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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 68 KB, 347x700, Cheap+booze+not+mine+found+on+b_db9230_4063945.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
782898 No.782898 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /diy/,
would this actually work?
I kind of want to try it.

>> No.782899

Yes. It will taste like shit and probably become infected with bacteria. Enjoy.

>> No.782900

How should I go about preventing it from getting infected?
Taste is not a problem.

>> No.782902

> taste is not a problem

then go drink piss or something

>> No.782903 [DELETED] 

If you are under the legal drinking age for your country/state, then please fuck off. Likely you're underage b& and need to fuck off of 4chan anyway. Regardless your lack of taste is offensive, therefore fuck off regardless.

>> No.782908 [DELETED] 

Holy shit you all are a bunch of cunts.
I am 21 and I live somewhere were the drinking age is 19.
I just want to see if I can make a drinkable alcohol for really cheap.
Jesus I thought this board would be helpful but you are just a bunch of angry shitters. Fucking /b/ would be more helpful than you fuckers. Stay angry fags.

>> No.782914 [DELETED] 

Don't blame us when /b/ tells you to make crystals.

>> No.782915 [DELETED] 

>200.00% anal annihilated.

>> No.782918 [DELETED] 

/b/ just told me to do some reading but it seems fine and just be cautious.
Today I found out /b/ is more mature than /diy/ thanks boys.

>> No.782938 [DELETED] 

hey tripfag, /gayfaggot/ wants you back there posting

>> No.782941

Air has to be able to get out, but not get in.
Close the top and let a tube come out of it into a glass of water.

Process takes closer to 3 months and you'll probably only get about 7%
Consider distilling it to 40-50% if you just want to get drunk.

>> No.782949

>preventing it from getting infected
Distil it. Mix ethanol with apple juice afterwards.

>> No.782951

it will probably taste horrible.. try distilling^^

>> No.782953

Yeah Works but you net to be carefull and esterilize everything, about the taste, after make you need to put in a botlle and wait 3Months. The yeast go to the botton of the botlle, change the bottle and profit

>> No.782958 [DELETED] 

Today I found out OP gets mad at being called names over the internet.

>> No.782962
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Ok everyone is being a douche which is weird since this is /diy/ and not /b/ so I got this op. As someone who brews beer your picture is partially right... The most generic explanation is that the yeast will eat the sugar and poop out alcohol. The apple juice would give the cider flavor. That being said I'm a little concerned about the amount of sugar. That's 2 cups per gallon, seems really high. Might need to adjust that. The "shaking" is to mix it but also give it some oxygen for the yeast to start on. Covering with two napkins absolutely will not work. Number one concern is bacteria ruining your batch so you need an air lock. As the pressure builds up and it will, the air can escape but not get back in to contaminate everything. Two months wait seems fine. Transferring into bottles is correct but they missed the next steps. Your drink will be flat, so you need to carbonate it. After two months the yeast will have eaten all of the sugar and converted it to alcohol, meaning the fermentation has died down. So when you put it into the bottle you add a little more sugar to jump start the fermentation again. I use 3/4 tbsp per 12oz so you can convert from there. When you cap it, it will start to build up pressure again but since it's capped the pressure has no where to go. So it forces itself back into the drink and carbonates it. This takes about two weeks minimum. Chill for 3 days in the fridge, should be good to go. Probably gonna taste like shit but technically should work.

>> No.782963
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Sometimes certain batches can ferment really hard, put it in an ice chest to make clean up easier just incase. Also you'll need a different air lock setup at first just incase it overflows.

>> No.782966
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Setup your air lock like this for a week, it'll keep the air from getting in and will make overspill easier to clean up. If nothing happens for a week safe to say it'll ferment lightly and you can switch over to a traditional air lock of you want. Speaking of which the first few days you'll hear some bubbles escaping but then it should die down. Just because it looks like nothing is happening doesn't mean it isn't. Trust me it's fermenting.

