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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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79392 No.79392 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, never noticed this board before.

>> No.79393

How long this board been around?

>> No.79401

Hey Newfriend! You probably haven't been around long enough to realise, but ages ago (about 2 weeks ago) Moot made this new board! Along with this board he brought back some old ones! Enjoy your stay Newfriend :)

>> No.79847


yeah i deff never noticed this one ahhah

and how did it change from newfag to newfriend?
oh god im on here too much but apparently not enough..

>> No.79853

Best instructions ever.

>> No.79883

good morning america covered the jessi slaughter incident and anons expected a consequent spike in unique visitors - so anon wanted to put on its best face and act like we aren't a bunch of angry manchildren for our guests. Newfriend is a pleasant euphemism for newfag.

>> No.79888

it was also the best day on /b/... Everyone was sickeningly nice and uncannily respectful