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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 78 KB, 350x233, police_door.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
817418 No.817418 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, what is a good way to make your front door breaching-proof? Against criminals of course.

I know how to protect it against a battering ram many burglers these days use by having a large (expandable) pole of hardend steel that fits between the door and the wall behind it, which protects it against brute force, but how about criminals who would want to use a chainsaw to enter your cozy home?

I was thinking about making an inner wall at the inside of the door filled with small metal balls, so when thiefs try to saw open your door this shit would shoot thousands of small metal balls around, which might scare them off.

However, i'm not quite sure if this is effective. So i've been thinking, maybe there is a way to have something at the inside of the door like something tougher than a chainsaw that when cut into would jam the saw or even break the chain. Maybe metal strings of titanium? What would be strong enough?

Also what is a good way to make a very big electro magnet that you can trigger using a panic button that would fry your computer and harddrives in an instant in case these burglers are out for your own personal financial digital files?

Thanks for brainstorming with me /diy/ it's for a school subject btw.

>> No.817419
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>> No.817420

How about live wire? What would happen if you saw into a live wire? Unless the burglers would use rubber gloves?

>> No.817421


>> No.817422

Also, what would be the best equipment would I need to start a child pornography ring?

>> No.817424

Epic meme xd But irrelevant to the subject or the asked questions.

>> No.817427

make the door a sandwich or wood and metal
I doubt you could cut a steel bar with a chainsaw easily if at all, a flat metal plate in the door would require plunge cuts with the tip which would increase difficulty.

noise in the house from balls rolling about won't scare anyone chainsawing a door down even if they could hear it.

you could try and break the chain with titanium ropes, you have to decide if you are ok with mutilating or maiming the attacker when the chain breaks and takes their eye out.

i wouldn't trust magnets to wipe everything.
people used to say thermite which would be very dangerous unless it's in a concrete lined bunker with nothing else combustible. It's slow too but nobody is getting near it while its working so not a big issue.

the main problem you have is if you aren't really worried about 'burglars' at all. if there's a warrant to search your house and you are found destroying evidence you are probably just getting yourself in deeper doodoo.

>> No.817428

Of course i dont expect this kind of company as i dont do anything illegal myself and because this is 4chan i added some 'humor' in the thread but im still interested in how you would go about doing something, its an interesting subject

>> No.817429

If any one of those steel balls hits the "robbers", you could be charged with assault of a "robber". You'll go to prison for a while. They'll argue in court that you purposely set up dangerous booby traps

Any modification done to your house needs to be non lethal. Best case scenario: it stalls the intruders long enough for you to destroy whatever it is your have to. You aren't gonna be able to run or hide

>> No.817430

yeah man, i guess if robbers would get an heart attack from the sound the alarm makes you would get sued too right?


>> No.817435
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>way to make your front door breaching-proof

Came across this on-line and was thinking something similar could be done at home, using sturdy door hinges appropriately machined and a galvanized pipe for the cross bar.

Of course, it only works if you're in the house.

>> No.817446

looks neat

how about an automated turret? is there any way to make it so it doesnt shoot at yourself only at unidentified people?

>> No.817454

>implying it would take someone even 5 minutes longer taking the door out with that piece of metal there

>> No.817478

but imagine the faces on the popo when their breaching shot doesn't immediately work.

>> No.817486

Well most chainsaws handle & button are made of plastic which is non conductive.

>> No.817488

Decent metal sheets.

>> No.817509

If you have a steel bar behind the door, 9/10 they will aim for the centre of the door with the chainsaw, a chainsaw colliding with steel is going to fuck it up big time, probably snapping the chain

>> No.817512


Why don't you just go rob a bank after putting lemon juice all over your face while you're at it?

>> No.817515

Yes - the look that will still be on their faces 20 seconds later when they come through the window instead.

Vindictive rage.

Vindictive rage that's now staring you in the face. With guns. And sticks. And body armor. Prepare to be heavily beaten as these vindictive rage bearers now act in "self defense" against your violent "holy crap stuff the goods in the couch while high oops the dog walked off with it 20 minutes and you were too loaded to notice crap is that the ceiling or the floor?" assault.

