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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 47 KB, 357x480, tumblr_mbyiq0x2TI1qhkzpz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
854730 No.854730 [Reply] [Original]

Post more like these!

>> No.854759

Who still uses CD's?

>> No.854764

billions of people all over the world use, cd,dvd, or bluerays, either at home or in their cars.

>> No.854773

get out kid

>> No.854775

I buy CDs, because when Apple shits the bed and iTunes dies, I can still play my CDs.

>> No.854845

the things about lifehacks is that they are inherently useless

>> No.854875

>buying music

>> No.854901

I always liked that one where you nail jar lids to the underside of a shelf and hang jars of stuff out of them

>> No.854916


>> No.854919

arrrr. a pirates life or me.

>> No.854921

I never heard or that one till I moved into my house where an old guy used to live. the garage has a ton of those under the counter. most useful shit

>> No.855050

The plastic in CDs are designed to go bad with age.

>> No.855059

Conisdering I have a couple of CDs from the late 80s that still play fine, as well as a few laser discs that are even older, 'designed to go bad' probably means you great grand kids might not be able to play them.

>> No.855066
File: 89 KB, 270x360, bobble_head_no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.855070

>Useful diy hacks
>Folding a piece of paper to be a sleeve for a disk
>People bother to post this on the internet as somehting that needs instructions.

So I was doing this to replace lost 5.25" disk cases when I was a wee tyke.

What the fuck. Why is this cancer necessary to write a guide for.

>> No.855121

> Why is this cancer necessary to write a guide for.

to trigger angry responses like yours, which give OP and others a giggle. i.e. for the lulz

>> No.855128

>life hacks
They're called tips or advice you fucking moron.

>> No.855191

Absolute best reason to have a baby. All those tiny jars!!

>> No.855205

it took thousands of years to develop a concept of wheel
just saying

>> No.855210





>> No.855280

It took thousands of years for the infrastructure to reach a point where the wheel was actually useful. Niggas were inventing wheels, spokes, axles and shit all the time, there was just such a limited use for them that they didn't catch on until later. Wheels are shit when you only travel over ground where a sled-like contraption works better, or when the only times you're hauling shit is when you're taking meat back from a hunt, to which you're obviously not going to drag a cart.

>> No.855282
File: 1.49 MB, 1920x1200, you-have-gone-back-in-time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here

>> No.855288

That text is horribly constructed. It's actually a chore figuring out how the fuck to read it.

>Okay it just goes from left to right, ignoring the giant red text dividing the second line
>well that makes no sense
>okay, so it's divided in a left and right side. So I guess I should read down the left side first.
>Pendulums tend to take flight?!
>Oh, I'm supposed to go down the left side until an arbitrary point, at which I should jump over the right side and read down that until the same point, and then just read the other divisions in whatever fucking order I like

>> No.855289
File: 24 KB, 393x364, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.855297
File: 3.30 MB, 1920x1200, you-have-gone-back-in-time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better, faggot?

>> No.855307

Fuck yeah, Ax-Man

>> No.855310

>Actually useful DIY life hacks
>Posts shit about time travel

>> No.855311

Whoever thought of that writing layout was a retard

>> No.855332

Why did you think that changing the colours would fix the layout problems?

>> No.856304

>life hacks
Pick one.

>> No.857222



>> No.857228

Not so much on the older ones pre-05 when that was the way to move data, i still have hundreds of Verbatim taio yuden disks that work fine, but after that when tech became obsolete quality of production when to shit.

>> No.857258

Oh damn thats smart

>> No.857380

I pick useful

>> No.857986


>go bad


>> No.858012

Look after your Fucking tools.

>> No.858041

Your are retarded.

>> No.858304


>your are retarded

Am I being trolled?

>> No.858348

Should be
>buying music from Apple

>> No.858501

First stop - learning the fundamentals of typesetting and readable formatting from anyone in the last 1000 years

>> No.858509


Just rip them to FLAC and back it all up on a hard drive in a metal enclosure like I do. Much more reliable and convenient than CDs.

