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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 564 KB, 719x719, 1383059440003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
908396 No.908396 [Reply] [Original]

>Made thread about my delivery drone design
>/diy/ neckbeards attack it
>"Delivery drones are stupid!"
>"Nobody will waste money on this!"

>> No.908398
File: 24 KB, 206x208, father-ted-thanks-fans[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now where are you, Father Eamonn Hunter? Working with pygmies in the South Seas. And where am I? On 4chan gloating about a crap idea that will fail once people start realising that throwing stuff at them is hilarious.

>> No.908409

Amazon announced drones like 2 years ago. Where the hell have you been?

>> No.908492

And the faa hascshit all over this several times

>> No.908520

This is incredibly dumb

>hundreds of drones flying at 400ft
>sounds like a million misquitos
>can't fly in rain
>can't fly in high winds
>short range requires giant warehouses of stuff every 50 miles to deliver everything that can be bought online
>massive power consumption to keep them charged
>can't fly near local airports or hospitals with landing pads

It's just bad all around OP

>> No.908525


>throwing stuff at them is hilarious

Close to this. I see people taking them out because they see free shit just flying by.

>> No.908536


>free shit indeed

- could just as well say, mug a postman, thats free shit as well - difference being, postman aint gps/camera 24/7 tracked to within a millimetre of their lives - taking out drones is (whether you agree or not) just as illegal - in fact, youd definitely have more chance of getting away with mugging a postie.

>> No.908538

>>"Delivery drones are stupid!"
I recall that thread.

I didn't say that the idea was stupid, just that you were out shopping for motors an battery packs, and the MAJOR aspect of the Amazon drones is the huge amount of machine intelligence that has gone into them,,,, and you didn't seem to be aware of that.

Normal consumer-grade remote-control toys don't have anything to do with features like machine vision and automatic obstacle avoidance. Those aren't parts you can see in the photos--but until you can do those parts properly, you have no chance of competing with what the "big" companies are doing.

>> No.908540
File: 31 KB, 651x661, 1312481688702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>- could just as well say, mug a postman, thats free shit as well -
...or build a drone to mug postmen... ?

>> No.908542

>its a plan..

>> No.908544

Yeah, speaking from recent experience in university, there is no drone on the market that can not be hi-jacked. This is yet another great idea which will not work because of inherent human nature.

>> No.908552

>the MAJOR aspect of the Amazon drones is the huge amount of machine intelligence that has gone into them,,,, and you didn't seem to be aware of that.

Dont forgot the fact that the FAA is the slowest, worst federal agency to work with (with good reason).
They fast tracked the certification of the amazon drones, but they still took forever making the drones old by the time they were legal. They only did it because it was one of the biggest companies out there. The certification process started long before 2 years ago.

>> No.908565

>highly populated area.
>put amazon landing pad in your garden without ordering anything.
>Take your neighbor's package when it wrongly lands on your pad
>Tell him to fuck off for trespassing.

>> No.908568

>This is yet another great idea which will not work because of inherent human nature.
Like communism.

>> No.908570
File: 145 KB, 452x750, 1416798717597.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I think -- no, I know -- that I was completely justified in protecting my family."

>discharging a firearm at someone else's remote controlled toy is safer for my family than leaving it alone.

>> No.908571

Sometimes, lines must be drawn. If you were an American, you'd understand that.

>> No.908576

I have a neighbor that I fucking hate. He has a bunch of RC cars and planes that are loud as fuck that sometimes come in my yard.

If he had a drone with a camera on it, and it was on my property, and I had the means to shoot it down to spite him I totally would.

>> No.908581

Use airsoft or paintball guns. Firearms discharge is still firearms discharge. Destruction of his trespassing property will be easier to defend if you didn't discharge a firearm to do it.

>> No.908585
File: 425 KB, 1100x733, 1414963948765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but I am an american.

>> No.908587

>>Made thread about my delivery drone design
if you built it then congratulations you smug turtle neck dickhead you are king of this board and we all bow down to you

if you didn't build it then you are a cum gurgling faggot and no better than any neckbeard on here

>> No.908594

>get that future machine to fly to a random house
>when that delivery nigger lands fucking hyjack it
>rip out gps and other tracking magic
>be electronic wizard and re-confuckulate it to a remote control of your choice

>> No.908595

There was an article somewhere (maybe I spotted it via Make?) about an EMP-gun that you could target a drone with and fuck it up. If I remember it correctly the range was 200 distance units, hopefully SI. If these drones becomes a reality I just wantwantWANT to try to shoot them down for free stuff! And I'll never mug someone but a drone would be cool to shoot down!

>> No.908600

>If I remember it correctly the range was 200 distance units, hopefully SI
Is that an unneccesarily long way of saying metres?

>> No.908610

>Is that an unneccesarily long way of saying metres?
we aint got them faggy measures here, this is Americuh

you can build a jamming device for drones, or more specifically--for remote-control toys--but it may not be legal for the same reason that it's not legal to operate cell phone jammers in the USA. There may be some way the federal (national-level) government can do it, but there is no provision in the regulating rules to allow civilians to do it.

>> No.908621

>we aint got them faggy measures here, this is Americuh
I thought the metre was an SI unit.