>> No.817520

Seems like you are easily triggered.

All I'd need is my Warrior Series Katana.


>> No.817525

Do you realize how fucking loud a chainsaw is? Who would try to use one for a break in? Besides chainsaw chains are fragile. Metal bar in door.

>> No.817531

OP won't trick me into watching 4 days of breaching training videos. Been there, done that.

>> No.817534
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I went with the 10-feet-of-concrete-3-feet-of-solid-steel-blastdoor-option. Just make sure you don't lock yourself out.

>> No.817547

During 1990s there was rampant burglary in Russia. People quickly adopted and in every neighborhood metalwork or car shops started to manufacture steel doors and frames. It is not that they will stop motivated burglar (mheh, if they know you keep 10Ks of dollars inside your home), but they will probably delay them enough for police to arrive.
> 1. 3mm steel sheet inside or outside, preferable heat treated.
> 2. 5mm L or U shape iron for frame
> 3. Hinges must be on inside or in frame
> 4. Lever tumbler lock with multiple cylinder bolts locking the door in all 4 directions
> 5. Hard alloy (or ceramic) plate to protect lock mechanism
> 6. Second lock that uses different principle.
> 7. Hooks on vertical sides of the door and holes in the frame that will hold the door after the bolts and hinges were destroyed
> 8. Mount the frame on 20mm rebar rods cemented into the wall, at least 50cm deep.
However, they would defeat all this with a truck , a chain and a hook to pull whole thing out of the wall.
If you think concrete saves, take a look on concrete chainsaws on ebay.

>> No.817602
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buy a steel inner door


if the FBI/ATF/DEA/NSA/ can't kick down your door then they will just burn you out like Dorner

>> No.817619

>Prepare to be heavily beaten as these vindictive rage bearers

>implying they wouldn't have found another excuse to escalate

>> No.817622

Inb4 you piss em off enough, they just go through a window instead

>> No.817632

>doors opening into more doors
>put mirrors everywhere.
>ball pit

follow your dreams, anon.

>> No.817647
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bunker anon pls

>> No.817657

>Anon, why do you need this loan?
>I need a warehouse, 10 tons of rha steel, 300 steel doors, 1 ton of ball pit balls and a tiger

>> No.817660

And yakity sacks playing at 130db

>> No.817661

pretty stupid, all you need is a ladder

>> No.817681

>hall of mirrors with ball pit balls filling the first 3 feet of it
>tactical swat team
>hidden tripwires among the balls
>N50 magnets in the balls that latch onto anything they touch that is metal
>rail on the ceiling for the antagonist to hang on and run around on, playing with the swat team

Glorious capeshit movie scene.

>> No.817692
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I'd pay to see that.

>> No.817708

Bunker bro, when are you going to start accepting henchmen applications? And what's your theme going to be?

>> No.817711
File: 16 KB, 200x356, medium_black_door_steel_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Britain we use steel security doors. You can't really breach them. As long as the frame is properly fitted that is.

>> No.817713

lol what movie is this?

>> No.817714

12 Gauge shotgun with pitbull rounds. Breach away!

>> No.817719

>Build a steel cage inside the door. >Spring load the door to close itself after enterimg
>only a key can open the door from inside.
>never lock door

>> No.817727

>In Britain we use steel security doors. You can't really breach them.
kek top

>> No.817736

See if the /fucko/ threads are still around on /g/. They were all about this.

Bottom line, though, if the fucko squad comes by your house, you don't have the time to degauss your pizza.

>> No.817737

Hows it going bunker anon?
I havnt seen you post in ages now.
Did you ever get that flooding taken care of?

>> No.817744

>mfw i can open doors using my highlift jack with ease
just spread the frame at the knob and deadbolt till it opens

>> No.817746

One of these threads again. lol


That depends on the frame and size of bolts used.

>> No.817764

Unless your door has a steel core, that's not gonna do shit. Take a sledgehammer, break out the bottom of the door, crawl through.