>> No.858513

Plastic breaks down when exposed to UV light.

>> No.858569

My Dad's done that for years. I didn't realize it wasn't a well known thing until some friends were asking about them in our shed.

I've heard similar things about VHS, and there are lots of 25+ year old tapes that still play fine. It's all in how an item is stored and used, not so much the plastic involved.

>> No.858880

My great grandfather did that, I saw a bunch of them filled with various screws when I went through the shed once.

>> No.858939


>> No.858976

Well I guess I will just delete my "how to wipe your own ass" guide I have been writing for the past 30 years...

>> No.858977

Hey... Come back and get it.

>> No.859068

>learn penicillin, vaccines, and insulin, no problem!
>ignore soap and antiseptics which are easier to make

stopped reading, fucking trash

>> No.859085

Chemistry section is useless and the author has clearly no clue about Chemistry.

>> No.859229

Stop making excuses and sitting around and start using your brain to learn to do things you want to do. After you pick up problem-solving skills and begin to develop an instinct for how things fit together, you won't need "lifehacks."

>They're called tips or advice
This. I hate lifehack threads that just become circlejerks for sharing obscure information. 90% of people never use 90% of these things. You'll be much better off reading or watching the wealth of information on the Internet regarding any topic.

>> No.859260

Im going to memorize this so I can eventurally reinvent the computer so I can send a message to the future for help

>> No.859480


Please don't. I struggle with this everyday and my friends say my butt smells.

>> No.859484
File: 524 KB, 1000x1000, 10,000 Days.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get the entire package, the entire album with excellent quality sound, cover art, booklet writings and the occasional bonus (pic related had a pair of stereoscopic glasses and a bunch of images to go with it. You can put your CD's for show so people know what kind of person you are. It's just a much more exciting way to experience the artists intentions.

>> No.859806

With the things admit to doing when wiping their own asses, a "how to wipe your own ass" guide is probably needed.

>> No.859898

Honestly I'd read that guide
I mean, I think I do pretty well, but no one ever sat down with me and talked about it, so you never know.

>> No.859899

Girls do get sat down and told how to wipe their ass. The more you know.

>> No.859904

I'll share one tip: wipe both ways.

For two decades I only wiped front to back because that's what everyone was saying, the few times anyone ever said anything about wiping. Then, somehow, I noticed that no matter how clean my asshole was from wiping front to back, wiping back to front at the end would show it to NOT be clean. I don't know where that shit is hiding, but now I get rid of it too.

>> No.859922

holy fuck I was having this problem today and then I just got in the shower and baudette that shit. The more you know...

>> No.859947

Clicked on this thread expecting neat stuff but it's just a bunch of assholes dicking around.

>> No.860010

Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.860019

Also, wipe while sitting. Sitting exposes little cracks and crevaces in the skin that shit likes to hide in. Standing closes these pores and crevases, sealing shit in.

>> No.860020

I also recommend small wads of paper rather than folding the paper. Folding tends to lend itself to sticking, while the abrasive nature of the wad has always led to me finishing up quicker and cleaner.

>> No.860248


more you know further you go

>> No.860717

It's a decent quick science lesson with a joke thrown in. Don't get all buthurt about it.

>> No.861208

Most useful stuff in this thread so far is the ass wiping tips.

>> No.861210

I always wash my dragon dildo after using.
Good luck using that cd in a year, there's a reason jewel cases have space between the bottom and the surface of the disc.

>> No.861212
File: 43 KB, 717x426, 61621_1206111539833_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

three squares should be all you need.
one up
one down
one to polish
if you need more than this, you need to change your diet. see the perfect shit comes out in one movement, and cleanly pinches off. most of the time I wipe my ass, check the toilet paper and it's completely clean. the best shits though, cannot even be multi flushed, they need to soak for a while before they can pass the u bend.

>> No.861460
File: 936 KB, 1920x2609, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still shit. But I tried to make it slightly less shit.