>> No.908639

Never do anything for other people. Only do things for yourself. If they happen to like it, that's fine. If they don't like it, who cares?

>> No.908642

That's illegal and retarded.


FYI, jail is full of retarded people.

>> No.908653

>Is that an unneccesarily long way of saying metres?
No it is not. I was hoping for meters but couldn't remember the distance unit, therefore
>hopefully SI
Feet would make a lousy range...

>> No.908656

People already steal left packages. A lifeless drone would just be an easier target.

Difference between a thief and murderer you know.

>> No.908658

Wonderfully Russian!
No bullshit style. Me like.

>> No.908928

OP here. You miss the point of my drone. I am solving power and payload issues. Once I make a design I'll approach the big companies who will augment it with their AI systems. This is exactly why me the little man can win. All anyone in that thread blathered about was machine vision and automatic obstacle avoidance. These things are important yes but nobody seems to care about increasing the actual power of the things. Ironically with flight it was the opposite that caused the Wright bros to win. All the academics cared about was the power to weight ratio, the Wrights were the only ones actually bothering to research control surfaces.
Well with my higher power drone it can fly higher and faster lowering the chance of that. I never intended it for personal urban deliveries anyway. Remote outpost deliveries was my plan.
True but I am only concerned because my beloved /diy/ is ended up like /sci/ where all new ideas are vehemently attacked. It's nice to have a place to discuss ideas with people who aren't dismissive assholes.

>> No.908932

And also
I remember again half that fucking thread was "hurr the FAA will shit on it" There are over 200 other countries I could sell to you know. I am not even American.

>> No.908942

>True but I am only concerned because my beloved /diy/ is ended up like /sci/ where all new ideas are vehemently attacked. It's nice to have a place to discuss ideas with people who aren't dismissive assholes.

Fine dude. Here...

Whoa dude, you invented a delivery drone that's cool as shit I can't believe no one else is working on this. You will be a billionaire, fuck the haters, this is the best idea ever. A drone that delivers packages. Wow. Nice.

>> No.908945

Heh, I thought of you as soon as they made the announcement.

That was a particularly cancerous thread OP, nice to see they have all come back for this thread.

Sorry bro.

>> No.908959

..when we all get rich, merely by thinking up vaguely impractical ideas utilising existing technology, and this regardless of cost, developmental issues, legal issues or whether or not there are companies with a few billion in loose change already on the case for about, oh, THE LAST FUCKING DECADE OR SO, why then..

..the general standard of the 'rate my container/bunker/crib/mancave/pimped-as-fuck-toolshed' on here is gonna improve tremendously.

Till such happy times, it remains, 5% inspiration, 95% persperation. You post ideas? - you gonna get practicality thrown at you - some of which maybe even constructive. Its overcoming the impracticalities is the fucking problem, not the ideas.

>> No.908961

>nice to see they have all come back for this thread
Well, OP was practically begging for it.

>> No.909050

Thank you for supporting me.

>> No.909071

Still better than lugging around upwards of 5000 lbs of steel and burning fossil fuels the entire time. Also, the generation of that power is what is important. Currently it is coal powered, ideally we would switch to nuclear.

>> No.909097

>Once I make a design I'll approach the big companies who will augment it with their AI systems.

So, you are saying that a large and rich company will be able to outsource the creation and implementation of a strong intelligent AI system.
Yet they wouldnt be able to use their same resources to build the drone itself?

Why would the pick the "little man" when they could just hire a group of 20 people who are smarter and more experience then you, and have legalese and the inner workings of their own company in mind to design it?

You arent going to be able to create a drone standard that companies will work with to create the AI. They will just build it all from the ground up, different companies are going to need vastly different things.

What you are trying to do would work in theory. It would work for small companies that dont have the resources that Walmart or Amazon have.
But that is only going to happen once drones are commonplace from the big boy companies who would never even think about consulting you.
Once you have a market, it will be swamped by others doing the exact same thing.

>> No.909099

OP you misunderstood. We don't think the idea is impossible, we think YOU doing it is impossible. We all already knew delivery drones were in development for years before you posted your stupid thread.

>> No.909103

>There are over 200 other countries I could sell to you know. I am not even American.

The civilized countries you would be selling to have their own airspace regulations that are most likely going to be just as bad.

Go ahead, sell your idea to a country with lax airspace laws like Ghana. Im sure they are just dying for your technology! Its be real useful once everyone starts getting the internet!

>> No.909124

This isnt about the environment OP, this is about you trying to get rich. Dont pretend

>> No.909127

Well yeah and corporations are now obliged to care about the environment to a certain extent so...

>> No.909143

>Well yeah and corporations are now obliged to care about the environment to a certain extent so...

There are like 200 other countries that dont have the same laws you know.

>> No.909157

That could be the funniest thing i have ever read, 10/10, my sides are in orbit. I needed that, thanks

>> No.909160

Like Ghana?

>> No.909272

So many people have encountered very similar situations in life before. I've come up with no less than five such ideas, and many years in advance. The reasons why I'm not a billionaire now are spelled out in this thread. Your case is no different.

>> No.909291

>The reasons why I'm not a billionaire now are spelled out in this thread. Your case is no different.