>> No.817784

Just needs steel walls and windows. A halligan bar would have gottem them in eventually.

>> No.817831

O hai bunker bro. Glad to see you're still breathing.

>> No.817836
File: 165 KB, 2125x1195, 20150514_151607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, you´re right. Back to the drawing board for me.

Shall I hold any henchman number for you?

Yes. Got all the water under control, most of it goes directly into a passive french drain system down the mountain. Only three places where I had to use pumps due to the area being lower than the piping out. Final cost of being dry is about $1 per day in electricity.

on topic;

You might want to have a look at this website for security doors or bad ass locks.


Need to run it thru google translate.

>> No.817855


Water dripping on it would have gotten them in eventually.

>> No.817914

Just bump the locks.

>> No.817915

In addition to a strong door and frame: swing door out.

>> No.817924

Buy an Astas door have it imported from Turkey.


>> No.817926

Quotes because greentext is for children:

" So i've been thinking, maybe there is a way to have something at the inside of the door like something tougher than a chainsaw that when cut into would jam the saw or even break the chain. Maybe metal strings of titanium? What would be strong enough?"

Leave the original door as an obstacle then frame a second custom door made from quarter-inch steel plate in a quarter-inch thick 2x4 welded steel framed vestibule behind it. Door one looks innocent yet expends energy when breached then wreckage becomes an obstacle to attacking steel door which cannot be breached with a hand carried ram or breaching shotgun if you do it properly which means multiple crossbar bolts connecting steel door to holes in frame. This can all be integrated into innocent decor including using woodgrain painting kits on visible steel outer surfaces!

Don't overthink shit. That's dumb and useless and teentardish. Think "military" and "industrial" construction.

"Also what is a good way to make a very big electro magnet that you can trigger using a panic button that would fry your computer and harddrives in an instant in case these burglers are out for your own personal financial digital files?"

Wrong idea reflecting tech illiteracy. Your destruction-worthy files should be on one or two at most (for redundancy) SPINNER hard disks for ease of expedient destruction.
You can mount these in a hidden space to delay discovery. You can position a cartridge-actuated fastener gun against the drive case by welding up a stout metal mount which depresses the gun safety. You can fire by concealed mechanical switch or by an electrically actuated solenoid (automobile starter noids are strong enough, get the core and arm etc from the starter when prototyping).

Nail instantly shatters the platters while opening case to atmosphere. Entire setup is compact enough to wrap in rubber matting to deaden sound and conceal in a wall or furniture.

>> No.817927

Apparatus could fit easily in a microwave oven case. Nobody is gonna go for an oven immediately in a raid if it's in a normal position in the kitchen.

For fun, connect an old spinner to a spare power supply you won't mind possibly shorting then shoot a powder-actuated fastener through the case. Save pics for project.

Used powder-actuated tools are cheap on Craigslist.

>> No.817966



>> No.818078

>greentext is for children
Using 4chan the way it was designed is for children?

>> No.818242

Why don't you put a sensor to the door that goes apeshit when the dooe gets broken? A simple cable that gets cut or something is enough to trigger some kind of cleaning mechanism for your computer or other stuff you don't want anybody to see.

I actually thought about building a "HOLY FUCKING SHIT" button to trigger something like that. Just for lulz, I'm only a boring nerd.

>> No.818266

Since destroying evidence is illegal, and we don't want to do illegal things, how to properly and quickly wipe my data without destroying the hardware?

>> No.818271

The cheapest way is simply to use a strong thread/wire that will tangle in the chainsaw when the door is cut. Same thing they do for chainsaw clothing.

>> No.818272

Of course there is. But if you're too stupid to figure out how it's done, you're definitely too stupid to be working with guns.

>> No.818274

Isn't wiping the data still considered destroying of evidence?

>> No.818327

I'd like it to look like the drive simply didn't contain data, or some other way that doesn't attract trouble

>> No.818329

Well there's Darik's boot n' nuke, but that's going to look like you uh...nuked it.

