to make quality products.
Imperial system is good only to build uncle Tom cabin.

>> No.926767

Our textbooks have been almost entirely metric for more than 15 years. Our food often has metric and imperial on it.

Our science classes are taught exclusively.

Urofags are just mad its so easy to zero a rifle at 100 yards or the average gravity acceleration is 32ft/ss

>> No.926771
File: 46 KB, 576x432, usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA : The purpose of everything is to fire a weapon.

>> No.926778

>I enjoy not being able to take action against the hordes of muslims raping, burning and lootng freely in my home country

>> No.926796

Yeah, but as you can see on news, no one kill muslims and other shit in your country, they spread free.
Your child kill each other, niggers kill your family and 99,99 % of amerifag is functional illicterate.
Have fun with your guns, just be sure u don't shoot urself.