The only reason you are not a billionaire is because you hand neither the intelligence or gumption to overcome them. Stop projecting your own failures onto others, and definitely stop assuming others are as deficient as you.

>> No.909297

>hand neither the intelligence

>> No.909299

>And trump thinks a wall will stop the drugs

We know what this is really about.

>> No.909319

Good thing OP didnt listen to /diy/ and made a fortune on his idea!

>> No.909343


So where are your billions, genius?

>> No.909347

Lol. When I was a kid I "invented" those cassette shaped adaptors that go into tape players and let you play a CD player, etc.

Didn't do anything about it and then they started appearing in the shops a few years later.

>> No.910745

>Western NGOs do not work in Ghana.
MSF has been talking about using drones.

>> No.910746

This. That other guy >>909272 is "smart but lazy" tier. You come up with an idea and great but then you can either sit back and think "meh I can never compete with the big companies, too many problems" which is what 99.999% of plebs do or you can fucking try. Option 2 leads to failure 95% of the time, option 1 leads to failure 100% of the time. Where would Jobs be if he thought "IBM has this shit on lockdown, why bother?"

>> No.911014

The issue was that most of your answers about it were "I don't know how I'll make that work", "I'm not handling the programming so I don't know", or "that's up to the person who buys it to figure out how that's supposed to work", you didn't even know how fast it could move, and made some claim about it being able to dodge lightning

>> No.911015

>returns to an anonymous image board to gloat to people who you don't know about something they don't actually care about

>> No.911224

Slingshots too.

>> No.911238

If i live 15 miles away form the warehouse how does the drone get back?

>> No.911255

>AnonDelivuryDronesInc™ arrive complete with their own carton and packing material - after yur Delivury Drone has successfully arrived? - simply pack it up, scan the barcode and send it back to us in the Post. But not with UPS, obv. because, fucking expensive.

>> No.911271

>Not a miniature FlaK 38

>> No.911275

Nah I'm not smart but lazy tier. It's just one of those things where you see it coming. It's only natural to connect the dots. I'm sure a lot of other people had the same ideas at roughly the same times. I don't have the resources, connections, etc, so pursuing development would be a waste. I think, for me and people in my situation, pursuing these ideas is almost always going to result in a loss.

Pursing these things does make sense sometimes of course. I like what Elizabeth Holmes did.

>> No.911433

You cared enough to reply.
>I don't have the resources, connections, etc, so pursuing development would be a waste
So many excuses. I didn't know shit about engineering or even RC aircraft when I had the idea. Like I literally learned last year how a propeller worked because I tried to make my own with flat blades then found out they need to be airfoil shaped. But instead of being a defeatist lazy faggot I taught myself CAD, read books on fluid mechanics at the library, bought a 3D printer, contacted some model shops for RC help so long as I buy their stuff and to fund all this I rented a spare room out to a lodger. I failed many times and blew thousands but now I am getting somewhere. The only person holding you back is yourself.

>> No.911436

Getting somewhere in redesigning the propeller? Engineers have been working on this shit for hundreds of years. I don't think knowing practical limits is defeatist.

>> No.911474

You sound more and more retarded op, all this effort and not once noticing that companies like Amazon were already onto this?
It's one thing being defeatist but it takes a serious measure of megalomania to try to reinvent the propeller,a design shown by da Vinci? Where you planning on winding your own motors and mine the silicon for the flight computers too?
You started with a cool idea (not useful though...) and then stuck your head so far up your arse that you failed to see anything useful. Instead of asking yourself where the margin of development was (*hint* it's in application of current technology(at least for your project)) you started with trying to reinvent the wheel.
Never mind the fact that Amazon is mostly doing it as a marketing stunt... (because it's not very practical)

>> No.911476

Obviously youve been watching a lot of Dragons Den and Shark Tank
Too bad you havent taken to heart that most of the entrepreneurs are in saturated markets and lose hundreds of thousands of dollars and never make it back out.

If you actually did any of that stuff, I feel sorry for you.

>> No.911525

You're going to look back in 20 years and think, "I wasted all that time and money trying to get rich playing with toys"

>> No.911526

>True but I am only concerned because my beloved /diy/ is ended up like /sci/ where all new ideas are vehemently attacked. It's nice to have a place to discuss ideas with people who aren't dismissive assholes.

Those are Contrarian trolls. Call them out as so. For them, nothing at all will work no matter the evidence.

>> No.911543

>Those are Contrarian trolls

If you would pay attention to the thread, OP has a victim complex.

There is venom coming from the so called "trolls" because he has ignored all the criticism that has merit. You cant just refute valid points by saying "you just have to work hard enough"

>> No.911559

Most likely, OP read an article somewhere about delivery drones, forgot about the actual developing firm yet remembered the idea. He stumbles about the same subject some time later so he feels entitled.

But let's take it to the very extreme and let's say that it was your idea, what would that mean? I can come up with oral sex drones right now in my mind, someone makes them in 5 years, and now what? Nobody cares.