>> No.861678
File: 11 KB, 133x173, GN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using single squares
>only doing one wipe per square

Nah, nigga. What you do is you take two squares and fold them over so you've got that double-layer sturdiness and insulation. Then what you do is you wipe and fold it. Then you wipe and fold again, before going back for that last hairpin wipe that's the breadth of your finger. Finger-coordination is key at this point, or you'll get a stinky finger. Then, and only then, do you toss it, with the warm feeling of having cheated the paper industry out of their sheckels and maybe saved a tree or two over the years.

>> No.861679

Wasted effort, as big part of the content is still shit.
Also, I don't see your name on it. Why didn't you TAKE CREDIT?

>> No.861714
File: 45 KB, 600x498, tpmitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do this and I buy the four ply. my friends always want to take a shit when they come to my house because they think its reasonable to save a few dollars buying budget 1 or 2 ply sand paper. I used to have a gf and i'd use up a bulk pack every two weeks. I knew she was a fucking glover and i told her to stop that shit. now a bulk pack lasts 6 months. (it's like 24 rolls.)
>but anon what if i touch poo?
>stop eating fucking salads and your shit wont be a watery blast

>> No.861720

I'm certain that it'd be cheaper to just install a bidet than to live with a woman who gloves.

But then of course she'd still glove up to wipe it dry.

>> No.861722

I tried to force her to buy her own toilet paper one time. needless to say, it didnt work. after much bitching, she finally capitulated and bought the cheapest two pack of toilet paper she could find and never used it. then proceeded to bitch about how selfish I was being with my money for fighting over toilet paper. I can see it from her perspective, being petty, but it was just one of the many things like leaving her blow heater on in her room 24/7 and then demanding we split the electricity bill evenly.

>> No.861726

>stop eating eating salads
this is the worst advice I have ever seen on the internet

>> No.861728
File: 6 KB, 188x164, download (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, here's a secret about women that most of them dont understand. see its good to eat a side. hell I enjoy salad. but women go on salad diets. now if you just eat shitty salads all the time, you get bloated and do epic watery shits. especially the nonsense that women get told on tumblr and womens magazines about nutrition. like eating heaps of celery because of its "negative calories" which is also bullshit.

I eat vegetables but I also eat bread and meat and a range of foods, not just lettuce and a tomato.

>> No.861729
File: 38 KB, 407x405, d143b737e978ec065b8d71fe5f12c796160e6d3f4858062115a61cb8ab50ccc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women also dont like other people to hear them so they'll flush while going to mask the noise.

>> No.861733

bread is bad for you
Americans at least don't eat nearly enough vegetables
I'm not a woman

>> No.861737
File: 307 KB, 553x553, Amused Baker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bread is bad for you

This, tbh. I'm not a health-freak, I both drink and shoot up Krokodil, but what I most certainly won't do is eat bread. Or what my friends and I call it: Cancer-on-a-plate.

>> No.861738

Holy fuck what, I mean, people actually make themselves floves for toilet paper?

>> No.861741

bullshit, post pic with timestamp

>> No.861744

You caught me, anon, I'm not actually a Krokodil-user. Nothing slips by you, huh?

>> No.861745
File: 24 KB, 600x350, wetlands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they most certainly do. they wrap several layers around their whole hand to avoid touching anything. they can use a whole role per day at certain periods.

>> No.861747

So.. you think bread is healthy then?

>> No.861748

If this were a ylyl thread I would have just lost. Said like a true b tard.

>> No.861750

It depends on the bread, obviously.

Bread-haters are right up there with the people who think we haven't evolved to digest milk yet.

>> No.861771
File: 254 KB, 493x280, 3115939917_1_7_b7e4RaVV.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buh-but my organic food isn't sprayed with pesticides, right? anon?

>> No.861779

Thats not actually how aerofoils work. Its a very common misconception based on a disproved theory from decades ago.

>> No.861790

"Amused baker"
But thats butcher....

Do you have a picture of a tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor, spy?

>> No.861794

He's the son of a baker, though. It's a half-arsed reference joke, but I stand by it.