>> No.782967

I was reading online about the airlock, what was suggested, since I don't have a tube on me, is to put a loose rubber band with some clingfilm to allow airflow out but not too much back in.
Will that work?
I also used two cups for 1.8 gallons of juice.
I starlized before mixing and mixed the yeast before hand with 1/4 cup warm water and 2tbspoons sugar.
Now Im worried about the lock.
Should i run out and see if i can find a tube? Its only been like 5 minuites or should i just stick with the wrap now?

>> No.782968
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Careful when you bottle, too much sugar will jump start the fermentation too hard and build up too much pressure causing your bottle to explode. Too little sugar and it won't carbonate. Try your best to get 3/4 tbsp to every 12oz

>> No.782969

What percentage of alcohol does this stuff normally contain?

>> No.782973

I've made anywhere from 3% to 9% depending on what I brew. Porters and stouts usually yield a higher abv. Lagers not so much, think of bud light.

>> No.782976
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I mean, I hear Home Depot and Lowes sells tubbing for cheap. Wouldn't know I got mine at home brew party but worth a shot. Your gonna be really pissed if you spent all that money and wait two whole months for a big batch of contaminated cider you have to pour out. Do it right. Side note I tried cider once and it came out tasting like Granny Smith cider. My wife likes cider and even she couldn't drink it. When I brew it's like an operating room so I'm not sure where I went wrong, good luck.

>> No.782978

The thing about homebrew is that you can make a drinkable alcohol for really cheap the proper way.

The image makes me think you already have a carboy. You don't even need a glass one. Food safe buckets work just as well, you could even use an empty 5 gallon water jug from an office cooler.

Spend a couple bucks on airlocks, and a few dollars on an actual sanitizer. Your diagram in OP isn't really different from actual home brew, aside from sanitation. Sanitize everything thoroughly, again sanitizer is fairly cheap and readily available online. After that you can more or less do everything ini OP and it will work and not be infected.

As stated before, it probably wouldn't be the best tasting, and to make an actual good hard cider or a mead wouldn't require that much more stuff, but if you want to make a simple alcohol you're actually not that far off. Most people that get into home brewing are shocked at how easy the entire process really is.

>> No.782981 [DELETED] 

>I am 21
Gee oooh wooooow didn't see THAT coming

Go be a stupid drunk freshman somewhere

>> No.782987
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Quick pic for posterity, just poured a glass

>> No.782988
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This isn't a great picture, but it was the only one I could find online that clearly showed the "airlock"

This is how a Mr Beer kit handles it. There are two notches on both sides of the top hole. When the cap is screwed on the notches provide a small space for the gas to escape.

Its not ideal, nothing about Mr Beer and similar kits really are. The bottom line though, is that it works. Quality aside, Mr Berr and other kits have produced thousands of gallons of drinkable beer in homes all across the planet.

A proper airlock is generally dirt cheap, but if you really can't swing it then this could be an option. Sanitation is king though. Be overly thorough and you'll likely never have a problem.

>> No.782993

>Mr. Beer
kek I have that kit, that's what got me into brewing beer. Cheater kits for sure, but true could work. Like you said just sanitize everything and you increase your chance of a good batch.

>> No.783000

> that's what got me into brewing beer.

Same here. I've always had a general interest in it but never really looked into the process or equipment needed.

My sister-in-law gave me a brand new Mr Beer kit and several refils that her husband never opened. After I made a few batches I looked into what I'd need to get a real home brew set up going. I realized I could do it cheaper than what she paid for the kit and refills and I never looked back.

I definitely works though. Not worth the money once you compare the price of the refills vs buying grains and hops, but it'll make some drinkable beer.

>> No.783027

dude this is for convicts.
except they use fruit and white bread
it's called white lightening in the pen

>> No.783028
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>> No.783029

>it's called white lightening in the pen

No, it is called "Pruno" and "white lightning is distilled moonshine.


