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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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82380 No.82380 [Reply] [Original]

hey /diy/kes
how goes your projects?

>> No.82384

Stalled due to an extremely busy work week and winterizing some stuff.

Nice pool window.

>> No.82385

Last one just failed miserably. Going to do some research and try again.

>> No.82394
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making an outdoor cathouse from a old door. Pain in the ass to saw other than that all is going well researching thermal insulation cos the door has hollow inside. Also adding modules for eating and drinking, All for one nasty feral cat but enjoys our scraps.

>> No.82395

Kinda slow, but I had been delaying it for 3 days already.
and you OP?

>> No.82397

Well I'm a web entrepreneur, my project's doing fine, about 5 million registered accounts since 2005 and nearly 100K of benefits.

>> No.82409
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one failed experiment after another. honestly enjoy watching everyone else make stuff more then i do making stuff.
>that feel when you're too poor, too lazy or too stupid to make these things

>> No.82419
File: 44 KB, 500x461, I know that feel, bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82425

Actually, the dirty secret of the folks who do incredible ambitious things successfully: They fail more often than they succeed. But any failure that results in something learned is not completely a failure.

I fuck up all the time, but doing something boring isn't worth doing.

>> No.82426

I'm making a replacement headband for my headphones as I wait for boxing day. I was mainly wondering if suguru is actually any good as a moldable sticky putty that dries out or should I get something local like an epoxy or another putty for affixing the new headband.

>> No.82434
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yeah, mostly my problem is either no money to fund it, no knowlage of... anything but damn the stuff you guys can do when you set your minds to it... it's beautiful.

>> No.82437

I procrastinate too much but in general everything goes well, if a bit slow.

>> No.82439
File: 56 KB, 574x528, Well Shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got my professional Arduino Uno kit today. It included a small booklet with 14 projects and all the compoenets needed for the project were included as well. What's stopping me? Fear of failure, fuck.

>> No.82442
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I'm about to insulate a wall with styrofoam in my room doing this for the first time in my life.Did some research and shit... any practical advice from you guys?

>> No.82453

>Glance over DIY projects
>Find one that I'd love to do
>It's super advanced
>Fail horribly

I never feel like doing the simple projects because they aren't worth my time, but I won't be able to do more advanced things without knowledge and experience gained from simpler projects.

>> No.82479

They go alright. I just finished my long-stemmed smoking pipe, and I've got a hunting knife about half-made that I need to finish up.

A lot of projects I can't do because I lack the resources. (I.e. power tools, lathes, drill press, scroll saw, etc.) You'd be surprised at how badly you need a certain piece of equipment when you simply don't have access to it.

>> No.82483


Or, you know, trial and error for more advanced projects. I've had to start over on one of mine a good three times now over two months.

>> No.82555

I once "drilled" my way through 6 or so inches of wood using steel wire and a screwdriver to make a pipe.


>> No.82562

Whoa. How long did it take you to complete? D;

>> No.82744
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finished this late last night, made a thread about it here >>82027

>> No.83064

slowly, think i have a.d.d when it comes to any kind of project and i just start a few and circle around as i get board with them, dont know how to really completely finish a project, need some positive reinforcement i think

>> No.83353

nothing is finished but got a load of exams comming so it'll be 2012 till i fix them

nixieclock case, need to get a top plate cut out on the waterjet
hybrid 12au7 tube amp in the planning, still need to order parts but lets do that after christmas