>> No.818345

/g/ here,

#1 encrypt your harddrives. It's not fool proof but it helps
#2 make some type of keyboard short key kill switch

Mine simply runs, dd across mbr. This takes maybe a second. If you thought guessing the decryption key was going to be fun, guessing the key for a guessed mbr is going to be even more fun.

The basic idea behind it is it takes too long guess/break/brute force the correct key. Now that you obliterated the lock to the safe (metaphorically speaking) you now have to guess what lock was there, then guess the key. Your work just compounded exponentially.

#3 I run shred for kicks, it doesn't even have to run, let alone finish...

Now of course I don't store anything illegal, but if my computers are indeed confiscated, I'm not going to let prosecutors post screenshots of text messages to old friends just to watch me squirm in my seat. They can go to hell.

>> No.818474

Wouldn't make the damnest bit of difference.

You're guessing the session key of the partition, which means you don't care about the logical structure. You're just going to pick any old sector, and brute-force the session key on it.

Once you've got cleartext, you've got the whole partition, and the computational effort involved is exactly the same as bruteforcing the saved keys.

If there's is more than one partition, your work compounded, at best, linearly.

The only thing your mechanism does is prevents anyone that knows the secrets getting in. Whether that's a good thing or not is up to you, but I'd expect, seeing as your boss doesn't have an eyepatch and an awesome trenchcoat, that the more likely scenario is you locking yourself out your own data forever.

>> No.818620

The Core

>> No.818633

Get SOLID METAL DOORS, and SOLID FRAMES for said doors. Make sure the walls are composite materials, combination of wood/drywall/concrete/steel/sheet metal. Solid concrete/stone foundation. EXPENSIVE.
Bonus for having a house/building in this day and age that will outlast most companies until demolition is brought in. Steps leading up to all doors help to prevent battering rams effectiveness. Moats help to prevent ease of access to sides of house(gators in Florida/snakes) Solid metal slide locks and cross bars, built into the door and behind said doors. Windows will need to be composite glass/plastic with metal bars/frames. Electricity is illegal except for properly labeled and setup/payed for fencing. Solid foundations help prevent tunneling/digging under.

But one of the greatest protections is appearance/information control.

>> No.818638

Have internal storage for said water/treatment so you don't die of dehydration/poisoning of your water supply villain SIR. Ten or more steps UP to each door helps to reduce usable leverage against said entry points. Moats help to prevent good footing for said machinery to breach walls/doors/windows. Just have to protect from draining/shit/piss/chemicals.

>> No.818640

also doesn't cover inherant weakness of internet connectivity, wireless in all its current wifi forms is almost instantly hacked/watchable. Wired the same because of service provider backdoors and router hacks for every router under the sun. Real reason major money/financial groups use microwave transmission for sensitive money transfers is that its EASY and FAST to track ANY attempts to get at said data streams. Hard to explain a microwave dish/transmitter in the controlled airspace of the data transfer area.

>> No.818643



>> No.818674

Use a decoy hard drive. Put the real hard drive in a location that's not physically accessible and access it wirelessly.

>> No.818760

Good points. However I'll accept them having to brute force guess a stupid long session key over just handing it over anyday.

>> No.818795

Not true.

WPA2/RADIUS is only crackable by guessing the key; with knowledge of only your own key, you can decrypt only packets that were intended for you in the first place.

>> No.818799

Not true. You can hack wifi by listening to the packets and watching for a four-way handshake. You can then try to decrypt the handshake or replay it to gain access.

>> No.818854

uuuhhhhhhhhhhh even with the handshake packets (all of them so you need to be in range of both parties) you still need to brute force the password.

that replay thing is so stupid it hurts me to think you actually believe it.
i think you can spam bad packets to force a handshake but there is no way you can just replay it to become authenticated yourself.

>> No.818983
File: 112 KB, 1057x1489, flow_wpa_enterprise[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even get to handshake until you satisfy the RADIUS server.

>> No.819208
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>wall gives way before the door does

Fuck it, I'm getting two of these. Do they sell windows too?

>> No.819631

Really? Hope to see a swank instllation threads when they arive!

>> No.819643

RFID playa
its the future
you could get a passive tag but the reader would need to be beefy, it'll cost ya a bunch

>> No.819663

Eight year old?