>> No.861799

>Good luck using that cd in a year, there's a reason jewel cases have space between the bottom and the surface of the disc.
You're right, anon. Next time I need a case for a cd and I have no jewel cases around, I will just leave my CD exposed to the elements until I can but some more, rather than fold it within a paper envelope for 45 minutes while I run to the store. Surely the CD will last longer that way.

>> No.861809

But they're right. Bread is shit for you.

>> No.861835

Everything is shit, out the end.

>> No.861853
File: 6 KB, 298x170, i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omfg you people still use cds...
I have to go back to /g/

>> No.861884

You'd rather listen to botnet music?
Also, what self-respecting /g/-tard doesn't have a turntable?

>> No.861889

Was this an accurate depiction of /g/'s current state, or a blatant troll?

>> No.861892

...it's an accurate depiction and why I'm here.

>> No.862643


I can't tell if I'm in /diy/ /mu/ /g/ or /b/

>> No.862645
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>> No.862671

There is also just the tiniest hint of /co/

Great innit?

>> No.863211

Fuck yes. I knew I wasn't alone.

Guys don't need to wipe front to back.

Also another tip to add to the pile: it helps to do zigzag or lateral wipes just before the polish stage.

>> No.864069

Polished shit, is still shit.

>> No.864371
File: 855 KB, 1364x1089, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.864387

>cops more serious than other places

ok buddy

>> No.864395

I'm not your buddy guy.

>> No.864402

I'm not your guy, pal.

>> No.864427

I'm not your pal, mate.

>> No.864453
File: 79 KB, 500x281, 1408852169250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not 100% a "life hack" per se, but actually useful in everyday life.

>> No.864454

Saved me a couple of times.

>> No.864455

Jesus fucking christ... You know Google have a "search help" link right on their fucking front page? Fucking "life hack" twerps.

>> No.864478

my god...life changed...thank you jesus of alcoholism for showing me the light

>> No.864482

i cant even figure out how to read this

left to right or up to down?

>> No.864483
File: 1.64 MB, 2304x1296, aliencontact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.864654

>I also eat bread
Look at this retard

>> No.864658

Don't forget /fit/.

>> No.864659

I try to only eat whole wheat bread. I'd say 6/7 days I eat whole wheat bread where normal people use white bread, and day 7 I have only 1 piece of italian bread with mom's home-made sauce. Am I still gonna die?

>> No.864748

Jesus, why are you eating bread every day?

>> No.864756

We're all going to die anon

Thanks a lot.

>> No.864820

Step 1: Wipe roughly with dry paper
Step 2: Wipe with damp/wet paper, folded twice so it won't break
Step 3: Wipe again with dry paper
You can thank me later.

>> No.864827
File: 482 KB, 1844x1368, hot dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hack ur hot doge fggt

>> No.864829
File: 1.47 MB, 1489x2935, shtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something similar but actually interesting imo

>> No.864873

>>life hacks
god i fucking hate this term. fucking edgy faggoty trendy-hipster bullshit lingo

>> No.864887

Has anyone ever been OKAY with the term Life Hack? It makes me want to shoot somebody. "How to hack a watermelon" ARRRRGGGGGGGHHH

>> No.864944

you dip the paper in the bowl in public restrooms, don't you?

>> No.864947

When the term first appeared, it was used for things like modifying your sleep cycle and other things that actually fit the description. Now it's used for any kind of "tip", mostly of the completely useless kind, by fucktards, for fucktards.

>> No.865034

If I must. But I tend not to shit in nasty ones. I generally tend not to shit in public restrooms as it takes me too long.
Either way, you can't get clean without a solvent.

>> No.865064
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x1200, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you have tons of text/background constant colors, use png
>if you are taking a picture, use PNG

>> No.865086
File: 112 KB, 736x736, 926d36c9e2116479df3fa882ebd2afa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this ain't useful, I don't know what is any more.

>> No.865094


Look up disc rot

>> No.865104
File: 974 KB, 450x254, Exploding duck anus.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thing I read.
goddammit. I thought this had been settled ages ago.