>> No.911565

But they are anon: http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/aerial-robots/amazon-latest-drone-promo

>> No.911568

>rc planes have been around since the 40s
>hobbyist RC planes and helicopters have been around since the 70s
>the US government has had unmanned drones since the early 80s, literally used them in battle in 2001.
>multirotors have gotten increasingly popular in the last 5 years

They didnt come out of nowhere, its long been building up.
And OP literally didnt get the idea until last year when they were so popular states are banning them in public, they are getting shot down, and you can buy them at Sams club.
Its not an up and coming market that OP could just jump into. Its a well established market with makers trying out bleeding technology.

OPs own words
>I didn't know shit about engineering or even RC aircraft when I had the idea. Like I literally learned last year how a propeller worked

How can he actually get mad that he is being shot down?
Is he delusional?

He is just learning how a propeller works, yet thinks he will be able to create his own standard that companies will want?
Is it REALLY that much of being a "contrarian troll" by saying that literally anyone who has gone through an engineering degree is much more qualified to do it?

There are companies filled with qualified individuals that have means to do what OP wants. Real startups with real talent and experience.
OP saying hard work will allow him to undercut and get a jump on the competition, its crazy talk.

>Once I make a design I'll approach the big companies who will augment it with their AI systems

Why would a company pay you (an unqualified individual) to make hardware, only to then outsource to ANOTHER company to build from scratch an operating system and intelligent AI for YOUR hardware.

It just doesnt work that way, and no amount of 3d printed propeller blades is going to change that.

Im dumbfounded and feel like I am the one getting trolled here.

>> No.911584
File: 14 KB, 207x212, 1448235884247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the future holds extreme pinata

>> No.911595
File: 27 KB, 220x320, 010~03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the drone IS the piñata

>> No.911598
File: 29 KB, 231x222, 1449201039180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youve done it, youve got the million dollar idea!
Now go and do hard work and get rich!

>> No.911602
File: 44 KB, 500x564, 1387066263148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope sorry. I patented this already. Good luck, I'm behind over 9000 lawyers.

>> No.911698

No you mongoloids, I wanted a ducted fan unit but they only came in small sizes so I tried to 3D print my own. Im saying I first used flat blades because I diddnt do enouh research but quickly learned the proper shape but by then I ditched the ducted fan completely and just bought an off the shelf open propeller. I dont know where you got "reinvent" from I was just trying different things. More strawman attacks I suppose
>victim complex
You said it was a shit idea, Amazon vindicated me, so yes I was a victim of haters, not a complex.
Now all you have left is to make fun of my failures >>911568 which I openly admitted myself.
>Whybwould they pay me
Because I would have a patent on the hardware
>Whynwould theyboutsource
Apple pays Intel for processors no? outsourcing saves money, whether they have the skills to do it themselves or not is irrelevant.
If it works it works. Are you going to refuse to buy say a hoverboard that has been proven to work and be safe just because the guy who invented it is unqualified?

>> No.911734

>waah , i though of it before amazon
so what?
did you also have the funds and business acumen anywhere near amazon to have a shot at this, competition or no?

if a thread on fucking 4chan was enough to puncture your resolve, i dont think you ever stood a chance in the real world.

>> No.911791

Actually, OP's idea is a solid idea.


I'm betting the author of this article posts on /diy/,


Tons of news people are up in arms about "how this will never work" for some odd reason. I really think there's a conspiracy against them. You can usually tell that by how the largest detractors are public news outlets.

People are worried about package theft. Well, UPS trucks get hijacked all the time.

>> No.911803

Its not about the idea of a delivery drone being bad.
Its about OPs inability to make create and sell it before anyone else does. We told him he wouldnt be able to do it.

And what do you know! Since OPs first thread Amazon has went off and built a drone, an intelligent AI,patented them,went through the FAA red tape, and is testing the right now.

And OP?
Has spent a year googling first year physics and gotten no where.

All this thread has done is show that OP literally doesnt have the capability to do what he wants.
Its not shitting on the idea, its shitting on OP.

>> No.911805
File: 160 KB, 489x269, AmazonPrimeAirPrototype.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did you make up this Idea OP?
A quick google search came up with this.


This originally aired on December 31, 2013

At 11:00 you see that they literally already had two delivery drone prototypes built and released it to the public.

Just goes to show you probably got this idea from amazon, and forgot about where you came up with it.
They were working on this making prototypes before you even started googling stuff!

Good luck taking over the big companies.

>> No.911806

December 1st 2013


>> No.911813

But the dude already got away with it. Doesn't that set a precedent for it to be ok to shoot down drones.

>> No.911990

Without knowing American law I'd say that the difference is that while it might not be illegal to shoot down a drone as such it might still be illegal to fire your guns inside city limits...

As to OP, so you have found a way to revolutionise the fairly basic concept of lifting weight with propellers in such a way that you will bring about a new standard? And you did this by googling the basic principles of propeller shapes? (yes, I'm exaggerating wildly, but the very idea that you are doing this, alone, while there are thousands of engineers reaching for every last scrap of effectiveness, is simply ridiculous (especially coupled with the fact that you are discussing this on 4chan of all places...))

>> No.912014

IIRC there are a few states that have put in law, that it IS lawful to shoot down any drone on your property.

With that said, I think it was only 1 or 2. And it is as you said, illegal to discharge a firearm in city limits.
Even in more rural places, you need a large amount of land before you can get away with shooting guns up into the air.