>> No.819677

>Do they sell windows too?

Probably not.

>> No.819855

That only works for that WEP shit. But this guy >>818640 is probably right in that the US government more than likely had the devs create backdoor keys for all of the security and encryption software made here in the US.

>> No.820176

what movie is this? I kinda wanna watch it.

>> No.820191

I work with that shit and would never use this personally.
At first, readers can get really fucking expensive if you're looking for shit that will work most of the time.
Most of the time? Wrong position of the tag? Bad luck? It wont read your tag and you'll get killed.

>> No.820195

Great thread.

Today I learned there are a lot of bozos with CP.

Seriously guys? The disgusting legal porn out there doesn't do the trick?

>> No.820202

The Core(2003)

>> No.820267

it wasn't evidence until it was seized by the police, they can do as much as sucking your dick for desgroying it before they showed you warrant

>> No.820476


>> No.820499

I like your style.

>> No.820522

How about we study some straight mexican ingenuity:


the CBS news has a special, I remember seeing those doors there. Pretty good design, easy to install and proven effective.

Can we get some more real world examples like those russian doors?

>> No.820665

well I've seen some things, and might be able to offer some advice. you can make your own mind up about it

lets look at how doors are normally breached, in a common order
1. impact to the lock with a boot or ram
2. impact to the face of door with the aim of making a hole
3.impact to the hinges with a boot or ram
4.attempt to force edges of door with a prying tool
5.attempt to penetrate the door with the aim of removing the lock from the door
6.attempt to penetrate door to remove door from hinges
7.cutting into the door to make a hole with a power tool like a chainsaw, grinder or boring drill
8.attacking adjacent wall to remove door and door frame in one piece
9. vehicle ram
10.using shaped charges
11.thermal lance

important things to remember:
fires are more common in most areas than break-ins, deaths can and do occur every year from fires damaging doors, or people being trapped in structures

intruders will take the path of least resistance, no good making securing a rood but leaving windows exposed for instance. Keep in mind that an intruder could potentially enter under the house or through a wall

force dissipates, it doesn't evaporate; ensure that everything an intruder could impact would dissipate force into a weaker point (for example a strong door with weak hinges, or strong hinges in a weak frame

layering protection will give you more time, but it won't usually strengthen a door; for instance a metal impact screen in will need to be removed before the main door can be assaulted, but it will not add to the strength of the main door


>> No.820671

simple things you can do to re-enforce an existing door:

push a cabinet up behind it

put extra hinges on it, to help dissipate shock
install a new lock with a deeper bolt, wider frame, stronger material etc
get a lock with a dead bolt
install a new frame plate, larger or stronger, to protect the door frame adjacent to the lock
put multiple locks on the same door
put sliding bolts on the top and bottom, or the sides if required
get a metal screen door in front of the main door
get a whole new door made of stronger wood, metal, or composite
get a new frame for the door (requires some reno work)

beyond that you are looking at specialist security work, and major expense

doors with internal breach alarms
doors designed to defeat spinning saws (often full of wire or fibre)
hardened steel composites
frames that are seriously integrated with the wall
doors that roll or slide sideways, push out etc
emergency roll down backings
blast proofing

it's complicated, with a lot of additional factors that have to do with how they can approach a door, or get vehicles or machinery in

>> No.820677

So op you want to lock a door that noone will open? Think safe doors.

Steel, reinforced ofc, and thick metal rods going into all 4 sides. The two walls and the ceiling and the floor. The wall will give in sooner than the door.

Oh and make sure the metal rods go into the wall at least a few inches. And at least 2 per side.

>> No.820686

For the chainsaw protection you can buy Kevlar overalls that are used to protect you against chainsaw cuts. The fibres of the kevlar jam the chain, you could just cover the inside panelling of the door to jam the chain when they try to cut through.

Nothing beats a good metal bulkhead though. And don't forget, a door is only as strong as the walls.

>> No.820727

No, you don't want to watch it.

>> No.821781


I went to school with him.