>> No.865170

You shouldn't break the law

>> No.865171

Life hack for niggers:
How to Stay Out of Jail - Don't break the law.

>> No.865191

I literally just did this.
Its legit excellent.

>> No.866720

That file name...

>> No.866724

Apple is the most expensive company in the world, it won't disappear anytime soon

>> No.866755

I get what they're trying to say, but for fuck's sake. Don't use "Absolute zero" as a measurement of probability. It's a fucking temperature.
If they said "Between the insane rate ... of the aliens are roughly zero..." or "practically zero." or "so close to zero as to make no difference."

>> No.866757
File: 101 KB, 530x389, Smells and tastes like crap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how your pals determined your butt smells?

>> No.866758

You can burn music into discs, whipper snapper.

>> No.866761
File: 196 KB, 1200x1200, hardware heaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hardware storage has progressed significantly since the jar hanging stuff days of lore.

>> No.866773


SERPENTINE, dammit! Shit snipers might zap your ass if you don't serpentine.

>> No.866820

I made a bunch of these sorts of things. HD died hard so...

They're out there somewhere. Mostly people on reddit claiming my work is theirs I bet.

>> No.866951

Let's say I'm the first human to make alien contact. Luckily, HFY threads on /tg/ have convinced me of the superiority of human technology and fighting spirit. I grab my nugget and let 'em have it.

>> No.867453

rotational velocidensity?

>> No.867682
File: 749 KB, 1851x1170, 1435162216541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about this life hack?

>> No.867909

I like that big increase in temperature of the tennis ball just as its most comrpessed

>> No.867954

I just threw up on my dog

>> No.867962

well, at least it's clean assholes.

>> No.868003
File: 15 KB, 580x186, aaa-batteries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.868005
File: 32 KB, 580x353, duct-tape-fletching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.868006
File: 35 KB, 580x580, mini-lantern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.868017

Every bathroom tile should have that on it, every bathroom stall and on every sheet of toilet paper.

>> No.868026

Just poop in the morning before you shower like a normal person.

>> No.868027

>not just always using .png
It's not the 90's any more.
I'm fucking sick of seeing everyone using .jpg and things being shared so much it becomes 80% artifacts.

>> No.868028

Don't do this it makes mustard gas

>> No.868051

Really?? Fuck. Thanks, I won't try it then.

>> No.868063

You don't take exaggeratedly long poops at work?

I take a 15 min "poop" at work each day. The actually process takes about 2 min. The rest is smart phone time. 45 minutes of paid break a week.

>> No.868069

shift leader does that at my job. except he takes like 4 or 5 shits a day at 15-20 minutes each. And while he does I have to do his work, too. Fucking hate this job as a pizza delivery driver, can't wait to go back to Uni in a month

>> No.868088

wtf? how does adding aluminum foil to bridge the gap on AAA's to use in a AA slot make mustard gas? there is no added sulfur, chlorine, or hydrogen/carbon. Are you saying that the aluminum somehow eats through the battery and catalyses the chemicals therein to make sulfur mustard gas?

>> No.868091

Dude, mustard gas is made from mustard. There's no mustard in batteries.

>> No.868105

so you can differentiate the paragraphs, maybe?

>> No.868111

A woman metabolism is different from a man's. Usually women get more constipation so it's not that common for women to end up shitting water after eating a fucking ton of salad.

>> No.868114

Wrong. Mustard is made by dissolving mustard gas in water.

>> No.868116

The fact that they have shitloads of capital at hand is a bad sign in my book, it means they don't know how to invest it in improving the company (apart from their ridiculously expensive new HQ)

>> No.868118

But the "jar-under-shelf" uses otherwise unused space.

>> No.868161

As much as I dislike Apple, having shitloads of extra capital is a sign of a mature company, especially when stock dividend payout is stable.

>> No.868167

Honestly the amount of people who quote that bullshit. It will never. EVER. go away.