>> No.912039

Eh, I'd wait until Amazon gets their stuff up and running so the regulations and stuff will be hammered out. Let them lobby and do the hard legal work. Then do it myself. It isn't like the Wright Brothers started a Jet Liner factory. Someone else rode on their coattails. No reason to not do that in the OP's case.

He can still do it, anytime he wants. The main problem is people calling everyone's ideas on this board a pipe dream.

Willful destruction of private property is illegal. Just because someone parks their car in your drive way does not give you the right to take a baseball bat to it. If you have a problem with something and you can't negotiate for yourself, you call in a mediator (the local law enforcement) to do it for you. Only in instances where you, someone else, or property is being willfully damaged or imminently under physical threat can there be violent defense.


>> No.912041

>. The main problem is people calling everyone's ideas on this board a pipe dream

Please be objective about OP

>> No.912053

It is true. Nearly every single thread that has someone with any type of idea has people saying it can't be done.

Why? Because those people can't do it so they think no one else can do it. It is a very common fallacy.

>> No.912062

At what point are you literally just throwing time, money, and effort away though?

Its not like this was his hobby for 10 years, or that he is knowledgeable in the field with schooling or something.

It almost comes off like OP is trying a get rich quick scheme, and its so highly unlikely that he would ever accomplish anything with patent trolls and startups.

It truly IS one of those time where nothing will come from his endeavors. Not to mention the whole thread was made to take shots at /diy/, not discuss anything.

Also I really like the time frame of OPs first thread and amazons announcements

>> No.912104

See what I mean people? Perfect example of a "can't do" attitude.

>> No.912118

1/10 for making me reply.

Op sucks because he doesn't know how to apply his talents. He'd rather spend 4 months designing a no doubt shitty propeller instead of buying one for $5.

His business plan was to design a drone for delivering products. Not to design the software to automate such a function. His big business strategy was to build the physical drone. Building drones is literally a fucking hobby. You pick parts off the shelf and they are all fantastic quality for the money and cheap and wonderful. Building the drone is the very easiest part. Amazon spent more money designing the branding and look of the drone than considering what parts to use.

Anon applied himself for months to design something no doubt shittier than a $10 prop he could have picked up at his local hobby store. That is worth like .00001$/hour. Op is fucking useless if he applies himself like that. GTFO.

We don't need to mine lead and tin if we want to DIY a solder job. We don't need to mine graphite and steel and wood to make a pencil so we can sketch an idea on paper. Apply yourself in a useful way. You are not a fucking immortal with limitless time on the earth to master every single skill and Do Everything Yourself. You will die before you have made it to modern farming. Apply yourself intelligently. DIY as a hobby. Have an intelligent business plan. If you're managing a business, fucking manage. Design the product and acquire the parts and manufacturing as cheaply as possible. If your time is cheap, then use it for something useful.

Assembling the final product from pieces you bought: $50-$100 value. Op could have done it with no experience in a day or two, which would have been a reasonable value.

If his greatest accomplishment was designing a fucking prop? Fucking topkek.

>> No.912133

>Perfect example of a "can't do" attitude.

Not really
This thread is a perfect example of cutting your losses and being realistic.

Being reckless and trying to get extremely lucky != a can do attitude.

>> No.912159

No, you don't understand OP had invented a new, revolutionary propeller. He's patenting it!

>> No.912204

Seems like a big bunch of negativity anon. What failures are you trying to project onto the OP and the rest of /diy/ that stem from your own life? You should probably address that before it gets out of hand in your personal life.

>> No.912205

>Being reckless


>> No.912207

Guys, here's my idea: it's an device made of thin material and when it's turned on, you can connect to any other one of them and have a direct passage between them that is bending space.

So you want to get something to eat of a bakery? Place your device to the wall, connect with bakery's device, and get you bagels.

Gee I wonder a sack of shit that is going to steal and implement this now!

>> No.912210

So like a portal?
How does it work?
Someone at the bakery would need to turn the device on? How would they know you wanted to visit? You would have to phone them and say hey turn on your device then turn your device on and then they send you a bagel?
Bagel is dumb food anyway who cares

>> No.912212

I could answer all of the question, but my problem is that you missed my point completely.

>> No.912219

But isn't the whole point in posting on 4chan, sometimes called "the asshole of the Internet" to get the type of feedback that will purge all stupidity from your question.

>> No.912233

>I'm going to design a car
>but i don't know anything about engines, so i am going to build the frame and interior and try to sell it to a company who will put their own engine in it
This is reckless. OP's plan is reckless. He fails to understand that the mechanical potion is the EASY PART of designing a drone. Anyone can do it, and the things you can do increase exponentially with resources and money. Which those companies will have in vastly greater amounts than OP. They will have access to better parts and materials with more advanced processes.

There is a VERY good reason the only fucking thing anyone is bothering working on right now is software.

>> No.912235

Also OP was suggesting the use of a hybrid electric gasoline drive system that triggered the fuck out of me. There's no fucking reason to use such a rediculously heavy solution, just go full gas the energy density is a thousand times greater.