>> No.783052 [DELETED] 

Well let's see here let's take inventory of your 'facts', shall we?

o (claims to be) 21 years old
o (claims that) drinking age is 19
o says 'doesn't care what it tastes like', just wants to get wasted for cheap
o apparently has money for ingredients for this shitty shit

Knowing all this: Why don't you just go get a 12 or 24 pack of the cheapest beer you can find on sale at Walmart or something? Keystone is fucking cheap, so is Budweiser, really. I've even seen cheap-ass beer I've never heard of at dollar stores.

So why don't you do this? Because you're lying about your age, that's why. Quit insulting our intelligence, kid, you're just making an ass of yourself.

>> No.783056

No and no.

>> No.783063

Never tried it as I don't like to drink alcohol but that should work. The alcohol produced by the yeast will prevent bacterial growth. I wouldn't recomend waiting 2 months though. Something else could eat the alcohol and make vinegar or something. I don't know. I just use this kind of thing to produce CO2 for planted aquariums.

>> No.783072

Actually pay the three or four dollars for wine or champagne yeast. You'll get a much higher yield. Also get a proper air stop they're like a buck on Amazon.

>> No.783119

don't do this op, I did this in high school twice, that was two times too many. Yes you can get drunk as shit, and yes it tastes like you are drinking yeast, and yes the hangover you get the next day is the worst you will ever get. try it, then realize that you should just buy your own alcohol. maybe if you distill the brew you could make something good.

>> No.783149

Hey I too am an american. But I live in Canada. I was born in 1994 and the drinking age in the province I live in is 19. So shut the fuck up.
Also, you cant buy beer at corner stores or Walmart here.
Aside from that, I dont give a shit, I want to try to make my own. This is is a do it yourself board not go to fucking walmart.co.gofuckyourself

>> No.783150 [DELETED] 

*Le edgey teen face*

>> No.783157 [DELETED] 
File: 2.33 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_7243[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>government issued id to post on 4chan
>top kek
Tell moot I'm okay to post now. Thanks.

>> No.783161 [DELETED] 

Jonathan pls

>> No.783163 [DELETED] 

anon pls

>> No.783180

Jonathan... just, why... That dude is trolling, you don't owe him shit. Idk if you browse here much, but on this board we go out of our way to ignore that stuff. This keeps the posts quality and the thread on topic instead of getting derailed with bullshit. So back to your idea, it might be worth it to do a small batch first, maybe just brew a gallon. That way if you don't like it it's not such a waste.

>> No.783183

side note. the sanitizer everyone keeps harping about.
new unused 5 gal bucket, fill with hot water in tub
mix in 1 tablespoon white distilled vinegar wait 5 min
mix in 1 tablespoon unscented bleach

use this to rense your everything with. let air dry on a dish drainer, that you also washed with the sanitizer, in your tub, that you also washed with the sanitizer.

hard apple cider can be a pita to make because
all cider secretly wants to be cider vinegar,
and will become just that if given a chance

>> No.783185 [DELETED] 

Johnathon C Fulton.
Image and thread saved for faggotry.
Prepare for raep.


A wandering /b/tard.

>> No.783190

During my university times I used to make alcohol like this, but stopped it because the taste :D. It's called "kilju" in Finnish, which translates approximately to "scream". Tells a lot.

Anyway, if you can aquire apples you can make good cider from that. Press some juice from the apples (I built an apple scratter running on an old washing machine motor and a I press the juice using a 12ton car jack. There's no kill like overkill).

I fermented the juice with some beer yeast and then carbonated it in bottles using sugar.
Next time I will carbonate using CO2, as there is too much yeast in the bottles for my taste. I have a MAG-welder and I use CO2 as gas. From the hosing I have taken one hose with a standar car tire inflator and modified one bottle cap to have a valve. With this system I can carbonate any drink, and will do this for my next batch of cider (although maybe not this autumn, as I'm busy building a house from shipping containers).

Anyhow, I know this is 4chan but you can be civilized here also. Look for instructions for making cider at instructables.com, there the community is genuinely nice (mostly).

Man this was a pain to write this on a phone...