>> No.868173

Pretty nice story and tips... i readed all and now i want to read a book or something related to apocaliptic shit (like metro 2033)

>> No.868175

this is idiotic

>> No.868176

Exactly my sentiments

>> No.868742
File: 5 KB, 250x187, 1441056259034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b... but... how does the plane fly upside down then?

>> No.868747
File: 346 KB, 1280x1280, 1417204642160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this OP?

>> No.868755
File: 2.82 MB, 480x310, 136239405383.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.868880

Shit, that's ingenious.

>> No.868884

>but anon what if i touch poo?
Then you wash your fucking hands you brain dead whore and get on with your day. I have never understood people who are scared of their own output. Fucking ridiculous.

>> No.868887

Thats how all soldering irons used to work. He didn't cure cancer or anything.

>> No.868888

Well, it seems 4chans being a cunt about posting images at the moment (Error: Upload failed). Heres a link to it instead.


>> No.868899

>hmm, i need a handle
>end of a broom, chunk of wood, rag or a corncob?
>corncob it is

>> No.868900

Women are strange creatures. I used to come home from work regularly to a warm flat, central heating on full fucking blast and all the windows wide open.
She even made me sit in the dark one night with all the electric off as it was some kind of earth day or some shit.

>> No.868905

>dat chemistry section
>no structural formulas or ideas on how to source them

>> No.868936

Also things like -site:example.com work wonders when half of the results are from the same site that don't give information.

>> No.868966

Some of us don't want to have to rebuy all our old games movies and music, child.

>> No.868991

Saved. That'll come in handy for sure.
Thanks, mate.

>> No.868992

Has anyone published an english language version of such experiences?

>> No.869362

Just take the Mysterious Island book by Jules Verne, you find much more tips how to survive without civilized environment there

>> No.869367

I like this one

>> No.869371


>> No.869383

The Road, i only now the movie but theres the book
maybe less about technical survival then psychological

>> No.869438

I loved that book as a child. It taught me a lot.
Maybe I'll reread it.

>> No.869508

ITT: /diy/ turns into /mu/

>> No.869843

Only niggers haven't evolved enough to drink milk yet

>> No.869858

In an emergency, you can fire .410 shotgun shells from a hot glue gun.

>> No.869890


>> No.869973

Desperate people are sickening sometimes.

>> No.870401

its the only way to survive man, I feel the same thou.
Aside from the prepper hobbie, I sincerely hope we never have to deal with that stuff

>> No.870422
File: 799 KB, 799x589, 1408744256392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supporting small time musicians

what a terrible thing

>> No.870424

such a crazy place, i was not expecting what i saw

>> No.870435

>a city under siege will turn into a Mad Max style anarchy
Jesus Christ, is there anyone who believes this? Women whoring themselves out for food and people trading gas and shit is true, but that a guy who lives on his own is inevitably going to get robbed and killed?

>> No.870450

you need stuff, he has stuff, you kill him for his stuff with your two mates. And you also prevent getting your stuff stolen because you are with your two mates. Its quite simple

>> No.870485

Its an awful thing
It gives a lot of terrible bands some sort of justification for even existing, wasting more and more of their short time here on earth.

>> No.870506

Bosnia wasn't just anarchy, it was ethnic cleansing.

>> No.870508

They get some pretty cool shit in. Some of the one off shit they get is a great price too. Regular stock items tend to be pricey though.

>> No.870565
File: 224 KB, 1529x536, ck how to cook a pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll throw a little /ck/ in here while we're at it

>> No.870614

Stand up, bend over, then wipe. Nothing hidden and you get much better purchase on on the bootyhole
So wrong. folding is the only way to neatly take care of it, unless you like getting shit all over the rest of your ass

Anon, we need that guide. go to your recycle bin and restore it now

>> No.870702
File: 3 KB, 96x124, 1441074112479s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we haven't evolved to digest milk yet.
Tell that to my swampy shits.

>> No.870999

If that's an intentional "In-Laws" reference, you're my hero.