>> No.912393

Dude, you are retarded. You assume much and dis everything. You are speaking from nothing but fear.

>> No.912432

If you actually are dedicating yourself to it, it is the epitome being reckless.
Your plan is fundamentally flawed as there is no place for David vs Goliath in a field like this.
What would you say if someone said they are googling how to make a CPU to take on AMD and Intel?

The gambling and sacrifice an entrepreneur takes to fulfill his vision is very steep. If it was a decent idea and you had the means to do it, there is a chance that the gamble could pay off.

Just the small amount of info you have given us shows how improbable and how unprepared you are to make it successful.
I just hope that you are young and havent dug yourself a hole.

Its actually heartbreaking to see people on shows like Shark Tank who have put in more time, more money, with much more experience, in a less saturated field, with an actual feasable and good idea. Yet they say they are 15 years into it and have spent hundreds of thousands and its clear it will never take off.

While I think its pretty clear, you are doing this in your spare time and not putting in the hard work, you will eventually drop it.

I can see how delusional you really are though, everyone is just hoping that you dont delude yourself into a big retarded hole that you cant get out of.

>> No.912492

I think you're in the wrong thread and board.

>> No.912500

Should I just stay on >>>/biz/ where the people are realistic and have outgrown their naive 17 year old "I can literally do no wrong" attitude?

>> No.912510

You mean advancing to worthless slave mentality? I guess so. Don't let that door I made hit you on the ass on the way out.

>> No.912514
File: 65 KB, 579x640, 120690_original[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where the people are realistic

>> No.912517

Building yourself up to a successful entrepreneur is not a promoting a "worthless slave mentality".

Haphazardly wasting time in projects doomed to lose you time and money will literally cause you to become a wage slave.

Old and broke with nothing to show for it.

>> No.912520

Not everyone is realistic, but at least the general consensus is to use your fucking brain every once in a while.
Facts dont lie, using common sense is important.

Its not much different here on /diy/
There is a reason OPs delusions have been shat on in two different threads

>> No.912524
File: 32 KB, 620x348, RichUnclePennybags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP

Why havent we seen any progress since your first thread?
After all your research and development im sure you have a ton to show for it, I mean you DID make this thread.

Come on in and show off!
3d printing general!

RC general!

We all eagerly await some great write ups!

>> No.912532

You're right. You are on the wrong board. This is /diy/ Do It Yourself. Where you build things like robots, LED arrays, bunkers, drones, electric generators, etc.

>> No.912534
File: 6 KB, 240x240, 1449203630670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well lets see it OP!

If you dont want to talk logistics or reality, show us the hardware!

>> No.912569

Why would the OP post anything else here after being run off? He's probably getting help on a more competent website.

>> No.912577

>Why would the OP post anything else here after being run off?

I have no fucking clue, but here we are.

He got shut down in his first thread.
The whole point of this new thread was to tell /diy/ how wrong they were, and then went on about how he has spent time researching and building since then.

Clearly his "can do" attitude transcends any and all criticism so he doesnt want to talk about logistics of any sort.

With some philosophical differences here, the only thing to do now is to show us some progress! It might really put a foot in our mouths!

This IS the /diy/ board, you know the board where you actually build things like robots, LED arrays, bunkers, drones, electric generators, etc. Not the "lets talk" board!

OP clearly is a very strong minded person, a little criticism would never make him run off!

>> No.912578

>It might really put a foot in our mouths!

It never really has in the past. Trolls are rather tenacious. You Mr. X types don't know when to quit.

>> No.912581
File: 426 KB, 285x190, TheOldHatWobble.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get criticized means you are being trolled

It was obvious from the first post you hadnt actually accomplished shit, and that you werent going to actually show us anything.

I honestly have no clue what you were trying to convey with the post other than "my idea was good".
The big problem with that is you didnt shut up the "trolls". They said you didnt have to ability to actually create and market one. You have only proved them right.

The quickest way to get people on board is to show progress, but it seems you do nothing but blow a bunch of smoke in this awful passive aggressive thread.

Go to a competent forum and lay your plan out, youll get shit on just as hard there.

>> No.912660

I invented reincarnation as a kid.

>> No.912665

That wasn't criticism.

>all this troll logic

GB2/b/ kid.

>> No.912726

GB2/reddithugbox/ faggot.

>op neener guys, my idea was good, see even amazon is doing it
>We didn't say your 'idea' wasn't good, we said you couldn't accomplish it because you are clearly retarded, and have a horrible business plan.
>But look what I did with my horrible business plan, in the last 4 months I invented the propeller!
>That is a horrible fucking business plan isn't it?
>Nuh uh! You're just a kid and a slave mentalists!
>Okay Nietzsche, whatever you say. Have fun with your failure of a life after we warned you ways to avoid it.
>Troll! You should believe in people because believing you can do something is magical!
Missed all the points.

>> No.912806

But 90% of the points being made are troll logic. Only children think like that.

>> No.912811

>back to the victim complex
>calling other people kids when they cant take criticism and objectively look at themselves

Not sure exactly what you mean by "troll logic"

Its common sense, and the only reason you would not heed the advice is the pure delusion of thinking you are smarter than everyone else.

