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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 214 KB, 918x1632, ResizedImage_14207675001491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
752993 No.752993 [Reply] [Original]

What is /diy/'s solution to not losing these fucking things?
pic very related.

>> No.752994

Tape them to the side of the can

>> No.753001


Tape them to the side of the can

>> No.753002


>> No.753014


Insert in urethra, friction will hold it there until needed.

>> No.753041

Use the whole can in one go

>> No.753044

Use a Capri sun straw once you lose the first one

>> No.753047

Would it be possible to take the WD-40 style head and put it on an similar sized can? Just hypothetical, since I'm not OP, but just saying, that's how WD-40 solved that problem.

>> No.753049

seems like it would be a lot of trouble for something so simple. also possibly dangerous depending on what is in the can.

>> No.753059

i just lose the straw.. then when I need to lube something I spray the whole area with about 10 times the amount of lube I'd probably need if I still had the straw to direct it..

>> No.753064

My experience is really only with WD-40, but I find that with liquids in an aerosol can like these, I'm the opposite. I'm more conservative when I use the straw, I make less of a mess, and I feel like it uses less propellant, so you can use more of the liquid, instead of having a useless spray can with some liquid and no gas.

>> No.753065

Huh? I'm not sure how that anon's suggestion could be anything dangerous, I also don't understand why anyone would have reason to do his suggestion so I'm probably misreading it. Hipster spray paints often come with multiple nozzles with different spray patterns, so putting another can's nozzle generally works perfectly.

I personally just leave the straw in the nozzle for storage if it doesn't have a place for it in the cap.

>> No.753067
File: 89 KB, 615x410, 1-1232907563I7wo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>What is /diy/'s solution to not losing these fucking things?

Pic related, put one around the can, tuck straw underneath when finished with, problem solved.

You can use any colour you like.

>> No.753270
File: 26 KB, 1024x768, F9VE1BLG75UD1FO.LARGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is /diy/'s solution to not losing these fucking things?
You can buy a whole bag of these for about a buck.

>> No.753275

First you buy a piece of land, any size will do as long as it fits a small shed. Then you design a shed that could block out rain and sunlight, actually consult local codes to build a good quality small shed that matches the quality of a house. Paint it red in and out so as to make people aware that it is a high security storage, and to keep out foxes. Then build a chair and desk to fit inside the shed, they should be made using steel bars welded together, so you will have to get some welding tools. You might want to practice welding by building a racing car engine first though.

Now you have a shed, and a very basic work place with a chair you can sit in, and a desk to work on. You have to sit here continuously for several years to achieve the meditative state that is required to build the perfect storage for the holy plastic tube. You need to get a container, and park it outside the shed, for whenever you have to use the spray can with the tube. There is no point to make a storage for a tube without a place to use it.

Now you can either create a stationary altar to house the tube, or something that can be carried with you, this is up to your personal preference. To make an altar, get some zip ties and slowly connect each other into a very big net, and then hang this sheet of net in the middle of your shed, behind your desk. In the middle of the zip tie net, you should be able to find a zip tie. You can now use the hole in this zip tie to hang a small cotton thread the length of your foreskin. At the end of this thread, make a little knot and tie a hook over it. Now you can insert the tube into the thread, and then use the hook to hook the thread onto the net, and now you will be able to spot the tube easily and you will never lose sight of it.

If you want a carry case, get a brass rod the diameter slightly bigger than the tube, then cut to slightly bigger than the tube itself. Use blow torch to melt some solder to one end to seal it. Then insert (cont)

>> No.753279


Then insert the rod into your anus. You can now insert the tube into that brass rod that is secured into your anus, which now you can carry with you every time, and you can never lose it because you can feet it tickle you if you have it in you. If you loose it, you will notice immediately.

There you go, hope you make the tube a happy tube and give it a nice home to store it.

>> No.753295

Get an aluminum cigar tube and glue a neodymium magnet inside, stick to side of can.

>> No.753323

Got the same problem. My answer-to-be: make a tube out of and stick it to a magnet on the wall.

>> No.753481
File: 1.06 MB, 1520x2688, tmp_27560-IMAG1168-1384147687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck rubber bands, fuck tape. Both will degrade over time.

Drill holes in the lid and insert the tube. Make sure the holes are not quite opposite each other (so instead of holes at 0* and 180*, maybe go 0 and 165), this will impart a slight curve on the tube, holding it firm. Drilling holes that are a poofteenth smaller than the tube will help hold it in as well.