>> No.783201 [DELETED] 

cant do much with a name and a date mate. Not really to fussed.

>> No.783204


This is the real way to do it.

Get a real airlock

Get one of those blue 5gal water jugs

Sanitize the fuck out of it

Add 3 gal apple juice, also a bag of sugar dissolved in hot water

Pitch yeast, add yeast. Shake it up

Sanitize airlock. Put on airlock.

In a week or 2, you have some pretty strong shit depending on the yeast. It is drinkable now OR you can

Mix more sugar with hot water

Sanitize a bunch of AIR TIIGHT bottles

put an oz or 2 of sugar water in each bottle.

Fill each bottle, careful to through out most of the yeast in the ass of the jug

Seal bottles, wait another week

Congratz, you now have bubbly cider.

>> No.783213 [DELETED] 

After making supporting documents he can sign up a credit card, mobile phone services, all sorts of shit. You're a fucking fool to be so frivolous with your details, especially on 4chan.

>> No.783231


24 oz Welch's frozen concentrated grape juice, thawed

3 cups sugar

1 pkg wine yeast

water to make up one gallon

Mix all ingredients together well with water and fill the jug to about an inch below the shoulders. Cover with a clean rag secured with rubber band. Keep in a dark place about 70 degrees. About 2 weeks later replace rag with a good thick piece of plastic wrap. After 30 days from starting date, siphon wine off from sediment in bottom and drink.

>> No.783234

Alright, let me gib you tips from russia.

When money is tight, anti freeze is right.

It's Listerine, but it taste alright to me.

>> No.783244

>Distil it.

>Mix ethanol with apple juice afterwards.
Not this.

>> No.783260

Why does this image still float around? Is it really that hard to google homebrew? Or how to make hard cider? How is it that people first come here before even googling a singe thing, I would never think to ask a random board about something so trivial.

>> No.783274

>house from shipping containers

Those are still a thing? How do you get it properly insulated?

>> No.783277

This is half diy, but search "spike your juice" it is a kit that let's you turn juice into alcoholic beverage in as little as 48 hours. Not as good as doing it right, but is quick and somewhat inexpensive. You do it right in the container the juice comes in.

>> No.783321 [DELETED] 

Not OP but congratulations, you found out info that's on public record. Please shitpost elsewhere.

>mobile phone service
no you need ss# as well to run a credit check to make sure you qualify ya dingus. Op's name and dob does nothing.

>> No.783657

In response to all the people telling op his cider would be horrible and yeasty, I recommend op look up the term "racking".

>> No.783667
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M8 just go buy a fucking goon bag you useless cunt. What the fuck country do you live in where you don't have ready access to some god damn booze?

>> No.783675

Yes. People are fucking retarded and lazy. They would rather ask "how2docommonstuff" on a forum/image board than google "how2docommonstuff".

>> No.783748

Plz no shitposting, this isn't /buywhatiwant/ it's /diy/ so op is curious how to make the beer himself.

Whatever nugget, at least OP brought up a homebrewing general thread. I've enjoyed posting pics and giving advice of the knowledge I've gained from brewing my own beer. See I've contributed something to this thread. Now you try, and if you don't know anything or just want to shitpost then fuck off.

>> No.784617

ive been wanting to brew mead, has anybody here did it?
Could you give some advice or photos please?

>> No.784619

To figure out how much alcohol your stuff has, you'll need a hydrometer.

Pick one up at a brew store or amazon. They're like 10 bucks at most.

Also check out

>> No.784630

the yeast will turn all sugar into alcohol, so if the apple juice has added acids, like citric acid, it will taste very sour.
either you add sugar afterwards or you use special acidity regulator for brewing.

for the problem with infection, dont use napkins to prevent infiltration with oxygen and bacteria, but a fermentation lock

>> No.784632


in the US you have to be 21 to buy alcohol

>> No.785090

Rubber hose is like 1$ a foot if you dont have 3$ why are you trying to homebrew

>> No.785137

Hey I've actually done this, alcohol will kill bacteria, if alcohol doesn't seem to be getting produced then bacteria will surely take its place, just smell it.
DO NOT ferment with a closed lid, it WILL explode. For a cheap solution, poke a small hole in a balloon and put it over the top. Mine didn't taste too bad. Good luck.
FYI this is illegal but who gives a shit.