Smarter than everyone looking into the market, smarter than everyone in the hobby, smarter than the people who work in the field.
Trying to win the lottery on false pretenses.

>> No.913350

Thanks for supporting me bud.
Just because Amazon has a drone doesn't mean that there is no market for my drone. Did the Model T end all competition ever?
>Has spent a year googling first year physics and gotten no where
Not true, I plan to build the lasercut ply frame next week. All calculations and testing is done, the only reason why it is so slow is because I only have £400 a month to spend. I built a frame 2 months ago but it was too heavy so I had to redesign it.
Of course I got the idea from Amazon, I am not denying that I am jumping on a bandwagon here. What I am arguing is that not all bandwagons lead to nowhere. This is the future. I have big plans, first delivery drones then full flying saucers. A single person autonomous transporter is doable because the square of the fan power is proportional to the cube of the fan thrust this means that halving the weight (i.e carrying one person instead of two like what the Moller Skycar tries) you need just a third of the power. I've seen it with my own eyes, that Romanian guy flew on a big drone across a lake. I am inspired, fuck the haters, my mum supports me.
Oy vey for the last time I built a shit propeller because I didn't realize they had to be a certain shape, I wasn't trying to revolutionize anything, I just buy carbon props now.
>get rich quick scheme
No this is something I truly believe in. I have other more serious business ideas that my friends moan that I neglect in favour of the drone program that they believe in as much as /diy/ does. I literally had a meeting with a friend who does graphic design for me who was begging me to pour the next 6 months worth of money into the soap business instead of the drone.
>Also I really like the time frame of OPs first thread and amazons announcements
I may have got the idea from their initial mutterings but I still bought into the idea before they released their official completed drone system.

>> No.913356

>Op sucks because he doesn't know how to apply his talents. He'd rather spend 4 months designing a no doubt shitty propeller instead of buying one for $5.
Yes I know it was fucking dumb, but the fact that everyone keeps going on about an admitted screw-up of mine shows that you are scraping the barrel for insults to throw at me.
>OP was too dumb to buy a propeller
Woop-de-fuckin doo I admitted this like 50 times, now please end the strawmen and give me actual reasons why investing in delivery drones is stupid. Protip: you can't.
FYI the reason for the attempted prop self design was because I read that ducted fans were more efficient but they never sold EDF units in the size I wanted. It was actually a 12 blade fan that I tried to make myself. I actually got it right eventually but it was too flimsy and I didn't want to shell out on more advanced 3D printing so just decided on open props.
>His big business strategy was to build the physical drone. Building drones is literally a fucking hobby. You pick parts off the shelf and they are all fantastic quality for the money and cheap and wonderful. Building the drone is the very easiest part. Amazon spent more money designing the branding and look of the drone than considering what parts to use
I already told you this isn't your garden variety copter it is actually a much more complex design featuring hybrid power generation. Nobody has done this.
>The mechanical part is the easy part
No it's not, the mechanical part is lagging far behind. Current copters are dogshit in lifting power and flight time because nobody has worked out how to hook up a petrol engine to the system. I am not claiming to be a genius who has the secrets I am simply working in an area where there is basically no competition because people plain believe it's pointless.
See what I mean?
>just go full gas
Good luck controlling this.

>> No.913359

Whoever you are replying to isn't me. You want me to post progress? Well two issues, as some other guy said why should I if you are all trashing it? Second of all I want to get a patent. When it's finished and if it's works and I get big deals with major companies then yeah of course I will show /diy/ but you probably wouldn't want to see it by then because you would be eating your words big time.

>> No.913368



>> No.913373

>Go full gas

Drone pilots are too stupid to into swashplates or collectives, that's not exciting or revolutionary.

Swashplates and collective pitch controlled props could be controlled by servos at whatever resolution you need and would give any control you need to keep an N prop device up. They are still dumb for heavy lifting because you could just use a helicopter instead.

There is no call for hybrid engines in aeroplanes. There is no stop and go traffic with aeroplanes. There is just 'go'. Hybrid engines are dumb. Are you going to regenerative break when it's falling? What the hell.

>> No.913374

Wait, so you're going to revolutionize the drone industry with your mechanical engineering skills.

But you couldn't even do the back of the napkin calculations to figure out your plywood frame was too heavy to get off the ground with your engines?

Dude. This is why we made fun of you.

>> No.913419

>I already told you this isn't your garden variety copter it is actually a much more complex design featuring hybrid power generation. Nobody has done this.

There is a reason for this
And its not because you are smarter than the guys with degrees getting paid to do this.

>> No.913421

Now now, OP didnt know that propellers "had to be a certain shape"


>> No.913423

> I am not even American
You made that very clear, I'm sorry that you're not American

>> No.914385

There were hundreds of holes and triangles cut into it, if you can calculate the volume of a frame like this accurately then more power to you.
>"nobody has done it because it doesn't need to be done"
Yes everything that would ever be useful already exists just like what Lord Kelvin said 100 years ago.
If collectives and swashplates are so great then why doesn't Amazon use them? and FYI there are plenty hybrid military drones out there it's just that none are the multirotor version and none are cheap. Hybrid is good for precision control without compromising power. Proof that you are just being a contrarian.