You're welcome.

>> No.753486

Ziptie or rubber band


>> No.753487
File: 14 KB, 282x179, bueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. That's fucking genius.

>> No.753488

>Fuck rubber bands, fuck tape. Both will degrade over time.

It's a rubber fucking band they last years.


>Make sure the holes are not quite opposite each other (so instead of holes at 0* and 180*, maybe go 0 and 165), this will impart a slight curve on the tube, holding it firm. Drilling holes that are a poofteenth smaller than the tube will help hold it in as well.

Is probably the most autistic/ocd thing i've heard for holding a straw in place, so instead of just using a rubber fucking band, I have to fuck around with drills and bits like you did instead of just using a rubber fucking band which last years.

Jesus Christ I bet you're a fucking engineer or something.

Good day.

>> No.753495

>I have to fuck around with drills and bits like you did instead of just using a rubber fucking band which last years.

What kind of casual are you that you can't drill two holes in a cap in less than 30 seconds?

Oh by the way, rubber bands tend to dry out, crack, and fall apart after just months in a shop, and, in my experience, not much longer than that in a more favorable environment. I don't know where you're getting "years".

>> No.753496


>What kind of casual are you that you can't drill two holes in a cap in less than 30 seconds?

One that doesn't over-think an over-complex solution to a simple problem.

>I don't know where you're getting "years"

By not buying shit rubber bands

>> No.753498
File: 60 KB, 470x685, 13580121849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus titty fucking christ.. Are you mad that you have spent an entire thread samefagging "HURR RUBAR BEND" and the this guy comes along and blows your shit right out of the fucking water? Or are you just angry because you are too basic to understand that a tube under flexation will hold itself in place wit no need for other fastening?

Fuck off back to /b/ you god damn child.

>> No.753499

Ahh, so you have been, and STILL continue, to samefag for rubber bands.

You basic motherfucker.


>> No.753500

I just have a cup full of them in my cabinet i keep spray stuff in
when you do this you accumulate hundreds

>> No.753501


Flexation isn't a word, I think you mean flexure.

Also, he must suck a good cock, you can't seem to come to his defense quick enough.

>> No.753502
File: 36 KB, 400x266, laughing-girls-1791357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> over-think

I don't think there is even the slightest chance of you doing that man.

>> No.753505


>two people who post rubber-band consecutively must be the same person

>> No.753506


>I don't know what efficiency is

>> No.753600

Drilling a few holes isn't a complicated solution, unless you don't own any drills to begin with.

>> No.753611

> I enjoy needing to replace the tape/rubberband every month.
> How dare anyone listen to anyone but me.

The depth of /diy/'s butthurt never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.753841


I seriously hope you don't lube your firearms with this. Get some G96 or hoppes oil

>> No.753854

>this entire fucking thread

>> No.753882

I have drilled a hole in plastic with the following:
A Knife
Various Size/Type Screw Drivers
A Nail
A Screw
A Drill Bit (Sans Drill)
The End of a File

>> No.753885

a rubber band

>> No.753893
File: 46 KB, 615x409, Loom-bands[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use a silicone band.

You can buy them for a lot of money as hairbands, or for no money at all as children's "loom bands".

>> No.753928

>You can use any colour you like.
I was on the fence before, but this really sold me.

I'll buy 500.

>> No.755185

Autism speaks. Listen.

>> No.755208

What if you Lose the cap?

>> No.755212



mods pls

>> No.755239
File: 51 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP. Been lurking /diy for years, rarely post. I use wd-40 and a lighter to immitate a dragon. use one of these newspaper holders maybe?

>> No.755433

Next time you buy an aerosol can find one that has the holder moulded into the top of the lid and simply do the old switcharoo at the store so you have the correct thing for the job.

>> No.755584
File: 5 KB, 495x430, cannedair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some have these holes in the upper-back arc of the nozzle in which the straw fits quite well in. Whether it's on purpose, or something else entirely, who knows. But it fits.

Pic related

>> No.755593
File: 96 KB, 300x300, Acc-u-sol-White_Detail[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's because the acc-u-sol head/lid/whatever is pretty common these days and those are mainly for the small straws, but long ones do work too

>> No.755599


>> No.755916
File: 125 KB, 532x1500, 71G8+5URy8L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no its for my knifes. I use pic related for my guns

>> No.756203
File: 26 KB, 252x355, tube holdererer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]