>> No.821794

Funny, I went to Strictured Pedantic Grammar-Arse school too.

>> No.822828


> The problem is not the door, the problem is the frame.
Most people install "bars against brute force" or "unviolable doors", but when battering the door, all the structure surrounding the door gets destroyed and the door falls intact.

Unless you have thick concrete walls with a reinforced integrated metal structure, your door is useless.

For your hard drives, a giant electro magnet would do the trick, but it could be recoverable anyway by LAW enforcement. You must crush or melt the hard drives. You can use thermite sealed and insulated containers with a remote fuse inside to trigger the melting. This coudl melt your home however.

>> No.822837

You can use chainsaw protection gear. That stuff is literally made to stop a chainsaw. Plus it's light

>> No.822839

>you have to decide if you are ok with mutilating or maiming the attacker when the chain breaks and takes their eye out.
Only in yurop

Just no

>> No.822850

Yes, in that respect, and so are Jap cartoons.

Greentext is an "affectation" and not utilitarian.

>> No.822851

If they really want your shit they can breach the walls and make their own doorway.

>> No.823916
File: 55 KB, 572x599, 00012-photo013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want THIS!

(the door)

>> No.823918
File: 1.91 MB, 800x450, 1433787209376.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.823920
File: 2.77 MB, 400x224, 1433786345304.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.823925

Steel bars hugged to the doors. I worked with a chainsaw and I can tell you it's stupidly dangerous for the chainsaw operator. Chainsaw, after meeting resistance of this kind, will most likely recoil. If you don't have steel grip on it you can cut your head in half.
Also, there is chainsaw stopping fiber they use in protective clothing.
Thats why you always wear protective gear while using chainsaws. Always.

>> No.823966

I was using a Stihl 260 once to cut up fallen tree. Embedded in the trunk was a piece of old ass rusty barbed wire I couldn't see. When I hit it the chainsaw jumped out of my right hand (managed to hang on with the left) and the chain broke. It shot off the bar like it was fired from a gun and went through the passenger window of my truck about 40 feet away. Chainsaws are dangerous motherfucking tools but you can't use them to cut into anything with metal in it.

>> No.823983


>> No.824026

plebs not using brakes while blaming the chainsaw.

>> No.824483

that's not how you butcher a pig, you are ruing all the best cuts

>> No.824703

Adding another door.

>> No.824710

In case you dont wanna use metal doors, do like I did.

>smash-proof wooden door, 1 and a half inch thick
>slides sideways instead of in/out
>frame is steel, bolted to floor and ceiling, covered with more solid wood
>closes with a key from the inside only (no keyhole outside), keyhole has a hook system (no way to pull the door sideways from the wall)
>only way to possibly open it from the outside is with explosives or a chainsaw, and nobody hates me this much
>in case someone does, I'll be waiting for them on top of the staircase with my shotgun by the time they finish getting it open

>> No.824860

put 2 doors in one frame, one swings out, one swings in. both steel, inner door is heavier with crossbolts

>> No.824874

I'm sold

>> No.825052

lol story? did they manage to open that window later?

>> No.826167

Look man, if you're afraid of chainsaw wielding, door breaching criminals, then you should consider explosives. HDDs arnt done for until they are melted really. So line all those up so you can trigger a single thermite packet and burn through all them. As for the intruders, wire up some blank shotgun shells to a switch and the wall current. Hit that button and you're not gonna hear for a week.
Best of luck criminal scum.

>> No.826252

They discovered Jason Bournes safe house

>> No.827248

I know you are an american, because this bothers you. Its ok, it bothers me too.

>> No.827345

Best way for HDD melting would be to build a concrete pit in the floor into which you would place the HDDs and thermite with a magnesium fuse, then seal it up once lit

>> No.827346

Should say that there should be vents to outside for fumes, and a mesh bottom so no remains of hdd will be found in the pit, rather they will drop under your house

>> No.827381

it was house build for police training

>> No.828783

same in Russia. We even have a door chart. 1mm steel door is shit-tier, 2mm is meh, 6mm is what can hold AK-47 rounds

>> No.828798

lol America