Well no point in arguing with you lot any more, Only way to win is to succeed. I already have the advantage in that I am actually trying even if I am allegedly a "retard" as opposed to sitting on my fat ass laughing at others. These entire two threads have been stupid as fuck. I originally asked for a demonstration idea that would showcase my invention and in response /diy/ furiously told me the idea was stupid and I don't even know how to build it. Thread 2 the notion that the concept was stupid got BTFO by the Amazon announcement so /diy/ resorts to picking out every failing of mine because of course a few initial dumb ideas = all your ideas forevermore will be dumb. Instead of these two threads of extreme strawmen and contrarianism why could /diy/ not have just answered the fucking original question and wait to see if I delivered before passing judgement? It was that easy guys. Goodbye.

>> No.914388

>There were hundreds of holes and triangles cut into it, if you can calculate the volume of a frame like this accurately then more power to you.
It's laser-cut, yes?

Ergo it's an extrusion of a two-dimensional shape, yes?

So you calculate the area (which you can do by opening Photoshop's "histogram" palette), then multiply by the thickness. Then multiplying by the density of plywood will give you the mass, and by g will give you the weight.

>> No.914414

>Current copters are dogshit in lifting power and flight time because nobody has worked out how to hook up a petrol engine to the system.
This is fucking stupid. Literally lash two large gas or nitro RC helicopters together, we've been doing it for fifty fucking years. Do you not know what a collective control is? Something that can instantly alter the thrust value of a prop in motion without touching the rpms.

A gas helicopter is dead fucking simple tech that was perfected before you were born. Ignoring it does not make you any smarter and it doesn't make your hybrid any less stupid. The biggest disadvantage of hybrid-electric systems is WEIGHT. Why the FUCK are you driving a generator when you could throw it away and hook the driveshaft directly to the prop and lose ten pounds? Not to mention nobody said the concept of a delivery drone is stupid. GO back and reread the thread. We said YOUR idea, and SPECIFICALLY YOURS, was monumentally retarded. The butthurt is flowing from you like the fucking Euphrates.

Hybrid electric drone. What fucking stupidity.

>> No.914415

Good riddance. Get fucking lost. 4chan has no need of you.

>> No.914492
File: 64 KB, 542x682, wpid-yamaha_rmax_specs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody has worked out how to hook up a petrol engine to the system?
OP, massive fail at research and development.

The Yamaha R-MAX is a Japanese unmanned helicopter developed by the Yamaha Motor Company in the 1990s.

Just look for its regulations.

>> No.914516

>Only way to win is to succeed

Probably should have "succeeded" before making a second thread to gloat about how little you have actually done.

>Thread 2 the notion that the concept was stupid got BTFO by the Amazon announcement

It was announced 2 years ago

>/diy/ furiously told me the idea was stupid and I don't even know how to build it.

This is true, and you STILL dont know how to build it. You arent amazon.

I know you are clearly a glutton for punishment. I await your third thread in a month or two

>> No.914519
File: 513 KB, 3264x2448, StillWaiting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wait to see if I delivered before passing judgement?

When you only have 400 bucks a month to dedicate to your project, we will be waiting quite a long time. Especially with the fact you are learning advanced physics, manufacturing, financing, patent law, airspace regulations, and business on your own.

>> No.914532

>why could /diy/ not have just answered the fucking original question and wait to see if I delivered before passing judgement? It was that easy guys. Goodbye.

Wait a second
You are just going to up and quit the thread when you get a little criticism?
You wont even follow through the whole thread giving us updates while ignoring the "contrarians"?

How do you expect to follow through this rather large business you are trying to build?

>> No.914540

>typical ADHD post

>> No.914542

Cant deny OP has a lot of learning on his plate.

>> No.914650

>revolutionary propeller
Don't they all revolve?

>> No.915312

OP, if you really really feel like this is your calling, it seems like this book will help you with a lot of things.

Hell, I'd love to have it so bad, but it's just so expensive.


>> No.915459

>get a little criticism?

This thread is more like spitting and roasting the OP. That isn't criticism, it is trolling.

>> No.915809

They are stupid, don't tell me you believed this marketing shit?

>> No.915823

I am pretty sure you are not thinking of an EMP gun but something that jams/ovepowers the signal to the drone.

An emp pulse that reached 200 meters would be very destructive to use.

>> No.916012

He deserves it from how he acted in his first thread

>> No.916036

jamming signals is illegal.

>> No.916048

Depends on what country your are from, and which laws are in place.

>> No.916061

Not if you're the police or military. There are whole hundred million dollar aircraft built around electronic warfare and jamming shit.

Getting the OK for the fire department to jam a drone is no problem.

>> No.917080

I cant imagine it being legal in any first world country

>> No.917554

I feel bad for OP in all sorts of ways. Big corporations will always fuck the little guy.

>> No.918532

Thats just not using a Can Do attitude!

>> No.918560


You can also slash the delivery truck tires, or steal from the back off it. Whats your point? You can do lots of illegal shit to get free things.

>> No.919153

I have only ever seen one delivery drone company using RC helicopters >>914492
despite their obvious gas power advantage. Why is this?
That thing is extremely expensive, I think OP is aiming at the pleb market.