>> No.785145

I made many coolers of homebrew while in Saudi Arabia. Sugar, water, yeast from chow hall, and flavor to taste with fruit juice. Our tents kept it cool and the cooler lids vented safely.

It's a fucking ancient way to make wine and thoroughly safe. Experiment and have some fun.

DO NOT use fruit pulp in a narrow-necked container as the fruit "slug" can extrude out under pressure.

Have fun!

>> No.786713

I made cider from my own apples before and 2 months is a little long , you will need a water lock instead of the napkins ( a tube trough the cap of the vessel into a glass of water) and you need to use apple juice without preservatives that can kill the yeast. If the juice contains ascorbic acid as a preservative you are fine but some other shit will fuck up your yeast.
Don't use bread yeast use cider or champaign yeast. you can get this at a local homebrew store.
also wash the flasks with washing soda.
you know that the fermentation is done when the amount of bubbles that comes out of the tube gets lower.
put the liquid into bottles and refrigerate them.

>> No.786714

the alcohol depends on the sugars and the yeast

>> No.786730

op, if you want cheap booze you should just buy a hombrew kit. I live in australia and here you can buy a coopers kit that comes with everything you need to make 23 litres of beer for 100 buck, america has a way better hombrewing culture, so you should be able to find something similar. After that if you want to keep it cheap and easy you can buy malt cans and sugar and make your next batch for around 20 bucks, it will also taste way better. however if you do follow through with the original pic, along with the airlock and sanitization you should also buy a cider yeast, baking yeast will taste absolutely awful plus the yeast probably wont have a high alcohol tolerance.

>> No.786759
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>Drinking moonshine
Enjoy your methanol.

>> No.786785

dont try mead until you get down several batches of wine. and while you make the mead, have several batches of wine going to keep you out of the mead. it needs time left alone.

you are one ignorant fuck, arnt you?
methanol is made from fermented WOOD
even if methanol was produced with the ethanol, it is a lighter alcohol than ethel.
this means its one of the first things to come out of the still. AKA forshots witch you discard. an important thing to remember is distilling dosnt add anything, it only REMOVES water.

in before "i was only pretending to be retarded"

>> No.787163

>even if methanol was produced with the ethanol
Not the anon from before, but it is. Just in a lower concentration.
I've actually heard several different names for this, but yes, you're correct.

>> No.787166

Hi /diy/. I guess I'll admit that I'm a pussy when it comes to homebrew, but what is the chance of non-ethanol poisoning (e.g. methanol) from a homebrew batch, such as hobo wine made with standard (non-wine) yeast? Practically zero?

Also, I have heard that the typical maximum concentration for wine made in this way in about 12.5%. Does this seem right to you?

>> No.787184 [DELETED] 

Just go buy some bottles of 91% alcohol and drink those, much faster and cheaper.

>> No.787188

odds of poisoning? well you are making poison.
but nothing that will kill you. worst case scenario is hangover from hell
and thats from doing something "pants on head" wrong
grape wine has the highest concentration of methel
the cure for methanol poisoning is, oddly enough, ethanol
dont blame the yeast, its the material fermented that gives you varying types of alcohol
i have pushed standard bread yeast upwards of 14%
but that tastes like stomach acid and regret
the higher percentage off alcohol makes a bad environment for the yeast to live, causing the flavors
use less sugar and aim for 8%

>> No.787206

>aim for 8%
Will do, thanks.

>> No.787338

&gt;house from shipping containers

Those are still a thing? How do you get it properly insulated?

Same way as a regular house.

There is something called turboyeast which makes ethanol out of sugar so fast that you can get shitfaced already the next day! Also you get diarrhea from the yeast and prolly quita a hangover but such is life.