>> No.871001

Really? A troll on 4chan? Thank you, citizen, for sorting us right the fuck out.

>> No.871022

oh man whenever someone mentions a block of cheese i can;t help but imagine grating a block of cheese and then accidentally grating my fingers and knuckles.

or when someone else is parking a car and they tell me to look out for a space i think 'keep your eyes peeled' and imagine peeling my eyeballs with a potato peeler.

used to freak me out but i'm getting kind of desensitised to it now.

>> No.871454
File: 54 KB, 503x720, how to make a banana cookie don't do this you will die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you say /ck/ ?

>> No.871455
File: 717 KB, 1336x4460, ramen sundae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ramen Sundae lifehack might come in useful one day, too

>> No.871456
File: 83 KB, 866x629, subway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.871467

Holy shit.. I am literally crying at work right now reading through this.. this just made my fucking day. Sides are on fire right now.

>how many times can you microwave a bowl of ramen before it starts to begin questioning its existence

>> No.871470

Seriously, this thread is just doing it for me right now with these thread caps. Fucking 10/10 for making people wondering why someone [me] is crying at work.

>> No.871477


>dont use arrow, they may not be intuitive to aliens
>draw people waving to show we want to meet them

>waving is intuitive

too many plotholes. ganna get us all killed

>> No.871691
File: 37 KB, 500x375, 1424578270814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least TRY to be subtle

>> No.871706

wait, i made this. did i post this? can a mod tell me if i posted that?


is this me?


fuck u fggt hack ur hote doge

>> No.871740
File: 1.39 MB, 2153x1995, WP_20150907_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried this on my shirt.

Wouldn't recommend, it turns out that the lettering doesn't survive the trip very well.

>> No.871821

"you shouldn't break the law", faggot.

>> No.871846

Thats how I made my first arrow! Used straightest bamboo for shaft and piece of metal for head. Embarrasingly, it was to shoot the neighbors dog cause I was broke and starving.

>> No.871851


The best way to stay alive on your own is to be entirely transient, never stay anywhere more than a single sleep, never leave traces. Even then, if one day you run into a group of three, four people, it's pretty much all over if they want your stuff, or don't like your face.

Whilst the concept of being a loner might seem appealing, I would be far more inclined to band together with people I trust from the start. Strength in numbers (but not too many numbers).

>> No.871868

Don't do this it also makes mustard gas

>> No.871910

hang one of those under the shelf, and get even more storage or even better make your own out of 1/4" plywood for the main body of the drawer unit, and 1/8" plywood for the drawers and put an acrylic front on the drawers, i've always ended up breaking the drawers on the cheaper ones

>> No.871920

You know its pretty much only white people who can drink milk, right? Asians can't, Indians can't, Africans can't. They all get enough sun that they don't need to drink milk to get that vitamin D. Hell, most of them get too much sun, thus the brown/black skin.

>> No.871921

That's bullshit, north african people have a pretty big dairy and milk culture and they're not really white.

>> No.872129

so what does this do

>> No.872162

Makes mustard gas

>> No.872164

Makes cookies you illiterate nigger

>> No.872191

Thank you!

>> No.872268


Or you could get a real storage system and...

... wait for it ...

hang it under the shelf.

>> No.872287

pls dont bully me

>> No.872343
File: 6 KB, 165x250, 1437762843880s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>excellent quality sound
>excellent quality

>> No.872354


>> No.872368
File: 41 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Life hack
The term alone makes me feel empty inside. It's a term coined by morons for morons in reply to solving one of lifes many non-problems.

Half the shit these 'life hack' types dream up either isn't any better or easier than a conventional method, dangerous, long winded, pointless or irrelevant.

>> No.872382

Ctrl F

Search and word on a web page.

>> No.872394

0/10 apply yourself faggot.

>> No.872567


>> No.872577
File: 852 KB, 1060x1060, guava-green-tea2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turn the can tab and place straw through the tab. why the fuck drinks from a can with a straw? how would you even drink the jelly lumps in your coconut juice with a straw?

>> No.872582

Jpgs being saved and uploaded doesn't introduce compression artifacts. Dumbass twitter users that want to make maymays who import a jpg and proceed to save it as a jpg are the ones who do it. Jpgs are good as a final copy. Bitmaps are good for fora picture that requires high quality. Pngs are also high quality but should be reserved only for pictures that need the transparency layer or are large images with few colours (read: anime)

>> No.872584

Any decent JPG encoder can save unaltered, tinted, brightened, or 90-degree-rotated macroblocks losslessly.

If loading then saving a JPEG isn't lossless, your encoder is pants.

>> No.872627

>Welcome to my laboratory, where safety is number one priority

>> No.872635

go back to reddit you contrarian faggot

>> No.872712
File: 46 KB, 367x299, 20120515-goats%20milking%20Dagana[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know its pretty much only white people who can drink milk, right?

Tumblr is thataway...

>muh milk priviledge

>> No.872892

Holy fuck

>> No.872901

If you drink a cup of bleach every morning, you will stop having unintelligent or impure thoughts

>> No.872902

Life hack: Fire is the cleanser

>> No.873019


Aye, as far as i know the only ones really iffy about milk is asians, they have the lowest milk tolerance. Not sure about native americans.

>> No.873023
File: 819 KB, 1344x2264, IMAG1977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accidentally a whole life hack just now, got the shits with having to repaint the sprue marks for model wheels once they were cut from the frame and made this. I thought this would be helpful for scale modelfags who need to paint wheels.

>> No.873027

>repainting model wheels

how very useful

>> No.873029

So you're not a modelfag. Did you want a trophy or is this acknowledgement of your existence enough for you?

Also useful for passing urine tests.

>> No.873031

"Botnet" has been the hottest buzzword in /g/ for years. People there are an inch from using smoke signals to free themselves of the postal office botnet.

>> No.873170

Wiki: Today, this haplotype can be found in 80% of Europeans and Americans of European ancestry, though the percentage of the population who are lactase persistent in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia is very low. It is absent in the Bantu of South Africa and most Chinese populations.

Also, lactose intolerant people who can't drink milk have less problems with yogurt and less with hard cheeses.
But yeah >>871920, Big chunks of south american inherited lactose tolerance, several african tribal regions are known for having it, indian's CAN (not native americans), and of course, it's all trends, most of the groups were listed as the majority being intolerant to lactose, not completely.
Check out the table at the bottom of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactase_persistence

>> No.873191

The ~ is no longer a necessary search modifier. Google automatically searches for synonyms of your search terms. Try googling a bunch of words and notice what emboldened words come up in the results, often they are synonyms of words you actually searched

>> No.873275

>no shrimp salad
>no mashed potatoes

>> No.873277

It literally takes me half an hour to poop, so I got in trouble at work for taking too long on the toilet when I tried to poop at work.

>> No.873280


Son you need some metamucil

>> No.873323

"get a real storage system"
It's /diy/ mate

>> No.873326

Guy at work got in trouble for taking long poops. They told him he had to poop over his lunch break. He said no, the tried firing him. Union stepped in and said hell no. State law says that people must be given adequate time to use the bathroom. The union was encouraging him to lawyer up. He didn't not sure if they settled or he just let it go.

>We got an official memo from high up that said that we can use the toilet when we need to for how long we need to but abuse of the system will be punished.

>> No.873328

Post your ass wiping tips

>> No.873336

i wipe back to front master race here, im a guy

>> No.873360

I've got IBS and can't help having to spend 40 minutes on the crapper occasionally.
Thankfully, most flare ups happen at home, so it doesn't happen often.
Sucks though when I have to explain to my supervisor that I just spent half an hour violently shitting myself.

>> No.874800

If you need a CR2032 battery and don't have one, you can substitute a US quarter and nickel stacked together.
This works because (like potato batteries) quarters are copper and nickels are potatoes.

>> No.874850

>Did you want a trophy

>> No.874965
File: 422 KB, 640x480, 1346648852829.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me